Strong Female Protagonist Thread

I don't know if it here that I learned about this web comic or somewhere else, but boy howdy does it belong here. It started out alright enough, may have shown a few warning signs, but as I read through it more and more I found myself assailed with impassable walls of text, Leftist schlocking points, and other such nonsense. I made it to the 5th issue (I'ma glutton for punishment) and I thought I'd bring a few of the panels that i felt REALLY drive home what's bad about this whole thing.

Other urls found in this thread:

Seriously, Trump need to hire this writer to construct his wall out of all these fucking words. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the comic actually put action in the panels, or the "bad guy" were't such patent fucking straw men, or they weren't slipping bullshit statistics into conversations that are legitimate problems.

Honestly, I don't think it's even worth raging about. At worst, it's just another attempt at superhero deconstruction that falls into the usual narrative traps with the added bonus of being written by someone who doesn't seem to understand subtly or pacing (the usual webcomic faults). The weird political bent and the amateur art are just toppings on the sundae.

I've never heard of this shit before and I now I'm worse off. I highly doubt that the first 4 issues were any better if the character's a yet another tumblr-hairdo presumably-self insert androgynous hipster legitimately complaining about rape culture while serial murders are taking place.

I wouldn't be surprised if this person has a job at Marvel in the next 4 months.

Hey Holla Forumsmrades

how would you write a good strong female protagonist without being a strong womyn-lover?

We have this question every like two weeks. Thanks for not making a separate thread, at least. All you gotta do is make a dependable character who happens to have tits and a vagipoo. Once you turn into a character that's a walking mascot for women, the character loses it's makeup and becomes a generalized blank slate vehicle for 'women can be heroes too', even though that's been proven since fiction started.

If incorporating some sort of feminist talking point into your comic is something you really want to do and you disregard my would-be initial advice of shooting yourself in the temple, all you gotta do is just nustle it in very gently and subtly. No one likes being preached at and the story loses its depth if you are blatant, even if it's an opinion people can agree with.

Just wanted to know as I don't know many Women besides immediate family.

t.kissless virgin

I read it some of it on 4chan years ago. I don't remember it that well but i remember it is kind of crazy.
The comic works with that expectation but it is weirder than that. Basically it is every SJW speech in the mouth of superheroes and what not.
Then they try to do something about it and they fall flat, every good idea has incomplet or contradictory results and they are all are portrayed as assholes at some point.
Basically it is superheroes being assholes while trying to find something to believe and based on that to make the world a better place.
And they can't find shit.

At this point, it's harder to find a regressive liberal faggot who isn't publishing their own soapbox comic, or their own column in a major media outlet.

It's simple. Remember how most shonen protagonists get their ass beaten in every major fight, to the point they are borderline dead? But they somehow manage to keep fighting, until they have a sudden surge in determination and kick the shit out of the BBEG. Or those lengthy scenes in which they push themselves to their limits to train like an autist. Or when they realize they can rely on the power of friendship for the eleventh time. Or when they are generally not fucking cunts to everybody, including their allies.

Most strong women in modern media don't do that. The best advice I can give you is: make a likeable character, then let them win only after biting the dust hard for prolonged periods of time. This applies to males as well, but of course, it doesn't apply to all "strong hero(ine)" formulas. This is just the easiest one to apply.

So this is what a female power fantasy looks like.

Also why the fuck does her hairdresser need protection to cut her hair? Is her hair like, made of steel or something?

It is worth noting that SFP is written by a man and drawn by a woman.

I'd try to at least avoid the usual contrivances. The real hurtle that even the best writers stumble with is acknowledging and exploiting the fact that there are differences between the sexes, and using them to add depth.

Her powerset makes it hard to cut her hair normally, so she needs someone to freeze her hair and use a fucking ankle grinder to cut it.

It's villains can be enjoyable, but that's probably not intentional. The series has a kind of sub-story about power and corruption that would make a very enjoyable read if the author would quit jerking off about feminism and stronk wymym.

It sucked back when it had ugly black and white art
And it sucks worse now that it has EVEN UGLIER tumblr shit art
God help the art community if this is the future
I bet the "writer" will hang himself eventually but until then this shit really isn't worth posting about

AND I forgot my image

Unsurprising. I wonder if it's yet another wormy white guy who looks like he's about to apologi–alright, yes it is.



Does that count as appropriation?

I wonder if all the people who write shit female characters in young literature have seen the same image and follow it to a T.

There are many ways of being likable. The modern Sherlock Holmes is a rude and alcoholic fag, but despite his Mary Sueness he manages to be an adorable bastard. Even Deadpool, a crazy ass psichopath, is likable. Being likable doesn't mean being perfect.

The only thing you get by making your main character unlikable is Shitty Capeshit Deconstruction #463672. Unless you are a good writer, you will never pull it right. It is the reason comics like OP's exist.

Basically, it's pointless to try and make a character specifically so people like them; that's the same thought process that focus groups and marketing executives ruin media with. For that matter, don't try to make them 'cool' or 'badass'.

Make a character interesting, and suitable for the role they play- fun, fascinating, multi-dimensional, maybe even funny. But you can't control exactly how readers will view a character, and it's best to leave it up to them.

"Strong" is a false god. "Compelling" is what you want.

In other words, don't make your character blatant pandering bait.

Don't fool yourself into thinking this is anything other than a pulpit or propaganda. I tried really hard to believe Gynostar was satirical, which only made it more disappointing when I realized that if the author was a Poe, they were such a perfect Poe that there was no value in following their work. If they use social media to talk about the same garbage they bring up in their comics, Occam's Razor indicates it's not satire, and and they think they are refuting characters like (first pic) and

I love the fact that the entire setting disappears during the close ups.

Such QUALITY art.

Also, aside from the lazy Tumblr tier art, and preaching about social issues, has anyone noticed the amount of congratulating they do in this comic? Seriously, no on can go 5 seconds without telling someone how special and wonderful they are? We get it, you haven't been a total fuck up, you don't need to kiss each others asses 24/7.

It's fine if the main character is a Tumblr feminist bitch. I would actually enjoy a story about the life of some bipolar, narcissistic looney toon and how she destroys all of her interpersonal relationships with her poisonous mind.

The issue with all of these feminist pulpit main characters is that they are not believable, compelling, or dimensional (no depth beyond their screed). They're just idealized mouthpieces that beat feminism into their fictional world with their super powers. It never blows up in their faces. There's never any introspection or personal reflection or growth. Self-insert MC just beats up the misogynist badguys and all the jerks die horribly or become gay and embrace the rainbow.

It's just masturbation and power fantasy, no different from the Sonichu comics.

Ugh I managed to slog my way through the 6th issue, I think I need to get a tall glass of bleach

Why is this such a huge problem for Westerners but as easy as shitting and sleeping for the Japanese?

Here's some choice scenes from Issue 6 because I hate you guys and wish for you to suffer as I have

How many made up "issues" can they fit into just 2 pages? Surprisingly, a lot.




And finally the most famous scene from this issue. I do believe our protagonist is well on her way to establishing her Social Justice reich

It's what they do. Reading through the CON leaks, hearing what people have said they saw at socjus meetups, the whole thing is inundated with love-bombing. It's like a ring of constant brown nosing with the looming threat of having it pulled out from under any of them if they step out of line, and with how massively insecure and narcissistic they tend to be, that scares them.

It's no huge shock it shows up a lot in their creations, it's all they know. It's also pretty typical for anyone who isn't depicted in the main characters direct circle of best friends to either be merely useful, or a raging shitlord who insults themselves with every other line.

If this was made by anyone else, it'd just feel like a joke of how fucking petty these pity parties are. It's like a bunch of parodies for 1st world problems complaining together. I'd like to see them throw a bone to something like "dynamorphs" in africa getting their hands cut off because they think it cures aids while they cry about misgendering shapeshifters.

Man, I wish 'unlikable cunt' wasn't the only female protagonist personality feminists allowed people to write.


Wew lad she literally raped that fella
I'm so triggered right now
And this "art". All the women are dumpy hog-nosed cows and the men are androgynous and all have generic fit/slim bodies
Even the monsters have cute big eyes and mostly normal faces

And I wish tumblrs would stop pretending that there are more than one genders
We either have dicks or pussies
The freaks wore are born with both are like less than a percent of all humanity so no they don't fucking count. And usually those people are corrected at birth into having cunts by doctors.
Yet tumblrina have one million made up special snowflake genders. Fucking attention whores

What the hell is this conversation?

Also, if the information is supposedly "out there," why tell this guy that noone will know it's him doing whatever?

Write a good character. Then give that character tits and a vagina.

If you do bring up nuanced female things, don't make such a huge fucking deal out of it unless it's a very specific, important plot point.

This is a good example of a leftist cunt's mind at work

This girl really needs a shitlord Legion of Doom to fill out her rogues gallery. Right now it's pretty dull.

The potential is endless.

You know you say that as a joke, but I would legit pay money to read a comic about that.

Why there aren't more comics set in Africa anyway? The whole continent is a violent batshit theme park, the craziest place on earth where men wear fairy wings because they believe it deflects bullets.

Muslim drummer? I'm pretty sure rock music is haram. Thanks for these filenames, btw. It's like the alt text version of painkillers.

Why is she abducting him? His power is to make things fly or something? I like how this demonstrates the mindset. Most rational people would only treat the lowest of criminals like this. Some gangster thug in a bar you need info from, or a mass-murdering psychopath, some sort of deathtrap laying serial killer. Who holds that status in the mind of an SJW? A libertarian.

What the fuck man.

Alright, can someone explain to me why always in these social justice themed comics there's always a needless and extreme case of violence carried out by our supposed hero?


Drink it in nigger. This is what their kind wants to do to all whites, all men(yes even fags), and all women that don't kneel to their ideals. This shit is their ultimate power fantasy.

A character not being likable is only okay if the point of the character is to be hated and said character receives proportionate punishment. Like with Peggy Hill, we're supposed to derive pleasure from her humiliation because of her ego. But it's the likeable characters (The Dales, and Hanks) that keep people invested.

People aren't blank slates and society isn't gender blind.

Again why is this shit so impossibly difficult for Westerners?

It feels good, anons.

This pretty much covers it.

Whether or not a character is likeable or unlikeable doesn't matter as long as the world around them reacts believably. When reality bends to accommodate them, it's hard to keep interest.

It's the assertion that after the shit she just pulled she still has the moral high ground is what makes this truly despicable. If she went "I'm sorry but I have to do this for the greater good" or was established as a self-centered scumbag anti hero this wouldn't be so fucking disturbing. But she gives someone the fucking "Join me or die" speech and we're supposed to just go along with it.

Superheroes are telling us ALOT about the psyches of people writing them.

It's like they never developed past the age of eight when they wrote stories about beating up all of their bullies with superpowers.



He definitely has the doughy eunuch face going on.

Free testosterone is probably in the low 200s.

Strong is stupid. Just make a good character.

Because japs don't believe in being intimidated by politically correct shits and their criticisms. Media creators have almost full control over their creation aside from the suggestions of a single editor, so they can still make sexy as fuck shit that bitches can perceive as a stronk wymmin while actually serving as nice fap material.


This is what humanity is now
We allowed this to happen

Because noone expected it to give such a scary rise out of thin air. That's the worst part. We thought they were a minor irritant that just hanged about in Tumblr and Reddit or whatever, but we didn't see them coming with such a tsunami on western culture. And people ate their discombobulated trash politics from a tin spoon. We let it happen because we weren't prepared for it. It could've been stopped if it was noted and widely warned about much earlier.

Nothing short of a world war would sort this mess out. Either we all perish or we forget all this new age bull to focus on real problems. Either way problem solved.

Holy shit, this takes me back. Remember when Beast had to go to a support group for weird looking mutants where he cried endlessly because he couldn't be accepted as normal? No? Oh, you're right, because that would have been stupid. Problems breed problem solvers who breed solutions. Where's the tech genius with the hologram projecting watch? Where's the tormented soul working on the metahuman "cure" (it never works, but that's never stopped them from trying)? This is the poster-child for un-American, sedentary attitudes that solve nothing and leave you mired in your problems.

But that can be a satisfying story. Sometimes a hero is just a cathartic way to get back at bad people (Daredevil exposes a slumlord, Spiderman captures a child predator, Batman stops a bombing plot). The problem is when you see rational human beings as bad people. Suddenly the "bullies" are the everyman (and I do mean everyman).

Hardly, we're starting to see a much harder pushback against this sort of narrative nowadays. The media tries to cover it up, but everybody, even normies, can smell the bullshit. Trump's rise to power is proof enough of that, and even if he doesn't have the support necessary to win this election, Hillary's run will only worsen the American public's stance on identity politics, paving the way for his victory in the next term.

Things will get sorted out, probably. Provided Hillary doesn't sell us out to Putin like the fucking snake she is.

Because SJWs are irrational fucking scumbags who see anybody with conservative views and a penis as God's mistake that must be eradicated from the face of the earth. It's revenge porn to them, like watching The Punisher blow the brains out of a serial killer or a child rapist, the only difference here is that since SJWs are horrible fucking people it's unsettling to see someone with reasonable views and opinions getting the torture treatment.

SJWs don't understand why that's not okay, and it arouses them to watch the ebil white man get assaulted be a strong and empowered female for all those atrocities his ancestors were maybe or maybe not responsible for.

That's the problem. It's the hero (or the author) who decides who is bad.

You're basically taking up the torch and declaring "I am God. I decide who is evil and who is good. Prepare to die, shitlords."

Congratulations. You just wrote Stardust.

Just came into the thread to say I'm working on a short Stardust comic right now

Seriously what the fuck is up with this art? Why are there no fucking backgrounds? Why is everything a goddamn close up? And why the fuck are there so many goddamn words?

I see this faggot went to the Bendis school of writing comics, which is basically just add in as much words as you can to pad the pages out and never show anything visually.

Or Mr. A.

Or Sonichu.

or Lightbringer

It's funny because even Lazerbot has Grimdark The Edgehog admit that all his violence and killing has really solved nothing, and that he's hurt as many innocents with his blood knight tactics.
So, you know, there's autistic, and then there's autismal. Some people think Chris-Chan is a narcissist on top of everything else, he certainly seems to be incapable of admitting fault.

I forgot that he's not just a nasty cockslut, but that he's actually less creative than Chris-Chan.

Just make a character that YOU like and don't give a shit about the audience. Consumers are like sluts, denying them attention makes them want you more.

… so, are we ever going to get context on this scene? What's the "base level decent" thing she wants him to do? Can he cure cancer with a wink and a nudge? What was so important that the author had to make it look like she was violently raping him?

Cleaver is such a fucking bro, he's too good for this comic. He's benefiting from the leftist inability to make the characters they're trying to show as problematic be less fun or interesting than the ones they're trying to show as in the right.

See, like this. Earlier the male character here had been portrayed as a normal thoughtful dude. It's not until the author realizes that people don't understand he's supposed to *not* be likable that they decide to twist the dial on his characterization and make him a confrontational Rayndian dick.

This scene is extra funny when you realize that the Author self-inserts himself as the jewfro'd beta who's wooing the supergal with his upbeat no strings attached friendzone acceptance.

Aaaaaand here we come to the meat of the issue. Superslut here is a tyrant, like all moral crusaders.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." - Some Old Dead White guy who was probably an oppressive shitlord that never checked his privilege.

Here's the next panel, just so you can all see how much worse it gets. Look at her crying like we're supposed to care that she feels conflicted. My bet is that it's going to turn out he's in a childrens hospital or something, revealing she was TOTALLY justified.

Damn user where did you get these, I cant find any good quality Mr.A comics

Also Ditko is based, fuck you

Man this characterization is all fucked up.

It's like the author realized how much of a cunt she was and decided he needed to add tears to save face.

Which is what's funny. If the character is supposed to be a pragmatic asshole, fine. But don't expect me to empathize with someone who threatens will threaten to kill someone in order to press them into service for "the greater good".

Thanks for just restating what I wrote. I already noted the problem of values are so skewed you put off your readers. My examples were of pretty universally acceptable cases, barring some authorial interference to muddy the waters.

If you can't have justice, then superheroes should just disappear as a genre. Without a basis in taking down bad guys and/or standing up for victims, what makes a hero?

The distinguishing factor is not whether there is or isn't catharsis, but in whether or not it's well written. When you dispense disproportionate punishment to people who don't seem to deserve it, you undermine your own point and leave a bad taste in people's mouths. You have to set the scene for your justice to have its payoff. That's why Mr. A isn't terrible, even if it's strongly ideological. He explains himself and paints a picture of how his principles should be applied, so you can empathize with him, even if you don't fully agree. SFP's writer fails to set up a situation where we can empathize with Alison, so her "justice" has no basis in any reality, not even her own.

Gurwa needs to show up with some sort of power nullification ability.

Final boss mode.

And we're supposed to sympathize with her?

I originally thought not, but the screencaps of the writer's Facebook convos say otherwise.

Quality writing

There needs to be a person with the ability to nullify powers. In other comic book universes the hero who fought such a person would probably be able to overcome this by being smart, but knowing Ms. Green, she'd get her ass handed to her if she were ever deprived of her powers.

Alright, I've read a little in order to get some context of what's going on. Turns out this dude's super power is to amplify the super powers of other people.

He fears that if the wrong people find out what his power is, he'll be exploited against his will… which is exactly what the strong female protagonist does upon learning about his power.


If the author had even the slightest amount of self-awareness and a willingness to actually push boundaries of his own comfort, this would actually make for a decent storyline.

Haven't seen these shots. Share please.

This could have only worked with someone weak and defenseless. Anyone with offensive power would have rightfully fought back. And that's why she comes across as nothing but a bully. If turned out the guy actually had a god-tier destructive power what would she have done then?

It doesn't matter if what your forcing someone to do against their will is actually good or not. Since their primary concern is self preservation and have no way of knowing that isn't the word of the person abusing them in the first place.
That's why it's important to show some remorse or desperation when crossing the line (instead of after) for the greater good. It not only means you have a conscience but can also allow other people to understand you're only a dick out of necessity

Great, not only has she started acting like an invulnerable, unstoppable tyrant, now she's going to be an invulnerable, unstoppable tyrant on a drunken bender. Way to be, SuperSlut.

Reminder that you're supposed to feel bad for this character because this was just a hard choice and she'll probably say something to the effect of "I acted so shitty before and I just…I can't right now" and then suddenly everything she did will be rectified because she'll have a tear and sulk in the rain or some other horseshit.

What would be a nice ending is if this is the start of her turning into a more open mad tyrant until an upstart young hero has to put her down and this becomes Strong Female Antagonist.

Either or, this doesn't help the stereotype of SJWs are power hungry meglomaniacs that will do things worse than the people they fight against in order to make sure they're the ones in charge.

Lads I just asked the writer what he thinks of her being a bully while apparently hating bullies. How many minutes before he blocks me?

woah easy there you dangerous man lets not fly off the handle here

You blocked yet, you absolute madman?

… I look at this and all I can think of is the Senator.

I think you'll be safe. The page comments sure are.

This character is a psychopath
This is the little cuck man's power fantasy. Meanwhile in reality, I could probably get this writer to kill himself after a single conversation.
Fucking kek, leftyfags are broken people

WHat I wanna know is, when was revealed to the audience this guy's powers?

Don't you dare compare Based Armstrong to this trifling cunt! That glorious bastard wanted ultimate freedom, the ability for people to choose THEIR OWN PATH, even if that meant crushign some weakling along the way.

Mega Cunt wants to subject everyone to HER ideas of right and wrong, she wants to make sure no one is allowed to think for themselves.

Armstrong is by far the lesser of these two evils.

Its the tyranny of the mightier, man.
Even Raiden fell in that trap.

A few strips back he confesses that he wanted to be a superperson when he was 14 and kept hurting himself trying to get them to manifest. Turns out he got the power to make other people's powers stronger and then had a self-pitying bitchfest about how that's such a lame power he'd be better off without a power at all.

Hmn, I thought that was something that got implied earlier at some point. Because then it means as soon as miss Protagonist found out about his powers via classified intel from her mindreader ex, she went and validated his fears.

She's a hardcore social justice warrior and by her own admission might makes right and therefore has the same mindset behind EVERY ACT OF OPPRESSION COMMITTED BY HUMANITY.

The cunt even says she'll do it again if she WANTS too. Not "need to" or "if I have to" just on a whim she'll enslave another person. Even a super villain
can explain why their actions are necessary.

Goddamn this comic pisses me off like no other.

You know there are web comics with well-written "strong" female protagonists out there that don't use it as a poorly constructed socjus soapbox, it's just that the West doesn't happen to have many good examples.

Thanks to the Dworkinites, it inconceivable to western authors how women can be both strong AND nice.

Apparently if you're not an abrasive cunt, you're a slave to the patriarchy.


is this supposed to be a parody of Korra?

Ah, the "man with tits" school of writing. The one that has never worked because women =/= men. If you want to write gender-neutral characters, join the rest of tumblr. I expect you'll have about as much success.
Also, inb4 "muh Aneetah".

"Make a likeable character" is a complete non-starter, as others have already mentioned. However, having the protagonist fail and suffer humiliation at the hand of superior foes before overcoming them is solid (if clichéd) advice. It makes the audience want to see the protagonist win. Most everyone can root for an underdog, perhaps even more so if she's a cute, beaten-down girl.

Why are you even here? Go apply for a writer's gig at one of the Big Two. They love hiring low-testosterone beta cucks who understand nothing about women.

Holy shit, this writing.

So what should be done? Should the character be only doing 'woman character things' in order to be a proper female character who isn't gender-neutral? Fuck are you talking about you lunatic. By the way, this is why Anita advice is fucking stupid and the following of said advice leaves characters like Gyno-Star and this travesty.

I've noticed a lot of tumblr and tumblr-spawned creatons love using the word dude when either addressing women or if they are one. I don't understand why this is, but it's usually a telltale sign to start looking for some red flags.

here's my approach to writing characters in general: make your characters fuckable.

Of course, by that I don't mean make them soulless ship-bait. What I mean is, figure out what makes your characters romantically attractive to other people. Their quirks, their habits, their personalities – approach these things as you would a potential sexual partner.

Obviously this isn't particularly difficult when writing a female character who is a good guy. But it requires, for a straight male author, a little bit of thought when you're writing a deplorable male antagonist. It forces you to open up your mind somewhat, and it forces you to look at everyone as human.

The example I always give of this is Eva Braun. Hitler is widely considered the greatest monster of all time, and yet there was a woman who utterly smitten with him, who woke up every morning looking at his face and thinking about how adorable he is. Hitler would make sandwiches and Eva Braun would think they were the best sandwiches in the world.

Then he gassed a few million jews, which was something most people not on Holla Forums felt was a bad thing to do.

What's better is trenchcoat mcbelts is called DarkBringer

Nobody is perfect.


Calm down and stick a tampon up your bleeding rectum, autismo.

Easy on the strawmen, my testosterone-impaired friend. The sexes are different. They do not talk, behave or think the same. Write them accordingly.
Radical, I know.
See that pic? That's Anita's ideal female character. A genderless non-human whose only traits are "strong" and "engaging". That's what you're espousing.

lel, no. Gyno-Star demonizes and utterly rejects femininity.



Nope. Completely original story.
I'd highly recommend it, but just a head's up, it hardly has any action in it so don't go into it expecting that.

I wasn't expecting that advice to be as good as it was. Brilliant. I just figured writing characters that could believably exist, or at least make sense, was the way to go; but I don't write much, if at all, so what do I know?

No. He started a war on two fronts, which is what many considered was a bad thing to do.

I must disagree.

Disclaimer: I have written stories with somewhat unlikable (female) main characters.

All character archetypes can technically be applied to any literary genres, but for obvious reasons, you wouldn't put certain types of characters where they don't belong. You can make yet another tsundere girl, "it's not like I…" lines and everything, and put her in a generic waifubait harem anime, but you probably wouldn't put her in some super serious noir drama because she would stick out like a sore thumb. You may think it is a good idea, but your readers won't, and in this case, they are probably righter than you, you disgusting weeaboo.

You're asking for a strong female protagonist. In this case, a capeshit/shounen female protagonist, or otherwise an action (taking the term very loosely here, just to distinguish them from realistic "daily life heroines" comics about breast cancer survivors and the likes) heroine. Before I continue, let me explain using D&D alignments for character writing is a bad idea, since they are either too ambiguous, too narrow or too wide depending on your interpretation (main character from this shitty webcomic is probably chaotic/neutral good for the author, but we are seeing her for the neutral/chaotic evil faggot she is), but I will use them for ease of description anyway. Main characters in these genres are (save counted exceptions) either heroes or anti-heroes (ranging from true neutral "reluctant hero" to "absolute madman" chaotic neutral), and for a good reason: these genres call for likeable main characters, and introducing anything downright evil and not just "questionably neutral" as a main character in these will turn your work into an edgefest, least it's treated as black humor. Other genres may be more tolerant to evil main characters, but capeshit is about heroes doing justice, and if you want to make an irreedemable villain, you probably should be looking for another genre because "capeshit deconstruction" has already been done to death.

That said, "likeable" here is very wide. It would be hard to define specifically what makes a character likeable, but the best way to make a character likeable is "make them flawed, but not all flaws", and this applies to both mental aspects and powersets, and some may also argue this should be applied to moral aspects as well. For example, both The Punisher and Deadpool happen to be likeable despite them being vicious psychopaths. The main character in this webcomic is all flaws, which is why she is a shit main character for anything but a story that's trying to make the reader feel bad or enraged (which isn't what capeshit is usually about).

Which is why I said it was the easiest, but not the only way to make a good strong female character. That said, a good character should express real (no "my whole village was destroyed, and the bandits grabbed me and raped me to death every night for ten whole years, but I am okay now") struggle in some front at some point of the story. Otherwise, you would be making a Mary Sue, which is by definition a shit character.

What? Freckles are a genetic abboration, causing overproduction of melanin, not actual damage to the body, so how is that a counterexample to her invulnerability? And even more puzzling, how is "digesting food" an example of vulnerability?

The dinosaur recked that green slut in the second pic. The third pic reminds me of otherkin that get tirggered if you step on their dragon tail.

He might be male, but hardly a man

I wrote the above before I read the entire two pages. This entire thing is so bizzare that you can't pic out anything to comment on.

You bigot! A muslim is just like an atheist, but without eating pork and with a slightly different dress code.

So what was the base-level decent, no-brainer request she wanted him to fulfill? Was it just giving her a power up? For what purpuse? Does she desperately need this power up to stop an incoming meteor or does she just want to be the one sporting the biggest cock?

Also, if this is how super-people behave, no wonder they are feared and loathed.

I thought that he was putting on a fireworks show for this children's hospital or some shit, especially since the base-level decent, no brainer request involved "sprinkling pixie dust."

That's really what it looks like.

Well, how would you go about writing a character that could believably exist? What kind of mindset would you need in order to concoct such a fabrication?

Make your characters fuckable, dude. Put yourself in the shoes of somebody who could fall in love with them. That doesn't mean you need to make them likeable, or emotionally healthy or anything like that – shitty relationships exist, and people make bad decisions. Nor does that mean your fuckable characters need to find love or somebody to fuck, you just need to be able to understand that somebody COULD want to fuck them.


I just meant a character should be fleshed out, a sum of their parts, a combination of nature and nurture. You know, like how people tend to be in real life. Then give them some quality befitting of your fictional setting, and see how things pan out from there.

Creating a character from the point of attraction was something I hadn't thought of, and I thought your logic behind it was great, is all. There's a lot of characters I like, that I wouldn't want to fuck, though so I'm not sure that it would apply in all contexts. But it certainly should be considered.


This scene really needs to be one of those "start of darkness" events that leads her down a path of "doing it for the greater good style evil."

But no that won't happen. Unless the comic has been setting up other female characters with powers who would slowly be stepping up to challenge and fight her.

Also nice work with the file names of the images.


Well, looks like she's not turning to drink, after all.
That was just a ruse to make it look like she was going through some sort of character development - it was actually for her friend.

And looks to me like she wants to increase her regenerating abilities so she can donate more organs. Didn't she try to talk her friend *out* of doing this, a while back?

I think it'd be great if this has unforeseen side-effects, like all the organ recipients start ballooning out with tumerous growths as the organs try to regenerate themselves and fight against their new hosts.
Or feral regenerates at an incredible rate and *none* of her cells die, so she just keeps getting bigger ala Tetsuo.

But I'm pretty sure that won't happen.

I just realized the webcomic is indeed called Strong Female Protagonist.

What the fuck.

Wait a minute, Ditko misspelled "deceit" at least three times on that first page.



When you start drawing it, buddy!
Or requesting it in drawfag threads.

Anyone know any stories with good SFP that are worth reading?

The first on that springs to mind for me is Taylor Hebert AKA Skitter from Worm, it's not quite Holla Forums but it has capes.

increasing the healing abilities even more just make it harder to get her organs. She'd be healing literally instantly and the surgeons would have to cut her way more than they already do. Not only is the writer a cuck, he's fucking retarded

Risks of self-publishing, lol.
Flying without an editor means no-one with their finger up your ass, but also no-one to pull you up when you go full retard.

Challenge accepted!

Why I hate Saturn
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
Hoppers 13
Modesty Blaise
Tank Girl
Ms. Tree
Martha Washington
Domu: A Child's Dream
Mai, the Psychic Girl
Ghost In The Shell
The Ballad Of Halo Jones
White Like She
Grendel: Devil's Legacy
Spitfire and the Troubleshooters
Gunsmith Cats
Battle Angel Alita

If we are talinking animoo there is also Symphogear

Though it is arguable in GX due DADDY ISSUES, i gonna say Hibiki definitely qualified in G, half the show was "The villains shit themselves in fear" for a reason.

And Revolutionary Girl Utena which is a pretty cool exploration of the subject along with others.

Kill La Kill. Mostly because the showrunners didn't care about gender when animating the crazy action scenes. Plus Ryuko's less bitchy than the average SFP and even then it isn't just males but mostly assholes in general.

Depends, what kind of genre(s) are you into?

Isn't it a little early to give someone alcohol when they first wake up?

That sounds exactly like what I'd expect to see in Franken Fran. I think you'd love it, actually, it does that sort of thing all the time.

As shit as this comic is there is nothing wrong with that.

IIRC he has the power to boost other superhuman abilities by a factor of millions but no other abilities of his own and he realizes that this puts a huge target on his back and also realizes that if he were to boost the wrong person he may be dooming the world so he decided that he wouldn't use them at all. SJW superman here doesn't like that because it doesn't benefit her.

I… I like Ryuko in this
I've never seen an episode of anime but I might go watch klk because of this


She wants him to boost her powers to god like level so nobody can ever be a threat to her again.
Basically she is a terrifying psychotic villain that the author wants us to think is heroic.

There's hardly any point in listing manga and anime, "strong female characters" are so common in it.

For webcomics both Kill Six Billion Demons and Unsounded are good.
For a comic that does all the emotionally deep character development stuff that SJWs claim want to see in female characters but actually does it well I would recommend Empowered.


It's an interesting show, I'd certainly recommend giving it a try. It's silly in the same way TTGL, but doesn't outstay it's welcome.

I had to drop TTGL when they had to shoehorn that stupid springs filler episode. I mean, I like the tiddies, but if you have to introduce filler episodes that don't advance the plot at all so early in such a short anime, you are doing something very wrong.

Does KLK do stupid shit like this, or does it try to offer fanservice as they deliver actual plot?

Danke fam, just started reading Unsounded last night, good stuff.

Not gonna lie I'm an edgelord

Yeah, I need to finish KLK at some point, just haven't had a good time to do it yet.

Hence why I asked for good ones

I think he meant it that way. We also have plenty of strong female protagonists in western media, but they are shit.

Anyway, we are severely lacking in the motherly female protagonist, which could potentially become the most likable strong female archetype. Not even anime does this, usually replacing any protagonist that could have been interpreted as "motherly" by onee-sans.

The Rose of Versailles
Impact Comics' version of Jaguar
Horny Biker Slut
Dementias' Buffy (despite being a sexual submissive, seems to have the hit points of Marv from Sin City, and if we're counting freaking EMPOWERED as a "strong female character", then goddamnit, I'm keeping the bubbly indestructible masochist)
Fang (Kevin J. Taylor)
Ghita of Alizarr
Bitchy Bitch
Elektra: Assassin
The Courageous Princess
Action Girl
Jenny Everywhere
Aqua Knight
Azumanga Daioh
Karate Girl
Devil Lady

Uchi No Musume Ni Te O Dasu Na?

Also the later series of Gold Digger. You do NOT want to mess with Britanny Diggers' kids. Her adoptive mother was also known to be a mother bear at time. And being a barbarian swordswoman and kung fu champion tends to lend itself to a mother bear rampage.

Uchi No Musume is pretty good. It's a lot of wank fodder, but the author does a good job at making the ladies bad ass when he wants to.

Speaking of that particular author: he really has a fetish for secret identities and having characters trick their loved ones. It's pretty much a staple of every single one of his doujins and hentai manga and chinese comics.

He did another one, called Inugami (which was also pretty good and had SFPs), in which secret identities were fairly prevalent.

Ah. I thought he allowed things to fly because of the "pixie dust" reference, but I see that it's because of the appearance of his powers. How did she find out about his powers? If he doesn't use them, how does she know what they look like? Why would he ever play nice with a metahuman, if he's so suspicious of being used?

Wow, you have robbed yourself of a grand experience. That wasn't filler in the same way Naruto has filler. It was a gag episode before the procession of larger and larger amounts of shit hitting larger and larger fans.

I love that manga.

He only needed one to do chaos control

Fuck my autism, its been 15 years and I still remember that….

Not liking ska, you are a horrible person with terrible taste.

Really? You could've picked a better reel big fish song you know.

Or better yet lets post some ska songs.



okay not ska but I like this song.

Does the Fratellis count as ska?

we posting Ska Punk now?


Didn't know the Japanese did ska.

sure why not.






not ska but I like it.


First half of the show was okay, but the second half dropped quality. The porn is good though.

some scooby doo ska.

I don't know if Hepcat counts as ska but its good.

Or not, as awesome as the second half was, it drags a whole lot more compared to the first. True facts.

Had a right good chuckle at this one!