My mother has recently got a job and she's not gonna be at home a lot. I have an 11 year old sister. After uni, I'm gonna be left alone with her at home almost everyday. What should I do/not do Holla Forums?
My mother has recently got a job and she's not gonna be at home a lot. I have an 11 year old sister. After uni...
you should probably make a rant for youtube about it
teach her to cook. don't fuck her.
Grow up, act your age, and stop living with your mother already! If I had a kid your age who was still living at home and acting like a whiny bitch the way you are I would get a job and stay out of the house as much as I could too! Fucking hell, if you don't have some respect for your mom, at least have some for yourself! Quit being a fucking snowflake.
Teach her to fuck. Don't cook her.
You don't get it user, I'm a poorfag.
ask her if she has any younger friends
YOU don't get it OP…get a fucking job!
Get two if you need to!
Quit whining about what you don't have and go out and get it! Jesus Christ, you fucking kids are retarded and lazy! I graduated with a double major in Business and Finance, in 4 years and with no debt because I worked one FT job and one PT job the whole time. So don't tell me it can't be done. It can. You just have to be willing to do what it takes. If all you are going to do is sit back and cry about your situation, you may as well not even bother with college because you aren't going to succeed in life anyway.
In most cultures, you stay with your parents until you marry, and even then it's common for extended families to live in a single household. The American custom of leaving home for college, then getting your own place no matter what, is wasteful and pointless.
its called growing up
ugh, check your age privilege
Oh well.
you're just an idiot, aren't you
Take her to the arcade or something. Be the cool older brother.
Optional: get dat fuk
fuck off ageist shitlord
No no no. Once you're the cool older brother the fuk will come by itself trust me OP.
Already have a shitty low wage job
get a job in the field you study in it should pay more and you learn something while you work
it isn't that hard
Get a less-shitty slight higher wage job
this, also don't wine on imageboards
how old are you?
But how else am I gonna get my windows gaymes to work on linux?
It isn't pointless if you are in a destructive and degenerate environment, like most American households.
it isn't that hard
Unpaid internships aren't jobs, user. It's called Slave Labor.
yes, and i wrote jobs. learn to read. millenials wtf.
Both of these.
Forcefully impregnate.
Dear Diary:
Today OP was the most beta cuck faggot ever.
maker her your gf and take her on a date to the park
slander mother, make sis depend on u, fuck, record and post
Op here, my sister is a very curious girl at her age, I was thinking maybe I could start with fingering her, like i should ask her to let me finger her. I don't know, I feel like I'm so close to getting a win, but I'm scared to fuck it all up.
you can't even get a job, of course you gonna fuck it all up
OP just molest her DO IT op I DARE YOU!!.
Don't fuck up her life because of some shitty fantasy you have
here's an idea: Learn her to cook what??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? and spill it on the floor, because the fucking spergetastic comment you just made is the metaphorical what???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????. She'll probably run to your mother and you'll be fucked after you mumble your suggestion to her.
Go to university and try to make something of your life, for god's sake.
what?? = *spughetti
So do they fugg in front of their grandparents or what?
Easier said than done
Teach her to kiss the magic puppet.
OP don't be a sperg, don't ruin her life along with your own.
you can't undo that kind of trauma.
be a decent person, and care for her like a normal human being.
Don't sexualize her in any way.
Teach her useful skills, like cooking, washing the dishes, cleaning clothes, etc.
You could bake cookies, or a cake together.
Teach her manners, like how to properly sit in a table.
If you live in a nice neighborhood, go out to walk.
Buy her modest clothes, but don't force her to wear them, just give them to her as a present.
Limit her exposure to the media. Only let her watch TV less than two and a half hours, and only in strict times, like before eating or after dinning. Let her use her computer/tablet just three hours a day, or less, also in strict times.
Everytime she comes from school, make her give you her cellphone, and then hide it. Promise her you wont revise her messages, and dont break the promise. Just give her her cellphone when she asks for it and gives a justificable reason, like asking one of her classmates for homework.
Make it so she doesn't swear inside the house, or in front of strangers. Shame her everytime she does. You should also try not to swear, if you do swear, she will percieve the situation as unfair.
Devolp a relationship with her, don't just aislate yourself in your room. Play board games with her, do picnics, etc. You can even play vidya with her, like super mario in multiplayer and other E rated games, but limit it to an hour or two. New Super Mario for wii is a good game. Mario racing too. Don't shame her when she fails and make it entretaining for her too.
Try to not leave her alone too much time and go out with her if she needs to go out, like walking to school or to do the groceries.
I cannot think of any other things right now, but that should be it.
This user is smart
OP posted pedobear for a reason, this thread is mental masturbation for him.
It is a sad pedobear.
Op you lazy faggot reply to my paragraph
You talk about her like she's a toddler, she's 11 for God's sake, and it's not like she acts like an 11 year old, but more like a 14 year old. She doesn't like going out, neither do I. I just wanna get a win, cuddle and kiss, I don't wanna make her fall in love, that's gross. Thanks anyway for taking your time to write that paragraph
Best suggestion ITT so far.