(((SEELE))) IS ON RAMPAGE AFTER BEING EXPOSED TO BE A JEWISH SJW MOD WITH DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS (lucky i managed to get a screenshot before he insta deleted the thread.)
jim and SEELE have hi-jacked Holla Forums to destroy it for google by turning it into a second 4chan. they are censoring random legit users for no reason and then they are to cover it up under the narrative of "CP"
the screenshot clearly exposes there is no CP in the post yet i was accused to be posting CP.by jewish SJW mod.
archive and take screenshots of this thread thread because it will be deleted by exposed jewish SJW mod SEELE who is working for CIA plant jim, who got this site from original owner hotwheels
Jonathan Hill
smells like butthurt
John Carter
Is this a meme?
Dylan Gonzalez
here a list of random bans of SEELE
Brandon Morris
That's a pony
Jack Morgan
therealmoonman ist that you? fuck off shills
Michael Edwards
William Campbell
bby pls no h8
Owen Barnes
4chan and reddit are your home
Leo Murphy
Lucas Sanchez
Based mod
Josiah Ward
Andrew Reed
Take your meds.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Quit your pedo bitching. You're only driving the rest of the userbase into Jim's arms with your continual conflation of "let me share my legally-questionable pornography" with actual free speech.
You deserve a ban, and a whole lot more. Now kindly fuck off back to reddit or endchan or wherever you came from.
Oliver Brown
indeed banning other people for no reason has no not much in common with free speech
be careful for what you wish for you dumb faggot. brwosing Holla Forums you are moving in read light pretty much anyone here is bannabe for some reason. even the ponyfags are hated by someone. you may have not checked op but there was no CP posted anywhere.
you are an invalid idiot and the reason why you say is because you are from reddit
Jaxson James
Tell me, user, would you also say that hate speech is not free speech?
Josiah Sanchez
Well don't go full retard on me. A guy made an actually CP thread about 10 posts before the 55555 GET in an attempt to get them.
Gavin Gonzalez
smells like circular cp argument incoming
Jack Wright
Mostly everyone. But they usually stick to their own threads and don't sperg out everytime something doesn't go their way.
Define "hate speech"
Caleb Perry
Lincoln Edwards
muh seepee
Logan Hall
Nathan Hall
No he means LauraB shit and normal pictures of little girls that shit was not illegal and should still be allowed here.
Connor Hall
Kayden Rivera
after spamming the internet for yours with utter most garbage thats the best you can come up with?