
testing, don't reply

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You ain't my mama.

What is it? Random data represented in video?

it turns everyone who watches it into a faggot

are you sure?

I get what you're doing, OP. I don't have the tools (time being the prime) to do it though.

…aaaaand its gone

figured it out

This is a CP transfer. Call the mods.


no it isn't

ffmpeg -i 2f3b65605c91fc61a4663ffc49b703ec8a444fee07e746a4106114eca7b1b0ce.webm -f rawvideo output.zip


those are the nuclear codes!

This is pretty badass.


Ok, this is pretty cool, but how do we encode it?

There was also another version done by Holla Forums that could withstand youtube's compression algorithm.
I'd ask them in the sticky maybe.

So, I heard you wanted me to reply?
I gotchu fam

It's easy, but this method won't survive lossless compression

create a zip of the file, add null bytes to it with "truncate -s +5000 file.zip" so the last frame can be completed.

For mp4, 66x66 can be whatever resolution you want

ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s 66x66 -i file.zip -crf 0 output.mp4

for vp9/webm

ffmpeg -f rawvideo -s 66x66 -i file.zip -c:v libvpx-vp9 -lossless 1 output.webm

this can survive lossy compression

#!/bin/bash#warning: this pads 0s at the end of the input file so the last frame can be completed. zip the files first and only use the zip as input.input=$1width=1280height=720rate=30##pad input to avoid truncationframesize=$(($width*$height/(8*8)/8))truncate -s %$framesize $1ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt monob -s $(($width/8))x$(($height/8)) -r $rate -i $input -vf "scale=iw*8:-1" -sws_flags neighbor -threads 8 -deadline best -c:v libvpx -b:v 256k output.webm

Decoding command
ffmpeg -i -vf "format=pix_fmts=monob,scale=iw/8:-1" -sws_flags area -f rawvideo

Damn I wish I knew how to use a computer.
Guess I'll just stick with making plain images into extractable zips and sharing whatever the fuck this first image is.

4chan detects images with embedded zip files, I think Holla Forums used to remove them too.

present.jpg has one hidden in it. If it extracts then you know it doesn't strip the embedded files.

Thanks, Jim.

replying, don't test

It's probably cloudflare, when they cache images, they sometimes strip junk data after EOF.

no its a html page containing a file not found message.. mods deleted the file

Why does this image try to execute some command line?

something similar overchan /g/ made back in 2015


its basically a toolkit for storing data on youtube in video format

hey thanks