Hentai Animation

What happened to it? When I was younger, it seemed like there was new interesting shit around every corner, but that could just be because I was a newfag. Like pic related. Cambrian did monster girls long before monster girls were even a thing. Does no one make good hentai anymore? Where did it go? Where can I find all the old good shit?

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im just pissed off there is no good animated toddlercon

I've seen some pretty small lolis in some really old shit. Can't remember what it was called. I know one scene had a giant bird that kept trying to lick the loli and then the loli accidentally killed it, and there was a stranger doctor. The loli was a prisoner.

Widespread internet piracy happened. It's not like hentai was a very lucrative market to begin with but now producers can barely break even so they shit out the most generic cookie cutter crap just to make a quick buck.

Maybe that. It's definitely true in entertainment media that creativity has been lacking for a while, because it's more lucrative to copy good ideas than have them and possibly fail. Fewer passion projects in general, too, at least ones where the creator doesn't cave to producers or an autistic fanbase.

Black on anything porn is loosing money since 2010 if i am not wrong and netorare get all the money, but it isnt lucrative. Check anime sales and you will find what hentai people want.

Try Nekopara

People complain about the state of the entertainment industry today yet they do nothing to support the creators. Don't get me wrong it's not like I'm strongly against piracy because that would be very hypocritical of me it just seems this generation is hurting creators without knowing it and wondering why everything is shit.

Because there's no platform that makes it more convenient to buy hentai than to pirate it, much like how Steam works.
People have no problem buying shit through steam even despite the fact that they're not technically buying it, but it's cheap and easy, as well as convenient that the library of things you purchase can always be deleted to save disk space and downloaded again later at no additional cost.
Now imagine if someone released something similar to steam, maybe called it Sweat, and it had regular sales on all sorts of perverted shit, hentai series/movies/manga/games, and once you bought it you could download it whenever and delete it to make room for new content without technically losing the old content. Hentai producers would make decent revenue off it.

There's already sites like Getchu, DLsite, and DMM that work exactly like that. I would say they make pretty decent money and DLsite even has an English version of their page it's just that the market for hentai is very niche unlike video games and I hate to be stereotypical but most westerners would just rather pirate porn.

Buying porn is dumb when there's like 500 exabytes of it that aren't behind any pay walls.

I like this ad that i always see


That's the attitude that killed western hentai publishers. I'm not saying it's wrong it's just a fact.

If your point is correct then a lot of people is buying black on blond pron and netorare, the fact is that a bunch of autists are buying animu about retarded girls doing retarded things, the money into that is so big that you have a fuckton of "patreons" asking for more videos.

The problem isnt about money, its already proved that companies create loosing money and that they stop things that made money, so whats the problem then? the only thing that i know is that autism made money, they like simple and repetitives drawings with shit tier animation, the other fact is that the west is hunting down anything that looks like a minor.

All of these posts and nobody mentions the bubble economy. Why do you fags even try to have anime threads?

Yes the problem is money what you think people work for free? There is a real stigma against paying for porn in the west that is not comparable to any mainstream media.

Maybe because gits the movie trigger people here?

Hentai, like anime is 99.999% shit. You just didn't notice because you were like 10.

Great, then you can explain to me why netorare and black on anything get so many resources without giving anything.

Boku no faggot was created for a reason, money and it got a lot, then it was stopped because the west banned it, but what about things that dont get money? thats the mistery here.

I assume that it costs lots of money to make a good hentai. I have seen so much crap hentai/anime in my time that I have a hard time believing people when they say a series is good. So much crap voice acting and animations with the unbelievably corny characters and then you are expected to be entertained by this sewer sludge? I they want to make a decent series they must write a captivating plot as well as have believable characters that you can enjoying watching.

You didnt answer my question.


Check netorare


check black on porn