So this youtuber just absolutely destroyed Holla Forums and muh white identity
RIP alt-right
Kek, fucking losers
Leftypol being this desperate ……sad
this is a crosspost from a leftypol thread and what funny is they ripped the video apart themselves:
"It's not very re-educating. Mostly just talking down to white straight cis males. "Your idpol isn't legitimate but everyone else's is, games actually aren't representative enough of women and poc," won't convince anyone not already convinced, no matter how much of a drawl you put into your voice. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."
Its just condescending trash with no actual points. As per usual.
He emphasizes the need for "identity" and "struggle" too much and doesn't focus on the simple issue of loser-appeal and empathy. I mean the "identity" shit becomes more true the further you drift from just like antifeminism and mens rights into white nationalist territory, but the empathy is how they recruit really effectively.
for me (I kinda got sucked into the antifem groups for a while) it was in large part just having a sympathetic ear when it came to shit like not being able to talk to women, being viewed as/called a creep etc. I'm pretty hardcore autistic irl so after hearing a lot of feminists rail about nerdy white boys and how "talking to women is easy, literally everyone but woman haters can do it" I kinda got sucked in because it felt like they were the only ones listening.
Because these groups didn't have to worry about stepping on women's/minorities' toes very much at all, they could really cater their line to appealing to lonely white men's most common wants/fears ("you're entitled to love but stacy keeps giving herself away to chad and tyrone" etc.).
It's fundamentally just seeing the world from an unabashedly white male social outcast's perspective.
Thanks for having our back in fighting white supremacy, fam. Means a lot.
fucking nigger
i.e. most of pol. I think that's why there' so much butt-blasted whining over "white genocide". Who someone decides to have sex with 1) is not a genocide 2) has nothing to do with you. Seems like the only people who would care about that are people who can't get laid and are angry at those who are getting laid.
I don't think groups should have to. The way forward should be rational thinking and free exchange of ideas, not ideologues spouting nonsensical talking points
White supremacy you say? Oh dear! Is white supremacy…
Or maybe it's the
Gee, I don't know comrade, it almost sounds like white supremacy isn't the real problem here. Maybe you should reevaluate who constitutes the hated bourgeoisie..
Today was a great day! It's all real in my mind!
Credit where it's due, that is actually funny. As for Trump being shit he has proven to be another globalist with his stance on Syria that still doesn't make him the worst option.
Holla Forums doesn't allow lefy fags in here. pls go
nice bait faggot
The guy is a complete retard. He doesn't even realize that race realism is what drives the entire ideology. The idea that races perform differently physically and mentally due to biological evolution and that the mass immigration of Africans, Arabs, etc… will negatively impact society and the nation. If you remove Europeans and East-Asians from existence, the world would just be one huge garbage pile and they are too retarded to see that. Their whole ideology is based on ignorance and ethnomasochism.
Why don't you post it Holla Forums with the same OP instead of in Holla Forums and see what happens?
gas yourself
This is really gay.
Trump is a drumpf
But 8/pol/ isn't alt-right
Wow, a lefty fag getting mad at white people, what a suprise.
Stay mad commies
go away shaun and jen
go suck a dick
sure sure sure
that's Shaun and Jen, someone so retarded he's transcended lolcow status into living meme. I think alt-right is stupid, but it's not nearly as stupid as these SocJus asshats
Why don't you like us bro
because I don't give a shit about race; only culture and values.
if someone hates islam and SJWs and loves freedom of speech and democracy, that's all that matters
I understand, I once shared the same views. You'll probably be a full on Holla Forumsack by christmas 2017
My nigger.
I wouldn't count on it, I've been the same way since the 2014 migration to this shithole, haven't changed at all.
This guy is 1000% low energy. I can't stand his droning, cucked white noise voice.
Only a leftist could be this hypocritical and not have the slightest idea of it.
Your entire post and the post you're replying to is demonizing your ideological opposites as woman-hating losers, and you're sitting here talking about how groups shouldn't be ideologues spouting nonsensical talking points?
I know that most of you on the left are functionally retarded, but how does this shit slip past your common-sense filter?
Because this cuck is banned from Holla Forums
what a cucked way to start a vid.
Chimp fucker.
yeah you're retarded