How does a kiss feel like?
How about sex how does that feel?
im also a kv. best answer i can give you is to kiss your dog or try tricking a very young family member to make out with you
Kissing is pretty nice, but only because it's a cultural/psyhological thing of being very close to the person you love
If you detach it from your emotions its really just feeling/slightly sucking on something very soft and supple, I dont really know anything that comes close to feeling like lips
Wut? Lyke how the fuk can any1 b a kissless dude lol!
jus go outside m8 just talk to any girl and kiss em
b uself and find love
kissing pretty girls makes my peepee tingly
A kiss feels really good. Not like anything else. Sex is also really good and not like anything else.
dunno, i only kissed a girl once when i was 14.
i was so stressed that i threw up on her face.
thats the last time i did anything sexual with a girl
Was this in the future?
no, it was 12 years ago back in 2013
I wish I knew.
Silver lining, I know how to be confident now, but into most conversations at parties I just loose interest
A kiss feels like
sex is over rated by normies.
Just find other ways to masturbate, you can get a lot more pleasure from an alternative way of masturbating, and it's a lot more comfortable because you don't have to deal with the other mass of flesh.
If you're searching for some kind of "connection" with the means of sex, then you are fucked, because sex can't give you that, doesn't matter if you love the person or the other person loves you. sex is a fucking disappointment, even if it's with a person that's the same sex as you, its fucking lame.
try anal or stick sumthing up your dick, it's way better.
no it's not, lol.
pussy is made specifically for a dick and that's why it feels so good.
it looks like you're just a faggot.
Yeah, vagina is made specifically for penis, but listen, sex isn't going to magically fix all your problems. It's not going to automatically make you Mr. Popular or whatever the fuck, you're still going to be the same person before and after. You might get a chemical high, but that only lasts so long, and there are other ways you can acquire a chemical high that are just as good or even better than sex. Nobody gives a fuck if you're a virgin or not, the people chiding you over it are just being playful or stupid, depending on the context, and you can live a healthy life without engaging in sexual activity.
Only beta fags cry about their virginity, tbh.
Yeah, I haven't said that it didn't feel good you moron. I said that it's fucking over rated, you can find pleasure from a pussy for a limited amount of time until it gets boring (unless you're a fucking pleassure pleb)
Plus, nothing is made specifically for anything, a pussy is a hole that we see maches preferably with our penises, but you could find something else that can fit in a pussy and cause much more pleasure for the pussy. it can even fit in a better way.
Sex is a disappointment
I'm just a virgin. A kiss is really warm and soft don't know how to put it.
I literally just want to have sex so I don't die a virgin. I know it's not gonna fix my depression but then I can an hero and not have any regrets.
Are you me? But in actuality, teens brains are hardwired to feel more emotional for each other when they are that young. It will get better, trust me
Did you have fun with those sloppy seconds cuck?
user are you a virgin or not?
Surely it may be a dissapointment but im a pleasure pleb very horny
So mayne its better
Oh by the way can you anons be more specific and more poetic about how a kiss feels like?
Wrong use of the term
Why? do you have a school assignment tomorrow or something?
No,I just want to understand,I don't feep that i wipl get a kiss any time soon……
If you really want to see what kissing is like, just put your index and middle finger together and press the backside to your lips. That's how most kisses feel with girls that have small lips but when it comes to ones with DSLs, you have to actually kiss one since there isn't a real equivalent to it.
Sex feels like your hand is covered in the softest, smoothest lotion and water together with a sometimes kiss from the cervix and a sort of pulsating around your cock. Some feel a lot tighter than others but overall they feel and do the same thing
Thmx user