What is his name again?

what is his name again?

Bob Barker

paul ryan

Jorge Coros

Jew Jewberg

George "helpin' the nazis back in the 40's" Soros

Benedict Cumberbatch

Checkin' sie dubs.

Donald Trump

George Soros, a hungarian born american financier, philanthropist and political activist.
Rumoured to mod Holla Forums in his free time, own the duck and run nasa from his undersea bunker. Earned 3,3 billion dollars in 2015.

George "Signing checks and breaking Nazi necks" Soros

The Next World Ruler
Put some respect on him name, OP.

He triggers polacks therefore he is my sempai.

What did the Polish ever do to you user?


only idiots join the army

Lord Sir John Enema Stanley

Yeah, and her duties were what again? Oh right…waving at crowds and cheering up the injured in a hospital hundreds of miles behind the lines. Because she was the future queen. That isn't what most people consider "being in the military", OP. Also, consider this: while Trump has only been in the military for 100 days, he already has achieved a higher military rank than her majesty ever did…Commander in Chief.

And? Noblesse Oblige is expected of Royalty. The fact that Trump cares about vets and lets law enforcement do their damn job more than makes up for his lack of service. Man pays more in a year of taxes than you'll make in your life. British Royalty is subsidized solely to exist.

Said the swede…


George george george of the jungle watch out for that …

Enemy of Kek

Final Boss Kike

I just call him the guy that signs my paycheck

Attacking George Soros is a low-hanging fruit because his crimes are too obvious and public. If George Soros is the Final Boss Kike then the Rothschild Family is the second "True" Final Boss looming over him

Giorgo Sorocinni

Jurgen Shoroswaldt

Goorg Sores

Jurj ibn Al-Sorus

The Jew

Queen Elizabeth also has complete power over the UK government but allowed the Jews to take over and flood the Union with muslims bent on destroying its identity.

Emperor Palpatine

Just another Porky. It doesn't matter if he's Jewish, it matters that he's a bourgeoisie pigfucker.





This is why no one takes you faggots seriously. You can't meme for shit and you are fucking retarded.

Our memes are better than yours, you spooked stormfags. Plus, you seem to get awful triggered when we pirate your memes just to rub salt in the wound. ;^)

George Costanza


Reminder Stirner said that white people were superior to blacks and asians, and Russian communists were racist too, the only true leftist ideology is cultural marxism, now go join your friends.

When will your godawful memes die already…

You're ignoring the fact that Stirner and other """"leftist""""" ideologies have right wing traits that make them no longer leftist.

Did you learn that on wikipedia?

Just remind commies how if Nazis are capitalists, why did Grampa Stalin team up with porky to take them down? These retards only think in black and white


Oven Dodger

Bitch please, only tankies appeal to Stalin. He fucked the rest of us commies in the ass with his totalitarian dictatorship that sabotaged everything Lenin worked so hard for.