What can't be kino?

What can't be kino?

Any movie that doesn't have a little girl as the main character.

anything made by George Lucas

I can can't, not is

The rules for Kino 95 are the following:

1 Shooting must be done outside of hollywood. If hollywood is required for the story, it must be recreated in a set.
2 The sound must never be produced by jew composers and it has always to be louder than the actor voices.
3 The camera must be 60 fps and static, it should not be moved at any time during filming.
4 The film must be in comfy colour. Special lighting is required at all scenes, even if it makes no fucking sense.
5 Optical work and filters are required.
6 The film must not contain more than 3 dialogues per 10 minutes of film.
7 Temporal and geographical placement must never be fully disclosed.
8 Cuckolding and racemixing genre movies are not acceptable.
9 The film format must be as wide as my computer wallpaper.
10 The director must not be jew.

then Tarkovsky's Stalker is not kino, as on the train ride you can clearly see the camera moving.

Incorrect, the bridge itself is moving. Circumventing the rules of Kino is part of making kino. Only cucks follow the rules.

trump supporters

you meant drumfposters

I'm pretty sure this isn't kino.