Did I miss something?
The slippery slope of the sexual degenerate
What drives a man towards that state?
I'll add it if you detail the steps.
feet should be appended after "removal or mutilation of genitals"
I don't see any correlation.
Diapers are a form of sexual submission
is being a sub, but using "soft cudly" motifs instead of whips and chains
Having a girl be babyish is maledom
Having a mommy is femdom
Seems like you need some niggerdom
I think there is a step from womandom and submission towards rping as a babby
In practice, people usually start with girl-masturbating and lesbian porn as softcore. Then comes teen, POV, gonzo, anal, gangbangs, hardcore, brutal insertions, interracial, femdom, strapons, cuckolding, shemales, then all the illegal stuff, with gay porn being the worst.
Can you expand the chart?
Where's lactation? That included in "woman takes leading role?" Seems a little uninspired.
Did you actually fucking make that like the autist you are?
My critique: the taxonomy is all over the place. Each subject and transfer should follow strict definitions. For instance, some of your subjects defined an action, "Consumption of cartoony porn," while others defined a particular thing, "male on futa." The transfers are unclear altogether. While of course, in general, you mean for one to lead to another, there are several instances where that is not so clear.
Subjectively I think you're right about a few things but it's clear this is just a mish-mash of separate observations made without a clear abstracted method of delineation. I for one have taken up a couple of fetishes you have lined out which should have lead to "fetishisation of humiliation" yet I have no such leanings. As for your little infallibility clause on the side that is clearly just a cop-out.
Niggers have gross skin. I would rather have a kosher mommy spank me an discipline me back to preschool. The fantasy works out really well since the jewish plan is to infantalize whites (the idea being if they are childish consumerists, they won't reproduce). Anyhow I want to breastfeed from a kosher mommy who spanks me and forces me to love her.
Should I add arrows?
I was going to encapsulate abstract concepts in squares but got lazy.
In the chart says that some fetishes can lead to others, but doesn't say that they will.
Not just one, but several. Pretty high incidence to just be an outlier. I'd guess there's another aspect besides humiliation that drives this specific thread of degeneracy.
I already dismissed that clarification anyway.
That would be an improvement.
please detail so I can correct
Look at this fucking quality post right here.
I implemented some things you suggested
If diapers make you Nazis more docile, even possibly some fuckable subs, I'm all for it. ;D I fucking love diapers myself, and I'm more on the left end of the political spectrum, but don't let that stop me from some good ol' fashioned /abdl/ fun!
I personally think "I will become submissive" and "I will turn to the other gender" or more closely related, no?
There is something missing in this post
w-w-will you discipline me for my shitlordiness, user?
Can you rephrase it? I cannot understand what you meant.
What drives you to get sexual gratification from this?
I want to add scat and pissplay.
How can I add it?
I mean that in the flowchart, "i will become submissive" should probably come before "i will turn to the other gender"
Thanks, I will implement it.
You straight up missed transexuals
Did you even read the chart?
you misspelled physically, faggot
Yeah there's like 1 fucking thing in the middle of the chart and they should be like first tire shit
I am working on another version right now.
I want to add scat fetishists to the list. How do they turn into that?
Late potty training plays a part, and binds you to the sensation of wetting in a Pavlovian manor
Seems like the observations of someone that barely understands any of these fetishes and doesn't know why people like them in the first place.
They don't. Scat is nasty fucking shit completely understand related to transexuals
Scat is completely unrelated and autocorrect is shit
Then, can you help me correct it?
Well, since you've asked, user…
For one, the act of wearing diapers is one of the comfiest things imaginable. It's like a cloud hugging your crotch and ass, it's absolute bliss. The comfiness in turn can trigger one's dick to get hard/one's pussy to get wet, and some glorious fapping is very possible to ensue. Wetting and soiling diapers is also quite pleasurable, if you wanna go that far, and there's less of a mess when you do so in diapers as opposed to more "normal" underwear.
It's also amazing to see others wear diapers, especially girls and lolis. It amplifies their cuteness factors to irresistibly fuckable levels.
Shall I go on?
holy shit, diaperfags are disgusting.
Only normalfags use the potty. ;^)
Yeah I can't get off to diapers, I tried using a diaper once and it was just gross and unenjoyable for me
What the fuck
And what about feces, flatulences or urine? What drives you to get that?
No because the entire premise is flawed, you don't just develop fetishes in a domino effect like that.
lolis have been the only thing I fap to for years and I've never been "desensitized" to it or suddenly found babyfucking attractive.
Good lord that chart is shit.
But user, It doesn't happen like that.
You start fapping to increasingly hardcore stuff until you arrive to a limit.
You probably started fapping to your imagination softcore pron, or vanilla hardcore.
Fucking normal fags
Yeah by all means tell me that my own sexuality doesn't happen the way I know it does, that'll totally make your chart more accurate.
How did you start to fap to lolies?
I saw lolicon on an imageboard and was sexually attracted to it.
I had only fapped maybe twice before then to normal porn but they were my first faps and I could have just as easily fapped based on just the physical stimulation alone so that hardly counts.
After finding lolicon I knew thats what I was into and didn't fap to normal porn at all after that.
I'm actually not so keen on the whole fart fetish myself, but wetting and/or soiling, specifically diapers, is kind of a spectrum of pleasures.
There's the point of release, of how good it feels to wet and/or soil oneself, and the particularly naughty pleasure of doing so on oneself, like in a diaper or undies or whatnot. It can also factor into humiliation, as another means of gratifying impact.
Then there's getting off to other people in the same situation. The humiliation they face makes them more sub, and therefore more fuckable, because of how little control they have over themselves. I dunno about you, but I find that hot as fuck. What's even hotter is if they're doing it on purpose just to be naughty… holy JESUS, does that get me hard.
Maybe it is that you are the exeption instead of the rule.
So dominance and submission paired with degeneracy?
Or maybe you have no idea what you're talking about and you thinking that someone needs to have a small dick or be unable to please women being a prerequisite to liking lolicon is just a load of horseshit derived from baseless propaganda against pedophilia.
You can stop fucking slurping cum and try to interpret the chart you fucking disgusting child diddler.
Different diaperfag here.
I've worn occasionally, my gf will wear to be submissive. I find the submission aspect of whomever is wearing to be hot (i like generic bondage), and this is a form of bondage that is less "dark" and black/leather like. Spanking is a lot of fun as well. Same aspect about petplay or leashes and shit. I like being in control, to win and to personify that feels fucking good.
Only time I wear is if I want to de-stress, because as the user said, they're extremely comfy.
Also, being into a fetish or kink isn't a one way street, I still beat it to regular stuff.
As far as the chart goes, I've noticed in myself that if it's feminine, I want to fuck it and destroy it with my dick. This will work for /cuteboys/ and shemales that look just like women; in fact, I enjoy the idea of making another male submit like a bitch female.
The difference, and what makes this attractive, is that most fantasies stay in your head. Those who go through and start soliciting and really becoming submissive or non-masculine have gone very far already, and usually there is no turning back.
My time in sports for instance taught me that most guys will see a girly, pretty boy twink (not trannies, just feminine dudes) and at some point think about fucking them.
There are plenty of people with kinks and fetishes, hell your gramps probably did too. As long as it stays in the bedroom, who cares? My issue is with 'lifestyle" people; trannies who need to parade around when they didn't put in the effort to actually look flawless, or people who want the world to know they wear diapers. Wtf lol
Even if you disgust me, you have provided good information and I apreciate that.
Try not to center around sexuality
Or I could just not use your chart based on a complete ignorance of why people are attracted to the things they are and instead based on bullshit like "they just can't handle a REAL woman so thats why they like lolicon"
This whole chart is just you pretending to understand why people like the things they do when you haven't the slightest fucking idea.
You truly are showing that you cannot comprehend the chart.
Gas yourself buthurt pedo
Yeah, exhibitionist ABDLs are a problem. XP I think their problem is that they might not be accepted by the people in their closest circle, i.e. immediate family and friends. The exhibitionism is probably one big fishing act to fill that void of possible acceptance… or it's probably all just for humiliation, who knows.
You truly don't understand that saying people who are into lolicon normally can't satisfy women and thats why they like lolicon is a load of shit
you just ruined the thread
Oh yeah half the thread being about fucking diapers is fine but I make a few posts pointing out the bullshit in the chart and its totally derailing the thread.
How much booty blast can a pedo get
Now the thread will devolve into a circlejerk against pedos thanks to you being buthurt about something in the chart that you are missinterpreting
How much more triggered can a moralfag get that hes fine with some fetishist talking about diapers for half the thread but a pedo raises a grievance over a problem with the chart that the thread is supposed to be about and OY VEY ITS LIKE ANOTHA SHOAH
stop replying faggot, you are just falling for the bait, can't you see?
Yeah because its my fault Holla Forums is infested with triggered normalfaggots now that can't handle the dreaded P word being mentioned before having a tantrum about it.
you really are anally atomized
What explanation? Give me all your (You)s you faggot.
Except the diaperfag was trying to derail the thread to make it all about diapers from the very first fucking post and I was trying to stay on the thread topic by actually talking about the chart.
The man feels underwhelmed as he sees that the woman cannot be pleasured without things he hasn't, like a gargantuan penis.
So, he dives deeper.
The OP made the chart shitty. Also, he is talking about induced lolicons, not inherent.
cannot you see that you are being baited?
Stop responding fucking faggot.
And why don't you report him if he is so anoying then?
I don't. I have an understanding of it and myself, in regards to what makes my dick twitch.
Many LARP on here in regards to conservative or 'traditional' values; I recognize that, while certainly not the most right-leaning or 'ideal' form of mind, it is embracing this 'shadow', as Carl Jung puts it, that helps us grow and ascend to new enlightened states.
I believe in God in the spiritual sense, and believe he aids me daily and teaches me. I still watch porn, but I note what affects me and direct my energies elsewhere if I find my tastes or thought patterns skewing.
People like for example, needed (though won't admit it) others to explain this to him.
I had natural tendencies to seek more hardcore ideas out as a teen, and now as I get older I don't really care about them. I'll look at some bondage, I'll look at a hot chick in a bikini at the beach and think "Damn".
The problem with the chart is that it's basic. I explored enough to know my limit in taste; I can get off to a woman in a diaper or a woman with a leash on, or a /cuteboy/ being railed but scat, feet, or other things (like cucking) are immediate boner-kills. Non-feminine looking dudes kill my boner as well.
I also have a high libido, which can be an issue.
Are you crying because some user insulted your childrenfucking fetish, little bitch?
I don't see the correlation between having a dick thats too small to please a woman and somehow developing an attraction to children that you didn't used to have
Because I'm not a faggot that reports people for saying things I don't like.
You should stop posting before someone starts trying to bait you.
Yeah we should all just turn our computers off and never post anything because someone out there might be pretending to be retarded and we can never know for sure.
But there is a correlation between being forced into loli and ending up faping to loli.
Probably right. Just thought OP was being serious with his chart or wanted actual responses.
This is why I lurk instead of post haha
I was just advising because the pedofag in the thread is already on it.
Talking at length about his diaper fetish isn't spam, if he was just posting the same images of diapers over and over again flooding the thread that would be spam.
I'm OP, I actually want to recieve help into improving it.
Look how he writes. Is the same faggot that posts the images of "the gay comunity" and replies to himself saying daddy.
This whole thread is just some faggot samefagging
No sorry I hate that shit, its just declaring "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" in every thread like anyone cares.
Stop bumping the fucking thread fucking samefag
Well, there you have it. Think of successful people, who push themselves mentally and physically, that walk around you. You have no clue what they do in the bedroom, other than what they tell you.
Inherently, that's the issue with the chart. I definitely think porn is an issue (I've begun to cut down on my consumption), but at the same time if you're able to go down the path of tranny shit or really, truly getting into cuck stuff, than porn isn't going to stop that. The mind fills in the blanks.
Hope you got some useful info. I'm curious, where are you at on your chart, truthfully?
Guys, guys, stop fighting! 3: Can't we just go back to diapers?
… In terms of the discussion, and possibly literally? ^////^
People would not get shit tier fetishes if there wasn't porn for it.
You don't have to make a paragraph for the bump to count
Why you bump then?
testing :^)
I'm bumping because I'm an unapologetic diaperfag. ;D Umad?
Hey I'm OP can we get back to discussing the chart?
I really like this version
Not true.
My first kind of fetish or kink was when I saw Wonder Woman got the shit beat out of her in Justice League. Hot as hell.
That was before I even looked at porn.
No we have to go back to talking about diapers, people got too triggered the last time we talked about the chart.
mentally ill never felt so good ;)
All of those you replied to are in reality just me playing as different people.
yeah sure faggot
Stop trying to bait me.
You type exactly like him
Hope it was decent conversation either way.
get out spoodo
Stop pretending to be me.
You type exactly like I do
drink the urine straight from the source
He will come now you just killed the thread for good
/abdl/ master race ;D
I changed my mind.
HAHA how funny can this thread enter 404 for once
Judging by how slow Holla Forums is that won't be for another couple months.
Spoodo, man! Legendary diaperfag?
Is the faggot that always spams threads asking for drawings of one of Yin Yan Yong 's characters in a diaper.
He will come now
Anyone have experiences as a child of having an obsession with playing doctor and with the other genders genitalia?
I didnt get into interracial porn until i got a black girlfriend and never had women make fun of my dick so i guess thats good?
You called? ;D
you are not him
He always posts this character
I know that, faggot. I just like posting diapers. X3 Call me whatever you like, I'm here to stay.
ur a faget
No sir, if I was a faggot, I would post… THIS SHIT
Keep it up user, you are making Holla Forums great again
What about bbw?
With pleasure, my spoopy user! ^^ More diapers to come!!
Yes, quite a bit.
early potty training is also sometimes cited as a cause
Yes, you missed the most important thing of all!
You missed the part where you justify the use of the term "degenerate". Without that, you don't have a legitimate argument, you just have name-calling.
I have had a diaper fetish since I was ~5, long before I even knew of the existence of porn. I'm not even attracted to conventional sex. The only change has been a shift from purely submissive when I was younger to purely dominant now.
So yeah, you missed something. Your entire hypothesis is wrong.
Yet another gross oversimplification which makes huge assumptions about the external world. It might hold true in most cases if the family existed in a vacuum, but in the real world it's basically useless as a predictive or explanatory tool.
holy shit that graph hits waaay to close to home
But that's true. Especially the second part. You're gonna get mad that someone is perceiving the truth? This is not to say that trannies are right, but it's not that it's wrong to want to be a woman, it's just wrong to think that dressing as one, or even turning your dong inside out, makes you one.
Same, fam. I was potty trained very late (early age 5 late, and that was due to crippling autism), but shortly after I was, I would become extremely fascinated with how diaper commercials looked, and got strange feelings from them, as well as whenever I would watch Rugrats. But due to the whole "diapers are for babies" stigma, I repressed these feelings and desires throughout my childhood… well, not all that well. I would play with/put on my younger brother's baby diapers and/or Goodnites pull-ups just for fun as a kid, but that eventually stopped. Then when my brothers and I were homeschooled for a brief 2 years, there was one day that I took advantage of one of the "family laptops" when I was home alone, and curiously looked up diapers on Google images to see if I could find some sort of answer to my repressed feelings. Then I had this crazy idea… Since I was a preteen at the time, my hormones were still budding, so I decided to type "girls in diapers" in the search bar… and lo and behold, the first thing that caught my eye was
And that's how I discovered the weird, wide, wonderful world of AB/DL. Or, in Holla Forums terms…
=/abdl/ is making Holla Forums great again==
Fuck, lemme try that again…
/abdl/ is making Holla Forums great again
this is true and such a slippery slope. you go from just jerking it to normal pron to putting a cattle banding band around your nuts for an hour at a time.
This is the stupidest fucking thread I have ever seen on Holla Forums.
Also, I compared my own particular inclinations vs. the chart and it wasn't even remotely accurate.
Futas will lead to traps which lead to homosexuality
Overall really good summary OP, i had the same idea but didn't articulate it.
I dont want this fetish!
Too bad, bitchboi. ;^)
Diapers are making Holla Forums GREAT AGAIN
You seem to forget… We were ASKED to stay here and reform the tattered remains of Holla Forums. By its own members.
Don't believe me? Just take a look at
Our presence is rebuilding shitposting in its purest essence. You're clearly too pussy to handle it if you're gonna get so triggered over it, in which case…