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How do I post on Half-chan after I get banned, Holla Forums?

Remote Access VPN
Now go back

try to kill yourself. I hear they have a halfchan in the afterlife that you can't get banned from.

pls no bully

no sage
(((jim approved)))

you came to the wrong website motherfucker

Help me get back home then, user.

Was your ban permanent?

cheap low spec computer with windows 8 home edition (OEM) covered in autistic nazi flag case
owner likely a degenerate half nigger

no sage
(((imkampfy approved)))

That's Mindy Main - she's very cute!

Yes, sir.

Welcome to Holla Forums. It's different here. Lurk more.

oh… ok, t-thanks.. any boards you would recommend I guess?

Holla Forums for anything
all the other boards are cucked.

oh wait, you should be used to that.

My favorite board on half-chan was /sp/. Does this place have an /sp/?

nope, try 76chan, its an /sp/ centric chan…kinda


that website doesn't even work. Is it dead?

I literally can't go back. I'm stuck here user.

Can I see this scene acted out with humans instead of space aliens?

I don't give a fuck. Go back and look at the banned screen you big dumb bitch


what's wrong with Space ALiens, user?


It's called Ran->Sem

They are gay.

you're gay!

How do I post on Club Disney after I get banned, Holla Forums?