So why were you banned from 4chan…
So why were you banned from 4chan…
I posted a half naked jessi slaughter picture that got flagged as pedo.
Best day ever
I'm not, I left in 2012 like every other sane individual.
I'd post it but it'd just get me banned here now as well, and they wonder why people aren't coming here and instead just ban evade and keep posting on 4chan.
i posted a girl with small tits and cum on her face and they thought it was cheese pizza
I was banned for posting this
Permabanned for that prank where you make the idiot who can't read filenames google cp terminology. I fucking learned the terminology from 4chan for the purpose of that prank but apparently it's not kosher on that site anymore.
you guys are screwed to some degree because Holla Forums is now on the same level as 4chan
Oi vey. You're not hiding your Jew very well.
This was meant for
I wasn't. I left to get away from faggots like you.
lol summer is here. it's time to go back
Got IP banned for posting a pic of a clothed face shot of Masha babko or whatever her name is and she's an adult. I tried to fight it but the automated system (or fucking moron who is supposed to read the appeals) just didn't care, thought it was cp and banned me. Fuck halfchan that place is full of faggots who like rating each others cocks and arguing about "boipussy" anyway
You should get banned for that here as well tbh
Yeah, I have heard that myth too.
they said for children but I never did it
you guys believe me right? Im innocent
I wont lie, I am to tremendous for 4chan
In fact, I am to tremendous for Holla Forums to.
Wizchan can barely contain my mean attitude.
insulating a camwhore on /soc/.
However I was more of a Holla Forums user at that point I came during gamer gate.
I used 4chan from 2004 ( ) till 2015.
It went full cuck mode. Moot became a sjw.
For asking if the mods were asleep
Holla Forums fucking sucks now.
And not in the "I MISS OLD Holla Forums WAHH", just that it's fucking cancer.
To start off, Rate My Cock threads. Literally cancer, get the fuck out, gay fagets.
Trap threads. "It's not gay!" You're jacking off to someone with a dick. That's GAY.
Trump/Hillary. There's a whole separate fuckin' board dedicated to your cancer. Newsflash: Politicians don't give a shit about you. And nobody reads your shitposts.
FB fap/Dubs get nudes/Rate my gf/What would you do/Pics you shouldn't share/Roll for nudes/Celeb, etc. They're all the same fuckin' thread. Literally turning 4chan into facebook+tumblr. Underage faggots fapping to pics of CLOTHED, AVERAGE WOMEN or BODY PARTS of AVERAGE WOMEN.
YLYL Threads, more like the shittiest stolen screenshots of black twittereddit9gag. Congrats.
Loli, shota, fluffy, fur: cancer of a cancer.
Porn threads. 1% fucking porn, 99% underage fuckboys and shitposters yelling NAME SAUCE MOAR.
Gore/rekt threads. Oh shit, you said you can handle pictures of dead people/cats/dogs! You're pretty edgy, man. You're so much cooler than us. Just kiddin'. Fuck you.
3D/Wincest/R34 threads. Put together because I don't know what's fucking worse. Jacking off to pics of cartoon characters or porn pics with half-assed text boxes of "Gee golly big bro, your penis is in my vagoo!" Fucking sad.
BBC threads. Because Holla Forums can never get enough of fucking cock in their life.
Feels threads. 33-year-old kissless virgin (OP) relates with 14yo depressed kiddies. Go. Out. Side.
Race bait threads and Steam threads. Nuff said.
Dubs threads. WOW, there's a series of two identical numbers next to each other in a nine digits ID! Fucking groundbreaking.
Copypasta threads. Why do dumbasses even respond to obvious bullshit?
Did I miss anything, fags?
child models or sexualized images of children
that covers it
I was not banned, i left when moot decided to become transgender/feminist/sjw
It has an Holla Forums filename but I might as well ask- where is a good source for horse porn?
Only men on animals I know:
.Onion sites
I didn't, I left with all the others.
Shoop the head better next time.
Should I start a porn thread?
what about the none-fuckin stop claim ur wifu threads going at all times. there's no point going to half-chan Holla Forums anymore cuz even if u find a good thread it'll die in minutes
Why would people need to be banned to leave halfchan?
Was browsing imagefap one night drunk and came across a pic of some chick that looked a little young, but not under 18 I don't think and I shared in a thread and got perma'd. It was bitter sweet because Holla Forums has been a pretty big part of my life for around 12, pushing 13 years, but it went downhill pretty fuckin' fast after normies found it and destroyed the hivemind.
Permabanned for asking "what got deleted"? in reference to a deleted pic. I was surprised.
Posted this on /lgbt/ and told them they all needed to be gassed. Good times desu.
i was on Holla Forums
banned for requesting a raid
fucking cancer
the faggots that winge and moan about it like these faggots will ever change
yes it sucks user but that's what happens when you become popular
normies flood
ISP range ban, that gook banned my ISP months ago and doesn't seem to be willing to unban it
Holla Forums & Holla Forums on half-chan are fuckin horrible now a days.
Its full of
Holla Forums
it's turned into a non-stop raid by plebbit and i think share blue
the smaller boards arent tooo bad and Holla Forums is alright
i agree, been lurking recently, its full of normies and LARPers.
disgusting tbh
I wasn't. See:
How do you manage to get banned from 4chan?
Also why hasn't anyone made an attempt to make a music-oriented imageboard to account for the loss of /mu/?
Remember the good days, anons?
Shit posting sharing dolphin WEB's. Holla Forums faggets reported me…
Are we brothers user?
I wasn't. I was permabanned from 8ch for pointing out how terrible the goldwater is.
4chan admins permaban for little reasons so it seems. Or maybe that's their way of getting rid of shitposters, mods can see your post history can't they?
fuck you, this last part really hurt
they will block you for downloading too much.
for complaining about jews
How is that even possible?
you can say what you will about 8cock, but bashing Jim isn't a bannable offence here. nobody likes him and he knows that. he doesn't care.
the internet for James Watkins is a convenient means of wringing sheckles from sheep, period. most of the moderation teams despise him almost as much as the fat old recruiter despises you and i, the only two posters left. are you also here for the end game?
started a story off with >be me
and they banned me for being underage
They have to deal with thousands of reports a day so it's easier to just permaban someone with a generous interpretation of global rule infractions. An Hero doesn't care either since it helps alleviate bandwidth strain.
Chronic shitposting on /a/ and a lot of 3 day bans under my belt
dindu noffin
Yes, you missed one very important thing, user.
You missed that everything you mentioned is now in the catalog here at 8ch/b/.
8ch/b/ maybe be a little shitty sometimes, but it ffaarr better than 4ch/b/
I was posting from my phone at my grandmas house, she got no internet, so im on 1x connection mobile, and it banned me for CP. some country hicks god darn!
I only get banned from 4chan, like, incidentally when i forget what board im on
4chan is a fucking joke tbh
holy fucking shit. the number of faggots on here who don't know how to evade ip bans is absolutely staggering
spoof your mac, get a new ip, clear your cookies, and log back in. failure to perform those steps in that exact order will result in your new ip getting banned as well
and no i will not tell you how to spoof your mac, so fuck off
I was never banned from 4chan, I merely crashed it with no survivors.
i said "more?" to a teen thread
that was 3 years ago. still banned for requesting cp content
im still mad and bitter because there are teen threads everyday that stay up for hours and everybody knows those girls arent 18
lol static ip fag detected
Same here, it's why I'm still v&
I posted a fucking pic of a guy with a boner with his wife who has just been interrupted by his daughter. so it shows all three of them but his naked boner is in the shot with the kid and his wife has her tits out as well. Some cocksucker flagged it as CP even though there are no sexual acts going on with the child at all.
they didn't like my appeal
For posting a Loli in a Fall in love you lose thread
Discussing halfchan
Such an injustice.
Horse porn
who are those LA illuminati whore models that happen to be preteens?
yeah, posted those in one of the good ol fashioned Holla Forums AoC threads
I hope you know that is a guys ass user
I wish i had been banned for posting this pic
I got permabanned twice for pedoposting from 4chin but now the second ban was lifted so I'm not banned anymore.
Permabans only last for a year at most
cuckmaster m00ts banned my isp al together, I sent an appeal, still nothing.
After m00ts died and jap m00t took over my isp was unbanned for a month or so.
then banned again, probably some fag is using a botnet to ddos them or shit.
I don't know.
For demanding a no nigger policy on /s/ and creation of a /nigger/ channel for anyone who wants to go look at shit skins. That sort of talk was normal on /s/ 10 years ago then suddenly one day, it became verboten and I didn't get the memo.
There was a thread where the OP declared if you correctly guess the last digit of your post number, you had to leave the site forever. Not only did I correctly guess it (six), but I got dubs along with it. I came to this site and haven't intentionally gone back yet. I say intentionally because a link I clicked went there, and I found I was banned. I assume the mods went through and banned all the people who guessed their post number correctly.
Trying to get people to tweet her about her nudes.
damn that's some nice curves
You know it.
That some people can be that insanely stupid and shooting nudes and share them via any kind of outlet through the internet astonishes me. Like, what the genuine fuck? How can women and men be this degenerate? Shows how little self-respect they have.
I know, right? She obviously wants people looking at her, body like that.
Of course, but the illusion of sharing them "privately" is always an excuses for femmes that they aren't sluts - who they indeed are.
I was banned for posting this explicit CP pedo shit. Figures.
Where did the fun autism go
Is that a Grey Serbian Moontit?
Man, you can't do anything anymore. I have been permab& more times in the last two years than I ever was.
A few times it has happened that I've tried to post a file there. First, I get an upload failed error. Then, if I try again… automatic permaban.
I've bypassed this by adding color to irrelevant pixels in a static image, but adding frames to a gif doesn't work.
Anyway, mook must have copies of every file that has been deemed inappropriate for his phonefags stored somewhere so that the system can detect it, right?
Why can't we get those files?
I'd seed that forever.
Yes, all mods, even here, can see your post history.
i replied to a 11yo creep shot with "noice", the pic wasn't even illegal
noice (you)
It's goatse
they don't ban to get rid of shiposters. for example - shitposters like bananafags flood ylyl threads constantly and no-one does anything about it even though there are global no-flooding rules.
considering I got the picture from a bad parenting thread on 4chan, I think it's fucking retarded
postin epin meems
Posting mlp porn, shilling for 8ch and telling them their site is shit.
is it against 4chans rules to even talk about the existence of pedos?
yee they r cuked
unless you use tor
(((TOR))) hmm developed by fbi, backdoor to nsa.
Permaed for posting repeatedly about the merits of dogfucking in various threads
MAC spoofing to switch IP doesn't work with my new ISP, which fucking sucks. Still considering if I should switch back, having a static IP is a liability nowadays
intel cpu's are compromised at the hardware level so ur fucked no matter what you use, except windows cuz then ontop of the nsa every script kiddy can fuck your computer
Anyway I banned myself on purpose because I thought 4chan was a waste of time. I repeatedly posted fat naked people on /sp/ adter being banned x amount of times it becomes permanent.
I didn't know about this but didn't care because I needed to get away from it….unfortunately I discovered this place so I'm fucked again. Where should I go once I get banned form 8ch? There's hardly anyone here so not like it matters anymore
Once you go webm+sound, you won't go back.
I have such a diamond boner right now. I never thought something as vile as that shit would turn me on. Doesn't surprise that Swiss people are into that.
I posted a .gif of a camwhore who was whoring her self on 4chan.
She didn't even showed her face and her body was quite mature, I had no idea that the .gif was flagged as cp.
And then…
perma banned for adding a very long google link that makes you search for "how to find cp and kill the president os the united states"
no sense of fucking humor.