How do I piss off a spammer? I tried to call them back but the line just goes dead
Jesus christ this background is disgusting
it wasn't as disgusting as when the background and our mascot was a big black dick
i'm not joking
for literally like a month we had to look at big black dicks everywhere
Fucking newfags. If you change the theme, the background goes away.
I'm sure you'll figure it out at some point. They probably won't
At least the BBC was less disorienting.
Seriously DickInsomnia stop fucking with the css, it's not funny.
Fucking newfag, only faggots change the theme.
I'm a muslim, I don't like pigs,ham or 🥓. It offends me.
Report it as racial harassment so that DIckInsomnia finally learns to stop being a fucking retard.
Wait he can't, it's biological.
Like I said only fags change it,
Ok now you're just denying shit but sure whatever
Fag :^)
It's like he's trying to spite me.
getting smug in here
If the mods did me a favor and confirmed that it was two different posters you would still deny it.
I didn't know it was against the rules to offend you.
Actually I'm OP. Can you faggots answer my question already
No now fuck off.
Goddamn it you embraced the name.
Actually though if you gave more detail I could actually help.
It's on the phone right?
This is now a smug thread.
There I changed it, are you happy now?
Is it just one number or is he using multiple ones?
I don't want to block them, I want to call them back and fuck with them some more
Try calling back again.
Or trace his number and fuck with him irl
Post a picture of a snake in a funny hat and I'll be happy.
"You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: those with loaded guns … and those who dig. … You dig."
I tried it but I think he/she is spoofing the number. I don't know shit about phones
No one does, I'd recommend getting a Pager.
It's truly a magical day. Heil Hitler