Do you even care if women do it in public?
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I don't see why it's that big a deal. I could understand why women would rather do it in a safer and more private place though.
restaurant booth better vs chair in the middle of a room worse.
That's one of my kinks. I personally find it very distracting and I find it weird that it's socially acceptable to show that much boobs publicly as long as there's a baby there.
I get it that there will be situations where the baby needs to be fed and the woman can't get privacy but if she can it's not so different from drunk teens flashing her boobs.
to add to my previous comment I think if a woman has to breastfeed it's probably better in the open rather than finding somewhere private where it's easier for a bad guy to mug her or something.
She doesn't need to go to a dark alley, a bathroom will do just fine.
there could be transgender faggots with aids you moron
Oh no, wouldn't want to catch HIV/AIDS via touching something they touched.
I dont mind for them to breastfeed on public, but it seems to be pretty awkward when I "accidentally" checked dem tiddies and our eyes met
No, not really. Bigger concerns in the world.