I just found a goldmine.
Also, dumping my collection.
I just found a goldmine.
Also, dumping my collection.
I might be shit at art right now, but after seeing this it gave me hope.
I am willing to bet you probably have more talent than the entire site of tumblr put together. Even if all you can draw is stick men, it'd be more pleasing for the eyes than these abominations of humanity.
Is this some weird disability fetish I've never heard of or something?
Why can't those faggots make their art of disabled people cute and touching like Katawa Shoujo
Normalfags need to die
But i like being white
You know, I made some racist Steven Universe fan art, but I'm pissed because it's just going to blend in with all of tumblr's niggerfied art. There is a fine line between extremism and satire.
You made those?
Yeah. Got any requests? Garnet Jemima has really grown on me, she needs more art.
Those are pretty damn good,i've been seeing em around the internet,keep up the good work,would definitely like to see more of her.
She needs to be a kang
we wuz magic crystals n sheeit
I'm pleased to see tumblr expressing them self trough paintings, now it completely confirms me that they are seriously possessed. Those drawings are something from lower astral realms.
You've seen them posted around? That makes me happy. Makes me want to start up a new masterpiece.
Hey, didn't they have an episode where they went into some desert ruins? Maybe Garnet Jemima will discover her royal kang roots through hieroglyphs or something. Then again, Garnet Jemima shouldn't be cast into modern day nigger archetypes; she is a throwback sweet old house mammies. I want to preserve that pre-civil war era charm.
Top fucking jej. Care to elaborate? It seems to me that they're trying to project their insecurities and shortcomings onto a beloved character, so as to feel a little better about themselves. Instead of rightfully feeling ashamed of being fucking subhuman. Shame and guilt are good feelings, since they spur you onto the road of self improvement.
Wanting to feel good and comfortable (sometimes even proud) about your faults is a really lazy thing to do. Liberals are fucking lazy.
The polarization is real. I don't remember tumblr being THIS psychotic even a few years ago.
This is the reason I support abortion
I think "Nice Jewish Girl" is by far my favorite. It's really speaking to me.
full pic
When you start thinking in a ways of tumblr your self becomes possessed by these antagonizing creatures. More hard core you are more hard core they will be. They will give you suggestions how to act and what views to have and the worst part is that tumblrinas agree with it, tumblr basically became a demonic army of complete morons. They're used like puppets for the purpose of spreading disease ridden messages. We know that this thinking is strongly suggested by jews and that also confirms what low, nasty creatures jews are.