Is this place still dead?
Is this place still dead?
8/b/ never dies, it only tricks people into thinking it has to weed out the undedicated
So it's not dead, it's just like one of those zombies that's had both legs and one arm blown off yet it still continues going, just very, very slowly?
Sort of. Except the head has been blown off as well. And the body. It is really just an arm, crawling along the gutter trying to get close enough to someone to flick their ankle with its fingers.
You guys been on halfchan too much if you think this place is dead
I actually kek'd
I haven't left halfchin since… Shit… When did Snacks get b&?
Haven't been there in years, sorry.
I am not comparing 8 to 4, that is apples and oranges. I am comparing 8 it to what it used to be. Yes, it used to be slower, but that was part of why it was better. It also used to be higher quality and less cancerous. So it *used to be* the zombie with no legs and one arm. Now it is just the arm, and in the context of the internet as a whole it functions exactly as I said it does.
This is true, even when the pedos were here, they never interfered with other threads. Now every thread is a shitfest because of the halfchan mentality that has infested Holla Forums.
Why wouldn't it still be dead? There isn't a reason a surge of new users would come here anymore so its only going to get more and more dead as time goes on.
Given that the last big influx (4chan exodus) was not caused by anything that was happening here, I would say that your view ignores the very likely scenario of other chans and websites going into decline and having this board experience bigger and more frequent invasions of the same sort. Reddit is on its way down the pipes, and early indications are that Facebook's use is declining pretty substantially lately. Where do you think those people are going to go, 4chan? Not likely. Many will be coming here. Meaning we are seeing only the tip of the cockberg.
Point is, people don't come here for what is here, they come here because of what is going on where they already are.
how do you think it never dies, moron?
is that our lord and savior?
It's completely dead. This post isn't even real. It's a figment of your imagination.
Well, its a fat autist, who threw his entire family under the bus (And the crippple too), and who survives by cyber begging, dunno if thats your savior.
he sounds like the Jesus of Holla Forums to me
he can die for my sins for all i care
fify, dumbo
you forgot "niggerkike"
This place is so alive, it is breeding
the undamned