How do you deal with anxiety?

How do you deal with anxiety?

Compulsive masturbation




>>>Holla Forums

Why are you still living with your single mommies, anons?

I datamine

i don't have too, because i smoke weed all the time sort of, i don't have anxiety but when i do, i just lid up some dank shit and the dank feels takes over the negative feelings, check out for more information on what's good for you :)

nice thread

I pray to God that he will give me the strength to stop being such a pussy, and then the anxiety just goes away.

Breath in for 7 seconds then breathe out for 11 seconds, do this 3 times.

I pray to Chuck Norris that he will give me the strength to stop being such a pussy, and then the anxiety just goes away.

*tips kippah*

drugs and alcohol.
Mostly booze nowadays, i used to be hooked on oxy and suboxone mainly, and amphetamine, but managed to kick the worst of that habit.
I do tramadol sporadically and oxy like once a year, but boy do i miss doing two 80oc's a day.
good times.

degenerate. weed is for niggers.


whats wrong with being a degenerate?



you don't generate, you de-generate and you are to no use to your society. your degeneration is a burden to people around you, so you're degeneration is making society more decadence. but what do you care? you are a degenerate, after all, and degenerates deserve the rope.

k. Dont care for society, i hope everything collapses.

I do the thing or finish up my involvement in the activity causing it. If I'm anxious about telling my boss something, I know to immediately go tell him in order to aleviate the feeling and get it over with. General feelings of anxiousness? I dunno, maybe commit sepuku. It's life.

exactly. that's why you deserve the rope. anyway, till then, have a good one

heroin and a waifu

Yeah, like that nazi stuff is ever gonna work out for you guys ever again.

weed lmao


how about we let time decide, eh brother?

where did i say nazies were god's chosen people?