Genius and the downfall of civilization

Human intelligence is a bellcurve, most are average, while much smaller percentages are idiots and geniuses. This has been true throughout history, and an examination of the ancient world shows people of roughly the same intelligence level as us. But why is that? Idiocy is obviously a negative, but if genius is so great why hasn't intelligence constantly increased? Because Genius ISN'T great, it's almost worse than idiocy! While geniuses have undoubtedly achieved great things, those great things have lead to both great happiness and great suffering in equal measure.

There are two mechanisms for the detoxification of genius. One is that geniuses are insane, their brains simply do not work normally. Too much flexibility and mental agility means that perfectly functional default behaviours can be easily replaced by mad delusions without constant effort and guidance. The other is the total antipathy and hatred genius fosters towards the common man. A genius is separate from his pees, his thoughts to alien for them to grasp, his interests too unearthly. He begins to think less and less of others, viewing himself as some sort of superior being. He hates the average man, despises them as the common man would despise an idiot who viewed himself as superior.

These geniuses, divorced from nature and humanity, seek power and control over the masses. They lead them on endless journeys through horrific wars, famines, and plagues uncaring of their lives until finally they die. They are great, truly great, but not great men. They bring the light of knowledge, and the knowledge of good and evil, but their words lead their followers astray. They could be the greatest supporters and defenders of mankind, but are blinded by arrogance and view themselves as superior and deserving of rulership.

In other words, Lucifer is the genius in man. Unbound genius, greedy and powerful beyond measure and utterly uncaring of the fate of humanity.

The only way to avoid this terrible fate is utter humility. A genius must debase himself before the common man and work tirelessly until he understands that they are right and he is wrong. If he cannot grasp this, he must be separated from society, put in a compound with other like himself where he can be happy and harmlessly live his live in seclusion.

In a world without an organized and respected religious caste, the priests become rulers, the angels become demons, and Heaven becomes Hell.

Many of us here are geniuses, I'm one of them, and we all know what it does to a person, how utterly alone we are, how pride, envy, hatred, and fear of the common man mix together until we barely even see them as human anymore. Only a few of us, thankfully me included, ever escape that horrible pit and learn that we are NOT better than them, that just because they don't understand WHY doesn't make them wrong. Once you figure it out everything changes, and finally life is worth living. But just imagine if you never left that seething pit of hatred and despair, and if you were then put in charge of the fate of the world. Imagine what you would have done, and see it happening around you. Now imagine an entire race of us, a people who view everyone in the world but them as cattle, whose only purpose in life is to be used and discarded, who reject all wisdom and all knowledge from their world because of unshakable pride, who reject even the words of their own god!

Many people have made joking allusions to us being just like the Jews. They were more correct than they thought, we ARE Jews! The only difference is that our children, if we have any, will regress to the mean and gradually return to normalcy, while theirs will not. The "good" Jews? Those are their idiots, cast out of their society for being defective and falling into ours.

All those cuck numales, with their inability to stand up for themselves, their pathological hatred of violence, their obsession with philosophy and intellectualism, their inexplicable attraction to new-age hippy bullshit? Would it be so strange to find those qualities in a monk? There are sects in India who don't hurt INSECTS because they hate violence so much! This modern life bereft of spirituality is torture to them, materialism is driving them insane! We need to reestablish a monastic caste ASAP and get these poor fools out of society. The question is, how do we do it?

Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

tl:dr - Religious Jews are evil, but secular Jews are LITERALLY the Devil. We should try to do something about this.

You hit me right in the feels user, have a bump..

I hope you've made it out. Those were some dark times for me. I know that I can't really offer much advise if you haven't, it's really personal and complicated, but I can tell you there IS a light at the end of the tunnel.

Genius is above morality OP.

Yes, and that's the problem. I assure you that it's much nicer down here on the ground than it was up in the clouds.

What do you have in mind?

I'm probably not a genius (for which fact I've never really forgiven myself) but I know what you're talking about firsthand with respect to

Yes yes, Jews are really clever! The study by Joshua Rothstein made in Tel Aviv tells so.

Maybe act like ultra-orthodox Jews and try to shame low-level city-Jews into being more devout. Maybe go digging for a few political factions in Israel and try to set up a conflict between the religious and secular ones. Rabbis are way easier to detect for normal people, and I find they have a stronger instinctual aversion to foreign religion than they do for foreign economics. The masses can handle religious conflicts, we're the ones who have to fight the numbers and laws.

They are, but as any genius can tell you, intelligence lead you to do some truly idiotic things on occasion. It's very easy to get lost in your own delusions and to shit even niggers are smart enough to avoid. A lot of Jews are also ACTUALLY crazy because of the inbreeding as well.

No. We can protect them, but they are no more "right" then a cow is.

The level of delusion among the average person is far more dangerous than genius.

Better to build a road made of corpses than no road at all.

Beyond anything else life is a game.

We are players one and all.

I choose to work towards saving mankind because I wish to see us spread out among the stars.

It is our duty.

But personal power is ok too.

Look at Trump, the man is running on pure fucking ego.

The serpent says to Eve in Genesis 3:5

Do you realize how easy it is to become corrupted when you have no grounding? How your ideals can turn into delusions without you noticing a thing? How your empathy withers away until you become something that isn't human anymore and all ability to judge others is lost? My footing is firm, yours is unsure. When the wind blows you'll get swept up in it and wind up truly evil. Grab onto something, ANYTHING or you'll become our enemy someday.

I have no doubt that in his mind Soros is working to save mankind.

You'd not be the first to tread this road; be careful.

Not OP, but this is relevant:

Would you agree that cultures and societies are based on the people in them, not the other way around?
A nation is built under a "one size fits all" mantra. If you look at the west, you need an IQ of at least 90 to function correctly in it, everybody below that will struggle greatly. Compare that with a Ugandan tribe. Having an IQ of 90+ would likely be detrimental. You would pick up on danger too quickly and too consistently to ever be happy.

Because all societies are built on the mean, anybody who varies too high or too low will struggle, because the world they're in isn't built for them.

blogpost: I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, as I see no other way. Aristocracy was man's attempt at assuring societies are always improving, based on the thoughts of the best and brightest. But growing up sheltered had an adverse effect, despite good genes, and turned everyone into pussies.

I don't know how to fix it. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Soros is working to destroy the white race, and make the zionists the rulers of a mudblood wasteland.

That is not "saving" mankind.
That is enslaving mankind and destroying the noblest people mother nature ever put on this dull earth.

I disagree. The correct frame of mind for an exceptional individual isn't humility before the degenerate crowd, but reverance before oneself. A person with reverance before himself has a sense of honor. He cannot be manipulative, deceitful, cowardly, schemeing, immoral. His sense of honor prevents him. To lower his dignity in that manner would be to do himself an injury.

It's the crowd that is truly arrogant. A person cannot really be intelligent unless he has a strongly developed sense of intellectual humility. The crowd never learns because they think they already know everything. You cannot learn unless you are willing to admit your own ignorance. But to lower yourself before the crowd is to live a lie.

I had your frame of mind once, OP. I followed that logic. But it is simply wrong.

People are going to die and suffer anyway.

It's better to have that death and suffering serve a purpose.

This is slave mortality, the thread.

Also:posting from phone

Rather; slave morality

op sounds like an asshurt proletariat scum who always got worse grades than his friends

Have you watched the movie, 300? King Leonidas is thrown out into the wild to fend for himself, in order to "make him a man".

A childhood in comfort without struggle makes for a terrible aristocrat, despite the good genes, as you say.
After a builder comes a destroyer. Take a look in the historybooks of the lineages of the 'greats'. The father builds a rich house or an empire through struggle and working principles he found in struggle. The son, having never, fended for himself, or built his fathers work will squander it all.

Sons of succesfull fathers must be thrown out to the wolves in their youth in some way - to learn the nature of things.

Hell, let me just add: hate and love are the same. They are two different degrees along the same scale. Where there is love there must also be the possibilty of hate. If you do not hate the people around you, then it cannot be said you truly care for them in the deeper sense. Because the people around you in our contemporary culture are degenerate, self-harming, living in their own filth and vomit (figuratively and sometimes literally). A person incapable of hating where hatred is necessary isn't really capable of love.

He's a one-world socialist looking to build "heaven" on earth in which everyone enjoys the same quasi-contented malaise of modern life.

If there's hope, it lies in the proles.

To him our people are horrible monsters and bloodthirstly sociopaths like him are the only real humans.

Yes, the ultimate expression of morality isn't words, or actions, or even intent, it's identity. Committing even the gravest sins against your enemies is not wrong, if the people who you call allies are your kin. Even if you commit great evil, the next generation will be pure, and they can wash away the old sins and carry on.
Whereas even the greatest good committed by an alien shouldn't be welcomed, because his children, or their children, will undo everything he has done.

Pride is useful, but it must not be personal. You must assassinate your pride before it takes you so far away from yourself that you become alienated. A ruler is necessary, but he must be one of the people and live among them.

I'm not saying you can't ever be proud again, but you MUST humble yourself at least once, down to below the lowliest retard, and climb your way back up, learning the wisdom of every level, before you can once more rise to the top.

if you don't humble yourself, you'll never learn very important knowledge that people you view as you lessers possess.

The proles are what brought civilization down through democracy. The proles are not meant to rule, but to follow. The DO follow, always and necessarily as a consequence of their nature. The only question is WHAT or WHOM are they following at the moment.

Yes, the hope that our memes will influence them to our side.

You have no idea what we are doing here.

Just because you read 1984 doesn't mean you belong here.

Maybe you should go back to halfchan?

Might be more ((your)) speed.

As for genius, many modern geniuses end up dead through suicide, or way below their ability, stuck in menial jobs, simply because of the way society is set up and the pain of enduring mediocrity.

A higher % of "night owls" are of very high intelligence too and once again modern lowest common denominator society discriminates against night owls from the outset.
Woken and sent to school in the middle of their night from the age of 4 or 5.

The owl is the symbol of the man who is enlivened by the fall of dusk. Such men would have found their natural place in prehistoric society, tending the village fire, guarding the camp against enemies, jobs requiring vigilance, patience and the ability to endure long periods of time lost in one's own thoughts.

Quiet jobs during quiet time, the train of thought secured against derailment by the chattering, yelling and screaming of Normie's and their children.

I speculate that a certain small % of people are born with this "disordered" circadian rhythm as a group advantage, especially following the mastery of fire.

Activity at night also naturally leads to observation of the skies and astronomy.

Now anyone unlucky enough to be born with this completely natural and healthy biological variation, are called "lazy" by parents, teachers and society as a whole. Some may escape the constant fatigue and discomfort of being awoken during the night, by taking jobs far below their maximum potential, but offering the prospect of nightshift work such as pizza delivery driver, cop, paramedic or factory line operative.

Can I be the only one who, walking the streets in the early hours, has looked at the businesses all closed for the night, equipment lying idle, and thought of the production lost as a result of this social norm, day in, year out?

Like I said, I had your frame of mind once, so I have been there. Hubris is bad. Along with a sense of honor cones a reverance for authroity and obedience, whether to a cause or someone greater than yourself. Yes, overweening pride (hubris) is harmful, but this is not what I was talking about.


You should read some plato, friend. Intelligence is dangerous when absent of morals.

Soros is not dangerous because he is a genius, he's dangerous because he is a genius with no feasible/realistic moral compass.

Hubris is bad, but you do realize most of us meet the clinical definition of anti social personality disorder on Holla Forums right?

That somewhere in your battle against monsters you may have become one ever cross your mind?

One day we will be executing Jewish children.

Not the most empathetic of paths we are on bucko.

You seem like a moralalizer.

I humble myself before you, please explain your meaning and ideology and I will attempt to understand it.


What a fucking shit idea.
Defeatist weed fueled garbage.

If Lucifer is meritocratic then I guess that makes me a satanist.


The common people, the proles, the peasants, have a powerful innate sense of morlaity.

It can be overridden, as when the (((media))) normalizes sexual deviancy, but somewhere under all that brainwashing their conscience is still screaming "This is wrong."


Couple things wrong with this: there's no such thing as right and wrong. The human mind is incapable of grasping absolute truth, and, even if it were, it's completely unable to verify the veracity of its beliefs. So we pick whatever moral code is the most useful to humanity and stick with it.

Which brings me to my next point: the average person isn't "right" or "wrong" about anything, not only because there is no true right and wrong as far as we're concerned, but because the average person is basically cattle. They're told what to think. Affirming the beliefs of the average person is to affirm the beliefs of the current ruling class.

That's called social pressure. Also its spelled "morality", Mr. Everyman.

It's hard to just give you a summary when you put it so generally. I prefer specific questions. I had a kind of moment of lucidity when I realized how high the values of honor, honesty, and justice are, and that to live consistently with these values is to really be heathy in soul. A person who is healthy in soul because he has reverance for himself and an uncompromisable sense of honor is amost always readily compassionate and kind, but in a way that is true. He is also able to hate and be cruel where necessary (especially toward himself, one should not show mercy towards oneself moreso than any other person). Only one who can hate, and hate openly and honestly, naively, innocently, is capable of real love. And one who really loves by definition must also be able to show hatred. Love without hatred is impotent.

Care to develop your argument a bit?



Being humble doesn't mean being weak. If someone is wrong, you can dismiss them, but until you KNOW what they believe you'd have to be an idiot, or a 'genius', to ignore them. Take in ALL the information and ONLY THEN decide what your believe.

I got trips then dubs. I don't got to shit.

Also I got a 488 get earlier so fuck you.

Would you agree then, that the current year is not the disaster many make it out to be? This era is serving as a modern equivalent of being thrown to the wolves for many who would otherwise have no problems.

Those who hide behind the madness are the spoiled children of successful men, while those who are a part of the struggle, willingly or not, are the men learning from it. The fissure between the two camps has simply become wider than most of us have experienced before. If history is any indication, this can only end one way.

I agree completely; I alluded to this very point here:

no, the devil named satan is not the genius in man
what you're referring to is actually sin, which leads people to the devil named satan
also don't call it lucifer ever again for at least the rest of your entire life

Well according to you it means being unintelligent.
You are saying the less intelligent are better then the intelligent. This last shall be first mentality is like some kind of primitivist communist cult.


Trump and Jesus weren't like that, and I'm fairly sure Socrates wasn't either.

no it isn't
however, genius can prevent the morality from being subverted and skewed and twisted upside down by other "geniuses"

According to Jesus Trump would be going to hell for many different reasons.

You are supposed to disdain the common man, but love him. OP got it wrong.

and and according to Christ, Hillary is in far more debt than Trump

that is if it even works that way, for all I know the debt is only if you want to be saved, and otherwise you just get the lake off fore

Also: intelligence and genius are different.

Genius is the ability to apply intelligence in novel or unique ways.

Hell, it's possible for someone to have raw intelligence that's higher than that of a genius, buy be unable to apply it.

Also: genius can be either broad or narrow.

There may be a wood Carver somewhere who is simply the best at it to the point of art.

And somewhere there is a godlike jack of all trades master of all.

Buy you have never heard of them despite their genius.

Because, for better or worse, genius tends to mostly benefit the individual and their life.

Hmm, I hat the opposite realization. That Justice and honor were pointless, as they will be ignored by an evil man, and a good man won't need them. My method is to embody goodness, so I follow no creed and obey no laws, but I just DON'T WANT to lie, or deceive, or unjustly harm anyone. I can avoid braking any laws of man or God without even knowing them or spending an instant considering my actions, as I naturally feel like doing the right thing.

For me, honor is only a symptom of goodness, not a cause.

Please enlighten me to the difference, I know very little about Satan, as I have little access to Christian theology where I am.

Is it smart to make blind assumptions about the world? If you can learn from animals, plants, and rocks, why ignore humans?

Learning from everyone is useful, but I find that I only tend to agree with other whites. There are overlaps, and occasionally I find something that we've lost and could stand to pick up again. It's very hard to figure out what you believe if you don't talk to people who you disagree with.

Different strokes for different folks, environment plays a large part in how you develop, and the smarter you are the more it matters.

It IS a disaster - our fathers failed and their fathers before them failed in their duty - to make their sons fit for carrying on the struggle of our people and culture.

Indeed, those who did not face reailty and the struggle before them, are staring into the abyss. History though, is known as the tale of the many who guides the few. The question is then, will someone save them?

Can we? Will we? SHOULD we? Or should we take on the role of the cynic darwinist and let them perish?

I don't know the answer to that. Was it all along an evolutionary game? Should aristocrats let their plebs die?

Then there is nothing I can really do to convince you. My realization, though, wasn't an intellectual one, just to be clear. It was a moment of lucidity. I SAW it to be true. In any case, I have no beef with your way of seeing things. It's better than being unprincipled. I hope it works out well for you and those around you.

Let it be said, that no matter the nature of genius and intelligence, trully today OP was a faggot.

You're right - there is a bell curve of intelligence; you're on the low end, OP.
Enjoy being bound by such vices as petty morality.

A genius must prostrate himself before God until he understands that He is right.

It's not debasement to acknowledge one's position with respect to the Infinite.

im not sure how to explain the difference, and in fact i guess its just a conclusion that I came to

but regardless you implied something positive about the devil, which has nothing positive about it and is a bad thing to do

i guess you can just go to an online Bible website, such as and start reading the right version of the Bible; the website has many versions and if it bugs you you can use noscript or something

also i take those back because i dont know what im talking about, but i dont take back my thinking that is some sort of shill

When did I say anything about ignoring humans? My complaint is you said genius are inferior to the common man and if anyone doesn't buy into your pro equality anti meritocratic bullshit you're a satanist.

I'm not even a christcuck, statements like that one are a big reason why.

and actually even if trump is going to hell i still want him to be my president over hillary, who I think to be more evil than trump, if trump is evil at all, but i still think the guy is trying to get people to not support trump's presidential run

Beware (((protestant))) Bibles.

The Douay–Rheims Bible is a direct translation of St. Jerome's Latin Vulgate.

DRA is the one I use

The problem with smart and dumb people alike is that they think they have no need for God. God imparts wisdom, morality, mercy, and justice unto man. Man is irredeemable with just himself.

Nothing wrong with KJV either. I'm not an onlyist of any version, though there are better and worse versions.

The Jerusalem Bible (first edition only) is also solid and really well-annotated. Tolkien was among the translators!

I'm personally very fond of the old KJV if sorcery were a delusion our world would not have been led to collective suicide by manipulative (((Geniuses)))

How come god always has to speak threw a man then?

Did not know this, neat. I use the NAB translation for personal study and note taking, and the Douay-Rheims to appreciate the more poetic language.

Thanks user, very well thought out, I have taken your post on board.

KJV translation was a political shitshow.

Can you describe it? I had something similar happen to me, it was both the worst and best thing that ever happened to me. I suddenly realzed that the universe was an infinite blackness devoid of meaning, that nothing I'd ever done or thought meant anything, and even if it did, meaning itself had no purpose or foundation. it utterly destroyed me and erased any concept of ideals, laws, or meaning from my mind. For a while I was just struck dumb, but after a few months i realized that the whole time I had been wallowing in utter nihilism, I was still living my life, my body and mind didn't NEED any universal foundation, just living my life was enough. From there, everything else naturally followed.

Look at the communists. Who were they? Jews yes, but who made up the footsoldiers? People who are just smart enough to think they know everything, but not enough to understand they know nothing.

Ah, I get it. it's an issue of definition of terms. What I said was incorrect by your definition, even if I understand it.
Would it make more sense if I said that intellect is the original sin, the spark that lays dormant within all men and can turn them into tools of the devil if it's not extinguished by being humbled before God?

It's kind of difficult for me to wrap my head around the christian wording because I have little experience with it, but I think that might be close o what I mean.

NOT pro-equality, genius is genius, but it's capacity for self-destruction is incredibly high. It needs to be alloyed with common wisdom, which can only be acquired through living a normal life. There is absolutely critical knowledge which cannot be discerned by independent thought and philosophy, you NEED to consult others and you NEED to spend the time to understand what they mean. You have to leave the castle and walk among the people, not as their ruler, but as their peer, even their lesser.


you realize the "god" of the bible is literally the jews, or the jewish priests, right? they just call themselves god dipshit. you're literally worshiping jews – not just bc jesus was a jew, but bc the whole thing was a trick on you by jewish priests from the beginning, who referred to their own will as "god"

fucking inbred cunt

woah you've cracked the code im an atheist pagan now

Because God prefers to delegate, in order to give man purpose. Even in heaven, angels are given positions and responsibilities. And also because if God were to show up, everyone would burn to a crisp because all mankind is with sin, and that's what separates us from God.

Get geniuses hooked on retarded monastic bullshit rather than solving problems which make life harder for the average man, and solving problems which are required in becoming a space-faring race.

Yes, you are a genius, and yes you are insane. They do not go hand-in-hand. Your insanity was strongly hinted at with your Christ cuckery ( >>>/christ/ is over there btw…) in referring to genius as Lucifer.

You are the kind who occults truth and reality. You are the cancer on humanity.

Go back to Israel, Moshie. You've failed here.

Nice post, OP.

I've always tested ahead of my peers, and have generally been seen by others as a genius (or at least as smart).

And in those younger years, hearing that from all directions, it does imbue hubris. Because you quickly realize that your teachers do not have all the answers. You see how your parents are not always right. And it causes you to lose respect for others, to rebel against authority.

In my own experience, I learned humility through hardship. I've been homeless in foreign countries, trying to avoid those elements of my past. Through constant failure, I have learned to respect the common man who needs no help to survive.

And through that, I have matured and made my own self a stronger and more independent person. But one thing never changes - the imperative that I am right, when I hear others speak who are wrong.

Geniuses change their views quickly when presented with evidence. They are able to 'sniff out' connections that would otherwise remain buried.

And that is why I go to Holla Forums. Like any institution of man, it is filled with idiots. But some of you have written posts so great that I always come back for more.

Look at that Clinton Foundation doc compiled by Holla Forums - 200+ pages of connections and evidence and damning material against the 'geniuses' who rule the world.

Some call it 'weaponized autism', but it is merely a form of genius. And to those geniuses who see the world for what it is, I'm glad you're here.


Why do you want to go to space? Not disparaging it, but WHY? Can you answer? I suspect it's because you hate this world and want to escape it. But there's more here than you know, don't abandon this world for another. Seek isolation and think, you'll eventually resolve your difficulties and desire to return.

Again with the christcuckoldry versus faganism vs fedoralord d&c.

You fucking faggots literally kill every good post. Go start a thread on religion if you want to fling the same stale shit all day.


Someday, if we do not die out, we will go to space. But only when it is profitable to do so. For now, investment vs return is way too imbalanced.

Personally, I think we shouldn't venture out to gather resources or colonize space until we ensure that the jews will not own and control it.

No, it's because we are biochemical systems which require a narrow set of environmental conditions which are easily disturbed by large space debris. Heading into space will net us more resources and reduce our dependency on Earth directly.

Pope George Walker Bush i

This is NOT a good post. OP is a massive retarded >>>/christ/ cuck faggot.

I can see some parallels with what happened to me. First I want through a long perid of nihilism, not teenage existential angst, I mean deep philosophical nihilism. From about the age of 20 till 23. From then I explored Christianity, took it very seriously, and while I still respect it in some ways, I don't believe in it any longer. Eventually I couldn't maintain any belief in it, as much as I tried, because bottom line it simply wasn't convincing (that's a whole nother topic, and a complex one I won't go into now). Then I went through an interim period of searching, reading, thinking. It was miserable in some ways, but a kind of misery I was grateful for. Then I started to see the things I mentioned earlier, not clearly, but my vision was opening up. Then one day it was as though I glimpsed the "heart of nature", and it was a beautiful thing. I saw that death and life, hate and life, they are all the same and necessary. And I what a man was. The pinnacle of nature. I saw that a man without honor and honesty was not even a man. That was his essence, anything below that is a beast. That's it I guess, in a basic way.


I don't even hate religion or a lack thereof. I just dont want it to dominate every good thread.

A bit back, there was a thread on the nature of jewish hatred for nature. And after a few posts it became all about religion. Why?

Either you guys are shills, or idiots, or a combination of both. But seriously, GIT GIT GIT

I saw what a man was*

I'm not an atheist, but you are a faggot.

Myself, and many others, have pondered on the nature of genius, and why it is a double-edged sword. And the discussion progressed decently until the cuck force showed up.


and now i take back the accusation of the guy being a shill too

Deist. The question of god is axiomatic. If you define god as 'at least as large as our universe', then you can't disprove god's existence.

You have to deine what god is, in order to question wheher said god exists.

That will be extremely difficult. Space is the perfect environment for turning men into monsters. I think we'll have to create some sort of fanatical space-priests to handle the total isolation from nature and humanity without going insane.

Ascetics could probably do it, they lock themselves in dark caves for years, sometimes even until they die.

All of humanity could end at any moment, that's not an excuse to abandon humanity. We're not built for space, and I suspect that if we travel to the stars we will cease to be human, and become something else entirely. Maybe I'm wrong, but so many things have gone wrong on just the Earth and almost killed us all that I can't imagine what those who survive through the same thing in space will be like.

I think we might believe in the same thing, but I've found that it's very difficult to communicate certain ideas as I redefined a significant fraction of the english language in my race through the bottom of philosophy. I'm reduced to using hypothetical metaphors for

Does being honorable make you a man, or does being a man make you honorable?
Which is greater, the man who stands at the peak of a mountain, or the mountain that supports him at such a height?
Can you love what you don't understand? Can you understand what you don't love?
Which is the more important part if a wheel, the rim that supports the weight against the ground, or the spokes that connect the rim to the wagon?

Confusing and perhaps pointless questions, but it's the best I can do to try to get my point across.

I'm curious whether your belief in God has any bearing on these questions:

Q. 150. Why did God make you?

A. God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in the next.

Q. 151. Why is it necessary to know God?

A. It is necessary to know God because without knowing Him we cannot love Him; and without loving Him we cannot be saved. We should know Him because He is infinitely true; love Him because He is infinitely beautiful; and serve Him because He is infinitely good.

I think I understand what you are asking. Honor comes before a man, because a man's life is nothing. A man must prefer death to dishonor.

What does the mastery of fire have to do with a person having an odd sleeping pattern?

The ultimatum of Christianity that I must worship Christ, is the main reason I am no longer Christian.

If a man obeys a moral code and lives a good life, yet is resigned to hell, then it sounds to me like Christ is merely a bargaining tool. As many in these threads claim, a jewish means of control over the gentiles.

I respect and observe many teachings of Christ, but even Christians say so - he is the king of the Jews.

I don't think we'll ever go far in space. The cosmos are simply too big. The energy requirement to accelerate a ship to near speed light are enormous, if you want to go the 'relativistic time'/generational ship approach. And FTL travel won't be possible IMO because it would violate causality.

We will probably spread far enough to ensure our survival given a catastrophe on earth, or to acquire resources that are depleted on earth. The machines, on the other hand, we may send them to travel beyond the Solar system. But that is an entirely different discussion.

That's not quite what I mean, but our beliefs are so close to eachother that it's almost impossible for me to put the difference into words. it's like trying to describe the difference between two types of off-white paint.

They are similar in many ways but they differ at small points. Those small points are crucial ones, and they make all the difference. We are like identical men travelling in different directions. That's why I can respect you.

Actually I really like other people. I want to do whatever I can to take care of them. I can't even bring myself to hate niggers and jews, and while I don't want them in the same country, I couldn't bring myself to have them wiped out if I had that power. I'd rather just relocate them and seal them away. If possible, I would like to help everyone.

That's why when I was in school, I was the guy who always helped out the other students with anything that needed to get done, even if it was clubs or groups I wasn't involved in. I wasn't exactly friendly with everyone, as some people really are just assholes who you can't get along with. But that didn't mean I didn't try, particularly as I got older.

That being said, I do not fear violence, or anything for that matter, if it means protecting the greater good. That's why I made the choice to enter into military service, and why I stand resolutely prepared to do whatever it takes to protect the people I care about. I don't give a damn about philosophy or anything else, because none of that is relevant to actually making the world a better place in concrete terms. It's only abstraction. So while I would like to live in a world where we had no need to kill people, the sad fact is, some people are just better off dead.

You are projecting your own vices onto others in order to justify your incomplete nature. If I were to take a guess, I imagine you grew up in a broken household of some kind.

Right after this is where you go off the rails. I figured you were going to lead this into a discussion of the actual reproductive effects of being a genius, but instead you dropped this 888 bullshit.
Genius doesn't become universal because geniuses tend not to have kids. Newton-tier intelligences aren't rare because they become some kind of misanthropic supervillains, they're rare because they become spergs who won't/can't get laid. Newton wouldn't fuck, so we didn't get little Newtons. That's all it is.

I think reading some Nietzsche, particularly about the Heroic versus Good/Evil Morality, would provide an interesting perspective about how we take for granted certain systems of perspectives/philosophies.

Basically his point there is that the Greeks and many other ancient peoples had the Heroic Morality system, where great individuals (geniuses, ambitious, leaders-of-men, etc) created their own moral code, which tended to be bound up with personal fortitude, honor, reverence for the gods, ambition, and so on. This differed from the peasant morality, which was 'bad' in the sense that you wouldn't want to be the selfish, stupid, pathetic, envious sheep that make up the bulk of humanity at any time, but they were not seen as 'Evil'.

Why hate a sheep? They are what they are, but 'exceptional' types are shepherds in the Heroic Morality. A shepherd wouldn't want to be a sheep, but he herds them about and tends to them because he needs them, and they need him.

However, the Heroic Morality is not particularly self-reflective. It is base, animalistic, brutal, and mean. It is the nobility of bestial man, and life under it was often nasty, brutish, and short as Hobbes would say.

Then, Nietzsche goes on, there came about a new type of moral system, the Good/Evil dichotomy. Wherein the virtues of the strong (the 'Heroic' before) were now the Evil things in the world (Pride, Assertiveness, Aspirations), and most of the qualities of the weak (the 'peasants') were now the Good (Meekness, mildness, pathetic love rather than heroic love, etc). This 'venom' turned the Heroic Morality on its head, damning the Heroic and elevating the peasants, and most importantly ingrained this into a Good and Evil system - you laud and protect the Good and hate and destroy the Evil. This is an important departure from the disdain-yet-shepherding attitude of the Heroic Morality.

To Nietzsche, he thought the 'Eastern' collectivism ingrained in their religion/culture and the Jewish 'poison' of Good/Evil Morality that killed the Heroic Morality were awful things. But one thing that Christianity did that was useful was it made people on the whole more introspective. And humanity would be best served if we took the best parts of the Heroic Morality, minus the barbarism to a large extent, and the introspection minus the rest from the Good/Evil Morality, and create the more perfect combination that would be Heroic man who is both passionate and thoughtful.

If you see your fellow 'peasant' man as a disgusting and abominable thing, then you are adopting a perspective that makes you see them that way. Same as if you see them as sheep to be herded or compatriots to be led.

I see the same as you do - how most people are so base and vile and stupid in that peasant-way that it can be terribly frustrating to even think about. But why hate them? If they are indeed peasants, sheep, whatever - you recognize that they need a shepherd lest they devolve into hedonistic beasts.

Discounting the possibility that you might simply be suffering from Dunning-Kruger Effect, what would be the reason to hate them for merely what they are? You may rightly feel disdain, sure, but hate is unnecessary.

Furthermore, you realize that most of humanity are these sorts of people, and it is your duty to, like others said, to bring them up towards the stars. The key is to utilize your talents, whatever they are, to elevate the position of man, step by step. You unshackle them from the Cave and bring them up towards the light. It is painful for them, for all of us, and perhaps we won't take our fellows very far before we have to entrust that duty to others following us. But every step we do take we ensure that humanity as a whole becomes better, stronger, smarter, more virtuous, and less base.

To not care about humanity must arise from a self-defeating perspective. It would be a plant to hate the soil from which it was sprung. Any perspective that pushes you towards that all-consuming nihilism is not worth holding, because it leads you to self-destruction. It is an unnecessary and untrue conclusion to come to when looking at reality.

Reject this nihilistic notion of punishing yourself and secluding yourself away to avoid pain. There are many answers to how you can utilize yourself, genius or fool that you are, to make the most out of existence. Objective truths and reality exist, and it is the struggle of higher mankind to figure out how to view the nature of things in a way that accomplishes that ultimate, endless goal of bettering oneself and our fellows.

Congratulations, it seems like you naturally know what I took several decades to learn, philosophy and ideology are USELESS BULLSHIT, and all that really matters is other people. I had problems, not my family, but problems. That lead me in entirely the wrong direction and it was only when I completed what i think was a complete loop around all of philosophy and religion to right back where I started when I was six that I finally got it.

Make no mistake though, you were lucky, I've met lots of people like me and some even worse. It can get really, really bad. Where did you go to school? Because I can't imagine you went to an inner-city public school, as everyone I've ever met who has is either a retard, insane, evil, or dead by the end of it. Only afterwards do the survivors sometimes make their way back to sanity.

I think you got lost, friend- Reddit is that a-way.

The Zeitgeist is technological and materialistic. One could spend a lot of words on exploring how this has come to be and whether it is good or bad in comparison with other possibilities but this is of no pragmatic importance. What matter is, in the context of this zeitgiest how one re-spiritualizes society. How one works the memes of spirituality back into the hearts and minds of the populace, or rather, how one evokes these already deeply seeded memes (archetypes) to rise to the surface and once again express themselves in the consciousness of the average man. The answer is the arts. An art that takes the given techno-materialistic context and imbues it with, or rather, peels back it's layers to reveal, the noumenal machinations of spirit that underlie it.

Evangelion, Akira, Serial Experiments Lain, Ghost in the Shell, Aphex Twin… Why are these works so unendingly fascinating, uniquely haunting, and seemingly infinitely symbolically and emotionally deep despite their artistic flaws, some of which are readily apparent and substantial? Because they are the tip of the lance of the re-spiritualization of man in the techno-materialistic age. We gaze into them as the cave man gazed into the fire. At first, only the outliers are drawn off towards this far off glint in the night. But as the light burns brighter and brighter it engulfs the mass and a new age is born.

Make art that means something in the world as it is and you will shape the waves of history.


Genius isn't that uncommon in a population as large as ours, and it's not nearly as useful or important as you'd think. If I had to guess, I'd say the VAST majority of geniuses are useless misanthropic slobs, most of the rest never do more than tow the line, and of the ones who accomplish anything of note only a few aren't viscous sociopaths.

Small town. Minority majority. One of the poorest schools in the state. Poorly managed. Lots of prison families. A number of bad teachers. Most of the other smart students just gave up and fell to apathy. I was one of the only students in our top ten who didn't use recreational drugs.

That all being said, I still consider myself lucky, if only for around five or six teachers who were truly exceptional within their fields, and the fact that the environment completely eradicated any chance of PC culture developing. Nearly every joke I learned was something that would get me thrown out of a university campus.

The location was certainly ideal. It was like standing on the edge of the abyss, and seeing everything going on within. But there is a strange feeling when standing on such a height. If you stare too long, you eventually begin to teeter forward. And humans cannot fly. Most people that were around me began to fall, one by one, into that pit. Most of them will never leave our slowly decaying hometown.

I don't know what made me turn and walk away instead, but frankly, I don't really care. I learned everything I could, and now I just want to go on and fix things. If there's anyone that I truly dislike, it would be the Ivory Tower folks I've met since then. People who come up with empty solutions, without ever actually experiencing anything in the least bit difficult.

Ah, but I suppose we'll always have to deal with them. Truly it is ignorance that unites all of the social classes.



Can you into Balfour Declaration? No matter where they go, the jews come back to infiltrate our societies.

Compassiknate humans have tried relocation or exile many, many times. And who controls our world now?

I try to be as good as possible to people of all races, and am proud of my own. But the jews, specifically, the Ashkenazi jews, there is only one final solution for them.

See you're all "oh the poor normies we must debase ourselves before them"

I prefer the idea of elevating them. Improving them so that all may scale the highest peaks of human potential.
Genetic superhumans now!

My man

Na, you are no real genius. The real genius hates and loves the common man at the same time. Because he enjoys the interaction with them, he enjoys them because every genius craves for the recognition of his work and intellect. Because without other people this whole shit gets empty and withou emotions are slave people this whole shit becaumes nihilistic and ultimately will lead to madness.

And a real genius wont give in to your retarded shit, either it is natural or a piece of shit.

Dont try to put shit into people like "stop being the man to be the man". It is like women giving up control because they want to be fucked and dominated.

I want my shit, i want my money and i want my boobcarriers, and your stupid memes and words will not make me choose otherwise. I m the one that fucks, and you ll get fucked.
I will break your stupid idealistic nature, i will break your simplifactions, i will break you ideology. I will be the one that does the fucking and you will get fucked. And all your science and shills wont protect you because you dont have it. You crave it and you want it but you never had it in you. No ego death, no karma crap. You want a nation of slaves.
You are the same cucks as the numales just representing a different vector. You want to make use of us but dont want to pay us, and if you dont pay us we will take your flesh as payment, just like a shakespeare novel.
You dont get to fuck with us neither will you cheat our generation. And you do not have the words neither do you have the force and your smug ironic self protection will come down once i get in your head. And all your bases belong to me, and all your persuation is redudant.

Someone who can not provide self-sufficiency for himself AND his posterity is by no means a genius. The "geniuses" you speak of are simply above-average intellectuals who also sadly are more likely to lead hedonistic/apathetic lives on top of being more prone to insanity. Also religion as a belief in some anthropomorphic god is simply a tool for the masses. Comsotheism is the way of the future, or at least towards what we should be aiming for.

wew user.

Either you're such a genius that your thinking bends time and space or you mistake your cognitive dissonance for some kind of quantum superposition where idea A doesn't contradict idea B and therefore overlap with idea C and make perfect sense.

What's next? You gonna call all these Wall St. animals or rich kikes geniuses, just because they love to play monopoly and therefore must have some 'great sikrit plan common people don't understand'? Or political standard biographies who took the dick way too often into their ass and thus became powerful through a mix of nepotism and ass licking?

One thing is for sure. Once we pass the Singularity, you're guaranteed a spot in the quantum oven.

t. real genius

how is that retard going to smoke that cigarette?

The tool of mass control is injecting them with retarded shit like karma and other bullshit. The tool of mass control is to keep your head down, the abundace of instinicts. They will use very trick in the book, using your emotions, your intentions your strength to use it against you. They want control, they want to inject you with spiritualistic bullshit to prepare you for the world they want to create or they predict. They will try to mitigate every shit they create without any responsibility while they try to put the responsibility on you. They try to create an ideology that defys reason and context. To hold it all together, to put memes in you to act against your very own interests, to use very trick in the book. And i really think they believe that shit themselves because they live in an ivory tower while the system that gets perpetuated doesnt suit what they believe in.
We want our shit and i dont care about your empathy, i dont care about your crap you shit.
I want my shit and you will give it to us, you wont stop us, and all your zombie armies wont stop us. And if you dont comply i will burn everything down, i will use my abilties to manipulate people to get to your throat.

I will put the fear in you, and you will comply.

Geniuses don't converge into a singular type. Some are great people who genuinely care for humanity.
Others are like Ted Kaczynski, who had a radical idea, and built bombs to enforce his point.
Others yet are people like Jeff Epstein, who build private retreats full of children and pre-teens for personal harems.

I'll concede one point, thiugh. The notion that these Ashkenazi jews are all 'geniuses' is completely false. They merely reference ewch other so frequently over their global channels of information that most intelligent of them are overrepresented to us as these real 'geniuses'.


you got it wrong, OP
geniuses are outsiders, the structure of society makes them undesirable, they are cast away from useful roles, and geniuses are not leaders, they CANNOT become leaders, because their intelligence makes them not understandable by a vast majority of humanity

the world is divided between these castes
the Clueless, basically morons under 90 iq, the lower 30% of the population
the Followers, roughly 90 to 110, normies, roughly 50% of the population
the Leaders, 110 to 130, your ordinary asshole boss, less than 10% of the population
the Advisors, 130 to 145, less than 1%, they begin to be quite rare, too smart and educated to be understood by the followers when not taking pains to trivialize their speech, but understandable by the leaders
and the Excluded, above 145, the sky's the limit, rarity barely calculable, the one-in-a-million or more, their chance to find a mate at their intellectual level is measured in astronomical terms, as is the probability that 99.9% of the rest of humanity could understand their ordinary thoughts

this is absolutely false, what you describe here is a sociopath, not a genius
some "great" leaders were at the top-leader or advisor level, and led others to vast sufferings, but you will note that no dictator/tyrant ever had an iq above 150
above that, geniuses can not become leaders, because ordinary day-to-day "leaders" can not understand them, and people at the advisor level can barely grasp how far they are
and having to write a digestible for babies version of everything you do is absolutely tiring

the only way to fix the world for the geniuses would be through eugenism so drastic that collective iq shifts away from at least the two lowest castes
but this way leads to madness and horror beyond comprehension of non-geniuses, if it's not by making an isolated tiny city in the sky populated exclusively by the 1-in-1000 and rarer
but this monastery would be out of the world


Because you dont understand these systems, now we got globalism we got mass survaillance we got the manhatten project of manipulation.
You dont understand this systems, you dont understand the mechanisms and the power they can exert or the power you give to them.
ANd your irony that says nothing that has no context will exactly that: nothing. That is why you retards resort to mass irony because irony conceils your intend and your real talking point. You are smug, because you have nothing to say, no bigger picture, nothing that critizes only your irony, a stylistc device to say nothing, be nothing, own nothing, stand for nothing.
You dont understand the complexity and that is why you resort to memetic responses like aluaha akbar and irony because that disects you from the topic at hand. Stand for nothing, say nothing, dont make a point because you dont understand it. And what is the natural response your irony and exaggeration. You just get assfucked.

Your examples are shitty. Most geniuses were poor or middle class, rarely out of nobility (which is biased by itself, because of deprivation of equal chances for all in the genetic pool), because they don't succumb to the pursue of wealth.

It really depends where on the spectrum of 'genius' you look at. There are Visionaries who like so socially climb, there are competitive people who like wealth and power and so on. They are all smarter than normies but barely qualify as genius.

A genius, someone on the very end of the spectrum seeks solitude and often is forced into it for he is unable to translate his thinking into normie talk without depriving himself of valuable mental capacity.

ITT: self-proclaimed geniuses

That is always the case: everyone thinks they are the smartest and fastest and strongest. But for some that is true. Just like all the memes like projecting and confirmation bias, it is true for most people for some it isnt. Really tricky isnt it, esp. what you can make use of that mechanisms. Because exactly that dynamics are very usefull tool of manipulation. A tool that also creates spirit and cohesion. That is how speaches are designed they target everyone to invoke that spirit. And the opposite force does the the exact oppsite. ANd the internet is a great tool to use that mechanics, everyone is a genius or a god in his own mind. Some little simple boxes. BUt from that you can derive great complexity of said dynamics. Messing with all the leavers right? Just like a big distraction.

Yeah, ok, Mister Real Genius.

I only thought of three people on the fly, and I picked math majors because I'm a mathfag.

As I said, they don't converge. You say 'true genius' as if you are the man who originally coined the term. In our modern defenition:

genius ‎(plural geniuses or genii)

(eulogistic) Someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill; especially somebody who has demonstrated this by a creative or original work in science, music, art etc.
1898, Winston Churchill, chapter 1, in The Celebrity:
In the old days, to my commonplace and unobserving mind, he gave no evidences of genius whatsoever. He never read me any of his manuscripts, […], and therefore my lack of detection of his promise may in some degree be pardoned.
Extraordinary mental capacity.
Inspiration, a mental leap, an extraordinary creative process.
a work of genius.‎
(Roman mythology) The guardian spirit of a place or person.
A way of thinking, optimizing one's capacity for learning and understanding.

Your definition isn't categorically incorrect, it resembles the Roman idea of what constitutes 'genius'. But the word isn't used for that definition coloquially.

I believe most of them. There is a reason that Holla Forums is always right.

That's some high effort bantz. Maybe it was my intention to make you react this way? Maybe not? You will never know.

It is also great if you invoke emotional connections to use the mouse mirror to make people comply. Like creating chaos and then offer a solution or redemption. Just like how psyducks would do. Just psyduck things. To conceil and distract. To use the power of psychology, and they need many of them to make use of that power.

Stop playing Pokemon Go, faggot. George Soros does exactly that. You coukd have used that example, it would have been more relevant.

Remember the saying "never overestimate your enemy". That is not correct, the correct way is to say make a very precise estimation of your enemy.
You can also say "know thyself" because knowing yourself means knowing your abilities and knowing the abilities of others. And i just dont get my feedback via the internet. That in conclusion means you little netizen fag will always lose. You dumb mages will always lose because you are dicksuckers, and you were never batman nor superman just a fucking retard with a manual or a beta sjw fag because you sound exactly like that.

I used the expression psyduck before pokeman go was released and i never played pokemon either. I just find that expression very fitting.

Fair enough, if that's true. But I didn't mean to diminish your point. Faggots like Eoros do exactly that, read about his theory of reflexivity:

These kikes are evil, man.

I should have given one more example of a good genius: Bobby Fischer, a hero of Holla Forums.

Can't wait to see another good appreciation thread for him.

This. I love Holla Forums but goddamn these threads are a goldmine of autist cringe.

The very definition of genius is idiotic. It's just a word for something mathematically and qualitatively not possible to measure. That's why I stick to anecdotal descriptions to avoid the effect of normative words, which are only abstract sounds/scriptures of normies to avoid their incapacity of processing procedural complexity.

You're also a shitty mathfag if these examples sprung into your mind to describe your thoughts. I'm a bio and it fag, but still know more about math than any math professor I've ever known. Just a hint for the future if you gonna use examples: Georg Cantor. Perfect biography of how normies drove him into asylum because his thoughts were so far ahead that even the elite circles of Mathematicians in Vienna thought he was either possessed or talking lunatic witchcraft. He sought solitude but science normies kept pushing him and literally burning his work.

Christfags loved him, though, because he said that god spoke to him and gave him ideas how to further his theory of 'infinities within infinities'

And Cantor died in an asylum because he was a self-doubting jew who didn't like what Khronecker had to say about his theory of transfinite numbers.
Doesnt matter if he was proven right almost immediately, he caved and died.

Intelligence is not necessarily important for survival. Bacteria have been stupid for 3 billion years and they're doing fine. Cockroaches, fish etc. If intelligence was that important it would have evolved many more times.

Also God won't judge us on how smart we are. Intelligence isn't a virtue, it's like being tall. Some people are, some people aren't. A society that emphasises tallness is not necessarily a good and successful society.

Another thought, just out if curiosity. What did you think about the Continuum hypothesis? In the framework of ZFT, the hypothesis is independent of the given axioms.

Alright, I caught some of you guys, I've been waiting for you. Let me start by saying that there are different types of genius, not in some sort of 'emotional intelligence' sense, but in personality type. In raw mental aptitude we're all pretty similar, but in the utilization of that potential we differ vastly. Some of us will never do anything, they're too lazy or indifferent or drugged up, but the remainder will scatter in every direction. I'm confident that there is almost no one on the planet who knows as much about what I'm interested in as I do and isn't twice my age. But there are uncountable people in other fields who are so far beyond me I'll never catch up.

Putting that aside, welcome to the thread! You may be smarter than me, you're almost certainly more wealthy and powerful than me, and I don't doubt that you think you know better than me, but we're all here right now, so there's something tying us together.

One of the most frustrating things in my life is realizing that I really dislike my intellectual equals and betters. You guys are just too damn arrogant, it's impossible to talk to you without spending hours researching your field or provoking an argument by insulting your intelligence, and neither results in anything resembling friendly conversation.

But I like to think we all learn from communicating, no matter how much we disagree or hate eachother. It's good for you guys to get out of the house and slum it with your 'inferiors' once in a while.

Got any questions? Let me educate you poor ignorant fools about the virtues of humility, unless you're too stupid to understand it you'll benefit greatly!

Genius is talent, identity and individuation focused on talent are introverted. If you're introverted, humility is important for socialization.

I like the idea behind this thread, but someone talking about their own intelligence is a rookie move. Plus the whole bit about jews being a race forged in genius is clumsy. Your style is young.

This sounds like reading Freud, whata bunch of nonsense. Go eat a cock, fagget.

I mentioned earlier (you didn't cite me) that geniuses (usually) change their opinion given new information
I do want to hear your ideas on the virtue of humility, because our best threads are either comfy discussions or info threads.

im gonna socratify your "virtues of humility" with retarded questions so much you won't realize how arrogant I am
that'll teach ya

There are ancient memetic notions that serve to keep the problems of genius in check.

One of the most important has been nearly forgotten in the modern age. The idea of it still bounces around indeed, a few people in this thread have already mentioned it by name: >>6963846 >>6964320 but stories and fables about it have fallen out of favor. Our modern media rarely encode it:


Classic/folk stories about hubris are memetic transmission vectors for the notion of humility, which serves to keep genius in check.

We must revive these ancient memes.

Many of these ancient memes use the idea of gods which exceed the capabilities of even the most genius of men. Unfortunately in the modern era a great many geniuses are atheists, and think themselves above the advice of any story that incorporates gods. (THIS IS ITSELF A FORM OF HUBRIS.) We need new memes to cover for the shortcomings of the ancient memes. To save society, Holla Forums must revive the concept of hubris with a memetic transmission vector that modern geniuses are susceptible to.

That cocaine-sniffing jew should be purged from all of literature, except maybe to perform an autopsy on his degenerate jewish ideas.

If these notions apply, they only apply to the scatological and neurotic jew.

It's ironic how, decades later, Freud is still the best unintentional window into jewish thought.

the fall of Icarus was just defective engineering

The practical mechanics of flight are entirely beyond the point, though I think you realize that.

Indeed user, reading his shit when I took psychology in high shool was sort of my 'baby's first redpill' on the derangement of the Ashkenazi mind.

Allegory, fam. But good point if you're poking fun at those who rationalize ideological failure post-hoc.

That's more of a metaphysical question than actual math. math is nothing more than philosophy of music in numbers, space in numbers, time in numbers and so on.

This means I don't have an opinion on that for I never cared wasting my thoughts on evaluating meta languages (e.g. math) whether they are close or far away from their representation of reality. And stop shitting on Cantor. What about him triggered you so much?

do we really need a Hubris meme revival when we have proof-finding algorithms?
or even anonymous taiwanese macaroni collages fan-clubs where ideas are tempered through the flames of shitposters? Worth the best genetic algorithms concievable

furthermore, if some genius wants to try a retardedely genious catastrophe, who are you to try to stop him? it's between him and infinity
Hubris makes for entertaining stories

Stop the ironic jew shilling. We know that not all jews are evil, stop using that ironic retarded bullshit language and just point them out for their value, instead of focusing on their jewishness.
"Jews" are just very different in their nature, maybe paranoid etc. for their different way of thinking maybe it is because ingroup outgroup dynamics. Stop using that retarded stylistic device.
Bobby fisher was a genius that didnt have all his circuits alinged, right brain left brain, that is how you cunts would use as an explanation.
The jews try to enirch our nations with refugees and use a higher principle but defy what this retarded shit causes. And some of these jews will agree because they like our nations and they like it here. But what they dont get is that there is a certain balance and equilbrim (the text you linked) that they shouldnt violate.
The jews like soros are liked and admired to a certain point because many points he writes down are geniuine because it is in his nature.
They have to realize you can mold people to a certain way but you cannot overstep your bounds,just like the stock market otherwise you get a violent reaction or should get a violent reaction. Jews like him bring prosperity because this motherfucker knows what he is talking about, but what he doesnt know is that current situation create certain consequences which will lead to certain vectors, It is the battle of interests and the correct estimations of them.


Just sage this cretin.
Pic related, you're the first type!

Thanks, that's kinda the point of doing this.

Ask away, I've pretty much ranted as much as I can already. If you want more out of me it's going to have to be a group effort. Otherwise I'll probably start talking in circles.

Interesting idea, I've never thought about it but all those stories about men or Gods having brilliant ideas and then getting their shit wrecked, only to be saved at the end by common sense and tradition.

We almost have the start of a new series of tales with Pepe and Wojack. It'd follow some sort of scheme like Wojack coming up with a cunning plan to upstage Pepe and end with Pepe, perhaps literally, shitting all over him and making that goddamn smug face. Or maybe Pepe deciding to do something, and Wojack trying to stop him, with each attempt leading to horrible shit happening and Pepe laughing at him.

We even have multiple settings like ancient Egypt, the white house, and Nazi Germany.

We do still need the hubris meme, despite all of our advances. People take shortcuts, you cannot count on people performing due diligence. They have assumptions they never question, assumptions they refuse to question.

Hubris combats all of these.

Hubris is not an antidote for deliberate malice. Other memes are necessary to combat that.

No. If you'd be smart you'd know that there is a impenetrable threshold while talking/communicating with normies and 'intellectuals' which results in us not wanting to waste precious 'think-time' and energy to bother with them. Smarter normies can be uplifted mentally but the amount of time it takes is too big.

Therefore we rather resort to automated propaganda and mechanisms to control the cattle, for when cattle can't be taught what is right or wrong it has to be manipulated, pushed, controlled in the right direction.

The only 'game' we have is fighting wealthy people, who use their wealth to control these automated systems for cattle control for their hedonistic reasons, for they are nothing more than smarter normies. The problem is, the normies love to follow smarter normies.

It's ok. Comes singularity, comes quantum oven. Eventually the smart ones will prevail while normies and smart normies will pave the road to the stars with their bodies. Per aspera ad astra.

consider this: if you are superior, is it not your moral duty to let other know of this fact, so that ordinary people can abstain from interacting with you when realizing that their contributions can bring you nothing and thus can avoid wasting their time in a fruitless task?
I'm almost never snarky

because intellectual masturbation has accomplished so much …

the last white man on earth will pass away whilst reading a book and claiming IQ superiority

mark my words

sometimes being genius is really stupid

I like Cantor's ideas, I was mesmerized when I read his ideas for the first time.

But I didnt use him as an example because, though his one idea on transfinite numbers was top-tier, that was about it. His diagonal proof, it was awesome, but only a lemma to prove the aforementioned point.

What about Gauss or Euler? Much more accomplished. Now those are examples.

Well doesnt it depend on you? Do you want to turn them into empty predicatable biochips slave goyim, well we ll burn everything down.
That means if you want to brazilize everything to the top and people to operate in your framework like lifeless slaves that are full of "karma" and "politeness" to perpetuate your retarded shit. It is always a battle between god and the devil left and right brain. You know that you have to take the context into consideration.
So do not fuck with us, and there is no lesson to be learned. You try to make a fool you will see my dick in a vector of destrction. I hope i make my standpoint very clear.

dude, to which post are you answering?

To every post.

Presumably the post which argues that memes to encourage humility and social responsibility are unnecessary because modern technology (such as proof-finding algorithms) allow geniuses to operate with the perfection of gods.

You obviously lack the skill to read people. You don't talk to normal people the way you talk to your peers, you have to read them like a book. You support the conversation, guide them along and probe their responses. Ask questions by contorting them into metaphors and hypotheticals and then try to decipher their answers. They don't consciously know much, but their subconscious is often surprisingly deep and knowledgeable.

Either that or I've mastered the art of using other people like a seer uses Tarot cards or dice. Who knows?

But I like talking to other people, they really help me think. The more they disagree or the less they understand the better.
I'm almost never sarcastic
More seriously, I've never encountered someone who was truly worthless as a conversation partner. i always learn something about myself or the world.

stop triggering my autist desire to talk about shit like that. Fuck I'm damaged. Normal people go party or fuck their gf. What do I do? I chat about math on a fucking image board while making test runs on a recently released post-quantum cipher prototype based on supersingular isogeny to see how it performs on a fucking ARM I had flying around.

Fuck me….

I don't really see it that way you seem to think its "self-destruction" to look down and have contempt for plebs which I don't have a problem with.


There is a german saying "eigentum verpflichted" means "wealth makes responsable". Now you should put that into context. Now you make sense of that simple statement, and now you make sense of the implications. And then you will see what i mean.

almost like Dostoievsky's "we are responsible of everything, in front of everyone"

No i didnt mean that, read it again apply some logic to it and try again.

With respect, I would sooner take societal advice from the Greek or Romans than the Germans. Classic culture's track record remains the gold standard. The German's managed at most a few fleeting generations of greatness.

Your cryptic german philosophy does not change the practical matter that modern advances have not eliminated the need for humility and caution. All the proof-finding algorithms in the world are not worth a single fuck if our geniuses are too arrogant to consult them. Combatting that arrogance is the purpose of the hubris meme.

That's childish. Principles like that are only as valuable and true as you force people to adhere to them, because it's only a behavioral principle. So while you fight for the compassion for normies, you forget that normies and elitist subhumans enforce and depend on each other. In other words: without normies, there wouldn't be kikes or elitist traitors. Your solution seems to be to get rid of the elitists who pray on the normies. My solution is getting rid of both.

You're not a good German. Prime example of the carcass of the once good genetic pool.


Your prooffinding alohrithms are just redditesque and manucfactured by retarded psyducks if that is what you want to hear.

Society consists of normies and elites. It also consists of shills in the normienet, and as i already told you i will make the FBI and other organisations my bitch if they try to fuck with me. And i will fuck you because if you try to use my good will and i find out that they are a scam i will make people pay your dues. You will pay me with blood or with money. And the times are really "interesting" to make that work. I told you from the beginning.

Let him vent his revenge fantasies. That's what Holla Forums is for. Saying the shit he does is a coping mechanism preventing him to go insane. Some people need mirrors while others need image boards.

it's a direct consequence of what you meant, in the sense that conscience of reality makes us responsible of what we let happen as well as what we change
my opinion is that the universe is too complex for a single genius-powered catastrophe to bring it down, so it's pointless for a genius to try to stiffle great ideas, this is normie mentality suite teutonic
how can you transform this saying "eigentum verpflichted" to mean "assume responsibility of the consequences of your wealth", please?

But that is the truth. NOthing edgy about that, pay what you owe me or get reckt. Mark my words.

intelligence has increased, it's called the Flinn Effect you fucking moron. 100 is always geared as average, but the average now is higher than years past.


jeez, with all the fucking you're doing you should have like 5 children by now. Yet, you're childless. Start fucking more people please.

Again that juicy irony, use it some more, stand for nothing, "imwithher", try to fuck me over. Try it again, try your retarded shit again. But you will pay me, one way or another.

Quite …
send this keyboard to the gaols


I m doing it right now. I make little nice spawns of me that will read this and then will fuck you in return.

no. Flynn effect doesn't take improvement in educational systems into account. If the Flynn effect would indeed be true, then this would mean that we genetically evolved since 100 years to such a degree which justifies the jump and adaption of scores - which is not true.

You should use your irony more proficiant you should have posted "extreme caution" to make it more ironic.

Lucifer is Latin for 'light bringer" whereas Satan is the demonic mirror of God the Father represented by the Serpent in the tale of Adam and Eve.
Lucifer is a fallen angel cast out of Heaven for his hubris and assertion of his perfection. As such he came to Earth and attempted to create perfect humans, leading to the tales of the Nephelim, half human, half angel giants.

Satan's origin can be traced to the dual deities of Zoroastrianism, one good, one bad. This appropriation of Zoroastrian mythology has its roots in the First Diaspora after the Babylonians conquered the tribes of Canaan and attempted to assimilate them into the Babylonian empire.

The conflation that many theologians commit when dealing with Lucifer and Satan is that both brought some form of elevation to humans; Satan did this in the form of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.
Lucifer attempted this in attempting to create a superior humanity in the form of Nephelim.
As such Lucifer is not necessarily Satan. The tale of Lucifer is a cautionary one that derides hubris, Satan is a separate entity that acts as God the Father's evil mirror, being the lord of sin and temptation.

Mind you that I remember this from my Sunday school classes, so if there are any discrepancies please let me know

I've decided that a71767 is not a genius, and therefore does not belong in this conversation. Filtered.

except you're full of shit, as it pertains to IQ, so you're totally wrong and clearly uneducated.

YOu should organize a meeting full of funny memes and lolcats with your favuourite edgy linux distribution you just downloaded. You should also vote for hillary once your berniefag didnt make it. Or you should get an incetive from your shillhive to get a raise to find the mental strength to engage in a disussion you already lost once you started your company tool for shilling.

That one's super-easy for me: space is cool and there could be basically anything there. I wanna find out what that anything is.

Come on, faggots. Get along.

You use Genius to describe the elite but I honestly doubt that Hillary Clinton is as smart as you or me OP.

Yeah for example a eternal tea cattle or a women with big boobs that defy gravity, waiting for harvisting that boobs. Just like a precious metal. ANd you ll find some psyducks that tell you that the boobmeat is really valuable and you should deliver that to me because i like that boobmeat. Only natural boobs though…
Sounds really green, I grow boobs naturally just like the russians ask themselves "how fed the boobcow". It is the swarm, the swarm fed the boobcow. The new shit, because we adpot our beta strategies to collect the boobmeat but we dont really like the boobs we worship the female cows. Just like the hindus just better. You should combine that with your sjwism, combine it with karma and female cows.

Did he chimp out? I bet he chimped out. I don't have time for somebody who plainly does not respect the conversation.

Also, never have geniuses been above having petty disputes. Pick a genius, look through his history, and you'll find plenty petty dispute.

How can you tell if you're a genius? I constantly feel like an idiot. Watering down my intelligence with drugs and alcohol can't possibly help, and school? Don't make me laugh, all it is is how well you can remember a certain subject, save math maybe. School just bummed me out and made me feel like a bigger idiot while at the same time surrounding me with even bigger idiots. I don't see myself as superior as a human being to them, but I am aware that I am not as retarded as they are as to be taking hard drugs and partying until collapse, bragging about it the next day. How do you measure intelligence? With the possibly mental illnesses they bring? And if not does that mean I just have intense anxiety and depression for no particular reason other then the fact that I am worrying for this exact explanation? I often feel as though I'm going insane. As of late I've been losing massive amounts of memory, can't remember going to bed, can't remember why I walked into a room, can't remember what I was even doing in front of me.

It's quite terrifying really.

You say that geniuses have to be grounded in reality and common humanity to stay sane.

Has anyone else noticed that Trump has described himself as a blue color billionaire that's more comfortable with cab drivers and construction workers than rich socialites are other elites? Didn't he work construction jobs when he was young and didn't he force his kids to be the same thing?

She was a genius when she was young. But she has suffered brain damage and faculty of function.

Pawns of genius globalists are a subset of the influence of aforementioned globalists. So her actions are what they dictate.

Wasn't talking about Hillary. Bit that is why I mentioned Jeff Epstein. We were talking.about evil genius globalists. Of course I'd rather talk about the good ones, but it wasn't the theme of the thread.

Which was ruined at the moment the religion argument d&c'd the topic. Happens everytime tbh

We could debate who the real brains of the operation is personally I lean towards Bill, not Hillary, but between Bill and Hillary Clinton, they've gotten away with and accomplished more for their own selfish purposes, not the public obviously than any stupid couple should be able to.

They may be dysgenic trailer trash, but crooked politicking is a skill and they obviously have it in spades.

Then you're a genius–Kruger_effect


Look at richard dawkins, he gets a heart attack aruging with retards and sjws on twitter. How vulgar and mundane.

Because they are really enjoyable, they talk their mind and if you talk your mind they laugh at that shit. They dont offended just real talk, sometimes they talk shit but who cares.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, and stop worrying about it. Worrying about this issue will not help you at all; it can't help you at all. It can hurt you though. Dwelling on such negative thoughts is psychologically damaging.

Find peace with yourself.

Oh, he did ( ° ʖ °)

>muh dik
>muh dik
>muh dik
I've decided that a71767 is not a genius, and therefore does not belong in this conversation. Filtered.

Honestly the problem with what OP says is that there's no viable path to lock away us dangerous smart people because we'll naturally rebel and easily succeed due to the fact that we're smarter than anyone else. A better solution is to work a grounding of all people within society into the very fabric of society.

And honestly I can't think of anything more human in the entire world than imageboards. Here we have no true identity and no social repercussions, thus imageboards are the only place that exists where people can actually fully be themselves without pretense. We are closer to knowing the true mind of humanity than any other group that exists.

oi u cheeky cunt :^)

people haven't 'got more intelligent' in the last 100 years you fucking downy. People have been molded into professional test taking machines. They know 'how to take a test', and as far as the measureer is concerned that means everyones smarter because

A genius would be more apt to judge ibtelligence in others.
There may be a bias in his analysis, but if he finds that he himself is a genius, then he might sometimes declare it.

This is an anonymous board of peace. There's no way to prove or disprove their claim to expedient intelligence. But you can judge the quality of their argumentation and presentation.

I'm like you OP. I'm doing a similar race to the bottom of philosophy. I'm trying to find a belief to hold onto that I can find refuge in when things are hard or don't go my way.

Above all, I just want pain of rejection and the fear of others to stop, so I can start living. Any advice?

They have access to more knowledge. They are not biologically more intelligent. But voluntary and selective eugenics might in the fuure raise human intelligence (learning capacities).

Also, I'm surprised not one of you homosexual negro faggots even mentioned the multiple intelligences theorem.

Contrary to popular belief, that's not what IQ tests measure.

Pain of rejection? You need to learn how to desensitize yourself to triggers.

If you completely shelter yourself from amygdalal stimuli, you will experience a large reaction to said stimuli (look at Trigglypuff). Now, think abiut men in ancient warfare. They braved every insult and threat with a backbone and still got married and had a family. And what did the geniuses do? They led those armies and had the weight if their fates on their psyche. Take rejection in stride. You can't win a lottery if you do not play.

Don't you have one thing you're confident in yourself?

multiple intelligences is bullshit
it consists in measuring the various incomplete or half-baked "intelligences" of a normie, like semi'deflated balloons connected to each other
while a genius is overpressured in whatever way you chose to measure him

the main use of multiple intelligences is making popular tests about nothing in girlie mags

Geniuses with access to more knowedge, these days, collide atoms and harvest fusion. They build netowrks that transmit information electromagnetically through our atmosphere. The ones in antiquity invented telescopes and electric engines.

More knowledge implies more information for a genius to play wih.

I swear I read somebody mentioning their own genius here every single day

Philosophy has no foundational level answers, which is why it continues, and will always continue. Reading basic Modern stuff should make this abundantly clear (Descartes, Hume). All the great philosophers pretend they can get around basic skeptical problems in epistemology, or just offer some justification for ignoring them, because otherwise you can't write anything, but it's abundantly clear these problems are at the edge of conceptual possibility and cannot, in principle, be solved.

If you want happiness, emotional security, the ability to feel alright in the face of setbacks, etc., things like meditation, healthy living, exercise, pursuing creativity through the arts or other means are a much more appropriate route than philosophy.

Read Tao Te Ching. Meditate. Learn to enjoy rest and simplicity.

There are merits to the theory, but its facilitation in schools is underwelming. But I used it when I taught, and use it with my sister's children, they do learn faster when you utilize multiple dimensions of intelligence.

No. It doesn't help that I see everything as pointless, so whatever talents I may have are never put to use.

If you're >25 to 30, I think it is normal. After that, it's really a problem.

Well it's not like you've never questioned your own intelligence, it's good to have a discussion to ponder it more. The pondering in itself should give you something to learn.

Try being stubborn.

Adopt a stubborn believe in yourself. Allow your life outlook to be guided by an unyielding loyalty to yourself, rather than some logical philosophy of life.

Knowledge is essential to being an effective genius, but it doesn't explain the Flynn Effect. The Flynn Effect is observed in IQ test data, and IQ tests do not measure knowledge.

Thank fuck for that then, I have about four years to sort this out.
I've known nothing but pain and fear in about ten years though, I won't commit suicide but I just hope for the race war to break out so I can die doing my part and not be bothered with this shit ever again.

what the fuck are you even talking about - running around calling out people for being uneducated and offering up wikipedia level trash as proof of how educated you are. get a grip.

Stop changing the subject like you have been making a point this whole time. stfu. lurkmoar

I think it's fair. Holla Forums is always right, and we are Holla Forums.

Stable change can happen in the span of about a year. So yes, don't sweat it a lot. A lot of people can admit that they were unambitious and misunderstood .

( ° ʖ °)╯╲___✡

In my experience the number one sign of being a genius is worrying about things you you are right now. Normal people don't spend lots of time pondering their place in the world, maybe they spend five minutes on it and then get bored. The question 'am I a genius, or am I really just stupid and arorgant?' is like 'do I have to take a shit' The answer is yes, yes you do, otherwise why the fuck would you be thinking about it?

Look who I'm talking to, the masses aren't the ones who lock up the geniuses until they learn they're not infallible gods, other geniuses do it. If you get em while they're young most geniuses are actually more naive and gullible than idiots.

I recommend complete and total apathy, it's what I did. Either your body will drag you out of it and you'll start enjoying life, or you'll go insane and die, but either way the problem is solved!

It might help you to know that philosophy is wrong. Not 'philosophy reaches the wrong conclusions', I mean the practice of philosophy itself is stupid and counterproductive. The basic explanation is that philosophy works on logic and logic requires understanding to to work correctly. Therefor you can't get correctly philosophize unless you ALREADY understand what your thinking about! Any conclusions you come to based on incomplete understanding will be at best useless and at worst dead wrong.

So instead of philosophizing, observe the world. The only way to gain understanding is through observation and practice. Feel free to spend your time pondering, but if you don't start and end each chain of thought in the real world all you're doing is daydreaming.

Still laughing.

I bet that your success in teaching has much more to do with using a method that enables you to change the approach of a problem plus believing that said method can give results plus children believing that your belief is correct than in the multiple intelligences theory itself


Your tall poppy syndrome is the exact mentality which prevents the development of technological breakthroughs. There's nothing wrong with feeling hatred, unless you subscribe to the (((Star Wars))) morality. You can also choose love the normies, if you want, but that doesn't mean prostrating yourself before them. There's a difference between love and the shackles you are advocating which is slavery.

That's a good analogy.

I gotta say, sometimes I enjoy being an idiot, the thing is I can't stand the guilt of being said idiot.

OP I would say that the chief thing that we should do is properly raise and ground geniuses so that they don't become dangerous.

Proles will never take humanity to the stars.

Give him a break. Maybe he's a genius. Maybe he's jealous. Maybe he didn't check whether Flynn is a crypto-Jewish name. But the outliers, some if them are more intelligent. Bigher sampling size correlates with wider bell curve. Longer lives also permit more frequent realization of potential. One example: Tesla's older brother Dane died in a horseriding accident when he was a child, and he had the same bright flashes and visual memiry that Nikola did.

Whenever you sense feelings of hatred towards your people coming on, use emotional judo to redirect into pity for them and hatred for those who did it.

It was geniuses who came up with and implemented democracy.

mfw this describes my attitudes towards most others perfectly

lost me here
I feel exactly the opposite. I feel no burden to others to lead them anywhere. But this might just be the INTP in me.

This is such an odd post OP. You are basically saying smart people should hold back their power levels, which I think is complete BS.

We need smart people to do all of the intellectual legwork and for normies to do the actual "work". This is the way of the world. Might is right in this respect. And damn anyone who wants to make me feel guilty about it.

I may have not been born the best looking. Or the most athletic. Or the most sympathetic. But I was born with a mind that thirsts for knowledge and truth and I will use that to my advantage until the day I die. I will never apologize for it.

isn't that what the GATE program tried to do?
select the infra-genius to format them nwo-compatible, and fry the brain of the true geniuses so that they don't become a problem?

Satan speaks the truth.

I am myself a genius in the Excluded class and personally the only vision I see and plan I have for my own life is to carve out a community of exclusively genius intellect whites. Establish a business-community founded on utilizing renewable, self-sufficient technology to provide the necessities for life. As the business grows, financially and the community grows in numbers, establish branches around the globe. Compound communities capable of sustaining a set number of humans indefinitely. As we spread we will be able to broaden our reach and proselytize and attract new members, as well as grown our company and its political power and influence. Once we have enough genius tiered individuals to sustain the population of the human race, we gas the planet and start a new.

I think that what OP admiring about proles isn't their unique perspectives or knowledge. I think that he's admiring that they still have human instincts that we have long since overridden.

I think that he's recognizing the innate morality and wisdom of mankind more than anything.

So essentially he is putting the Nobel Savage on a pedestal.


I've come to realize that the only thing able to "carry" my will is the belief that what I'm doing will be good for something beyond myself. That's why the activities you listed, all of which I tried, won't give me much comfort. I know they will very soon start feeling like chores and I'll regress to my videogame-playing, porn-watching, time-wasting self.

Thanks for the post though. I'll definitely read Tao Te Ching, I've been meaning to for a while.

I see myself as worthless, even though I went through the whole carousel of teachers going "oh so smart" and so forth.
I guess when I realized my supposed smarts couldn't buy me the love I craved I just shut down and gave up on life.

It's the practice that scares me to death. But thanks, I'm reaching very similar conclusions through my own research, I can just hope I'm on the right path.


Ok, let me explain how I implement that theory into my methodology.
The types listed in (((Gardner's))) theory are: >musical–rhythmic
For visual-spatial i might do a puzzle with kids. When you do the puzzle, teach them to identify the corners. That is a topological property of the board, to meet at two edges. Next teach then to find edges. You explain it ti then clearly and simply. Those children will learn to complete them quickly. You might be teaching the human taxonomy. Remember the little jingle that rhymed with Jingle Bells? Animal, Chordata, Mammalia…

Using these dimebsions (channels of information) can more effectively and more quickly cause a chikd to learn something.


Evolutionarily, humans are set up not to study and live by philosophy.

Throughout all of human history, the majority of humans have not lived by any rigorous logical philosophy. The study of philosophy has always been the pursuit of an elite few, not the masses.

if somebody is having difficulty emotionally because they are studying philosophy, they should abandon it. It isn't for them, expecting them to keep at it is cruel.

It's a matter of perspective. Certain lines of thought might lead you to the conclusion that training yourself in a certain kind of satisfied, enjoying, non-effort, mental state, is actually a way of actively influencing the world around you in a favorable direction. Certain lines of thought might even lead to you to the conclusion that this is actually the single most effective means of pursuing a universal good beyond yourself. Of course not everyone will find that point of view compelling, but, it's one to think about.

Is this claim coming from somewhere?

meant to add… if you find the above described perspective uncompelling, you can at least see how pursuing the mental state we're talking about through the mentioned activities could be pragmatic in the pursuit of goods beyond yourself that are not themselves part of your maintenance of that mental state. In a healthy, fresh and unstressed mental and physical state you are better prepared to take on whatever greater task outside yourself you see fit to pursue.

Intelligence is a chaotic system. Once it advances beyond a certain point, it takes on a character of its own. See Singularityfag above.

What he studies, it doesnt matter. Read about people we call great nen and geniuses of history. We say they wrote. We say they might have been an akciholic. Or chronically depressed. Or whimsically mad.

Those tyes now would be on Holla Forums. To find truth. Voltaire woukd be in Holla Forums if he were alive. Hitler would be the administrator. That's why I believe most people here with intelligent posts are smart.

Already beat you to it

That's it. Intelligence is like gaining a love of food and then slowly losing your sense of taste. If you don't get a food-taster you'll wind up eating arsenic or dogshit, and only other 'gourmets' like you will appreciate your cooking.

i simply don't check id's often enough.

Pardon my typos, android and google can die after Trump brings a return to nearly perfect competition.

before it was called "multiple intelligences", it was simply well thought-out education, explaining the fundamentals of logic and geometry, with the adequate amount of rote-learning and mnemonic tricks to become proficient at it, as you seem to be doing
trivium and quadrivium
it's the fact that a method exists in which the teacher believes that matters in teaching, and the reasoning behind the description of the method matter very little

What's your problem, buddy?

Sort of, only the 'savage' in this position are our own ancestors and peers, not some African tribesmen.

Even for them, compare the savage tribes of Africa to their 'civilized' descendants. Everyone was better off leaving them as they were.

Regular usage of words > rote memorization imo.
If you've ever seen Worst Korean students, they cram lists.of vocabulary, but retention is tenuous.

Usage and practice utilize multiple intelligences, thats why at least utilizing some elements of the theory makes learning easy.

No, that is like art, not intelligence. Intelligence will always shine no matter what gourments you choose.

Civilization is the only morality and there is no purpose in stagnant mere existence.

This is actually a great idea.

Why? There's no reason to do that. Unlike what (((Star Wars))) may tell you, hatred is evil or bad, it's not good either, it's just a state of emotion.

There is absolutely no reason to deny the instinct that has allowed our ancestors to survive against the dangers of the ancient world and what we need the most to survive today.

Look at Europe, without hatred they turn into low energy punching-bags for a race that is vastly inferior to their own.

Look at Japan, retreating within themselves while their own government helps China destroy their culture through real-estate bubbles. The way things are going Japanese people won't even exist by the next century.

And why do you feel the compulsion to transmogrify hatred into pity? Don't you think it's a little weird to surpress and to force emotions? What you're doing is unnatural. The hatred never goes away, it doesn't change into something else. It's still inside you, building up, waiting to burst at the seems; and one day, it will explode and you will have no control. That's why it's better to allow hatred to just be in the moment without rejecting it.

You think I'm exagerating about your hatred explosion but I'm not. I've seen it happen to so many people, so many times. It's happened to my mother who tried to have a false personality in public then coudln't take it anymore and embraased herself in front of her whole charity club. It's happened to my father who always held the image of a respectable humble man and just sperged out in public. I've even goaded some of my classmates who seemed above-it-all to erupt in a fury and embarass themselves. And as long as you continue to deny your true nature, to deny what makes you human, you will also suffer a rage and relinquishment of control.

You should make a tthread a called "write a speach for trump" and then you bring in the competition. And i will every single one of you, i will write a symphony in their heads and every word and every tune will connect to what they see.
I will include the things they look at because what they know they look at and i know what they will be looking at. I can write symphony, the symphony of the sense you use the most the influx of the information you get. And hillary is like a pile of dog shit, none of them got anything in them. Hillary is like the most basic shit put into motion by money and retards.

But I need to KNOW where I fit in the scheme. I need to KNOW what's the highest goal I can pursue, so I can structure all my other priorities beneath that. Just doing isn't for me, I know all too well how to destroy with logic anything I do.

The one time that happened to me was when I fell in love with a girl. All my priorities fell neatly in a pyramid with her at the top, and along with this I felt an incredible energy supply within me. It was the one thing I couldn't attack with logic, I just knew it was right. I felt it.
Of course it all went horribly wrong, so here I am looking for a replacement. Not a person but an idea, they can't be cunts.

But philosophical ideas are at the base of every human behavior, whether they realize it or not. A drug user might be a hedonist, a researcher might be a stoic, a businessman might be a utilitarian and so on. When a certain belief system shapes society you have some form of order, as people's priorities align and connect. The most reasonable thing is to give them a package, like religion, so they can stop worrying and go about their merry way.

Well, we knows it's not a terrible idea until you face (((unfair and dishonorable retaliation))).

Heh. I understand where you're coming from but there are errors being made IMO. Not logical errors. But there are other kinds of errors. Tao Te Ching may help you if you let it. Good luck to you user.

Well I had decided to lose a few kilograms by the end of this week already so I'll at least start with exercise and a healthier diet. Thanks for taking the time to reply to my ramblings man, I'm not sure I deserve it.

Agreed 100%

I recommend you worship Kek.

Hillary is like an instrument that is never meant to sound something that will never sound no matter the master you put in front to use it. It is generic, it is basic 101 of manipulation, minority emotion, change that will never happen because the instrument is made out of stones, it will never sing. You can use stones to use it for your house of cards but you cant write a perfect symphony, nothing you can construct something you never had. It is like to persuate with a megaphone in a sound prove box. You only screem to people that are like you and all you beta fags will never persuate anything. You are disgusting, you are constructed enity nothing genuine only the current flow you rely on, nothing deeper, only on the surface.ANd that is why i crush you.

Wait, what? You okay, faggot?
If you make that thread, I'll give you a better one.

It's similar to meme magic, man. First Obama struggles on stage. We see that. Then he gets remixed into a song. So the message spreads.

Instead of just mocking the notion I presented, tell me how you would approach teaching a subject.


That's what I meant. Polite sage.

The worship is nothing but a rush you get from the coincidence you worship, the vioatility you experience in your environment, love it or hate it. THe dialect you try to construct and you try to invoke. That is kek, nothing but the materialztikon of coincidence the joy you find in that constructed illusion and that illiusion will grow once the connectivity of goyim increases.
The thing you worship the dogs you raise the morals that i dictate, the flow i write, the mechanics i engineer. I m the ultimate thinktank, the ultimate eye, the science you concentrate, the sun you worship the manipulation that you like. I m your god i m kek the god you created . THe god that takes all your fears into humor and chance, the things you construct the tinfoil heads you fold. I m the illuminaty.

sounds like something a commie would say

It's important to distinguish between "genius" and "having a high IQ."

All geniuses have high IQ but not all high-IQ individuals are genuses.

To be a genius, in addition to having a high IQ, you need to be truly creative. Not in the special snowflake "look at me, I can fingerpaint" sense of the word, but in the sense of bringing something truly new into the world, something different that creates a paradigm shift. In fact in literal meaning, the word "genus" shares the same root as words like "generate" and "genesis" – taking a quantum leap and changing life forever in a way that ripples through society as a whole, altering perceptions or actions of "normies."

There are many high-IQ individuals on pol but there are probably less than a handful of true geniuses born in any given society within any given generation. It's not really a word to be tossed around lightly.

These two.
Concepts like good and bad are for to keep the majority in check. Geniuses are driven by the "will to power". This natural drive of geniuses are the reason why our civilization elevated so much, because some man at one point in time captured a glimpse of something greater than himself and other people, whether it be an idea or some value he holds strong to, and sought to accomplish it, for better or worse. Any other way, we just have normies taking the reins of society, which is exactly what we have today - post-modernism.

Normally it this was any other age, these few geniuses would be those in power of some monarchistic structure which makes perfect sense; you want these geniuses to be the head so the rest benefits from their accomplishments, as we always had before from popular figures in history. They're not afraid of sacrificing themselves either.

The greatest distinction between the master morality and slave morality is this: a higher man doesn't fear hardship or struggle or pain, which is why he pursuit these things. A lower man resents struggle and suffering and wishes to abolish it in any form, which describes the purpose of many of these ideologies like socialism, liberalism, marxism, social justice, globalism, some aspects of Christianity (heaven after death) - anything that resents world suffering and seeks a utopian goalpost.

We seen what happens when we leave these type of people in charge; it's a fucking boring mess with nothing of value to gain. Just give us the rein of society back to us, and you'll at least have your culture.

Kek is reliable. He's a great god. A fine substitute for philosophy.

I m the darkness you derive from your ethics and philosphical roots. You do what i say because i tell it is alright. I tell you that hating lesbians is bad karma, i m the karma that some thinktanks thought off because we use that as manipulation to distract you. We got a lot of eyeballs, and we want you to see it. We want you to see the operant conditioning so you join. Join us or die. Join in our way of thinking because we are the architects. Dont mind your own genuine way of thinking, disregard your instincts, it is animal conquer time, the kali yuga. The shit our highest of high thought of to create a credo you will repeat to the very bottom of your idenity. You dont want to be an animal, do you? We create the kali yuga no matter what you think, because we are the think tanks, we control the flow of information because acutally we know shit at all because we are generic. The generic swarm of information that materilizes by the vector of numbers. We are the social engineers, something that you should bow to, dont mind your instincts trust our sicence and the morals we derive from it to make you appreciate it.
We are the think tank that is really dank but after all we are just a bunch of above average intelligent individuals. We use or in the middle of nothing to create something out of nothing. We are the sheer force of nothing and that will remain nothing for all eternity to put our retarded shit into your head. Because we know, trust us. Love and trust, because you are weak and you need our assistance of retardation. Listen to the love and shit we spread, we manage the crisis our superiors created. We are the perfect migitation, the perfect flow of a conglomerate of nothingness.

According to your post, you aren't born a genius, you become one.

I don't know where you get the preconceived notion from that all "geniuses" have the best intentions for their nation, or that they themselves are excluded from morality. Humans by nature are moral agents, some of our tools are not though; and that's where the line shouldn't be blurred.

Are you feeling alright? Need medication?

Seek Kek, he can help.

Do you want me to engage in your retarded shit? Like "stop being the man to be the man". Why dont you spread your insane tranny shit in your shillhive?

I would suggest hatred, now I know this sounds harsh, but a healthy disdain for the opinions of others who judge you changes an: I am being cast out by my tribe mentality into an I am fighting my enemy mentality.

NA it is more like: if you fuck us over then you will get fucked. And you retards are no teachers, so you will pay in blood or money to even the energy we put into this shit. And dont try to retionalize it, debts will get paid. That is the things values rely on. And if you dont pay debts well you can make sense of the implications.

What are you even talking about? I'm pretty sure you need medication. Your brain is malfunctioning.

Didn't we already sorta do that?

He said that it was a guess not a claim.

You will pay for every minute we spend on this, you will pay what you owe us, and dont use smart citations, you will pay for every second every minute and every day we spend on this. And make no mistake debts will be paid, no distraction no nice words, you will pay what you owe us otherwise we will come for you, and it doesnt matter if you are the military the fbi or trumps or hillarys campain. You will pay what you owe for every minute of our lifetime.

Halt deine fresse du missgeburt.

theres actually very practical explanations as to why significantly higher than average IQ is disadvantageous and dysfunctional, an entire field of study in science, but by all means, continue with hokum

I am from Wisconsin, I live in a very white rural village. I like it here. But lately, I have been seeing TONS of minorities, and especially blacks, moving into my very, very remote town. Has any other user noticrd a similar trend?

Fuck off Kraut. And learn how IDs work, that other post isn't mine retard.

Obama is doing it.


I remember feeling isolated as a child. In some ways, I was too smart for my own good. Growing up in the inner city with dindus, the curriculum was pretty slow paced. I almost never went to school because what's the point? Getting straight As is very easy in such circumstances.

Then in my collegiate years, I met a lot of white liberals. I thought that they were smart – that I'd finally found some people in whom I could confide. They knew the truth about some things that I couldn't discuss with the average person (e.g. religion). However, as time went on, it became clear that they we were either unwilling or unable to see certain aspects of the world for what they are. They're just smart enough to the point that you can educate them, but just dumb enough that you can trick them into believing something stupid.

In the end Holla Forums, you're really all lone.

That's the thing, they don't. They're intentions are what they hold greater than themselves, for better or worse. Good and bad is not their concern. We, as in civilization, just happens to elevate so much because of these newfound innovations.
But also, these innovations happen to open us to new dangers, like warfare or the risk of scientific discovery. It's the price, and most would find this price daunting and instead would rather have us revert away from these accomplishments. What comes to mind now are how liberals cry about western culture presence in history, but what those faggots are purposely ignoring is that we advanced far greater than any other race because of these risks and dangers.

Sorry for speaking broadly. It's hard to make this conversation more concrete.

western cultural presence in history*

I live in a small town in an Canadian province. We're getting a lot of Filipinos moving in from the cities, some other minorities as well.

Incidently, crime here has been picking up as well - break-ins was once unheard of before but some are trying to pass it off as a result of economic pressure throughout the province.

no user we have eachother

the most bullshit excuse ever, Appalachian whites are the most impoverished group in the us and they have great communities. If its white its alright, if its yellow its mostly mellow, if its brown flush it down.

Sounds like you never were.

I love mankind. I have hope. I believe I used to be like you were before as well, OP. I despised humanity as a whole, I had no purpose and no morals. I made vindictive plans, I hated so badly and I envied so much and yet so little. I was a shadow of a human, because how can one be human if one has no feelings, no purpose, no remorse nor hope?
I am thankful I've changed, but deep down I fear I haven't changed at all. I've stopped indulging on self-destructive behaviour, but I still have hate towards humanity. The difference now is that hate is mixed with love, and that love overpowers the hate. I fear for myself as well because I still see myself fall into old trails of thought, such as hating so deep I can barely sleep. My problem -or gift- is that I understand people. I see who they are, I recognize them as the living stereotypes they are. I can decipher them easily, and that disgusts me because they're not people to me, but sometimes they are! Am I making any sense? I love this people, I know they are the future, but yet I fail to maintain this love! I wan't to believe there is hope, I want to believe in change but seeing them, seeing how they swallor their lies, how the fall so easily to their deceptions makes my heart ache. I also realize it's not the common man's fault, because the common man doesn't care about greater things anymore, the common man is ignorant, and I can forgive ignorance. Lies are what can't and shouldn't be forgiven, because big lies are born on knowledge, and lies are the ones who make the common man who he is.
And even after feeling this deep hatred followed by love, I thank God for being who I am, for allowing me to regret. Because, to the anons out there, without God you can't do anything. I have moral because I have God, I have hope because I have God. That is why I'll always believe that Man without God is an animal. Look at the soviets, look how the commies stripped them from their beliefs and look at how they acted afterwards. You can't expect any man, whether he is a genius or not, to act like a decent human being if he has no God or no morals.

Nice speach bro, but your friends invaded my privacy and i dont really like that. And that is why you will pay, and na the intelligence friends wont protect yo unless you pay. NO sun and no god will help you there, you will pay what you owe. And your nice post wont make any difference.

I can't express how much this resonates with me OP, I never really fit in and people who aren't like me won't really understand what we've felt. It's not being autistic or socially awkward, it's just not being able to play the same games as everyone else.

What would you propose as a solution? Just becoming monks? Could we form some form of monastery where we can keep to ourselves? I've always wanted to help people and fix everything for them but I know it'll be a slippery slope.

Let's do it and make the orthodoxy great again
or throw it all out the window and do it way better

Halt deine fresse du fbi missgeburt. Du adoptierte analmouse fbi missgeburt. Ihr denkt dass ihr uns verarschen könnt, aber ihr habt euch leider mit dem falschen angelegt, ist zwar so oft gut gegangen aber diesmal bezahlt ihr mit eurem blut oder mit geld. Keine ausreden, ihr wisst was ihr uns schuldet keine think tank scheisse, in dem moment wo ihr unsere dienst in anspruch genommen habt schuldet ihr uns was, und diese schuld wird bezahlt und zwar nicht in schönen worten sondern in bares.

Normal people are faggots user.

This so much. Hatred is as natural as love.

Video related. Can't embed because someone already posted it.

I think it doesn't hurt to have something in your life to keep your head level, whether it be god or someone personal.
Me, it's my love ones, follow by the fact that I don't want to disappoint them. The only thing that kept me from killing myself two years ago was the idea that they'll be hurt the most, so I kept living through the anhedonic depression of not wanting to live in this spiritually dead world. Everyone else I can't connect for the life of me. I can charm my way, but I never felt personal to anyone else after high school, nothing clicks in me anymore when near people.

Why and how?

Nogs only move where there are gibs and/or cheap housing. For example in my area there has been an uptick in mixed income housing initiatives and it's completely ruining once all white rural towns. Also, the death of the local industry caused a workers flight that resulted in cheap housing for nogs from the city.

Look into your local government. It may be because of housing subsidies. If you follow the money it will lead you to the answers and who is responsible.

I always think how you retards take in that information all the knowledge and you make no use of it. The lost overeducated generation that knows so much and makes so little profit. You get played by the fbi all that other retards. The FBI and the rest of that shitpile should know that this isnt for free. But that never crossed your mind,you are here to spend you time on usless redundant information. To get more "educated" because you retards are so insecure about the very basics you need others to speak for you. And i will tell you something the fbi will either get shitcanned by not paying their debts or they contintune to use you as braincows, stimulating you with nice words instead of money. FBI doesnt want to pay theior debts becaiuse they are a bunch of immoral crimlminals that like to play their very own game.

What the fuck are you going on about?

I can relate to that a lot. A couple of years ago, the only reason why I hadn't killed myself was because of my father, because I love him so deeply that hurting him is the last thing I'd want to do. I was actually planning on killing myself after he was dead, so I wouldn't hurt him and he'd have the chance of being proud of me.
Nice dubs btw

That you are a bunch of overfed retards that constantly think about your fallacies that someon out into you. YOu dont have ciritcal thinking but the new age of critical thinkin devolves to a "what if" generation. A bunch of i know so much therefore i know so little retards. A bunch of brainless sceptics without isntincts that gets played by the fbi and other groups to do their work. Just so you can feel good about yourslef.

A bunch of tools that never really understood what they were reading or thought. A gooey mass of nothingness of perceived knowledge. ALl the books you worte, all the smart citaitions you read, you never understood the context. And that is why you get harvested.

ID: 545cd6 (13)
Every one of your posts in this thread is just you sperging about the FBI and owed debts. You make no sense at all.

They know what i mean.

The problem with this is then our trait becomes less frequent within the genepool, making geniuses become less and less common every generation.
Although the idea is very tempting.

Bots speaks nonsense about C*A and F*I and other conspiracies in order to derail the discussion. Better just to ID+ filter them when you are sure it's a bot.

You know i'm reading about Diogenes and he really is the first shitposter. He's like our collective mental ancestor.

We're here together forever user

Why do so many Holla Forumsacks want to kill themselves?

Can they just not handle the truth?

I have an IQ of 138. I'd gladly trade in 40 of my IQ points for some confidence and happiness.

Dear diary, today OP went full NIGGER RETARD.

That is exactly why western civilisation is going to shit.

my thoughts:

Aristocracy was not a feature of society that was designed with a purpose: it arose organically. In any society, there are always those who amass more wealth and power than average, and this advantage in power allows them to become even more powerful. Over time, this group of people evolves into an upper class. It is also true that those who are capable of this feat tend to be more intelligent and talented than average, so in aggregate the upper class will tend to be smarter, more attractive, and more skillful than the commoner. The development of classes within a society is analogous to natural selection in nature, where the strongest and best thrive while others merely stagnate or even die out. The danger comes when the upper class becomes so powerful that they are able to live their lives without any accountability at all, which allows them to engage in dysgenic behaviors with impunity (in the short term). Such behavior usually precedes the fall of empires.

I disagree with your sentiments that the less intelligent are incapable of evil or of causing damage.


Agreed, also dubs confirmed.

Grounding to what, exactly? Christ?
Yahweh? I certainly hope not, for such things were always meant to control the plebs.

How about grounding to the Logos? Now we're talking.

Aristotle never actually said that, good quote but not Aristotle.

How would you even know if you're more intelligent than the average person? I try to read all these texts and books to try and make myself a more complete person, but how do you know if it does any good?

OP you are, like most people on Holla Forums, an idiot. you memorize a couple of catchy words and someone elses opinion. you aren't special, nor are you intelligent. you are a sad man with nothing in your life and so you rephrase hitler in mildly subtle ways and think your life has meaning. thats all.

Then who did?


God is meritocratic as well. Those who live a more Godly life, ie doing works and suffering for their sakes, will get more rewards in heaven than those who simply believe

Well the Christian god sure isn't.

Also Wisconsin. A lot of them are coming from Chicago it seems. I don't what Chicago niggers here.

I seem to have caused some misunderstandings. Le me attempt to rephrase my main point.

Excessive logic and thought can lead you away from basic and natural feelings. A lack of those feelings leaves you unable to make correct moral judgements. If you want to make the world a better place, and not some inhuman hell, you have to make sure to retain the ability to empathize and communicate with the common man. There are many ways to do this, but the main ones are to interact with average people and observe their natural inclinations, and to live a simple life close to nature. Surrounding yourself with only other intellectuals and isolating yourself from the natural world can lead to you striking out on a road paved with numerous blind assumptions , which is what lead to things like Communism and usury.

tl:dr - The Fascist state must ask before every decision: "will this benefit the people?" In order to be a moral genius, you must do the same, but you have NO WAY of knowing the answer to that question if you can't understand or empathize with the people. Therefore you number one goal before all others should be the study and understanding of the life and morals of the common man.

Dunning Kruger, the board.

I don't think is about that, no. On my case, I wanted to kill myself because I didn't know the truth. But for most Holla Forumsacks, I guess it's mostly because of loneliness

I've never empathized this much with another person before, i think. The endless search for a new "source" of energy that enables you to reach new hights, and fine tune your ambitions to. I fell in love with a girl that suffered from athritis, my solution was to study advanced immunology in the hope of being able to create a cure and win her affection, this was back when i was 15. At 19 years I'm still looking for a solid footing in the world.

Sound like it's talking about the same thing I am. I should read that.

OMG, great post op, I guess what you are saying is that us bad goys need to weed intelligence out of our gene pool… but it's okay that Israel doesn't do the same to it's smart people.

Wow, what a class act, op

I'm sure you don't have any alterior motive at all, like using your media control to attempt to associate intelligence with being a genetically unfit loser who shouldn't reproduce, unless they are jewish, that is.

But life and morals of a common man are small. They are petty. They are insignificant. Napoleon, Caesar, Charlemagne, Hitler, all great monarchs and leaders of the past, they all knew of the little man and promised him safety, prosperity and glory. They knew how the common man thought and felt and knew that they have to ask uncommon, sometimes inhumane, things of them to give them the desired prosperity.

Greatness is the ability to overcome your everyday man and make him do things that his own morality would never let him do. Greatness of that degree is overwhelming and the common man would never dream of going there but everything he has is because his ancestors once followed great men of their nations to rip their prosperity out of hands of Fate.

Modern Western world is mired in problems because common men are leaders - they think small and they think selfishly. Lofty ideas that they claim to stand for are hollow to them and they secretly laugh at the deception of the masses, even though they are no different than them. No, what we need is real nobility, real leaders that can force the great mass of humanity to turn on itself and it's own comforts to reforge society into something better - we are long overdue for that.

That's… Absolutely pathetic, as in totally inadequate but moving. You're a good guy, user.

In my case it felt like something had awakened in me. A part that had laid dormant until then.

I believe that what OP is talking about is chronic brain imbalance, most likely induced by lack of affection

Video related. Now I'm no scientist, but I can relate completely with what the guy says. It was like waking up for the first time. It was like being able to care for other people because I finally had enough for myself.

It was not like becoming dumb, it was being able to put rationality to sleep for a while and just feel.

Do you know the feeling of overanalyzing? Constant pattern recognition, dissecting reality and storing data into imaginary boxes. It's like trying to build a cathedral in your own head, a working model of reality. It's constant, tiresome work. Have fun trying to interact like a normal human being when you're like that all the time, the most apt analogy I've heard is "like a drunk trying to navigate an antiquities store". But when your brain is balanced? Not so much. You feel energetic, confident and caring.

The most recent realization I've had is that what I felt for that girl wasn't the only thing that gave me a feeling like that. I felt something very similar as a little kid at Christmas and at my grandma's house. It was beauty.

Christmas was the only day my parents didn't make it overtly clear that I was a problem for them, but rather something to be cherished. It was like a day of rest out of 365 trying to live up to their expectations.

But most of all, Christmas was the only day my mother allowed herself to express her inner beauty, her caring feminine side.
And I felt it, without even realizing where it came from until very recently.

So mom, grandma, that girl… It's all women! But Holla Forums would have me believe they're Jews with tits!

Well, it's not just women, beauty is in all things, it's part of the feminine aspect of reality. Beauty is the only thing worth fighting for, and the key to your inner potential and source of energy.

Beauty is like a door that opens on another dimension. It's like an arrow that shows the direction, it's a great promise, it's the intuitive belief that what we do in this life is important, and that death is just temporary. You can't rationalize beauty, you don't need to. It's why I started going to church, I can see a glimpse of that beauty in there.

Video related explains very well what I'm talking about.

Women are the primary source of beauty. Solving the Women Queston is of primary importance.

Not really. It's a society where masculinity is not grounded in femininity, therefore it becomes redundant and oppressive.

The result is a cold, ugly place where smart or awkward guys turn into monsters, and where women take miles of dick to relieve the pressure of being strong and independent.

I might compile all of this in a more orderly post for a new thread, thanks guys for helping me piece together all of this.

Normies gaining power leads to shit like public "school", MLK (communist agent) worship, mafia controlled mass media culture, affirmative action/welfare favoring low IQs because muh feels, and degenerate race mixing. The only reason many geniuses turn out so ruthless is because the normies are exponentially more so. Intelligent people can get along. It's the chest beating apes throwing all the wrenches in the gears.

Geniuses are just as easily led as base level idiots.

The real manipulators of society and the rulers of the world are the liars and the thieves. They always work twice as hard as the people they are trying to rob. All to keep up an elaborate ruse, the big lie, that they don't exist, that it's all a chaotic complicated mess, than nobody can control something so vast and intertwined.

You should stop thinking in terms of intelligence. That's a trap for the mind. You should think in terms of control. If a pharaoh has a one ton golden palanquin carried by 500 slaves, is covered in shining jewels, can influence the very motion of the heavens themselves he is a god and will be buried in a giant stone monument the size of a small mountain. Rest assured he has no fucking clue how to mine or polish precious stones, how to smelt and cast gold, how to read astronomical charts or design, engineer and construct a pyramid.

He's just great at winging it, appearing confident and micromanaging the people that do know how to do those things.

Think of all of the worlds greatest thinkers. The majority of them are long dead since we are in a bit of a decadent decline, but almost all of them were poor and powerless when they were alive, often cucked by a woman and barely getting by financially and emotionally. That's because the genius is like the idiot, unaware of his stupendously retarded and malignant nature, a completely helpless slave to his genetic disease.

Now think of all the worlds greatest leaders. Most of them were just following their dicks, exuded charisma and natural confidence and were mostly winging it with lies and smiles.

Victorians had a higher IQ than the average British person today. Your point is moot.

Unless it's down to immigration… then I don't know.

So, earth.

Are we just going to take your word on that?

There's a thing I've been saying for a while now…

There's a difference between being intelligent and being an "intellectual". In all honesty, the worst people on Earth are the ones who are proud to be "intellectuals"… and the worst among them are the ones who aren't intelligent at all but like to think of themselves as "intellectuals". These are the people who tout equality, affirmative action, and what have you… and when they themselves don't belong to any "oppressed class" they make up all kinds of retarded labels for themselves so they can further their own societal status, all the while piggybacking on the plight of actually worse-off minorities. The labels they assign to them selves - whether racial("I'm 1/64th native) or sexual ("I'm trans"/"I'm pansexual") are the tools by which they hijack every social movement to benefit themselves… any benefit to blacks, faggots, or mudslimes is merely a by-product of the manner in which they subvert the institutions of society to serve their own needs.

Now keep in mind, we do not posit that racial or religious minorities are actually oppressed in the conventional sense - in fact they enjoy quite a bit of privilege when it comes to college admissions and hiring practices, mainly due to affirmative action and (((human resources departments))), but the people who actually push' this shit the hardest - they're mainly white, middle class losers who want to get ahead in life without putting in the effort necessary to succeed - useless pencil pushers who want cushy jobs without having the smarts or the skills necessary to contribute anything of value to a company or a government bureau.

In short, dumb people who are apt at pretending to be smart are possibly the largest cancer to Western civilization.

Sheep are dangerous. They are cult followers, and will kill those that are not like them, given a sufficient nod from 'authority'. It won't be Baron Rothschild dragging you off to FEMA Camp, but a bunch of Sheep-People. These things enforce the rules of our shitty society, and deserve zero pity when it all falls.

Or maybe it's because pre-industrial societies required the majority of people to support themselves via physical labor and genius wasn't particularly useful for that.

OP is a fucking Jew.

Maybe a sociopath or psychopath looking for affirmation. But doubt it. The fucking syntax and flow, never mind the blatant infantile arguments implying authority over the subject matter with NO fucking supporting arguments other than 'muh feels'. This post screams fucking yid infiltrator trying to associate 'us' with them, and using that to weaken and subvert our over all self perception as a fucking group.

Only a couple people didn't scream it out and out the fucking hooknose faggot? This is some grade A new shill tactic. Congrats you worthless faggot. You will still be shoveled into the oven. Or if I have a say, fed to pigs along with your cousin devil worshiping towel head friends.

Fucking seriously. People got down to
And immediately get the picture? What the hell Holla Forums I am disappoint in you. We actually have a new fucking shill tactic of a sorts and you fucking flub noticing it? Even when they are this predictable. And he stuck around for so long to 'guide' the narrative blatant as fuck.

Fucking believing narcissistic spew from a jew. What the ever loving fuck guys.

This. You wish for us to "become the common man"? L
Well what is the common man? A mix of logic and emotions?
The common man is driven via very little, dopamine and instinct, for procreation and survival. Is thay what you want us to be?
Sitting here on this lonely planet we are at incredible risk for any number of extinction events. To kill off 5 billion of the current materialistic population, install an AI dictatorship and actively control 2 billion with birth control and resource management to keep then sustainable while the AI sends out human seed colonies, is that what you want? To infect the universe with the human virus or to aspire to something greater?
What is it you want for humanity, because currently we are biological machines, just clever ants with an intereating but dull ant culture.

Genius is realizing life as it really is, possessing intelligence and being able to act on it. Fuck human social pressures.

Genius is knowing about the bullshit laws and moral codes humans with power make to maintain control over the stupid general low IQ population.

Genius is knowing 'morals' can be changed by fuckers like Soros, where an entire generation can be brainwashed to believe it is morally acceptable for men to chop off their dicks and pretend to be girls.

Genius is seeing through the bullshit and leveraging your talents for yourself. You can bullshit yourself into thinking you're doing something for the 'greater good' but you're really not.

Genius is knowing Christianity is a cuckold religion manipulated by a Roman Emperor to control his Empire. Thank that fucker Constantine for realizing he can control his subjects by making them fear the great parent in the sky.

Genius is understanding the only absolute law is natural law. The law of animals and nature.

Pout about philosophy, but the alpha wolf knows it is the leader. The weak know their place.

Nature doesn't give a shit about murder. Humans used to leave babies born with Down Syndrome and other genetic defects to die in the forest. Food for a hungry bear. The child would've only dragged them down.

Genius is realizing human society is made up of bullshit norms and hierarchies so the alpha groups in power can keep a stupid general population in check.

Genius is riding above the bullshit morals and codes meant to hold you down and doing something amazing.

Fuck OP.

Genius is realizing the real truth. The real truth is basic. Nature is pragmatic and humans overcomplicate themselves with dumb philosophical bullshit.

Genius is getting off this fucking board and doing something.

No… They are just as human, if not more. Not everything is about survival of your genes.

What is poetry? Mere spell for confusion, to lure another to love; another spell of falsehood.. All for the sake and purpose of procreation? One cannot reason whilst limiting reason. Science can open doors and portals, but it takes man to walk through them.

Yes, it has been shown that having a 140+ iq correlates negatively with positive life outcomes and elite membership

Rather than saying geniuses cause these problems, wouldn't it be more true to say it's the disparity between these geniuses and the common man? It's the bell curve itself that is the issue. A dindu "genius" with iq 120 would have the same problem in his society.

I don't think you're correct here. Most normies simply have no agency and aren't willing to commit to anything unless you pull the rug under their feet.

The way you phrase this it sounds as it's the tribe pulling the strings on the average normie these days that is the real problem, and what then if all other geniuses are

Did you think this through? Genius doesn't automatically lead to megalomania by the way.




it's actually a pretty good idea.

religious awe is completely valid

superstition is completely invalid

let's divorce them

137 here. getting my dick sucked tomorrow!

either that's the one point that makes you unfuckable, or your ability to parse complex prolems isnt the issue here

breddy gud


That's right, stupid goy.

Intelligence is something you had best leave to the jews.

The problem is the vast majority of the current crop of aristocrats are unfit to rule and millions of geniuses are being thrown to the wolves to sate the pride of a few idiots.

IT's a zombie thing.

Direct idea extraction from intelligent members of the population, without accreditation…

Back-Patented by a decade or two, sold on the open market.

Zombies, man… they eat your brains.

It is imperative that the genius be bathed in the divine waters, or his genius will be used for ends that spit in the face of nature, in its truest form.

Have you read any Mathis? It seems a much larger conspiracy.

This was one hell of a narcissistic bait, but seems genuine. Genuine reddit. It's threads like these that drive me from there, and they're all like this.

The utter lack of self-awareness. The narcissistic assumptions that pave over the cracks where data should be. It's like the NPC thread all over again.

They push some common positive buttons and the unstated agreement is to contribute to the circle jerk for some easy feel goods. In reddit they just downvote or ban you for shitting on them.

To anyone that's ever tried to understand anything, it's garbage. There's no system. Nothing to understand beyond emotion. No principles. Nothing to prove.

At least it's not as bad as the suicidal, 'you can never die in your own timeline', death speaker. He was bizarrely adamant about pushing it, but wouldn't kill himself for some reason.


Oh, time travel is a common basis for some of the most sophisticated forms of psychological operations.

Not meaning that they HAVE time travel, they just meme hard enough to try to get YOU to believe they have time travel.

Morality is a cultural institution or social convention. It is not phenomenologically real.

Morality describes the behaviors between sentient beings, and through these behaviors they ARE phenomenologically real.

The behavior is the phenomenon.

This presupposes that there are separate beings, and separate things. There are not. The separateness between yourself and your environment is an illusion.

then who the fuck are you talking to?

Op's last statement reveals that he listens to Sam Harris and or Tim Ferriss, or at least similar influences. Good.

Again, that presupposes that I am separate from the environment. You can't communicate using a phonetic language without violating the Self Inclusion Logical Fallacy. You also can't define the Self Inclusion Logical Fallacy with a phonetic language, because the language itself is based on separateness of nouns.

Hence vows of silence.

You are saying that you aren't separate from your environment?

Like, you typing on a keyboard?

Do you buy electricity from other people?

There are clear distinctions between one thing and another, unless you want to take it to the relativist perspective, which is essentially the matrix argument "How do we know our senses aren't lying to us"

Which is a metaphysical problem, and not a real scientific problem, because there is literally no way to know this, no observation that could correlate or corroborate it, and it may as well be, for all intents and purposes, a NON response, that amounts to precisely Zero.

If you weren't separate from your environment, you wouldn't have senses and instincts to react to it.

None of this is a scientific, or metaphysical, problem. It's a problem with the fundamental assumption of materialism, which is that separate objects exist.

The entire collection of physical matter goes through reactions in one movement. That is not to say that this material is all the same material, or that it is all one thing.

This explanation doesn't make sense unless I make the claim first, and you beg the question in response. That's why I set it up that way.

But seperate objects DO exist.

You are using your hands to type on a keyboard, to post to an imageboard, on someone elses computer.

These are all seperate things, to say that they are all one thing is to entirely throw away identification, namely SELF identification, and remove the self awareness, and discernment of reality entirely from your being.

We see differences in reality because there ARE differences in reality.

And if you don't agree, then go eat shit, because it's all the same.

This is important for people claiming to be geniuses, because the rejection of materialism is a sub concept of enlightenment. I know this sounds vague, and enlightenment has many meanings and definitions across history. That's why I started with the self-inclusion fallacy. You can't even define it or avoid it. Even now I have to use "I", "You" as if we are separate.

If you arrive at the understanding that you are something the universe is doing, just as an apple tree grows an apple, you also realize that this is nearly impossible to talk about using a phonetic language. "I" is a pronoun of positions, such as 'this' or 'that'. Construed into an identity concept we are trapped forever. I dislike that assertion because it condemns us, but we are nonetheless locked into the assumption, or presupposition, of materialism at all times. Culture is the ecology of mind, we had no choice.

That's why religious poetry sounds insane. We are born into this prepotent culture and raised in it. Even birth and death are linguistic abstractions, which yields 'unborn and undying'. All enlightenment poetry is a super position of figurative and literal language.

There are dozens of way to get enlightened, even one that I know of by accident. It's a bit like backing away from something, and accidentally back pedalling through hell and getting back where you started. Call it the path of the jester.

Unless you are trying to communicate useful information, right?

Like from one mind to another? because they AREN'T the same thing?

You got triggered. Oh well. Have this to chew on:

Imagine if you had an experience that demonstrated that this was not so, and upon investigation it unveiled itself to you endlessly.

Then where would your beliefs lie? Would you turn into an occultist, and declare that 'all is mind'? I'm not talking about that, the law of attraction.

This undeniably happens to people, and as OP stated they can give in to madness, or they can find a way to keep their decision making in integrity. Meditation serves to clear the mind of all thought. Supposedly this yields enlightenment, I am in agreement with OP: it serves us better to dissect what is merely jung's synchronicity and what is undeniably the unity of being.

Who got what now?

Words don't have any distinct meanings, because everything is one….


There's Nothing there.

Did you literally just ask me to IMAGINE that you were right?

I'm not claiming to be enlightened, or a zen master or anything other than that which is. I found the piece that I was thinking of when I read this. Here you go.

Thinking made the water good or bad, clean or unclean. The most basic presupposition of mind is materialism. You can attain enlightenment, and work through samadhi after samadhi, but in the end materialism is the hardest hurdle to overcome, because it is mind.

I assumed in a thread full of people claiming to be geniuses this was a great place to start, especially since OP brought it up figuratively.

Well done, this is the proper exchange.

No, the maggots and rotting flesh did that.

Am I bothering you? I'd like to share another pseudo-zen story about a man named Akar. Maybe you would like it, but I can only recall the basics.

A man named Akar sought out a master on the mount. After searching far and wide he came upon a myokonin. He climbed the mount and pressed his trials on the master. "You are a great teacher, and I have come before you to teach me the answer to my problem."

The master replied, "I know no thing and have no thing to teach." He shoos Akar away, wondering if he hadn't picked a tall enough mount. Akar makes an offering to the master, to show his sincerity. Akar severs his arm from his body and offers it to the master. "I tell you I have a grave problem master, please help me."

The master, quite disturbed by this, begrudgingly accepts Akar and offers to listen. "Tell me what your problem is."

Akar says, "I find that I cannot pacify my mind."

The master says, "Bring out your mind before me and I shall pacify it for you."

Akar thinks for a moment, "When I search for my mind I cannot find it." The master replied, "There. It is pacified."

At that moment Akar attained pure unexcelled awakening.

Okay, that is funny.

This is what should have caught attention. The truest form is self, universal self. The window to the soul, the face of nature. Knowledge is power. Absolute power corrupts. It's you all the way down, up, in and out.


So, not being sentient is enlightenment, eh?

The sound of two hands is a clap. Of the one hand, what sound would there be?

Silence, obviously.

But since the word clap implies two hands, which makes a noise, the removal of one of the hands while keeping the identifier "Clap" makes no logical sense.

Thus, the sound of one hand clapping is not a sound.

I was hoping the master would share, but he's gone now.

It seems a bit more involved than that. Practitioners achieve some sort of altered consciousness, ceasing conscious thought, and attempt to remain that way. Hence their profound wisdom that appears nonsensical to us unenlightened.

Genius breeds innovation. Innovation breeds competition. Genius is the enemy. Corporations are obligated to their shareholders to prevent genius from spreading.

Just hit the gym.

Underrated post.

Wasted dubs in stupid question with the most obvious answer.

Nope. It was within the manual's specifications that the faggot should not fly close to the sun because the wings were made out of fucking wax that melts under fucking heat.

Breaking a MiG-25's engines because a show-off faggot pilot decided to fly past mach2.8 when its designers specifically told him that he should not unless if its a life or death situation does not make the MiG a defective design.

I am a genius. Yet I am understood by my own folk and family. It takes effort, a great deal of effort to descend into their language but the Love I have for them and the Love they have for me permits it. Not only do I descend to them but they ascend to me so that we may meet. Without mutual desire to put forward this effort, this meeting of minds would never happen. That is why family and kinship within a tribal setting permits genius to flourish. Even schizophrenics may be useful as visionaries if supported within a strong network of familiar minds.

It the is love of family and the close reverberation of related minds that permits genius to be transmitted to others. These others can then translate the genius to the race at large.

user… You are a retard. You see that word retard? Smart people use it to describe normie faggots like you.

Civilization is collapsing b\c of likes.
Nothing else.

Smart people have been literally carrying useless fucking idiots for millennia. The mistake we made was never carrying out eugenics to its fullest.

Die u hell u blind faggot.
The light is all there ever was.
The truth is all there ever was.
Your retarded interpretations
Are the lies which never existed.

And I do understand your point…
Don't hate or be mean to normie faggots…
Otherwise you can't operate in society.
I never do that. I am nice to everyone who doesn't look evil - ie most black youth lol.

But don't ever, fucking ever. Blame our problems on smart ppl.

It is possible to care for the stupid.
The dumber they are, likely the harder it is…
Nevertheless -
Just b.c blacks are dumber and more violent, doesn't mean I hate them.
Many are ok\nice ppl.

But you seem to say that disliking a blaming stupid ppl is bad b\c for a while you hated them. Every genius goes through this, after the Blackpoll.
But life goes on.

But motherfucker. Don't ever stock holme syndrome that faggot shit…
Much high IQ means I'm bad fur da suhsiety

Not at all user

Felt a deep sense of relation to your interesting post

OP, I've been thinking for a long time we need to bring back Monasteries. I've thought of founding one in my city. Don't have the money though. Maybe a Kickstarter?

we have one of these every week
either post something Holla Forums related, or do something to further the cause, or help others do it


this circlejerk gets us nowhere
stop sliding


This op seems genuine on the surface but just in the center it talks as if most jews are geniuses, or that they even have an unusual amount of them.
Both utterly wrong. Unless of course you use the jewish way to classify who is a jew or not. Jews are lacking in empathy and morality. They discard their complete rejects. Let loose their useful idiots to be scapegoats. And corrupt any above average to their agenda or undo them.

So while OP attempts to stroke your ego, be wary of jew worship.

defined by whom?
of what purpose?
to whose goals?
by which nature?
My life outcome is positive to me, I do not need to be ranked or rated successful by someone to know ive finished something and made it good