The spook season has dawned, so post all great cartoon and comic related material for this time of year.
The spook season has dawned, so post all great cartoon and comic related material for this time of year
wtf Holla Forums?
we do have OtGW threads from time to time, they just never stay around for long since there's not much more to talk about.
I remember watching a cat helping flying pumpkins short last year that was posted here but now I can't seem to track it down.
Best Halloween special is The Halloween Tree.
Fight me.
Ed Edd n Eddy Halloween special
It is a good october watch
Obvious one is Locke and Key. Besides that, Witch Doctor fits, since it has demons and that spooky/haunted aesthetic.
Spooky tunes from the 90's
Almost anything Mignola related for comics.
Over the Garden Wall, Ed Edd n Eddy Halloween Special, a good chunk of animated Scooby Doo movies, the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, The Batman vs. Dracula, etc. for cartoons
Gravity Falls had some pretty good Halloween episodes.
Don't judge just by the visuals, remember EE&E looks buttugly and OtGW is literally circles and sticks characters.
Only 2 of those are Halloween episodes, 'vaguely edgy and "FOR LE KIDS xD" =/= Halloween
and we hate you for posting a cartoon made by a beta manlet nu male hack, not for posting a grinning potato
so this is how a manchild looks like
Besides, you know that avatar creators are SJW's right?
So when any of the other shows demonstrate direct examples of abuse or other fucked up shit it's not edgy?
You know what I meant with that.
The Beta cuck you talked about was barely involved in the production, most of the best episodes, where directed and written by other people.
You're correct
people that know how to keep their politics where they belong ergo no sjw
Dumbass that's just being based, no not being SJW.
Like Holla Forums is not SJW, but isn't based either.
The reason why Holla Forums and SJW's shove their politics everywhere is because they're insecure about them, because they're not based, not because they're SJW's
based ?
BASED=COOL you geezer
Based means being based in your beliefs and notnot just following the hive mind regardless of how similar it may be to these beliefs.
Lurk most newfag.
I guess faggots derailed it. Sorry OP.
Overreacting faggot.
the W its important as you may remember it means WARRIOR, internet warrior to be precise that means seeking problems, arguing all day and putting your politics everywhere if you do nothing of that then you are just a SJ to say a leftist which to be honest is not that odd among artists and the like, the point is that the people behind avatar are not sjw by any means.
nah its still on topic, our buddies here are just doing a spooky act… right?
Who's the faggot? Back to Leddit.
Implying calling your group "Warrior" isn't a demonstration of insecurity and unbiasedness.
and ?
/a/ needs to go
jk Junji Ito is a god of horror. His work trancends borders.
We're not weeabos from /a/ that ban like retards, /a/ is allowed here as long as is saged because technically doesn't contribute to a Holla Forums thread
Keep anime in /a/. This place is for Western comics and cartoons.
this triggers the user
In Cuckchan, in porn boards like /h/, you can get banned for posting Japanese artists drawing western franchises. You may also get banned for posting western drawings with style that's undistinguishable from your average mangaka.
Conclusion: he probably comes from Cuckchan, where even porn is super srs bsnss.
Then /a/utism in full of cuckchan, I got banned because I asked what people thought of my favorite anime, because the anime was famous in the west.
Holy shit.
There's a whole board for anime. Multiple boards, in fact. There's no need to bring it here.
There's no such thing as a scary or spooky comic tbh. Not sure why since it's been done in other mediums but it's impossible for comics.
Do you even
>inb4 mangoes, they're jap comcis
That's /a/ stuff, dude, and no scarier than anything Western.
I don't count the work of Ito as weeb shit due to his semi-realistic style.
Japanese comics, but fair enough, dubsman.
There has to be some spooky western shit out there.
The proper term is manga you filthy gaijin.
Wow, this thread got shit on hard.
There was one comic of this chick who goes around killing slasher villains. I forget the name of it though.
hack/slash? she had a big russian oaf named vlad with her? he name was cassie hack?
yeah thats the one.
Who remembers that old nickelodeon movie on VHS with the pumpkin tree? That was one of my favorites back then.
Venture Bros had a Halloween special.