Women hate, slut hate, etc… women are inferior whores tendie grabblers sluts bimbos retards.
post redpill comics, grab a drink and sit round the table discussing whores.
Women hate, slut hate, etc… women are inferior whores tendie grabblers sluts bimbos retards.
post redpill comics, grab a drink and sit round the table discussing whores.
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Its not really hating of women, but truth and reality.
Women don't want sensitive weak men, that should be obvious.
I worked with this girl for about 5 years. Very attractive but always going out with other guys (aka a slut roastie)
After the 5 years she finally gets around to flirting with me and asked me out on a date. You read that right. She asked ME out on a date. I honestly was a bit curious but kept myself at arms length just in case. Turns out she was a single mom and had herpes. I said no thanks and implied she was disgusting.
She then had a mental breakdown at work which got her fired. Two weeks later we come to find out she is now working somewhere else, pregnant, and married to another guy from another department.
I have 100% confidence when I say that roastie slut was just trying to get me to marry her to take care of her 2 fucking kids.
Women are so fucking selfish and manipulative!!
Im glad I didnt fall for her tricks
fucking succubus
Honestly, everytime I read redpill/MGTOW rants against women all I hear/see is that the weak man (popularly termed "beta") is the one who takes all the blame. If you are willing to debase yourself like that for a woman, IMO you deserved to get used.
The first comic in this really resonates with me. I can't tell you how many times I put a woman in her place and there were these idiots who felt like they had to protect her. Even when they said nothing, I could see it in their eyes that they wanted to say something. (I have a desperate look about me so people think twice about fucking with me.)
These feminazis are serving a purpose. It is their job to get rid of weak men, just like it is the immune system's job to rid the body of viruses.
yep. Women shout in conversations like a siren to lure in beta males to swarm anybody who offends her.
It's not that women prefer a big strong man here that's the issue, it's that women pretend to want a man like that when it benefits them, while also fucking a bull on the side. It's super fucked up that women use men like this while trying to pretend like they are on a moral high ground above all of us. Think about it.
MGTOWs are not men who would willingly fuck themselves over for a piece of ass. Men of this caliber do these things because of how strongly indoctrinated they are, thinking that men are beneath women. Guys like these are beyond saving. MGTOWs are guys who were lied to their entire life by Marxist, feminist, and leftist indoctrination perpetuated by the school system and society, and then fucked over by one or more evil cunts. The reason they always rant about this shit is to protect young and impressionable men like us from falling in the same trap they did. I do however agree that feminism is helping men wake up, and as a result, men are building themselves up to fight this evil system. It's definitely not what they wanted or expected to happen, though, since they thought that men wouldn't put up a fight at all.
I have gone my entire life being lied to by women and the moment I received knowledge about their ulterior motives, I'm seen as the bad guy and gay because I don't want a wife or a girlfriend anymore. And do you know who's labeling me as such? The fucking beta males and women. Fuck them, they are complete wastes of space (the betas moreso than the women) and I'm sick of them
Yep. It sure is interesting how you get attacked here for pointing out their nature, too. Makes you wonder what's happened to the userbase here.
tradcucks and normalfags basically
everybody good left in 2015
I'd say you just haven't meet any real women yet user, just silly girls. When you meet a real woman who is ready and willing to work for things she is worth her weight in gold. Problem is they are in rare supply these days and society is doing it's best to breed a generation of more silly girls.
Stay mad betas, more pussy for me
all the dudes I knew growing up kinda tip me off on 3DPD, so I avoided them for the most part.
I am still sad as shit, and planning on killing myself, but a least I won't have to worry about some whore getting money out of my death
that is really weird way of saying gold digging whores, and also look children a white knight. take notes so you can avoid becoming this faggot.
I bet you've never cucked a nigger before have you?
I know exactly what would put an end to all of this shit done to men.
Men need to form a giant brotherhood with each other from all walks of life. If we could do something like that, then men would wield WAY more power over civilization than the evil elites that endorse this mind-rot (enter into George Soros). We would make everyone become fucking terrified of us and start to become respected again, instead of made into a stupid laughing stock by everyday media. After all, men are the ones who get shit done while women and the government are the ones who get wealth handed to them from the labor of us men.
And unlike women, men can form a true brotherhood in the interests of gaining liberty, unlike women who formed feminism to gain supremacy over men. We may be niggers, spics, gooks, pajeets, and peckerwoods, but we're all men. Men of all walks are suffering the same shit no matter what kind of man they are, but they're mainly targeting white men since they are the easiest ones to destroy at the moment. Trust me, once white men are obliterated, black men are next.
I mean, why else does everyone want to make white men and black men hate each other? As long as men are still fighting for a piece of ass, we will never become a brotherhood and take these sick people in power out. They would be terrified if men made an alliance. They couldn't predict us anymore once we left the script they want to play out. They couldn't stop the force of millions of angry and pissed off men either.
Strong men should stop tearing down weak men, and instead protect and build up weak men to turn them in to strong men. Smart men need to make dumb men become wise and intelligent. We also need to stop giving a shit about trivial shit such as our height and dicksize, because shit like this is only put in place to control us. We need to start giving a shit about things that are affecting other men too.
Just my two cents.
I see threads like these and think "WOW there are a lot of faggots here!"
Why not be that bull? If thats what you really want. Do you want to fuck sluts or find a good woman, as not all women are sluts, but all women respond positively to a very masculine man (even feminists, it bothers the shit out of them but they can't deny 200,000 years of evolutionary genetics)
Why are you killing yourself? What exactly makes you think that entering the void is better than still having the opportunity to change stuff and make things better? How do you know that you may have another life after death? How do you know that you'll be in perpetual voidness of death? Why is that favorable over living?
Ask yourself this before you eat a bullet and just become another statistic that gets ignored by the evil mainstream media.
Is "Angry MGTOW" legit autistic? He kinda sounds like it.
I'm already in the process of doing so. I'm also encouraging other men to do so too. "Good women" are too fucking hard to find anymore.
It's just pure evil how government sponsored education, which lauds the support of women, is regularly brainwashing young boys into growing up into becoming weak men. It's sick and twisted how male hobbies are shunned, but dressing up as a fucking girl is encouraged. We may be men, but we all started off as defenseless and weak. Our most vulnerable stages in life are being used to make us fill a role in the pecking order later in life.
in the first pic, i dont understand
is he going to kill all the sandniggers, or is he actually going back to join them? i get the feeling its the second.
Is this some swinging shit?
Fucking disgusting. We have to put our faith in the weak pieces of shit called women on the front lines? How about no
Too bad, you better not get incapacitated or a weak woman will have to try and pull your entire weight to safety and be unable to so you both get riddled with bullets and die.
Murka, fuck yeah.
white women are not like that though
Women shouldn't get a free pass from being cannon fodder. You should be encouraging them to join more. It's not like western countries need their armies anyway. All they do is get sent to interfere with sandniggers blowing each other up. Might as well let women do that.
I have converted 3 women from supporting women in the military to being against it, do you part and build public support against females in the military.
hes going to live with them and have a pure hezbollah waifu
Lt. Dan!
I'd let them go so they can finally understand that they, as an entirely different species, are not equal to us men and need to get that fact through their thick skulls
Cleanse me boys, for I have returned from the tainted land with this picture. Pray for me
You dodged a $200k bullet, dude. It is expensive and stressful as fuck to raise kids that are yours - if they're some half-nigger shitlets, they'll be even rowdier.
Women are fucking disgusting. I hate how they know how to talk softly to you, I hate that they practice how to look at you, to flirt extra, and I hate how these types of "values" are instilled in them at progressively younger ages.
World's fucked. I'm fully blackpilled.
This. Now kids are punished equal to bullies if they dare to do so much as defend themselves. They are literally told to run away if possible, and if not, just take the beating and tell on the kid later.
Also this.
It wouldn't work. The majority of men perpetuate this as well. The amount of people who would willingly drop out of the matrix is probably single-digit percentage. Most men will have to learn through suffering, and only after its too late.
I think it's possible, if we just try it.
Men's clubs are being taken down for a reason now.
I am killing myself because I don't want to work and am too stupid to find a way to not work, live comfortably, and not be a parasite, and I'll take probably inevitable none existence, over working for no reason.
yeah, video related
skip to 2:45:13
hahaha these are good.
The bitterness seeping through.
"Are you Christian grey? No, then fuck off".
Girlfriend for 3 years, she read the fifty shades of cunt and her personality changed and she fucked off within a few months.
Thanks a lot fucking cancerous shit.
Niggers aren't human and therefore aren't men.
Sorry for posting without reading all this fucking thread, i cant stand it. I had played both sides, bull and cuck without knowing, contemporary women are garbage, even my mom is telling me that right now, cultural marxism won, just pray for a fast end, this shit with cultural marxism hasnt even begun.
I agree. They are just going to get men killed
Rage bump
Absolutely. Good women do exist, I've seen them with my own eyes. I just walk very fucking lightly because of exactly what you said.
Don't then. You don't have to kill yourself because you can't integrate into society, just leave it.
Go away to an isolated place and live the simple life, do whatever the hell you want. There's no need for death.
What does Holla Forumsgtow think of Paul Elam?
unfortunately, nature would make me work for my survival as well.
there are too many women, we need to reduce their population, to send a message, and not in the same way the nazis did it, they at least tried to make their genocide process seem humane, I want the culling of the cunts to be as horrific as possible, their torment should make hell seem like heaven.
it mightve been a generalization and therefore not only is he still right, but also its not worth the effort to find "a real woman"
This. This is the most beta thread ever. These types of women only exist because you enable them. If I have met women who engage in behavior like this I wouldn't know because I don't actively try to spend time with dumpster fires.
File: who in their right mind would associate with that trash?
last 1 is pretty shit. Racism is discrimation in society, generally. Having preferences for sex is not denying other races a chance for education, job and so on
fucking normies.
they don't even know many bases there are and it's right in front of them
Selfish, yes. Manipulative? Depends on how strong your will is.
Hitler likes him…
He's okay, I don't like when MGTOWs sound enraged/bitter. If you're black pilled you don't give a fuck. Still useful info though
Tell them that. Go up to the betas and tell them about how much of a submissive pussy they are for doing what they do, watch them be unable to fight back.
No we don't?
Betas deserve it
look for the light, and you shall eventually find it, if you are looking for darkness, that is all that you will see
I don't usually like MGTOW but this article somehow hit home for me.
hating something for it's nature would be hating water for getting things wet
anyway, those comics OP, i know their exaggerations but damn they got me in the feels
women and men are not equal
no matter how often i get fucked, there is 0 risk of pregnancy.
if i had the biological task of carrying a 9 pound fetus in my gut, yeah i'd be a little nuts too. i'm totally defenseless, can barely run, and am basically a sitting pile of meat.
so, don't hate women but don't buy into this liberal-feminist crap either. fuck that girl like you own her. it's what she needs. i haven't met any female who secedes from this, and have finally developed a sex life after following through on it. women love being taken care of, who knew.
signed, beta in transition.
why not?
it's in murderer nature to murder, yet people hate them
it's in pedophile nature to pedophile, yet people hate them
it's in cold nature to be cold, yet people hate cold
so why not hate women for being women?
If they have risk of pregnancy they shouldn't risk fucking chads at rave parties at all. They should be fucking men with good career. And fucking chad would be unnecessary risk - if your husband finds out he could drop you.
And like, what's the fucking point of women to give birth to chad's children instead of smart career guy? The chad's children will be dumb, just attractive and muscular. Women are producing muscular monkeys that are not needed in modern civilization.
good women are rare yeah, although women bleed out a new vagina every month. i don't really care if my partners sleep around (keep in mind these are people i choose to be with, not idiots).
I only have two rules, 1) be honest with me and 2) if its not my kid i'm not paying for it. Simple as that.
also, never get married.
life's alright. i wish i made more money though.
Post your jaw, faggot. Hi Stacy.
how much does this picture trigger you?
You sound like a total faggot tbh
but seriously, hating cold…
does that big bad meany cold make you upset? does it make you have to put on a warm coat instead of just wearing a tshirt? wow thats unfair, you deserve better than that bro, nobody should have to go through life ever feeling cold, it's not like it's completely in your control to do things to mitigate your exposure to the cold, making you feel uncomfortable, thats worthy of so much scorn.
that attitude of helplessness and antipathy towards the harsh nature of reality is the mentality of five year olds and SJWs alike
Tell us the hardships you've been through. No one is taking you seriously.
women are sperm bags
It would be sexist to consider us human.
Fuck that I'll take that a step further and get a vasectomy. Won't stop pontential false rape accusations, but it's a step.
in b4 the "lol you're on Holla Forums you don't get laid anyway" meme.
I've seriously debated getting a vasectomy, but I've held out in hopes of a male birth control just in case I find a suitable partner.
I'll take your shit a step further, and just avoid 3DPD all together.
is there a source for this interesting image?
Feminists will think of a way to shut that shit down. I forgot who, but somewhere it was stated that male birth control is soo much cheaper than the women's counterpart. It's won't generate enough shekels. We'll see user.
I like some smug anime girls, but an anime girl won't hug you or cuddle, or go on walks or whatever. yes I sound like a fag, sue me
This killed my mood for today tbh
I'd imagine 3rd wave feminism would try to stop it from happening because it has something to do with benefiting men, but surely something will come along. If not, oh well, snip-snip.
Ah, but you're thinking in the present. The future is what matters. When women are completely useless and we have artificial wombs and artifical people that are characters from shows. I'll let you decide whether that's good or bad.
Moar pls
four boobs
Don't tell me you actually like that shit? How? I don't have anymore so have these instead.
assuming she weighs a healthy 75kg, that would be $3,056,775.
Not really, no.
Male birth control would not be in feminists best interests, but we all know they're retarded:
this non argument
Not gonna lie. Everything was given to me. But still, GOML.
I haven't lost my virginity yet, and at the rate society's going, I'm just gonna focus on making a 7 figure income and laugh at every girl from my past that comes back to me.
Yo what drivetrain you got in that truck? 4x4?
That's the other thing. What's stopping all the so called "normalfags" from flagging everyone who has one as some weirdo school shooter who never gets laid or whatever. "lol u fegs don't go to clubz, lol, kill urselves. brb my gf sukin my dick lol"
in b4 implying they don't do that already
Ah, the feminist method.
Holla Forums cucking out on the female question again. Why are they turning so autistically into white knight mode when this comes up? I've never seen anything quite like it.
Holla Forums is like a bipolar teenage girl about that stuff. Sometimes they white knight like crazy, sometimes they don't.
You gotta remember, Holla Forums is about saving the white race, anything that goes against getting married, having kids, having a family is REEEEEEED the fuck out of there.
If you go in there and say you bang club sluts all the time, you'll get the same reaction.
Sorry friend
Kid, i have bad news for you
I may be late to the party, and there's a good chance that it's been said already, but most of the OP's pictures seem to point to the author blaming women for his feelings of inadequacy against other males.
Always killing himself because women are choosing better men than him.
It's like he got tired of being cucked and decided to blame the women's promiscuity, rather than admit his lack of ability or attractiveness.
Exactly. It's also interesting how he thinks all attractive people are stupid and shallow, and by virtue of being unattractive he must be the opposite, i.e. intelligent, deep, caring, successful, etc. However if he were truly any of those things he probably wouldn't be having these beta orbiter issues with women.
Demonizing all women he finds attractive as having a bad personality is ironically really shallow and an easy defense mechanism ("I don't feel adequate for her and would probably be rejected… whatever she's just a slit anyway, I totally don't care…"). These guys claim to respect women, then get mad because the women don't give up the pussy they "owe" them. They want to fuck her the exact same way as the Chad in the comics, but they think they're superior. "That stupid woman just didn't know what she wants. If she had any brains she'd want a nice guy like me. But nooo, all they care about is looks… better go fap instead… but I need some hot porn, no 2/10 fat biches lel thats disgusting." They get mad and abadon all the chivalrous compliments and sexually objectify her at the drop of a hat. From "Oh I love Stacy so, her eyes are like stars and her smile like a gentle sunrise" to "that fucking pig bitch is buttfuck retarded, cunt slut! Hee hee hee!! Hee hee hee! "
If a woman finally fucked this beta male, would his opinion of her drop the same way it would if she fucked a Chad? Why are women that fuck other guys stupid but ones that fuck you are okay? Or are they stupid too, because they had sex? Wouldn't a girl be more of a slut if she fucked betas she didn't find attractive just for the validation of having sex? Would the author fuck and then marry a 300lbs fat chick? Why not? It's the same reason Stacy won't fuck this beta.
don't really get why you guys make your lifes so complicated, my plan is to finish Uni and spend most of my money in prostitutes then go to india and get me some very VERY yung bitches and do some nasty shit then kill my self before hitting 50