That feel when there will never be a new state of the onion with Jacob Appelbaum again
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Well, he should have thought about it before he raped all those men and women.
I know you're joking but if any newfags are reading this, rape accusations are how the intelligence communists community silences its enemies. Julian Assange being the most obvious example.
The Assange accusations are a joke. The woman he supposedly raped invited him to sleep with her for fucks sake.
Good thing Linus managed to avoid the attempts. Imagine the clusterfuck it'd create if we lost him and kernel devs devs were replaced because muh raepkult.
A kike raping? Not surprised considering pizzagate.
good thing rape is now legal under President Trump, who raped over 15 women that we know about.
Holla Forums this board is for intellectuals only.
Ha. Ask Assange's ex-wife (who he married at 16) about threatening her with a screwdriver when she wouldn't put out.
It's a pity he had to so pointedly (pun intended) convince her to perform her wifely duty.
Does anyone even know if Applebaum is still alive?
Haven't heard from him since he raped everyone who didn't like him at Tor.
It would be funny to meme Applebaum as the perpetrator of every rape, like Holla Forums does with vicious mass murderer Sam Hyde
not that user, but at least post a sarcastic reaction image or a :^), text alone doesn't lend itself well to sarcasm tbh famalamadingdong.
You might be onto something.
i treid emojis once but people got mad
Applebaum raped me too
Fucking mind-raped me.
Wasn't his first venture some fetish site? I'm sure all these folks are just making this shit up.
Jacob Appelbaum is a rapist because he was molested by his mother.
I feel bad for him but he's also an unreasonable sjw constantly bitching about male privilege and social oppression so some part of me is laughing at this shit
serves him right, that's what you get for having SJWs among your own
He IS an SJW. Actually worse because he flirts with Antifa.
Emoticons > emojis
Emojis are a mistake and need to be purged.
What goes around comes around.
this is some cringy shit nigga
Emojis look the same on all devices whereas emoticons might render differently depending on the fonts people reading are using. Furthermore, emojis are hand-selected by specialists to encompass the acceptable range of human expression, whereas literally anyone can string together an emoticons without any approval process.
No there are some times massive differences in Emojs, which can potentially cause real world issues. See the gun emoj, in some it looks like a water pistol others a .44 mangum. Also by emoticons I mean just the plain text version, e.g. :(, if all font can not render that the same way there is a serious problem.
Seeing the massive amount of in fighting over what each one means and over the colour of pixels is good fun to watch. Having freedom to do, must be a shock to the system though.
=======D {|}
3 ^
^ Your Mother's vag
My cock
Appelbaum should have had the foreskin to see this coming.
Last I checked "emoji" was just weebspeak for "emoticon". When did normalfags start using "emoji"?
That's the most reddit spoiler I've ever seen, those faggots keep appending "/s" to every single one of their shitty posts. I don't want that kind of cancer here.
If you can't recognize facetiousness, then it's because you're an autist and you don't belong on any chan yes, that last sentence is a joke, you dipshit.
But seriously, in a more general way, it's a way of "policing language" so that "people don't misinterpret you". Familiarity with the redefinition of terms by SJWs so you don't get confused for a racist is left as an exercise for the reader.
Being a numale is not a political agenda, it's a way of thinking.
Back to Holla Forums you goy
D-dad? Is it really you? WHY DID YOU LEAVE?? ;_;