It's Spooktober 3rd and still no Ghoul School Thread.
Let'a fix that.
Ghoul School
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Fair enough, have a cheerleader Sibella. She's getting coloured tomorrow.
You have to post at least 5 images to get the ball rolling on these threads.
Whatever you say mac.
Can do.
And here's some less innocent ones.
We miss you Fuchur.
And this is why Winnie is best ghoul.
I like that tv lines effect.
I thought it was because she had anatomically correct dog pussy.
I like it.
I'd like to remind you all that Elsa is the best girl.
Where's Toonspew when we need him? It's not the same without him around.
that artstyle reminds me of hotel transylvania for some reason. Is toonspew the guy who does all that Loud House fan art?
No that picture is drawn by DLT, who lurks here often. As for Loud House fanart you're thinking of SB99.
ok then thanks user.
Hey people, I am in the thread.
It's been a busy start of the month (lots of bodies to bury) but Halloween season appears to be in full swing now. I've also got a week of vacation coming up at the end of the month, which I will be using mostly to hang out on the threads and write ghoul School stuff.
So, what kind of writefagging do people want to see me start things off with? Tame or lewd, take your pick.
Also, as a topic of discussion, here's the character charts that Mr. D has done for me thus far (not counting the nude pic of the girls already posted above). Most of you have probably seen the cadets already, but the supporting cast lineup may be new for some. What do you think, who do you want to know more about, what character do you want to see in the next lineup?
Glad you could join us TS! I'm looking for something lewd with a touch of humor. Say the girls engaged in a fierce debate about which Calloway Cadet is the most well endowed.
Mothgirl is someone who needs more light shone upon her.(pun intended) As for which characters should be seen next, Matches is certainly a must.
Lewd with Sibella?
I've always liked the cut of your jib Toon.
reminds me of the kaiju girls.
Porn of Mothgirl when?
wow you managed to make the military academy kids look cool. I barely remember what they looked like from the movie.
Bonus points if you can guess what her pre-molt color scheme is based on.
Hint:She's got a skull on the back of her denim jacket.
Depends on any charitable drawfriends that want to participate in the thread. Any takers?
Thanks user, the original cadets weren't much but Roper and Jamal are the closest to their original selves, and Iggy draws some inspiration for the redheaded shrimp "Baxter" from the original movie. Morton and Phibes are entirely original characters, taking the places of "Grunt" the token fatty and Miguel the token hispanic.
So, what's the preferred format to post a story here again? Pastebin, GoogleDoc, or just write it right in the post? I've got a somewhat lewd Sibella/Phantasma/Mothgirl story in the works for the weekend.
Writing it here is what most folks here do but any of them will do just fine.
GoogleDocs are easier to format and edit. Be warned though as Holla Forums has a hateboner for anything related to Google.
Tanis needs more love.
correction, loli-Tanis needs more love.
why does she remind me of the martian queen?
It's too bad the spookyfags over at old Holla Forums are afraid of drawing smut of her.
Perhaps it's the fact that both have skin that's pitch black
draw the mummy toddler being used as a cocksleeve by a horny werewolf
Then convince them to come over here.
"Well?" Sibella asked pointedly, exchanging an impatient glance with Phantasma opposite her.
"I'm trying to decide, (clck) really!" Ingrid Cold, known locally as the Mothgirl, whined back. Hey antennae quivered anxiously, picking up trace amounts of testosterone-laden pheremones on the wind, as the three ghoul girls peered at the selection of young males gathered in the rugby field below. "They all look (chhk-ck) so yummy! Why narrow it down to only one?"
"Because that's, like, it's just the rule," Phantasma answered with a shrug, not really knowing the reasons behind it either. But that was proper dating etiquette. One of the first lessons Ms. Grimwood had imparted when they'd begun learning about the cultivation of male attention. Ingrid hadn't been permitted into those section of the charm school's classes yet, and so Sibella had taken it upon her shoulders to pass along what she'd learned to the lonely cryptid girl.
Phantasma, on the other hand, was mostly just tagging along for giggles.
"Consider it a professional courtesy. You wouldn't want some other girl poaching a boy that you had been setting your hooks into, would you?"
"Chh-ck!" Ingrid clicked in something like a gulp. "N-no, I wouldn't.."
"So just one then," Sibella concluded with a nod. "Plus, as a beginner, you really should just start small, with someone easy…"
"THAT ONE!" Ingrid chirped excitedly, her wings beating hard enough to lift her several feet higher into the air.
"Keep your head down, do you want them to see us?" Phantasma exclaimed in stage-whisper, attempting to pull the moth girl back into the cover of the treeline neighboring the Calloway military school where they were hidden. Phanty's hands batted ineffectually at Ingrid's legs, attempting to grab the over-eager moth and pull her back into cover but just passing through her instead. In short order Sibella accomplished what Phantasma couldn’t, giving Ingrid a swift yank back into the safety of their cover.
“Sorry!” Ingrid apologized, her mandible clicking excitedly.
“So which one caught your eye?” Phantasma asked. “What do you appreciate in a fella?”
“The one that just scored a point for his team,” Ingrid explained, “I’m attracted to his ability to claim the territory of his rivals. (Chh-chk-cchk)! I shall present myself as a fertile mate (chk) and request membership in his breeding harem.”
“Don’t you even wanna hold hands first?” Phantasma asked, frowning.
“Okay, football jocks are not a bad place to start, but there’s more to picking a good match than just that,” Sibella cautioned, choosing to ignore Ingrid’s alien ideas of courtship for the moment.
“Oh yeah!” Phantasma echoed, grinning again. “Come with us girl, you haven’t seen the post-game show yet!”
With Phantasma leading the way, the three Grimwood students flew stealthily across the Calloway grounds to the roof of the athletic building where the two teams were heading. At the conclusion of a muddy, sweaty game of mid-October football the boys were in bad need of a hot shower. After all, the Calloway code demanded proper hygiene as a cornerstone of a good soldier’s health. Anyone caught disrespecting the uniform with grime could expect a good chewing out by the Colonel. The boys piled in amid much back-slapping and boisterous shouting, and within minutes the steam from the showers was billowing up out of the vents.
“How did you girls know (chhk-ch) about this spot?”
“Oh you notice all kinds of things when you can float through walls, heeheha!” Phantasma explained, though even she was taking care to keep her voice low. From the roof of the athletic building Sibella had pried off a loose piece of panelling and revealed a hidden passage just large enough for a few schoolgirls to wiggle through… or a dhampyr, phantom and cryptid as the case may be. Some uncomfortable shuffling took them through the dusty innards of the building’s pipeworks and around to a perch where their voices were muffled under the sound of rushing water. From the safety of the crawlspace behind the showers a loose shower tile was carefully slid to the side. And through that hole was a feast for any teenage girl’s eyes.
go on
isn't one of the guys sposed to be fat?
You're certainly off to a promising start Toon.I'm already starting to become more fond of Ingrid.
Also believe it's worth mentioning that PlagueofGripes has recently drawn his own reimaginings of the new additions seencat the end Ghoul School
but why is she shin godzilla?
Well that too.
I'm curious to learn if you've come up with any other Grimwood students to join the cast such a your own unique take on the new additions seen here.>>703656
As wonderful as that would be to have drawfags working in tandem, I'm afraid such a notion is a pipe dream for now.
Excellent work so far! Can't wait to see the rest.
Because giving her a more realistic look would make for a hilarious stark contrast compared to the more adorable and cartoonish looking students such as Tanis and Phantasma.
You really want those Thicc fetishists ruining everything?
Today was a good day
Didn't seem like Shin Godzilla more like a fan design especially with the bent legs which you normally don't see in Godzilla designs. Still love the designs though.
Why even live?
In the original lineup, yes. I didn't see much potential for that besides done-to-death fat jokes though, and it clashed with the idea that these cadets were monster hunters (or at least monster-wranglers), as well as the motif of drawing upon classical horror tropes to build the characters out of. Unless we were trying to make him a young Costello. I dunno, I'd imagine that Grunt, Miguel and Baxter would still show up as background cameos in the Calloway scenes.
That's some top-notch character redesign work, right there. My favorite is the martian gal; losing the eyestalks was clearly a necessary concession for the sake of cuteness. She reminds me a bit of Adam Ant, so I'm imagining her species would be a bit hive-like. Lagoon-girl is a bit simple in overall design but you can't argue with a face that adorable. Shin-Godiva (is that the name folks are landing on? Been hard to keep up with all the conversations in the threads this year) is pretty hilarious, though I think after the novelty of her appearance wore off she'd be a difficult character to get much mileage out of. Still about the best idea you could come up with though, given what the artist had to work from as a starting point.
Do the dead have to pay taxes? I guess there are estate taxes…
Either way, I suspect you'd have to be dead in order to file jointly with Phantasma. So… why live indeed.
So which girl do you think is the best when it comes to pillow talk?
Vampires are the eternal masters of erotism. No contest.
Do you guys like monster high? /monster/ says they won't allow it and I got btfo'ed.
My favourites are Iris Clops and Twyla sadly Iris didn't make it in to the reboot, aat least not yet, neither did Ghoulia btw, bit I never liked her very much honestly.
Have you guys ever seen poohs adventures of the ghoul school?
I believe we all know the answer to that question.
Sibella obviously, and thats coming from a Phantasma-fag.
So Toonspew, who's your favorite girl?
ghost slut and frankenslut are the only sluts for me.
Not him but Sibella is my personal fav
big muscle girls are best girls.
Tanis because she's fuckin' royalty.
would you?
Not with those flesh melons.
would you if they were ebony black?
No that's a different story.
not big enough
That face is the most uncanny of valleys
Hey, the thread's back! Not sure what happened but I couldn't access it for like a week there.
Not really, but that doesn't stop you from enjoying it if you want. But this is a thread for "Ghoul School" specifically, so Monster High is only really useful to discuss in describing what to AVOID repeating (both because we don't want to rip off anyone's jokes or plots, and because MH is a very different product from what we want to make Ghoul School into and we don't want to retread that same ground).
It's a tough question, I think they all have their charms and the overall cast dynamic is so great, which is why I really didn't try to mess with it much.
I think Sibella is the sexiest, which shouldn't be surprising. It's a big part of who she is, like Minerva Mink or Red Riding Hood, sex appeal is part of the gag. It results in some great pinups and R34, and that's never a bad thing either.
Elsa I feel the most proud of because (at least the version that occupies the 8ch threads) she's the character that has the most of my own creative input. She also gets neglected a lot by fans so it's especially nice when someone remembers her.
Winnie, Tanis and Phantasma are tied for third place, representing very distinct but equally appealing forms of comedy and visual appeal. Whether you're in the mood for loli, furry, bimbo, amazon or classic pinup, the Ghoul School has got you covered!
Okay, back to the story i was working on.
Codemonkey fucked up but its fixed now.
Hey Toon, there's something I found that I kind of wanted to share with you.
It's an article written by a former Disney artist about cartoon pitches.
It's an interesting read if you want to pitch a cartoon, but that's not why I'm sharing it. There's something he says that I'll just go ahead and quote for convenience.
I think it's kind of obvious where I'm going with this, but what do you think this means for the Ghoul School project?
Dammit man. Leave some smut for Toonspew to post.
Gotta go with Winnie on this one.
Thanks man, that's some very useful reading! I've been checking out some guides to writing pitches but hadn't seen this one yet. I particularly liked the advice against "Typical Episodes" and "Monster of the Week" episodes, which were both elements of my first draft but have been gradually weeded out the longer I've worked on it.
Regarding the Licensed Characters topic, I see this as less of a problem because the Ghoul School girls barely fall into this category in the first place. WB clearly seems to have forgotten they existed (while Mystery Inc made references to Scrappy, Flim Flam and Vincent Von Ghoul, there's been no cameos or subtle nods in anything Ghoul School since 1988). I would be much more concerned about this point if I had any intention of using Scooby or any of the other related characters that have been in circulation since, but I'm not.
If it is inextricably bound to the Scooby license and my pitch would still carry the title of "spinoff", then that sucks but still doesn't discourage me much. As I've said elsewhere, I'm not in this for the money, I just want to see the characters back on the air in some form. So if WB want to recruit their own team to do so, they can do that. They don't have to hire me (and from what I've been reading, it's actually pretty rare for the original writer to be kept around for the ongoing development). If they want to stick it on a shelf and come back to it in five years when they think the market would be better to receive it, they can do that too. Either way, they'd be more likely to consider the idea if they're sitting on a pilot script and pitch bible than if they weren't. What I'm saying is a 1% chance of getting made is better than a 0.1% chance. And since I'm mostly just doing this for fun and love of the characters, that tiny bump is all the justification I need. Even if I get soundly rejected I'll still have a folder full of fanart and fanfiction to enjoy. Do you recall how much quality art there was of the Ghoul School characters before I started writing smut and tossing around reboot ideas two years ago? It wasn't much. So if all I (and my artist friend DLToon) managed to accomplish was to strike a spark that other content creators like Herny and Dr. Elyk have grown into a fire, then that's something to feel good about too.
It's cool, some might not have seen it yet. It's not actually my commission per say; I made a patreon request for Mr. D to draw something between one of the Ghouls and their matching cadet, and then he ran with the idea and produced this piece of artwork without any further input. Which is why there are a couple odd additions, like Elsa's piercings, which weren't my idea and aren't seen in other pics of her.
Speaking of which, I'm putting together the next lineup of character designs. It'll be:
-Matches the Dragon
-Vincent Van Ghoul
-Unnamed Banshee girl
-The Grim Creeper
-Unnamed daughter of Gilman (Creature from the Black Lagoon)
Feel free to pitch suggestions for the two unnamed characters.
Actually, they've aired the movie on both Boomerang and CN this year.
If you were referring to names, then I'd like to suggest calling Gilman's daughter "Kay'" who was the name of the female interest in the original Creature of the Black Lagoon.
Well as long as you're fine with others posting drawings you had in making.
Speaking of which, do you have any pinup or r34 ideas for solo pieces involving the Grimwood girls or perhaps another one of your characters?
As much as I enjog Herny's interpretation of Tanis. I wish Spew's/DLT'S design got some more recognition.
Why does this art style remind me of Dexter's Lab? Or Craig McCrackens work in general?
I'd let Sibella feed on me whenever she wanted.
So, anybody disagree that the 1st Live Action was the last good thing to come out of the franchise? And that everything else was shit?
what do you mean Scooby Doo? If so then to answer your question I think the last good scooby doo thing was Mystery Inc and some of the new movies. Also nice loli user.
Noice user.
Point taken, but it's not quite the same thing. Dusting off an old movie to fill airtime is different from including it in new material. The reasoning for not wanting to use existing properties is to avoid tying up those characters in one project and preventing them from being used in another, potentially more profitable project. For example, you don't want to have multiple Batman tv shows on the air simultaneously because then WB is essentially competing against itself, and the individual animation studios are being hamstrung by having their potential audience split right from the outset.
With Ghoul School, there's no other show or property that we'd be taking these characters away from, unless WB had plans to bring them back in "Be Cool, Scooby Doo". At least, that's the logic behind these policies as I understand it, but I'm not a development exec so I could be wrong.
Hey, that's a cool idea! That sort of subtle nod is much more appealing to me than something like "Gillie" or "Lagoona". "Kay" may not be the final name that I go with but it's a very good place to start.
SIBELLA: Depicted mid-transformation into a bat (assuming the transformation to be more like the Coppola "Dracula" scene, rather than a magical puff of smoke), Sibella is visibly nude but using one arm (which has become a huge bat-wing) to shield herself from view from the shoulder to thigh. A very ambitious artist could place a light source (candle? Jacko'Lantern?) behind her so that the silhouette of Sibella's nude torso appears through the semi-transparency of her wing's membranes.
PHANTASMA: Phantasma looking embarrassed and sheepish while one or more of the other girls (take your pick) glare at her with disapproving frowns. "Honestly girls, I have no idea who took your vibrators!" Phantasma lies, while blushing and sweating heavily. Visible (through Phantasma's transparent body) are one or two vibrators suspended in midair right where a cock penetrating her would be.
ELSA: Elsa lies naked on a gothic looking operating table, with alligator clamps and other metal implements clamped onto (and penetrating) her pussy. These are in turn connected to a bundle of wires that extend up along a cord that goes out the tower window and up to a kite hanging in a very stormy sky. "Come onnnn…. any moment now…!" Elsa says, impatiently awaiting a lightning bolt to strike her kite and be grounded right through her sex.
are you asking if we agree or disagree with the first live action movie being the last good thing?
Think you have the wrong thread buddy.
Those are all wonderfully kinky ideas. Do you already have any artists in mind to bring these visions to life?
In all honesty, there might be A LOT more to it. Most forms of business are complicated as all fuck.
……that Scooby series will never be finished. I hate you now.
That the firdt live action was the last good thing.
I would disagree as Mystery Inc exists
You feel proud for what you did to Elsa's character. You've taken arguably the least waifuable of the girls and made her into a vivacious Amazonian scientist of a woman who instantly draws viewers to her. My only wish is that we got more artwork of her
Found some new material over at cuckchan.
Y'know I like this look it looks more faithful to the character and still makes her look cute. No offense Toonspew I love your work still.
Thanks for keeping the thread bumped guys. I've had so much Halloween prep to do this week that I have not been dropping much OC, but it is coming.
For one thing, I'd like to open the floor to any suggestions for Kay Gilman's personality. She'd be a background character for the most part so it isn't crucial to have anything terribly deep, but I'm putting together the next character design commission (its almost complete, apart from Gill-girl) and I'd like to have something more to direct the artist with than "cute swampmonster girl". The only things to avoid would be obvious doubling-up on existing personality archetypes fromt he main five, or duplicating the "eco-hippie" idea from her "Monster High" equivalent, Lagoona. Apart from that, give me your best suggestions and we can incorporate them into the coming character design.
Hey, no offense taken, I am also a big fan of PlagueofGripes designs (that is the artist here, right?). I definitely agree that it's more faithful and makes for better fapbait for the average user. My intention wasn't aiming for either of those exactly, so I don't consider it a failure to have gone with a more niche body type. Originally it was for the sake of kink in fapficton, since I knew I wasn't writing just a singular story about Elsa but rather an anthology story where each girl would get some time in the spotlight, so diversity of kinks was one of the fundamental themes. Then for the reboot there's the sake of (gag!) diversity in a cartoon or comic pitch. After the positive reaction to a character like Zarya in Overwatch, and the ongoing appeal of amazons like She-Hulk, I think there's adequate room for Elsa to be a Big Gal in the cast. But tbh if producers said they hate it and wanted something different, I'd be just as happy with a tall beanpole girl. The only option I would really fight against would be giving Elsa the same basic body as Sibella, since that is crossing into Monster High cookie-cutter Barbie doll territory. While that might work great for a single-character pinup like this picture, it becomes a negative in a bigger group-shot picture and all the girls suffer from SameBody.
Well I don't recall any talk of a snobbish character in your work. Not a bully character necessarily, more like a pompous girl who takes pride in making herself as hideous as possible. And I think it goes without saying that her favorite hobby is the swim team.
It's no problem at all. We could always have a little post Halloween celebration if you wish to see more accomplished.
“I can’t believe my compound eyes…” Mothgirl breathed amid much twitching of her wings and wringing of her claws. Phantasma and Sibella sat back and let their new friend have the first turn at the peephole with full knowledge of what she was seeing. This wasn’t their first visit to the boys’ post-game shower. Instead they held their giggles back behind their hands as they watched Ingrid’s thighs subtly quiver. “So much… flesh!”
“Well we want you to make an informed decision now, don’t we?” Sibella said with a soft snicker.
“Heeheheha, so which guy do you think is swinging the nicest salami? Phantasma added.
“I… (cllk) …ah… (cllk-chhk-clk!) I mean they’re (clk) they’re all…(cllk-clk-clk-clk)”
“Hrmmm, let’s not lose our composure now,” Sibella cautioned, gently pulling Ingrid away from the peephole before she degenerated into a hot drooling mess.
“Besides, it’s my turn!” Phantasma grinned, floating over to take Ingrid’s vacated position. “Oooooooh-hoo-hoo-hoo! The hunks are in fine form today!”
“Don’t get ectoplasm on the wall this time, sloppy spook…” Sibella warned her ghostly companion, then turned back to Mothgirl. “So, what do you think? Juicy looking morsels, aren’t they?”
“I feel funny…” Mothgirl complained, her forelimbs absently stroking against her abdomen. “(Cllk!) Can I grab one and take him back to my nest? (Clk-clk-cchhk) I promise to bring him back in the morning.”
Phantasma and Sibella both giggled, having had similar fantasies themselves in the years since they’d discovered boys. “Heeheehehaha! Sorry Ingrid, but it’s strictly ‘look, don’t touch’ for now. Except for touching ourselves, that is! Hahahoo!” Phantasma grinned devilishly, wantonly hiking up the hem of her dress and baring her ice-blue vulva and skinny butt. Before Mothgirl’s disbelieving eyes Sibella calmly did likewise, taking time to properly unfasten her skirt and slip it off then fold it so as not to wrinkle her clothing when she set it aside. Sibella at least had actual underwear on, though it being crotchless bat-themed lingerie made it even sluttier than if she’d gone commando as Phantasma had. The daughter of Dracula dipped her fingers between her toned purple thighs, giving a pleasured sigh when they found her moist center. Phantasma lightly caressed herself as well, not slowing her movements even slightly when she pulled her peeping eye away from the hole in the wall. “What’s the matter Ingrid? Aintcha gonna rub one out with us?”
“You don’t have to,” Sibella said, sensing Ingrid’s discomfort. “We just assumed… well, Grimwood doesn’t allow any ‘tawdry literature’ in her school.”
“Not even a lousy romance paperback!” Phantasma added.
“And, well, it’s only healthy for a young woman to have herself a little physical relief now and then. Especially with so many cute boys running around right next door.”
Mothgirl relaxed slightly, but only a little. She had a lot of emotional baggage about her monstrous body, and had never imagined anyone could be so casual about exposing themselves. Her friends’ reassuring smiles did help though. Sibella and Phantasma backed away from the peephole, offering it to Ingrid. “Why not take another look and see if that helps inspire you, hmm?”
“O-oh-okay, (click!)”
Ingrid crawled over and crouched with her face against the spyhole, allowing her hands to rest in her lap dangerously close to her crotch. Her pulse quickened as the steamy room crowded with wet male skin entered her vision once more. She knew her heartbeats had quickened because she could feel each throb of her blood in the tender bits hidden under her denim shorts. The normally comfortable fabric felt tight and restrictive like never before. A part of her brain that Ingrid didn’t want to acknowledge knew that it was only a matter of time before she would be forced to drop them and pleasure herself as Sibella and Phantasma were. She was only human… well, not really, but the axiom still applied. How could she be expected to contain her needs when she could see so many virile young males strutting about, washing themselves, flexing their toned bodies, huddling together to… wait, what were they doing?
“Holy Mother Hydra!” Mothgril gasped, her voice rising loud enough to send her two companions into a panic that they would be heard and found out. Amid much shushing Ingrid fought to see more, hoping that she could somehow extend her eye through the hole if she tried hard enough. “The boys… (cllk-chk-chhhrr) they’re getting HARD!”
Is it really a good idea to stray so far from source material?
I have to be honest, your version of Elsa is not really Elsa. I get the ghouls didn't have much personality in the movie, but they still had basic traits to them. Both personality and design wise, your Elsa feels way too different.
Hey Toon, cuckchan's been talking shit about you.
Got any evidence to support this claim?
Perhaps not, but keep in mind the original Elsa was largely deemed completely worthless the first year or two that Ghoul School was gaining notice again, and people were demanding that she be updated drastically. Originally I just kept her as a brute, making use of musclegirl and futa tropes for the sake of putting some kink into the chapter of the fapfic I was writing about her. Which, keep in mind, takes place a good ten years after the movie and so the characters are all meant to have changed a bit during that time. And the change that really garnered a lot of praise was highlighting Elsa's capabilities as a scientist, making her an interesting mashup of both Monster and Creator in a single character. Originally I was just using that to set up the premise of the chapter, but since it was so well received I decided to keep developing that angle.
Now, when I write (or have art drawn at my behest) there's actually two Elsa's, the more adult musclegirl with huge boobs that I use for fapfiction, and a more slender (but still tall and fit) teenage girl that I use for reboot materials. Because you're correct, I don't think I can pitch a teenage She-hulk as a relateable character for a cartoon.
Yeah, I'm aware. Or at least, one or two anons in particular are at least. I think the rest of them (particularly any of the tripfags that actually have some creativity to contribute) either don't care or don't know about me. Most people would credit Herny with bringing Ghoul School's popularity back, since they weren't around for the first October in 2014.
In any case, they can talk shit if they want to, that is what cuckchan is for. Their comments are just "we don't like Toonspew's version", without actually qualifying it with WHY they take issue, at least in that particular thread. So it doesn't bother me at all. You can't please every audience. In earlier threads I've heard them say they don't like that I've attempted to bring back the cadets in any shape or form, which near as I can tell is simply because they will react negatively to anyone but "user" being paired with their new favorite waifus.
It would matter more if the Spooktober threads were producing better content, as compared to previous years. But instead I just keep seeing the same posts over and over, "who is the best girl?", "Can we have more Tanis/Elsa art please?", "What would a ghost blowjob feel like?" and so on. So I don't feel any great need to ingratiate myself to these people. I 8channers enjoy my writing (as infrequent as it has been the last couple months) then I will continue to post it here instead.
is the dick interchangeable with her vagina?
Wow, what faggots.
Sounds like they didn't watch the movie then. The general problem people seem to have with Elsa was that she's the ugliest of the group, which is a rather lousy complaint if you ask me.
I've watched the movie, and despite how stupid it was, it just had a charm that helped me enjoy it. With a lot of the changes you've made, I really can't find the same charm in your reboot. Stuff like cutting out certain characters, making the school's purpose to teach monsters to fit in with humans, making some of the ghouls themselves act more human, implying Winnie wants to find a cure, making Sibella a dhampyr, making Revolta a drider, and other elements just feel wrong to me.
I get it, the movie is outdated as fuck. I can't deny that changes would need to be made, nor am I suggesting that a reboot should be exactly the same as it. I just strongly disagree with the direction you're taking it.
Really, I don't hate what you've written, I even love the personality you've given Elsa. It's kind of like how I feel about Roland Emmerich's Godzilla, actually. The product itself is not bad, but it would've been better if it wasn't supposed to be a remake/reboot.
I can tell you enjoy writing this just as much as we enjoy reading it.
Elsa a best.
Just passing by to drop this off here…
Hey I saw that when you first uploaded on your dA. Nice job!
Looks like PlagueofGripes is a fan of your designs as well.
Never thought I'd see more Ghoul School fanart from you DLT. What are your thoughts on Toonspew's reboot concept?
I absolutely love it, although I have to make it clear that I'm talking strictly about the regular stuff, not the fap fics and roleplaying. I know he handles that side of it splendidly as well, but it's just not my thing.
Also, I'm especially happy that my initial re-designs have since seen much use in the hands of other fan artists.
so, why are they popular now?
They were 80s oneshot characters, now every drawfag is doing em
I don't know nostalgia I guess? I liked the movie when I saw it as a kid. It has a nice charm to it which is kind of how I feel about a lot of the scooby doo animated movies of the 80's.
I wanna fuck that werewolf
The power of boners and autism
What fetish is it today eli?
Pretty funny that the only shit being posted is made there, don't you think?
The next fetish.
Which one would you like to see come to fruition?
But they don't appreciate them like we do, user.
You sound creepy.
That's entirely possible, I do recall seeing a lot of "what show are these characters from?" and "Is this movie even any good?" being asked, even this year. Yes, canon Elsa is the ugliest of the group (by virtue of being the least feminine). She's also got a "dumb" voice, and doesn't have many gags related to her monster heritage. When you could replace Elsa with a girl with downs syndrome and gigantism without changing the script at all, that's a problem.
As for the direction I've taken my redesigns in, there's a handful of reasons that lead me there. I can completely appreciate the appeal of the campy, silly monster-mash. I grew up on that stuff, and I don't just mean Scooby-Doo. But the first problem it presents is that it's been done to death.
-Sabrina & the Groovy Ghoolies
-Drak Pack
-Gravedale High
-Camp Mini-Mon
-Casper's Scare School
-Hotel Transylvania
-And perhaps most importantly, Monster High.
Rehashing the same approach while the market already has a commercially successful brand occupying the same niche is not a recipe for success. The first question the pitch has to survive past is "Wait, isn't this just Monster High?".
A more serious take is also just something that I personally, and some of the other anons that have pitched ideas at me in years past, have wanted to see. It's like the difference between mainstream superheroes and The Tick. I love the Tick, but you can't have parody deconstructions forever, you need some examples of the original genre that takes itself seriously for the parodies to poke fun at. Personally I would much rather have the Ghoul School girls reborn as a blend of horror and slice-of-life show, instead of being one more name on the above list of "wacky" spoofs of movies and characters that most kids today have never even seen.
You want to take one of those ideas on? I guess I'd like to see the Sibella the most, because I've never seen anyone do anything like it before and it would be more unique than the other two.
Actually I was planning on helping you fund commissioning one of them.
If you really have all of these problems with Ghoul School, why are you trying to reboot it?
I mean, I see you say you want Ghoul School to come back because of your love for the characters.
Are you sure you love the characters?
With all the changes you've made, you could probably just make a couple more changes and turn this whole thing into your own "monsters going to school" cartoon. It's not like Ghoul School is the only cartoon to do it so you can't really call it a rip-off, and making your own thing would certainly avoid plenty of issues.
Was in the mood to draw some fanart. Here's a Winnie.
Wow dude.
Very nice.
Thanks! Wish I've seen this thread sooner, but it was still fun drawing something from Ghoul School.
This movie was playing on Cartoon Network this morning and it made me think about this thread.
This… This is dragon ball.
Not Z, the original
I am disappoint.
Didn't John Byrne have his own Universal monster-based Bratz rip-off?
Just gonna bump this thread. This should be the GS waifu thread for both chans.
A noble cause but I doubt we'll see much activity with Halloween over.
No reason to give up.
Just keeping the thread alive a little longer.
Toonspew can you give us an update?
please tell me this thread still lives
user, Halloween is over. Move on