This kid is so smart watch this beautiful video where a 9-year-old boy speaks wisely about love, sex, pleasure and life to all anti-pedofags when you have a 9 year old kid telling you the exact same shit that pedophiles are telling you when it comes to kids having sex you should know there is something very wrong with society and its fear mongering and propaganda when it comes to underage sex.
Society is wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
Just when I thought my evening couldn't get any worse.
Sorry you feel that way.
The 70's called they want their hair cut back
Nothing wrong with a little nostalgia.
Holy shit that kid is smart! When I was 9 I did not have life figured out like him.
I know right.
Molestation increases IQ, apparently.
ken cuccinelli pls
"legitimate rape"
Consent and love are not rape.
A properly groomed and, turned-out underage bottom says he likes sex from emotionally-stunted adults.
Sick fucks should be loked away, this boy needs mental therapy.
t. boylover >>>/bl/
Not an argument.
At least you're an honest sick SOB. I can respect that.
Thank you, I'll be reporting this thread for blatant child-rape propaganda now.
So he needs therapy because he likes the feeling of sex give me a fucking break.
Reporting you for being an SJW and a snich.
Never said rape was good faggot kill yourself.
No, it's because he likes sex and he's only nine.
Yet you post this shit here. Goodbye thread.
Who gives a fuck how old he is shut the fuck up jew i was horny as hell and wanted to fuck girls when i was 8.
Molested girls reach puberty earlier. Sexually active kids mature faster emotionally and intellectually.
Pist hey newfag pedos have been apart of image boards since forever they keep normies out lurk moar or GTFO.
Not sure if trolling or retarded
Me, his parents, his other family, the police, the judges, the CSA survivors around the world?
What, did you think the world revolved around you?
That's pretty fucked up.
You do realize it use to be a normal thing for older guys to get together with kids a long time ago right?? also the modern aoc laws were created by feminist.
Oh boo fucking hoo fucking cry baby go find a safe space some place else fucking newfag.
As far as I know the only people advocating for the legalization of rape are the anarchists. Most normal human beings attracted to children stop when they see the child is uncomfortable or disinterested.
Them hitting puberty later than they should naturally is what's fucked up and symptomatic of a society that represses child sexuality. There's also reason to believe it's connected with the high rates of autism.
It's 2017, sorry.
Not an argument
You're not worth responding to, to be honest.
Than get off Holla Forums and go back to 4cuck where you belong cry baby CSA victim.
Irrelevant, except in cases involving violence or coercion.
Completely irrelevant.
Not an argument.
Pretty sure the last Confederate veterans died in the '50s.
I'm banned.
pedos are cancer tbh
Its not hard to change your ip fag.
CSA = Child Sexual Abuse
I don't care.
Were baiting each other, I already stated that I'm a boylover, but not a molester.
You are the cancer killing Holla Forums you are making Holla Forums to nice friendly and kind people like you are what killed 4chan stop it get out reddit is a better place for you.
Your autism is the cancer that is killing Holla Forums.
I visit all three of them, tumblr is nice too
Fuck off Todd Nickerson anti-contact pedos are cancer.
I'm pretty Jeff Sessions is currently AG.
Oh, thought you were referring to the Confederate States of America, which also uses that acronym, and people who legitimately "survived" something that put their life in jeopardy like war.
"Survivors" can also refer to the descendants of the CSA, which further complicates matters.
CSA victims btfo
You're only baiting at this point
Hell yeah.
This whole thread is bait except for the op.
That's disgusting, even as a joke.
What a little attention whore
Just like you ;^))
Oh cry me a river.
this is what happens when you criminalize child love
men have to go out and violently take child love back!
SJWs are the ones actually harming and damaging kids more than any pedophile could ever do
Wow what a commanding presence that's the stuff of KANGZ right there, boy. I would saddle him up on a hourse and go conquer the delapidated Western civilization and slay all these anti-affection abominations.
This is so true.
Exactly most pedophiles who become child molesters do not wanna hurt kids but they end up hurting them because of the fear and stigma surrounding adult/child love and they are told regularly to kill themselves instead of please get help people do not realize that by telling pedophiles to kill themselves you are encouraging them to hurt children.
Sad but true user.
Ewww gross too old
how can it be true that pedos are such cancer? it is because they want to hurt harmless children for nothing more than their own pleasure and benefit. it is this that makes them unapologetic tumors on society that must be cauterized.
pedophiles are manipulative sociopaths, we need to sterilize them
Nope those are child molesters not pedophiles
it is the same thing
FUCK OFF FAGGOT i love kids im in love with them and i care about them a lot i would never harm a child see here fucktard. -
Moar of her?
Pretty sure Peter Scully was not attracted to his victims you can be a child molester and not be a pedophile dumbass.
I found her on!
you want to touch child genitals? you are pedophile. same thing yes?
Anti-pedos are clinically insane sociopaths and are actually projecting all their inner feelings/self worth/turmoil upon others. They themselves are the monsters they accuse YOU of being. Remember that and stay strapped these things like to mob up.
Some child molesters hurt kids because its just easy and its for power and control not sex and no that is some Jewish kike propaganda.
Those would be the sociopath ones. It's a complicated world, kid. Leave it to daddy. LMAO!!! LAAAAMO!!!
child sex with adult is rape yes? you touch genitals you rape. none sense about it.
Its not rape unless they wanted it and consented did you even watch ops video??.
No, but I reported it.
I'm going to report you to the authorities, you better watch yourself. I got the anti-anti-pedo squads onto you, buddy.
I will report all pro-pedophilia videos.
Pedophiles = about to be child-molesters
For what? there is nothing wrong with it its just a kid being interviewed and talking about how he likes sex fuck off SJW.
I just realized embedding is back.
Pro tip reporting wont do shit.
Pro-pedophilia propaganda
Oh, I forgot this sick shit is covered under free speech.
Oh waaahhhh Waahhh stop having opinions i disagree with waaawwhhhhh i want censorship safe space i was abused muh feelings waaahhh cry me a river SJW.
You're so mean.
Kek stay mad faggot.
Anti-pedos are malevolent and delusional. They should KT the S.
I learned to forgive my abuser years ago, that's why I made fun of that post.
Nice try, NOT!
You speak the truth.
Keep crying because i dont give a fuck newfag i hope you realize Holla Forums is the worst place ever to cry about your abuse faggot.
LOL they change their name may wanna update that meme.
Be grateful a sage such as myself has graced this backwater board of kikery for true value is heavenly spent wisdom. (Anti-pedos sometimes string meaningless words together like that.)
I'm tired of arguing with you 3 other posters, please get help.
Thanks but no thanks nothing wrong with my sexual orientation.
True value is heavenly spent wisdom… Hmmmm… Maybe there is deeper meaning there. Maybe…
Remember that preteen girls have the most DING/JING.
Kids can't consent to sex with an adult.
That is only legally you kikie.
Of the 141 replies to this thread, 55 utilized reddit spacing. I don't care what it is you're arguing about, only that over a third of you need to leave.
most of them yeah but some…
Why would you even keep track of that?
Maybe you learned to forgive because deep down you know you were the seducer, regardless of what anyone told you.
Can they consent to sex with other kids? Why or why not?
i never thought id say this about a kid but, *tips fedora*
lol at fags arguing about normie issues ITT
ALL of them cannot consent
How fucking dare you? I was a child, I cannot seduce any mentally sane adult.
That research hasn't been done extensively done.
Define "kids." If your definition is "anyone under 18" consider taking a dose of shotgun mouthwash.
That's nonsense that you tell yourself because you use the experience as a crutch. Of course kids can be seductive.
Keep playing stupid.
What? A crutch for what?
Some or most did. Experience varies. Doesn't mean anyone under 18 automatically can't consent. Even women can't consent to sex nowadays.
Are you telling me males wouldn't get turned on by a beautiful naked 13 year old without popping a boner?
We're talking about children.
Pedophiles get turned on.
You use it as an emotional crutch because you are insecure in yourself, or as an excuse for your personal shortcomings. It's very obvious by how you interjected it in this thread to imply that it makes you an authority on the subject.
Do you think a 17-year-old is a kid despite them being legal in almost every jurisdiction?
Age is just a number. You do realize there are 13-year-old girls with full racks and big bootys?
Insecure in what way?
It's called perspective, I was one of the children that didn't enjoy my experience. Shocking!
Do you? If I say no, does that support the child-adult sex rhetoric spewed all over this thread.
Fine! A 17-year-old is not legally considered a child. Pedophilia must be legal then. /s
Are those exceptions justification for child-adult sex?
Those "sane" normal people are pedophiles, or soon to be pedophiles.
Why is that? Why would "they" become pedophiles?
You can't apply your experience to everybody else. Many children enjoy sex, to suggest otherwise is simply delusional.
Children can't legally consent, but it doesn't mean they don't willingly engage in sex in actual fact.
Linguistically speaking, the phrase "children can't consent" is about as correct as saying "it's impossible to smoke pot because it's illegal." People do it anyway.
There is no need for high AOC, just enforce the rape laws already on the books.
It doesn't seem as if the law matters to you. Okay, fine.
Children can't consent to sex because they don't understand all of the consequences and are in a position of sub-ordinance.
If you say no, it supports the idea that the boundaries of morality don't lie where the US media says they do. They give the same excuse that every totalitarian ruler has ever given for this "people under x arbitrary age can't consent" bullshit. They're telling us that we can't run our own lives and we need the government to do it for us, which is a line of thought can easily be extended to remove voting rights for certain groups and other such things. Of course, if you accept that the proper boundary isn't at 18 that doesn't necessarily put it a great deal lower. It could be only a few years lower, and in fact that's what most people who live in countries that aren't subject to the onslaught of media slander would support.
In the case of actual children this would be true. Teenagers, however, have been through sex ed and thus do in fact understand the consequences. The "power dynamics" argument is also garbage. Men are physically stronger than women, so does that automatically make it rape to have sex with one since the woman is generally less powerful?
Black-and-white thinking. It seems like you have a very narrow view of the intelligence of children.
They don't. They didn't asked to be pedos nor did they ask for it. It was already established males are attracted to females, old or young. Regardless of the AoC.
There is a reason why young teen porn is the most popular genre on most porn sites.
When they get to the point where they are doing algebra and writing essays, they are old enough to fully understand their sexual wants and needs, put it that way. Sex is on the level of eating, you don't need a PhD. to figure it out.
I'm not frantic about a underage "needing" sex. The child doesn't "need" sex. Its not required in life. I'm fine if the underage "want" sex. "Need" feels forceful.
fuck off JIDF
fuck off withered feminist hag
This they do not need it but they should still have the option if they want to do it same goes for working and getting married
This is something pedophiles need to learn. Kids think of platonic thoughts(romance and other stuff, nothing sexual). What a pedo think might be completely different from the kids mind. Forcing sexual activities on a child is risky. Unless the child is already aware of sex, I wouldn't bother.
These laws are supported and enforced by common citizens, which include: Fathers, Mothers, Aunts, Uncles, Teachers, Caregivers, Police.
Sorry, the government wasn't alone in making the decision to outlaw child-rape.
Thank you for your honesty.
All of them?
Are you LARPing right now?
Were talking about children in this thread.
Only in the United States of Retardland.
Fixed this part for you.
Sorry, your "everything I don't like is rape" and "I decide who is and isn't a child even if average adults are less mature than a fucking high schooler and have been for decades" bullshit might work on Tumblr or Reddit, where anyone who picks apart your shitty bandwagon arguments gets banned, but here on Holla Forums, people are allowed to refute you.
It's kind of an academic requirement. Failing that, there are these things called libraries and internet connections.
Argument not detected. 0/10 try harder.
Now who's playing stupid? By your logic, you'd have to outlaw any sexual relationship where the participants aren't exactly equal in every way which is *gasp* ALL OF THEM.
Oh really…
Feigning ignorance, are we? Children are subordinate to adults intellectually, socially and physically.
I hope these pedos understand the consequences of fulfilling their sexual fantasies towards children. I also noticed that you say "males", surely you're not implying that that every male is attracted to females or children, right?
I'm sure a lot of teenagers like to see actresses resembling their own age group.
Parents have the right to decide if their kids can have sex, as long as they're taking care of them/ giving them shelter.
Your rebuttal sounds emotionally charged lol
Explain SJWs then, because most of them are late-20s and 30s with the maturity level of a 10-year-old.
Just stop replying, he's probably spanking himself everytime he gets a (You)
Lack of argument, projection, faggotry. Hmm, it looks like you have a bad case of Reddit. Now, we might have gotten to it in time, but you must watch at least 30 episodes of anime in order to cure your affliction.
Do all kids really go to the library to sexually educate themselves?
You didn't answer either.
We're still talking about whether children can consent to sex with adults, right?
Adults fighting for a cause.
Is this factual or a subjective opinion?
Thanks for contributing to the subject at hand!
The option is there, just like you have the option to read the directions on a bottle of pills. If you take too many and kill yourself because you're a dumbass, it's not because the pill company swindled you, it's because you didn't follow the fucking directions. Same deal with sex. Yes there are risks, but anyone who isn't a complete retard understands that they need to be aware of the risks.
I'm only talking about teens. I don't know what the rest of the posters in here are talking about and it doesn't matter anyway, because I only have to defend my own statements, not theirs.
Is your opinion of under-18s' maturity factual or subjective? You know what, I'll just answer for you. My opinion is based on an unbiased assessment of the intellectual capacity of different groups, whereas yours is based on ageism, arrogance and a busybody mentality.
I support free speech and hate feminism, so I'm pretty sure I'm not.
Well, the poster I responded to made a generalization about the entire US school curriculum so I corrected him.
Option; indeed it is optional.
This threads topic pertained to pedophilia.
You're off-topic. I wasn't debating teen consent.
Factual, I could only prove that by pulling sources from google, but that's too much effort for the type of derailing you've caused.
On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog!
Please an hero
Okay… >>>/bl/
Murrilards think people are innocent little angels until they reach the magic number, and some of them are in this thread right now. Fucktards? On Holla Forums? It's more likely than you think.
I'm sure these (((sources))) will be completely unbiased and not have a political agenda of any kind, because it's not like governments have ever made fake studies before.
We rule the world, whether you believe it or not.
I just had sex with a 9yo girl AMA
Why are you telling us?
Did it feel good?.
No I said I am not I love girls only.
Why are pedofags so easily triggered? Why do pedofags feel the need to promote acceptance for their fetish? Why do pedofags pretend they care about anything other than their dicks?
Someone's triggered about being proven wrong.
I will never forget it. she stunk tho. that musty puberty smell
*sigh* okay
did she consent tho
>>>Holla Forums and stay there
Triggered? Why would I be?
You's trolling
Because it's true some of us do I'm in love with kids I don't want to hurt them.
no, he keeps saying he's a boylover
yeah she actually came on to me
You're what's wrong. Fuck off and die in a fire.
Bet you didn't even watch the video so no you fuck off.
What did you do?
Nope, but I reported it.
Fuck off sjw also reporting won't do shit.
be handsome and talk to her. literally all I did. Lil girls are horny point blank
Nine years old and already an insufferable, pretentious, gum chewing idiot.
What did you do to her?
You're sick.
No you are
How stupid are you? Don't enable user's RPing.
no u
Mods can delete this thread
It's no (you) you fucking newfag.
why is it hard to believe I get that loli pussy? shit even ugly peDos get laid from time to time
Nice job supporting censorship sjw
If there ever was a roleplayer on Holla Forums, you are him.
Kids aren't property, you dumb cunt.
You people are a disgrace to the human race.
Don't you have homework to do, kid?
Wow. such edgy. So scary.
Because you're the laughingstock of the planet.
Legally, they are treated as such.
They shouldn't be.
We'll agree to disagree.
Okay but i hope you realize that people like you are the problem sheltering kids from the real world is not good parenting why do you think a lot of kids for the past few generations have grown up retarded? because they didn't learn any life lessons as young children
Anecdotes do not trump reality.
I don't think you honestly care about a kid's development outside of sex. I'm a hebephile myself and I totally agree with protecting kids from overzealous pederasts.
I don't very much, along with the rest of the world, what you think is right for a kid or not, sex with an adult is out of the question. If another kid wants to have sex, then that's a separate issue that garners more leniency, and no it should not be recorded in any way.
There is far more abuse with children having sexual relationships with adults than of love. This does not absolve the reality.
Actually i do i just dont buy that Jewish propaganda that has been put out oh hurrr derp kids cant consent because the brain argument in that case i guess 18-24 year olds cant consent ether because the brain isn't fully developed until 25 oh huerrr durr kids cant understand sex thats only because you people dont teach them about it so they have no idea what it is or what their getting into if they were taught about and had the knowledge they would know what they were getting into and they would be able to consent to it children are not retarded stop making them out to be so the kid in ops video is very smart and knows what he is talking about also you sound like a fucking moralfag go back to fucking Virped Virtuous anti-contact hebephile kill yourself.
Sounds like some Jewish kike bullshit to me.
Save it for the police. You're not allowed to have sex with children, please stop trying to "debate".
Not an argument now back to Virped faggot.
I'm from reddit.
Get the fuck out newfag back to reddit and cuckchan we hate reddit and 4chan here.
Rolled 18, 2 + 5 = 25 (2d20)pedos are cancer tbh
I've been here for a long time.
It's a bit more than that. Most well-adjusted, competent, and 'good' people see children as they are: beings that are not for sexual. Teenagers and the similar are a blurrier subject, but I doubt the increased sexualization of them has done much good.
No you haven't stop pretending you probably do not remember Hot Wheels /hebe/ /nonnude/ /philia/ /dox/ /rape/ /zoo/ and all the other boards that got deleted when Jim took over.
Go back to reddit you faggot.
Fuck off kike
Now who's gay, you downloaded my trap?!
Rolled 10, 8 + 5 = 23 (2d20)bedos are gancer tbh
Pedos are mentally ill, hebephiles are normal.
Why is girlsreleased catering to pedophiles, do they not realize that Diana is 16 in most of those pics?
Nope both are normal its natural and very normal.
ban all pedos
Ask a police officer.
No, I cured the gayness you instilled in that photo you reddit fag.
Jim banned the pedos. Good!
Travis is a reddit meme…
Laws are only put in place to get rid of all natural and normal instincts.
Unfortunately this. Its true pedos can be in relationship with minors but there are other pedos that are just assholes and don't really care about the minors well being.
Only newfags like Jim and the way he runs things he is a SJW freedom hating cuck.
Like killing a perceived threat to the welfare of our children?
Moderation is not censorship.
I get it that it's hard to get money but please don't shill your normie site here.
What is that?
Ugghh yes it can be stop trying to turn Holla Forums into 4chan also the Candydoll and normal pictures of little girls (Not CP) that use to be allowed here didn't break any rules boards like /hebe/ broke no rules face it Holla Forums is a scam Jim is lying to you he does not care about free speech.
We're not a jailbait dump for pedophiles, perhaps primejb is better for you?
Did you even watch ops fucking video?? also yes it is a normal thing for all humans to want to protect their young from all threats but not all pedophiles are a threat dumbass.
internet slang for advertising deceitfully
Stop cherry picking my fucking argument faggot.
Well were not 4chan ether newfag.
I didn't need to, as a hebephile myself, I can discern bullshit from truth.
So, I reported it.
/hebe/ broke several rules
Kek reporting wont do shit also nice job being a biased cunt SJW faggot back to Virped we hate you.
Proof or GTFO.
Okay, no pedo pics allowed anyway.
I can get the comments disabled, that will stagnate any debate that might've risen from the video's controversial topic.
>>>/bl/ is still up, despite being a pedo board.
You should go back there.
So is /younglove/
Thanks for proving my point, when we use Holla Forums as an actual platform for actual free speech, we are empowered. Abuse however, will only get us banned.
So, now that everyone knows about /younglove/, why won't they go there?
Perhaps your video would earn more appeal at >>>/younglove/
>Perhaps your video would earn more appeal at >>>/younglove/
They do not allow YouTube embedding and that place is dead.
I'm seeing posts from a few days ago
Oh, look! They even allow photo dumps.
https:[email protected]/* *//i-am-daywalker-i-am-a-pedophile-here-is-my-story-d0e7e5252710
Safe space for pedos
Good read.
So edgy
Like proclaiming to be a pedophile that wants sex?
pedophiles are cancer tbh
OMFG so many newfags ITT dont give a fuck what your all discussing here but all of you need to leave right now pedophiles have been apart of image boards since forever they are apart of the culture you guys would know this if you weren't such a bunch of newfags go back to Reddit and cuckchan
pedophiles are cancer tbh
hebephiles are cancer tbh
little girl and boy lovers are cancer tbh
you'd know this if you weren't such a fucking newfag
Fucking kek.
I think you need to see this -
You have no business calling anyone a newfag, you fucking newfag.
WEW buddy looks like you are so proud of being new keep spreging out its hilarious.
quickest rat gets the cheese
This little fucker has his shit more together than most adults.
I know right.
Why the hell do you keep posting this cancer Mr. SJW?.
Daddy said i can never tell.
Does anyone else think he's a hot little boy?
There is "underage" and then there is "underage".
She's not underage, she's a fat, stupid retard.
She used to have enormous, awesome breasts but she had a reduction to "fight misogyny" and she's been spamming pictures like this since. If you think "Okay, she looks fat and has a giant head but her cleave looks okay" google "breast reduction scars". Yeah, that's what her tits look like. "They don't look that bad from what I can see…" She confirmed she had them when the edges were visible in a few of her pictures in this retarded statement where she said she was proud of her scars and she was showing off her body for herself and didn't care if you liked it or not.
If the stupid bitch hadn't harmed her tits she might still have a career.
This is all pre-hormonal talk: his life will change once those hormones go surging and society kicks him in the balls.
Pedofags who completely identify with the words little Franco is sharing here, are on the same mental level as a 9 year old boy. In other words: you are suffering from arrested development.
Worst of all this procedure was not designed for bitches like her.
There is a condition called breast hypertrophy, that can be divided based on severity into macromastia and gigantomastia.
Gigantomastia can be life threatning. Like tits that grow so fast and so large that skin cannot cope with it, and they get ulcerated and necrotic.
It can be virginal, which gives such atrocities as 6month old toddlers with DDs. Or 11-12 year olds with tits that are beyond scale and compose up to 40% of girls body weight.
This obviously makes normal life impossible, creates invection routes and in some cases girls can die in sleep, suffocated by their own breast weight.
So again this is a procedure for a real and serious problem, developed to help and save lives, which feminism and modern liberalism coopted into their shit.
This is a case of:
Looks like someone misses thier hebe board
Yes! You fucking said it, fuck those pedos and their gay ass agenda.
Fuck you and your retarded conspiracy theories conspiracy theories are not true you need to be locked up nut job also fuck you and your anti-under 18 propaganda.
Only newfags like you support Jim get the fuck out SJW freedom hating cucks like you kill image boards.
I'm a cuck and I still don't tolerate pederasty…
Good for you now fuck off newfag back to cuckchan.
This kid is beyond fucked up. Exactly what pedophiles want.
What is your point? he was not abused stop memeing him . newfags forced meme is forced typical newfag behavior.
It gets worse
Nope just some kid who enjoys sex and love.
Pedophiles will see this video as evidence that sex is a need'for children, this is grooming material.
It gets worse as the video progresses, it's absolutely sickening how some "documentary journalist" will spew this propaganda to the masses.
No he's very smart unlike you.
That was random and is kinda impossible unless we're discussing mentally impaired adults.
"I came across a recent case, and this is factual, where a 12-year-old girl was raped by a man in his 40s. The two had been interacting and chatting as they lived in the same neighbourhood. Even after the rape was proven and the man confessed, people of the neighbourhood and the girl’s own relatives were heard saying
“It was not really rape as she is a very tez (conniving) girl and was having an affair with him; she never resisted”.
The child was a curious 12-year-old with raging hormones, not a consenting adult."
Statutory rape is some fake made up Bull shit created by feminist to demonize men for being men.
u deserve to be raped, pedo scum
Go find a safe space somewhere else you mother fucking cry baby
no not until this thread is deleted
Stay mad faggot sjw lol
Your the one that wants a pedo safe space for you little satan cult.
Okay. Stay crazy, loser.
Earn it.
Are you a pedophile?
Are you a cuck? Get trips or anything you says is gay.
Saying gay shit is my specialty
Lol wow get a life cry baby bitch go outside instead of crying about pedophiles on the internet fucking newfag.
OK, now that's quite enough of this. Let's get onto things like n0rmal. Penis Jew Nigger
This is now an official Tastes like Salty Milk and Old Pennies Thread, OK?
Nice try FBI
Because they have PTSD from the abuse of the antis.
'Cause they are sick of the abuse from the antis.
Because they actually do care about many things other than their dicks.
How to deal with projecting antis: Keep calm and speak very slowly.
This is a level of autism I didn't expect.