You have somehow just been put in charge of Mexico
Your job is simple; you must make Mexico Great for Once. How do you proceed?
You have somehow just been put in charge of Mexico
Your job is simple; you must make Mexico Great for Once. How do you proceed?
Eliminate all Mexican Jews
And you are shot in the head from multiple angles, Mexico go back to be a shithole, but now they have to pay reparations for the rest of their lifes.
Create my own hit squad and systematically remove corrupt military/police officials, afterwards declare a state of martial law and declare war on the cartels.
1.) Increase the Bureaucracy of the Federation in an attempt to curb corruption
2.) Form an actual economic alliance with The United States instead of sitting on ancient treaties
3.) In addition to the above, form a foreign relations bureau and create a Prime Minister position alongside the president (a head of foreign affairs) because part of the reason the American Federal Government fucking hates The Mexican Government is their inability to co-operate
4.) Create incentives to move industry away from Mexico City (The place is on a fucking plateau at a high altitude and the smog does not help) thus encouraging urban growth and development away from Mexico City
5.) With increasing urban development programs, reform the police and enact a broken window policy to reduce crime rates.
6.) Create more bases of the Mexican Armed Forces along cartel fronts. Thus not only diminishing the influence and power of the cartels but also boosting the size of the military
Open 10,000 Taco Bells all across the country
Better idea;
Put all Mosques and Synagogues in Mexico directly across the street from each other and give everyone guns. Then just sit back as you watch them all kill eachother for you while putting on a great show
Add in some Mormons for shits and giggles.
You spelled Jehovah Witness' wrong
Can't be done.
It would be like trying to make a pie out of mildewed meat, stale pastry and mouldy vegetables.
You might be able to do something with the land, but only if you replaced the people on it.
Thats what causes corruption in first place… Some Stalin logic right there.
Also this was proven in 80s to not work and waste massive funds in over crowding.
You might be onto something. We should have The United States annex it and convert it into The United States Economic Zone
If we're really going to go into retarded lefty politics, you can argue it was not Stalin, but Leon Trotsky who supported bureaucracy. And yes, it very much helps curb corruption. The main problem with Mexicos Federal government is lobbyists have too much power. Bureaucracy helps curb that power.
You are completely wrong. New York City is absolute proof Broken Window Policy and urban renewal works, and it worked very fucking well, almost too well. New York was a massive ghetto in the 1970s until the 1980s and 1990s when revival projects and police reformed turned it into a Global Alpha++ city
Now fuck off you High School Social Science reject
We need to put a stop to this division and become one country: Mexamerica!
Ban pedos.
Ban ponys, unban them, and then ban them again just to piss them off.
Paint the entire country with slices of 🥓.
Send every inhabitant's personal information to the FBI.
Move to the Phillipines and fuck teenaged ladyboys in the ass.
Why does that sound familiar?
No idea.
1. ) make a 2 year plan to legalize cannabis.
2. ) 5 year plan to legalize all drugs.
3. ) eliminate government official's immunity (aka "fuero")
4. ) reduce the enormous campaign funds given to parties.
4.5 ) enact the "without vote, no money to parties" act
5 ) make voting a several rounds affair.
6. ) eliminate plurinominals
7. ) make the 3 of 3 law a federal law
8. ) legalize gay marriage at a federal level
9. ) legalize abortion
10. ) create incentives for small farmers to produce.
11. ) make all government expenditure available to the internet in a standard format
12. ) nationalize telephone lines
13. ) crack down on monopolies
14. ) create incentives for independent media production, especially journalists
15. ) increase government spending on research (aka conacyt)
16. ) tax the church
17. ) progressive tax on unused land
18. ) go forward with the prosecutions of governors and their accomplices
With that and that only, Mexico would be on fast track to be among the top 10 countries.
More greatness
1. ) Eliminate INFONAVIT as an institution, but keep the contributions. People can buy property wherever. Create tax cuts for affordable housing projects.
2. ) Create plan to restructure IMSS, contributions remain the same, but go to a personal bank account, like a Health Savings Account. You can then choose to use government subsidized IMSS or private hospitals.
3. ) sieze all property of corrupt government officials.
it's alot of good ideas. would be nice for some of them to happen.
That is globalism, amigo. That cannot be a good idea, especially if we want to preserve racial purity.
Plus, America is not for you, or nogs.
This is true, and it would be hard to do that.
Stop the dumping of cheap american corn into mexico.
beaners go back to mehico to work their own farms.
not joking mexicans field workers lost their jobs because mexican corn famers couldn't compete with american corn production. those beaners went north to work the fields in america. it was a corporate con job to force cheap labor north.
Purge all jews and CIA-owned cartels, build up a loyal military and drop the US dollar. Watch the wall shoot up to the top of the priority list
1. Continue to send brown, poor, unskilled Indians and Mexicans into America, until Mexico is as white as Spain.
2. Wait.
3. Win.