I think racism is just a social construct made by porkies as an excuse to work africans to death for no pay

I think racism is just a social construct made by porkies as an excuse to work africans to death for no pay

how about you guys

Racism is a spook. Sure.
It's making an ideology out of xenophobia.

Xenophobia is inherit in society. However going the step further and saying "those black people have no souls" is what turns it into racism.

And it was indeed created to have cheap labor for plantations in the new world.

Then, in the 20th century, it was used to suppress socialism.

It's one of Porky's many tools in the fight against the working class.

racism is just an easier way of identifying the lumpenproles


further evidence that leftists can't meme or bantz for shit. this reads like an unfunny faggot from either SA or SRS wrote it



Why are you here, fascist?

I feel really embarrassed that I can't meme.

Not, say, the exact opposite. Embarrassed that I can't have an intellectual conversation, and instead spout pictures and simple catchphrases that people on the internet think are funny.

This post, while still shit, is a superior way to drop out of an argument.

ad hominem

also you failed to address the lack of bantz skills. If you drop out of an argument in that way, you should engage in an act of dankness while you do so. You just did a unfunny "Fempire" all caps post.

To shitpost on the internet.


ad hominem


argumentum ad ignorantiam

Begging the question

Red Herring

fallacy fallacy haha checkmate nerds

Argumentum ad hitlerum

I think no one should ever work regardless of race.

I guess that explains why the ancient Jews were the first to express racism against blacks in text, admonishing their people from marrying black women and calling black children a sign of infidelity, while the Arabs were the first to outright call blacks slurs of all kinds, intellectually ("they're a slave race", "they're the least intelligent of mankind", "those closest to animals") and more basely ("When sated the Zanj fornicates, when hungry he steals").

But I guess it was all the fault of the colonials who first stepped foot into said areas between 500 and 1500 years after those texts were put down.

dear polack you can talk with the growups when you have the clear difference between reality and what pol says

I'm not a polack, the pic is a reference to the man who first came up with the notion of slave references. I just despise revisionism, I hate it just as much when they start to go on about the holocaust as when people here go on about how "nationalism is 200 years old guys!" when no one whose ever opened up a primary source in their life could truly believe that.
As for sources for said claims:
The Curse of Ham: Race and Slavery in Early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam by David M Goldenberg along with his other writings that chronicle the racism ancient Jews held for the Kushites in Egypt among other African people as well as some of the racist views of the Arabic Muslims among the Umayyads and particularly the "tolerant" Abbasids who wrote things about black people we wouldn't see again until the eugenics movement started, as well as the later. The base claim that Zanj slaves, i.e. African blacks, only know how to fornicate and steal is from Fatimid-Caliphate Egypt.

Born slave peoples*.

pick one pol ffs

No, they're the first documented case of racism against specfically African blacks. A fairly mild one compared to the outright hatred shown by the later Arabs however.

Why? And where?

This doesn't contratict my argument.
Cheap labor and so on.
It still wasn't turnen into Ideology, until Capitalism and Imperialism.

Xenophobia is inherit in societies.
Use of said xenophobia by the ruling class, is also inherit.
Ideology based on Xenophobia is the creation of current ruling class, Capitalists.

Yet it existed and thrived in the 800AD Abbasid Caliphate and had a solid philosophical basis in Aristotle.

Everything was based in Aristotle in the middle ages.
They took whatever he wrote and turned it to whatever they wanted. Both east and west.

Does that make it concrete Ideology?
No. Ideology is created AFTER capitalism is established.
Ideology requires a large enough part of the population to be "Educated" enough to understand basic concepts. It then shapes those concepts according to what a certain group wants.

Still Xenophobia used by ruling class and not ideology.

Also, yet you say nothing about the "He who is not Hellin, is a Barbarian" motto, in ancient Greece. Or the "racism" (xenophobia) Democretus faced, being Thracian.

Xenophobia you mean.
If I was to bring up Ancient Greece, which is rather beside the point since we were discussing in the specific context of colonialism and black slavery and the revisionism of both ITT, I would mention the Spartans since they had a whole outsider caste of people they treated utterly subhumanly, the Helots.

I thought we were discussing the ideology of racism…

But when it's not about niggers, it's xenophobia…


I have not seen single working-class darkie in my city, and there are about 500 of them in here. Not even a single one of them is proletarian. Pure lumet proletariat.

Nope, when it's mere distaste for outsider cultures, as was the case of most Greek city-states (Spartans excluded naturally), it's xenophobia.
When you start talking in terms of how all of a particular ethnic attribute are "born slaves" who are "unclean" and more animal than human you have racism.
Nor have I argued that racism against black people was the first or only case as you seem to be implying. Only that racism vis a vis colonial Africa is predated in the same exact, or even worse, form by the Arabs (starting with the late Umayyad reign well into modern times) and in milder form by the Jews (around the time of ancient Egypt's Kushite colony).

In the US only like 15% of blacks are unemployed and this is a huge increase since about half a decade ago. While minority lumpen stereotypes obviously have some basis in truth, the majority of blacks and Latinos on welfare are actually working.

So, considering Thracians, barbarians and so on, is "not racism". Even if they are considered "unclean" and "lesser than us, civilized men".
OK. Whatever you want your ideology to be, dude!

Either Racism made by capitalism, or it exists even for Japan VS .. .. the world. And warrior native american tribes VS the colonists.

And how many non-darkies are non-lumpen?

So, they are not paid enough to live?

Correct. Neither is the Roman distaste for numerous foreign habits racist.
Are you seriously being trigggered by commonly accepted working-definitions?
Have you ever held a discussion outside of leftypol?
Or it predates capitalism and has existed independetly of Xenophobia for a very long time.
But you go on believing in your presented false dilemma. There's clearly no point in this discussion at this point.

Before the "refugees" unemployment was below 5.5%, and since the long-term unemployment are only 40% of the unemployed, I would say that there were lot fewer of them.

You know, lumpen is lack of class con, right?

No it isn't, it describes your relation, or lack thereof in this instance, to the means of production… class consciousness has nothing to do with it.

And Xexizy is supposed to be the one who doesn't read…


You must be new here!

These sorts of racist comments, even if made ironically, are not welcome at Holla Forums. We seek to create the conditions necessary for the building of the communist utopia, which will be impossible with the racist attitudes you presented in your comment.

I wish all the Holla Forums defectors who insist on throwing the word "lumpenproles" around as often as they can would just go back to where they belong.

is this satire

satire is a spook

Are you that naive in thinking that some Holla Forums troll who keeps saying "nigger" leaves, and you'll get more public support, leading to your "communist utopia"?

Don't whine about words, you sound like a reality impaired SJW.