Lewd/Porn edition.
Starting with some webm's. Some have sound others don't. Have some decent gifs and pics also, posting them later if there is interest.
Yea, I know I posted a still image first. If the first post is a webm the default is the spoiler image.
I am sure he was intrigued.
this type of thing looks so retarded
and so i can't wait for this meme to die
That man is a man who seen shit.
1000 yard stare
Does anyone know how to download threads, or can OP just upload their folder to MEGA
You can open the clips and save the page.
Don't do all of them at once, cause browser crash.
Sorry I don't do MEGA.
Hmm. No others in this thread, so I'll post.
Thanks for your contributions.
I have more :^)
yeah thanks
well, if we're doing my thing
That's not a nigger, it's dark lighting.
Mother fucking limit.
The good ones can't be posted.
Ciri poster here. I'm done with this bullshit.
Eyup as it wasn't a look of horror or disgust in the obvious. Confusion indeed as it was pretty mild but on the inside it was a fucking 'Nam flashback.
I hate sfm threads because they always have the same overwatch and Witcher stuff. I'm pretty sure by now everyone and their grandma has seen/saved these webms. Post new shit or stop making the fucking thread
b u m p
If the webm is only a 2-8 second clip, why not make it a gif? It's a waste of time to make it a webm and it's a waste of time to watch said webm. I can understand if it was over 10 seconds long but even then it's usually a loop of a 3 second clip. Stuff like krogan cock deserves webm format because it's over a minute long, it has working audio and it's not just a continuous loop of the same 3 seconds. Also why make them webms if they don't have sound? It's just a laggy soundless mess of a video if it doesn't have audio and it's only 2 seconds long
its not 2006 thats why
Probably because its higher quality and lower filesize than a gif can produce.
It isn't high quality of the framerates constantly dip. I can understand filesize but in terms of actual quality and accessibility, I think most of these webms should be gifs
Since I don't play video games anymore, and let's throw watching cartoons in there for the hell of it, the omnipresence of rule34 has literally turned female characters into mere sex objects to me.
need more from whoever made this. severe lack of lolis in this thread.
If it's not new, don't post it. I'm sick of seeing the exact same overwatch webms in the exact same order
who is the semen demon in these webms? i need more of her
is there a complete movie of this
no theres only a few clips