Why even revolt
Everything is shit
Nobody cares about anything
Global warming and nukes are gonna kill everything in the next five years anyway so even if they did
It's pointless
I'm just gonna die instead
sorry comrades, good luck
Why even revolt
Everything is shit
Nobody cares about anything
Global warming and nukes are gonna kill everything in the next five years anyway so even if they did
It's pointless
I'm just gonna die instead
sorry comrades, good luck
Other urls found in this thread:
Dunno if you're serious but don't kill yourself, fam
we can only hope
there's no reason not to and how can you even tell me not to when you don't even know me, how can anybody tell each other anything that means anything when nobody is anything but everyone else's plan for them
Good night spicy prince.
Because everything is shit
Why do you care about that?
So why kill yourself?
No need to be sorry, but thanks!
See you in Narnia, comrade.
kill urself faglord lol
Fuck. Well, RIP then.
Every single revolution in history did nothing but make everything 400 percent shittier
Because I'm stupid
Because I don't want to experience those things
Kill yourself or do not kill yourself.
Either way, you will regret it.
how can i regret something if im dead
and if i regret either way who cares
not an argument
this is what i'm talking about, you obviously don't care if i die and you wouldn't even be able to know for sure if i did or not so why did you even respond
nobody cares about each other and even if they did they have no way of experiencing them so it's useless. everyone just pretends like they have something connecting them or that they care and really we're all nothing but us and we all just want to force each other to become machines for each other (myself included)
i don't want to live like this
You're just now figuring this out?
You can't expect to be unconditionally be the center of all attention and love, can you?
True, nobody gives a shit if you kill yourself, but we reply to stupid posts all the time that are just as stupid as this thread.
This, really.
You sound disappointed more than anything, Spicey.
What about your family though? Don't they care about you, comrade?
did i say that?
obviously i'm dissapointed
i don't really want to die but i don't see there being any improvement anywhere in life, or improvement or progress or whatever as even existing and individuals not being anything but abstract entities that use each other to forget their own insecurity
my family cares about me but they'll learn not to care
you expect random anonymous people to care about you.
yeah that's part of why i'm such an idiot
Well, stop expecting people to care about you.
The key to a happy life is low expectations.
That has actually been proven you know.
Just don't kill yourself over such a little thing.
I promise: wait a bit and chances are you'll get over it.
also if you don't think people should care about me then stop caring
No one is saying anyone shouldn't care.
Just don't expect it.
People aren't obliged to care about you. You're just lying to yourself if you are expecting others to do so.
And the situation that everyone lets themselves be exploited, well. It's not a little thing sure, but realize that this fit of yours was triggered by a fucking 2 minute ban on some fucking chat. I'm sure that wasn't your whole life.
Go to /suicide/.
good job talking me out of killing myself
There's no reason you shouldn't kill yourself.
Just do it, really. Life might get better for you, but it also might not. And since you're too stupid to predict the future you should obviously just kill yourself.
Not saying i don't care. Not saying I put my whole heart in this.
Expect the nihilist to encourage this shit.
This life is suffering. That's inescapable. However, there are still good things to look forward too, and you'll never know anything if you just end it. So stop acting like such a fucking pansy, grow some balls and live this life until the very end!
Also, we can't have comrades killing themselves. We need more.
Just read Camus' the Myth of Sisyphus and come back when you're more in tune with your existential angst.
Seriously though, beyond all this read xyz crap…killing yourself seems ultimately more boring than not. Sometimes doing nothing is the more violent thing to do. Of course, if you're dead (read: unconscious) you won't have need for such concepts, you'll merely be the concept.
If you want to get in tune with your angst, read Kierkegaard.
Camus is good for it, but he's pretty entry tier.
Catgrillposter… Rebel…
You guys need to pull yourselves together. Angst is for the foolish. Those who do not realize that Will is the only purpose we need at all. That we may only be truly fulfilled once we accept the nature of what we are, what pleases us and what we want.
Silly people.
I just finished the Sickness Unto Death, and was either unconvinced or just confused. It was a really fun read though, regardless.
I want to read the Concept of Anxiety or Either/Or next but I'm just too intimidated.
Fuck off Rebel no cares about captain kierk.
Start reading better fiction and you'll begin to view life in a different way, a more enjoyable way and you'll understand yourself and others better - there's more wisdom to be learned from a great story than from all the existential philosophy in the world.
I wouldn't argue that the angst is for the foolish nor that foolishness is for the angsty but rather that we all have some angst whether we know it or not. It is freedom's self-awareness, and how it relates to the relationships of things related to itself.
OP if you're still alive just consider for a moment that the experiances and senses we have in life now is literally all there is. You kill yourself that's it, nothing forever.
We are alive for a small amount of time and all we can do is have as much pleasure and satifaction as possible before the ability to have that stops.
Even if there is a chance you can still squeeze some fun times out of life, do it, dont kill yourself, fucking idiot.
And I hold that the "freedom of choice" that he speaks of really stems of the Christian doctrine of good and evil; we all know what pleases us the most to do, but we have also been conditioned with moralism. Thus this "angst" is born when were faced with a situation where what is "moral" and what we "ought" do conflict with the Will and what we want to do.
The only real choice is to embrace one's nature. Once that is done, one is rid of angst, much like an animal that only lives according to its own instinct and Will.
That is my humble opinion, anyways.
A particular morality is inseparable from the formation of a particular culture. This means that its language, codes and practices, narratives, and institutions are informed by the struggle between two types of moral valuation, namely consequences and intentions. The mere experience of so-called reality is not enough that we can make assumptions about its true nature in the same way that one can say "I conform my will to power" and yet not actually do as much, or perhaps even the opposite.
Life cannot simply be something to cling to. This thought skims through everyone at least once. We have a possibility that makes us freer than the gods: we can quit. This is an idea to be savoured to the end. Nothing and no one is obliging us to live. Not even death. For that reason our life is a tabula rasa, a slate on which nothing has been written, so contains all the words possible. With such freedom, we cannot live as slaves. Slavery is for those who are condemned to live, those constrained to eternity, not for us. For us there is the unknown—the unknown of spheres to be ventured into, unexplored thoughts, guarantees that explode, strangers to whom to offer a gift of life. The unknown of a world where one might finally be able to give away one’s excess self love. Risk too. The risk of brutality and fear. The risk of finally staring mal de vivre in the face. All this is encountered by anyone who decides to put an end to the job of existing.
Our contemporaries seem to live by jobbing, desperately juggling with a thousand obligations including the saddest of all of them—enjoying themselves. They cover up the incapacity to determine their own lives with detailed frenetic activity, the speed that accompanies increasingly passive ways of behaving. They are unaware of the lightness of the negative.
We can choose not to live. That is the most beautiful reason for opening oneself up to life with joy. ‘There is always time to put an end to things; one might as well rebel and play’—is how the materialism of joy talks.
We can choose not to act, and that is the most beautiful reason for acting. We bear within ourselves the potency of all the acts we are capable of, and no boss will ever be able to deprive us of the possibility of saying no. What we are and what we want begins with a no. From it is born the only reason for getting up in the morning. From it is born the only reason for going armed to the assault of an order that is suffocating us.
On the one hand there is the existent, with its habits and certainties. And of certainty, that social poison, one can die.
On the other hand there is insurrection, the unknown bursting into the life of all. The possible beginning of an exaggerated practice of freedom.
I think I am smart enough to get what you're saying, but I don't think I'm quite smart enough to grasp how it really relates to what I said.
What I am saying is that in the Western Christian tradition, which certainly is the one Kierkegaard and Camus is addressing, Angst very much is the direct consequence of the conflict of what will feel good and what is "righteous" (thus what we have been conditioned to think ought feel good). To a creature that has no concept of evil and it distinction of goodness, angst is not a concept. Hence why it seemed to be a non-existent concept in pre-christian europe and to most creatures in the wild, regardless of sentience.
To a creature that has no concept of "evil" (intentions) there is the analogous "bad" (consequences). We are often faced with ethical dilemmas such as this in daily experience where we try to apply our own metaphysical dramas, but even by philosophizing we become dogmatic; the very act of observing disturbs the system; words kill their own meanings.
I think we define "evil" a little differently here. When I say the word "evil" I use it synomenously with the word "sinful" - something that is not allowed due to a religious doctrine. The act is always sinful, regardless of intention, regardless of the pleasure or lack hereof gained from the act. Even so, once again "dillemas" are often bound to moralism - should I marry this woman or the other? Why not marry both, or try one out and then the next? Scared about the very notion that you have the free will to jump out from a cliff?
Well, is it not more likely that you simply have the desire to kill yourself, but know that to do so is a mortal sin and thus you deny yourself your nature?
My position is that these "dillemas" and "angst" only occur when we try to deny ourselves our Will or try to go agaist our instincts, our nature.
you should find work at a cinema because you're awfully good at projecting
Kierkegaard defines evil differently than both you and I, too. He says remaining in despair is not just a misfortune, it is a sin, the sickness unto death. It's not altogether the same as his concept of anxiety, but they are also not distinct.
Anyway, you're asking a lot of questions that I cannot hope to answer really. I'm just trying to rely on other philosophical doctrines that don't agree; rather than that I don't agree, some people just see it differently. I'm not sure exactly how I fit in, and am going to take a nap right meow.
>and am going to take a nap right meow .
Kek, okay. It's been fun.
Rebel what the fuck? Everyone else's response is depraved as expected but yours was horrible.
Talk to someone experienced please. And no, the people on this board don't count.
he already stopped being suicidal m8
Nothing mathers mane, get some chems and find what for enjoyments your subconscious like and do some experimenting. Find a husbando and a suck his dick or go outside the comfort zone and travel or suicide bomb a tree whatever makes you get those chems.
Find a girlfriend,boyfriend or post gender being btw, dont listing to those losers and with their grandpa essays.
If you're gonna kill yourself go fight with the Kurds instead of making your life worthless.
pansies, all of you.
I feel similar user.
I hate that this world is dying. I hate that no one seems to care. I hate that I hate most everything in my life. I hate that I am treated like I'm nothing. I hate that I am nothing.
But just remember, they can take away everything but they can't take away your choice to resist.
To be honest that's the only thing that gives me comfort.
Take LSD or shrooms brOP like 2 tabs or 3.5 grams respectively. in your place. alone.
Please let's not let cry for help "goodbye cruel world" threads become a thing here.
OP, get medical help.
Mods, delete this.
The entire universe is an on going explosion, it is by definition dying.
This, tbh. On the other hand, "goodbye cruel world" threads are welcome on >>>/leftyb/