Rate my fat neet food adventure of today.
First stop is BurgerKing.
For me its the BiKchicken, the best fast food bla bla…
Rate my fat neet food adventure of today
Next stop is Wendys across the street.
Baconator with junior bacon.
burger in bumhole, bang in with benis.
Can you still smoke inside restaurants in Quebec?
Next is Tacobell 3 stations away.
Taco and bean burrito.
Final stop before game night.
Coke from McDicks for their unlimited drink machine.
rate and subscribe.
They call that the Cheesy Bean & Rice burrito in the US. It's still like a dollar, I love it because it will fill you up for a budget price.
I usually get the Son of Baconator, it has two of the small patties and a little less bacon, but I feel stuffed after eating it. It's not bad for the price.
I didn't know BK had a junior chicken sandwich, I probably got one a long time ago and it didn't taste good. Although, I would like to try that new chicken breast fillet sandwich they've been advertising.
If you like the junior chicken sandwiches, you've gotta try the new Jalepeno McChicken from McD's. The chicken is lowgrade but if you get it hot & fresh, the taste is mind-blowing.
Why are you going to all these places?
you fat fuck
bitch please, my t-shirt says
"Fat and Proud"
Jesus… eating all this junk so late. Not sure if I should pity you or be jelly.
thanks for sharing.
its nice to see something like this on the internet
who's playing?
Wow, so some faggot bought 3 sandwiches. How fucking extreme dude. Living on the edge.
Man, this is disgusting. I can barely finish one fat food meal let alone multiple
Shut up, don't normalize this behavior. Obesity is such a burden in the countries where they've become commonplace. This kind of eating doesn't help.
The amount of same fagging in this thread dude
fuck off jamie oliver
Show us your weed stash