Try opening both URLs, if you are not already guessing what happened.
Try opening both URLs, if you are not already guessing what happened.
Other urls found in this thread:
What do you mean with "what happened"? This is nothing new.
Do you expect people to set up a "Debian Men" group? Would there be a purpose to that, other than being edgy?
Those groups exist because people start them, not because of a decision by some higher-up cabal. I don't like the Debian Women group but I genuinely don't understand why you think having a "Debian Men" project would improve the situation.
"nothing new" to the extent of "over a decade old", by the way. If this is killing Debian it sure is taking its time.
Hey Holla Forums, can you stop spering out here?
Of course it won't improve. It'll just make this evidence a little bit less obvious.
Why in the hell this "group" was created in the first place and even given a direct path, the same level as the fucking documentation for example —
It's even a redirect target from
And of course doesn't work.
It was created because a few people thought it was a shame so few women contributed, and wanted to change that by reaching out to women and mentoring them into becoming productive members of the project. That's not all that terrible a goal.
It has just as direct a path as >>>/8gag/ has on this site. Being on a particular directory depth does not necessarily indicate anything at all about how important it's considered.
That redirect indicates that it probably used to have its own subdomain, but not any more. Possibly to improve consistency.
Please try to ignore non-tech threads!
Debian strives to be accessible to all disabilities, whether it's blind people who need a screen reader or females who cannot navigate a website or make career decisions for themselves.
It's a new form of Alimony to extract resources from single men in tech.
Hopefully non of you donated to debian or gnome.
Hey Holla Forums, can you fuck off back to reddit?
Well it did kill Ian
People contribute if they want, if there are less females in IT it's because it doesn't attract them.
Just like the child care domain isn't attracting males.
So since there isn't many women in the field because reasons they arbitrary decided that their going to help them directly ?
That's fucking unfair.
In this sort of project only one things counts, making a stable/secure bundle of software.
If you begin to wine about the proportion of male/female you are wasting your time.
Time that should be spent on the project.
The project is everything.
If you let people invest themselves into the project for any other reasons than the freedom it gives, you will ultimately corrupt it and eventually fail.
I have moved to devuan/gentoo a long time ago.
I tried debiant once and it wouldnt reboot. Had to manually turn off the power each time.
i tried to get into contributing to debian. i signed up for mailing lists i was interested in and i read their guide but it goes in circles. circles as in, links you to one page that refers back to the first page, doesn't give pertinent information, and ends up bringing you to the donation page. then i message them on irc and they just link me to the useless guide. fuck that. compare the ubuntu guide to the debian guide. ubuntu has a fucking wizard to guide newcomers to contributing, and guide them to directly what they need to know to get started. it shows who's interested in bringing in contributors versus who's interested in bringing in dollars to fund their clique.
ubuntu team makes useful, informative, video tutorials / livestreams showing how to trace through program errors using ctags, cscope, and valgrind and submit bug reports. debian team does fucking jack shit.
debian can go fuck themselves tbh.
use arch tbh.
use fedora faggot
arch is best.
Last time I visited this website it was maymays and juvenile commentary about le deep web. I'm surprised at the current post quality. It's a shame HW sold out.
This thread is not about technology. It belongs in Holla Forums
file a bug report
Do you mean the Ian who stopped being the Project Leader eight years before the group started, and died long after having had anything to do with Debian?
OP the men URL is here:
kek, this.
Back to reddit tou go
>>>Holla Forums
imagine being a woman and needing validation every 5 minutes.
men work on the basic principle of consciousness, i think, therefore i am.
women work the opposite, they are, therefore they think (or more like, therefore they feel). for them to "be" they need constant validation, whether its being told they're pretty or having pointless women chatter with one another. truly despicable beings.
Why are there so many idiotic Holla Forumstard threads and posts on Holla Forums lately? Where are the mods?