What's your excuse for seeking old >18yo females? In other words, why aren't you attracted to girls under 18?
What's your excuse, non-pedo/hebefags?
inb4 the mods shut the thread down again
Why do you spam this shit? How can you be so fucking stupid? You think you're going to change people's minds about child rapists? And yes, that's what you are, they can't give consent. I'll answer you sincerely though.
In my dating experience I've become depressed because there are three distinct groups of women:
-Girls young enough that they're still virgins.
-Girls my age who are completely used up whores.
-Girls who have inexplicably remained virgins to my age.
The problems with the second category are a few, some of them stay immature into adulthood, they're all used up and have ridden the dick carousel, they have no value to them.
The first group aren't always virgins, even when they say they are it's often only "technical" and they're still whores, but we put that aside, they're fucking idiots. They're horrible to talk to. Talking to a 16 year old girl gives me a fucking headache. They never shut up. All their opinions are wrong, they have terrible taste in everything, they're shallow and flighty. You think I'm going to love you forever because you can cook me spaghetti you stupid bitch? They try to monopolize every minute of my time, and they're obsessed with shit like tumblr and steven universe. Their bodies are hardly ever sufficiently developed either.
And then there's the third group. They've reached adulthood, they're pretty, they're intelligent, and they're still total virgins. Look, I've included a picture of one. She's 20. She's only ever dated online. She's going through college and lived a fairly sheltered life. She wants to be a submissive housewife. So why is she still a virgin?
She won't fuck you. Her standards are extremely high, she's focusing on her education, her family, her friends and she has no time at all for the countless men bringing her flowers. The girls who aren't sluts have remained pure for a reason. Usually there's deep-seeded emotional problems.
she have nudes user?
Yeah, but I'm still trying to change her mind so I'm not going to share them. At the moment she won't even respond to my texts because she knows I want to date her.
That's a pretty gook, man.
This user gets it. The problem is that a lot of the anons on here are just as emotionally unstable as women. I mean, why do you need a qt3.14 to make you feel worthwhile? Even MGTOW and Redpill fags too. They say some enlightening things but there is ever the hint of bitterness and resentment because women didn't turn out they way their little dreams said they should. The true red-pill is not to give a fuck about what women are doing. To watch them ruin themselves and not let that bother you. It's their choice to go to the devil their own way (Cain's Heresy). Then one is truly free. Not an entitled little sissy prince who wants his wittle princess.
…but I am, user. I swear.
If she gave you nudes and isn't in a relationship with you doesn't that mean she is already a whore user?
It's because of her JING or PRIMORDIAL ESSENCE that is lost with age and impure thoughts
I can confirmed that most underaged girl can't get consent. or they're extremely horny. I never had gf older than 17 years old. though I'm still 18 now, maybe I could compare it after I got lets say, 25 yo date?
just post it familia she's a cutie
3DPD is PD
doesn't matter the age
that sign is from an ice cream company, something like algida, or something
Go on, where is it located?
Selecta Ice Cream?
Every single one of these images uses broken, retarded pedo logic and strawman fallacies. You're arguing on specific circumstances and using that to make generalizations.
The human brain does not finish developing until you're 25. A child cannot sign a contract, pose for porn, get a driver's license, rent a car, get a tattoo, smoke, drink, vote or join the military. We don't let children vote because people would get elected offering shit like free nintendos and candy. Which wouldn't you know it, IS EXACTLY HOW PEDOPHILES TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CHILDREN.
They can't think long-term, they're not aware of the consequences. This girl: became a murderous sociopath as a result of being molested.
You can put a kid in a room with a cardboard box and tell them not to open it because there's a monster inside, and not only will they believe you, but 70% will claim to have actually seen the monster. This is why they can't fucking consent you god damned retard.
Am I the only person in the world who is not a pedo, but doesn't care who touches little Betty's vagina? She will molest herself. How is different skin going to matter? If I spent my whole childhood with older women caressing me and my benis, I would probably not have grown up to be such an angry cunt. Everywhere I went, I wanted them to. But no. I grew up feeling ugly and untouchable. At one of my jobs, I experienced "unwanted touching" from an unattractive overweight female boss. Every other man complained. I didn't. Because it's just skin, and it feels good. A hug is different? That's a sensation. It feels nice. What about a kiss? Lips are erogenous zones. I don't understand. We should just not have sex until age 25. That's what I think. Then we'll have sexually frustrated people like the supreme gentleman shooting up schools and colleges. Hands off. Don't experience love. Muh adult sexual harassment. Vaginas are special snowflakes, penises aren't. Fuck this gay earth.
This is the most retarded "argument" I've ever seen. This is why all the studies say you're retarded, pedophiles.
video from (((TV))) propaganda
you cant argue with a tv there the source is not credible
he is lying to himself by convincing himself he is not interested in small girls
his study is not covering pedophiles - its covering convinced criminals
7 is too young to consent imo.
You only say that because you fear what you do not understand also what studies?? are you a Jewish kikie doctor working for the New world order stop with your depopulation agenda faggot.
Females have been making babies since they started to bleed for all of history until the last century when it became taboo.
You sound traumatized.
Yes, all the studies conducted by the Jüdische.
History lesson retard the aoc use to be as low as 7 years ago.
The only Jew is (You) the jews spread fear and have a depopulation agenda and is why the aoc is 18 they do not want underage sex happening.
Sex with kids who havent yet hit puberty is evil. You will feel the rope around your neck, kike. You'll see your God Moloch soon.
That depends on what type of sex
PEDOPHILIA WILL LOWER THE CONSENT AGE (probably edgier people will start pushing for incest and cuckoldry after pedophilia is normalized. pedophilia is an obvious gateway to incest) AND THUS INCREASE TEEN PREGNANCY AND OUT-OF-MARRIAGE SEX RELATIONS. DO YOU FAGS REALLY WANT YOUR DAUGHTERS TO BE FEATURED ON 16 AND PREGNANT ON MTV, YOU GODDAMN DEGENERATES?
Shut the fuck up shill gate keeper no its not its natural and very normal the aoc and our modern sex laws are a bunch of bullshit put in place by feminist and people like you to demonize natural human behavior and all men as well the aoc was only originally there to protect kids from sex trafficking or at least that was the bullshit excuse the feminist made also the aoc use to be as low as 7 and adults getting together with kids use to be a normal thing until all this fear got spread around.
It's from a hungarian ice cream company, they sell those in almost every hungarian store, and they have stands in the bigger cities.
but to tell you, I don't think it's that much related to pedos, but I couldn't know for sure
You will burn, kike. Nothing you say can change that.
Your dick will burn after inserting it into >18yo STD infested grannies
I rather have sex with a clean virgin 7 year old than a old used up fucked by over 9000 niggers 18 year old.
More like increase birth rates of the masterrace
You are full of fear. We don't want teen pregnancy or any of that other "degenerate" business. We ultimately want to have loli wives so we can teach them not to degenerate into whores like you are imagining.
The concept is simple. Let people do whatever and let evolution do its thing. Your precious laws are unnatural and they're causing genetic degeneration.
Girls ought to be having kids by 16, probably closer to 14.
Waiting until she's 30 to have kids guarantees weaker children, more disease, stunted growth, more autism.
The age of consent is what is causing teen pregnancy and out of marriage sex relations, why do you think marriages back when 12 year olds could get married actually lasted and now that its illegal to get married until your 18 all the girls have had multiple sexual partners before they're even allowed to get married and thus are statistically likely to get a divorce later down the line causing divorce rates to skyrocket?
filthy kikes made it illegal ! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Does it not occur to you that in all the images collected throughout history this is the only one your retarded asses trot out in every single fucking discussion? There are more pictures of white girls fucking dogs than this shit. It wasn't common, it wasn't widely accepted.
And what you retards ignore conveniently is that these girls DO NOT STAY LOLIS. They grow up into women you retarded fuck. Every single time this is brought up it cockslaps your retarded pedo ass into silence because you know you have no answer. You know you just got fucking OWNED.
Because if you're only attracted to children then the marriage will only last so long as she remains one, meaning you have no desire to commit to her, meaning you'll contribute to single motherhood, the divorce rate, and steal her youth away.
If you say you'll stay with her as an adult, that fucks your dumbass right up as well because that means you'd be perfectly happy with an adult, meaning you don't need a fucking child you sicko. So either way you can eat shit.
Yeah. It infuriates me that I was born in this shitty generation. If we were born a couple generations earlier we all could've had loli wives.
did not read lol
My grandma was 16 and grandpa was 24 when they got married. They had a long happy marriage, 3 kids, and many grandchildren.
But this image is a bit extreme. She probably can't even conceive at that age. Girls back then didn't even get their periods until around 12-14. Modern girls get them a lot younger thanks to growth hormones in food.
I'd say 14 is the absolute lowest age you'd want to begin having kids. 15 should be fine. 16 onwards is perfect.
Sage and Reported
Hahaha, good lord pedos are dumb.
Found a SJW
It's the SJWs that want to coddle pedos, the two groups are one in the same. All child rapists = sjws = pedohiles.
Proud to be and I thought about joining creep catchers. How do you like that, faggot?
prove it
Prove it isn't.
This is a person the cluster B personality disorders as psychologists recognize.
Their lives are full of delusions and projections.
They destroy everyone around them.
The truth is they are soulless abominations only deserving death.
When someone tells you KYS it's likely one of these empty creatures with no real sense self.
Be careful, they are cold calculating social predators and only respect force.
Probably the same poster, who knows. All I had to read was the first sentence because I have something called intuition. I am a god to you, goyim animal soulled abomination.
Answer this:
Not that user btw. Just curious of your answer
Bold red text only makes your post look inflammatory and emotionally-charged, please don't give them ammo.
Did you read what I fucking wrote? The reason why I want a loli gf is so I can teach her about the dangers of race mixing, feminism, communism, marxism, SJWism, Black Lives Matter, etcetera. I wouldn't mind having a relationship with an old woman, but the problem these days is that it's getting increasingly harder to find a woman who isn't fat and corrupted by the aforementioned mental diseases.
the image itself is proof that it isn't, it tells you their names and their backstory and where they were buried.
Pedos are scientifically proven to be clinically retarded. Didn't you catch that already? A video was posted in the thread and everything.
This is a person with cluster B* pardon my grammar plzzzzz
That's not really a question. More like an inane rambling from a half-sentient being. I actually can't answer that because it's not a question but all inferior creatures need guidance in their lives.
pick one
Also no their not and SJWs like you support censorship.
Ok autismo I'll phrase it as a question:
You can be attracted to little girls and older women at the same time, you dingus.
You can "teach" and adult woman. Don't want a slut? Farmer girl, quiverfull girl, girl from a conservative nation, religious girl, you just have to find one. And you admitted you'd marry an adult woman if she wasn't corrupted, and that was the point. You have no need for a child. Boom.
No you cant, thats contradictory
Ever heard of non-exclusive pedophiles dumb ass those people are attracted to kids but also are attracted to adults as well i happen to be one of them.
So you're saying if you found a woman you loved and married her as soon as she showed signs of aging you wouldn't love her anymore and you'd dump her?
If your answer is no, then why not just date 80 year old grannies to begin with since clearly its possible for you to love one.
The image isn't proof of anything, no source is provided and the text could be made to say anything.
I didn't say that at all, Mr. Strawman
She has to be a romantic partner for you to indoctrinate her?
Lol why do you even care? You are just a sociopath asking futile questions in an attempt to virtue signal and preserve your false-self of ego which can only survive by holier-than-thou delusions.
I'm sure they would become nice mothers like all females aspire to, though.
If you actually did the research yourself you'd find its real and was backed up by newspapers released at the time, but moralfags like you are notorious for never doing any research on any subject and just pretending to be an expert because MUH FEELIES TELL ME SO.
Please an hero bigot.
Answer the question.
user was right
No. Why do you anti-pedos always assume everything involving kids is sexual? Fucking gas yourselves.
you don't even know what strawman means, I'm just asking you a question and you refuse to answer it because you know any answer you give will invalidate your own retarded argument.
Ugghh no its not read the text on the side faggot.
Asking you a question isn't misrepresenting your argument its simply asking you a question.
Answer the question.
Women are made to serve. They are trying to escape this through corporate whoredom and the cock carousel. Too bad that ride only goes round and round.
See how deluded this thing is? They are not human. And neither are cunts.
The way OP phrased the questions drew all the soulless sociopath narcissists out of the woodwork ITT and they are desperately trying to rationalize things so it fits inside their delusions. The crime they commit, however, is dehumanizing others in the process. This is why these types used to be killed in hunting accidents.
As soon as you said "so you're saying" and then proceeding to misquote me is a misrepresentation of my argument. You refuse to accept your contradiction. You cannot claim to be attracted to under developed girls and then claim that you would also be with an older woman. You're lying, perhaps most pathetically, to yourself.
gas yourself kike
lel who the fuck would be a pedophile when you can just be GAY and have all the gay buttsecks you want lel nerds
I'm getting more smug by the minute
It was a question, I was asking you if thats what you're saying, to which you could respond "yes I'd dump the person I love as soon as they aren't physically attractive anymore" or "no I'd love someone even if they grow old while we're together"
Whats the difference between a pedo loving a girl thats grown up and a normal man loving an 80 year old woman that hes been married to for years?
I'm with , I'm getting smug
Alright, time to debunk this bullshit once and for all.
Yes, it's true this couple was married, but it was neither common nor socially acceptable. The entire reason we know about it is because it made national news as everyone was horrified and disgusted by it.
Essentially, she didn't want to go to school, she claimed her teacher was abusive. She agreed to marry him as there was a law that married women wouldn't have to go to school. Both he and her parents were dumbfuck hillbillies barely capable of human speech (we have quotes of his poor mastery of english in the article.) It wasn't that he was a good man, and it wasn't that she was in love, she was a dumb little girl who decided taking dick would be better than having to get educated.
Why do you ask?
The Op seems to want opinions on why anons like either of these demographics, as he has made threads asking why someone would be interested in a girl under the age of 18.
Does the first greentext mean they usually are virgins?
A few of the 16 year olds I have met seem like okay people, despite being annoying. You compare the average non-virgin 16 girl to a woman who is very rare to find (in most of the west). despite the fact you can more easily find a girl who is 16 years old who, ignoring annoyances, are as good as or better than the 20 year old woman (since thinks friends are more important than finding a man, focuses too much in school, and has nudes.)
This is true, but for some it is hard to remain a virgin.
As much as I dislike most women, to not care about what they do is strange. Why not want a change in the way most people behave? They will probably have a ton of men putting them in a pedestal anyways.
I do not, but it would be nice to have a family.
If they are not married, yes.
Who is this "we" you speak of? Teenage pregnancy is okay, albiet it is not the best.
They are not siblings, and during that tiime, it was not accepted. It was never common, but it was not seen the same way before there time.
This depends on how long ago you are talking about and how they got there food, along with genetic differences.
It does seem pretty extreme, and I think she is a little too young, but I think I have more respect for them, as reckless as they might or might not be, than a welfare queen or Stacy.
I do not consider juviniles pedophilia, but would having sex with a pedophile be considered abuse? [spoiler]That was a joke.[/spoiler}
You still haven't answered any of the questions I've presented because you know as soon as you do your entire argument is invalid.
You would either dump the person you love as soon as they show signs of aging which makes you no better than a pedo by your own logic, or you wouldn't dump them and would still love them despite them still being unattractive which invalidates your argument.
We the pedos.
There is only one god and it is objective truth.
Inshallah, brothers
Girls had to marry men twice their age in Ancient Greece and otherwise you wouldn't have this thing called Western civilization.
What kind of samefagging virtue signalling is this? Your social shaming tactics don't work on spiritually aware people.
16 + is legal in my state
Yeah a marriage that lasted with multiple kids raised in a proper home with both a mother and father is just a terrible outcome, I'm so glad we've fixed that and now in modern society marriages never last and children are raised in broken homes destined for a life of crime.
Definitely the preferable outcome.
No, the entire reason we know about is because it was uncommon and not seen as socially acceptable. It was the only case in US history it apparently happened, and the lawmakers immediately moved to change the laws and try to get that marriage annulled. The little girl did it to get out of going to fucking elementary school, and she was marrying an illiterate hillbilly living in a fucking cabin in the woods.
I'm trying to understand you.
Maybe not in 1937 but it was in the 1800s
That is what happens when you are brainwashed into believing feminist propaganda that adult/child love is bad
Like she had any chance to escape? The mn was three times as big as her.
It was a fucking log cabin in the woods outside of town, you creep.
t. copy paste from the internet
I like girls and women my own age, but older is weird to me.
Then provide evidence of that instead of posting an image we only know about because the entire country was horrified by it.
It is bad, it has horrible effects on their psyche as well as their bodies. They shouldn't be having sex before they've gone through puberty.
Pedophiles are generally
1) left handed
2) shorter
3) lower IQ
4) babies whose mothers smoked/drank
5) Homosexuals
6) Jewish
Yeah I'm sure that girl lived in fear for 61 years just wishing she was powerful enough to escape the clutches of her husband. She raised those 7 children with a gun at the back of her head every second and then was forced to be buried next to her abuser 9 years after he died.
People, in favor or not, have explained this before, along with the story. It is not stopping anything soon.
No you. They are not pedo, nor part of the free-love movement, or LGBT stuff.
She grew into an adult, eventually, and they had neighbors and family.
Anti-Pedophiles are generally
1) left handed
2) shorter
3) lower IQ
4) babies whose mothers smoked/drank
5) Homosexuals
6) Jewish
7) moralfags
This thread has become a shit flinging con.
Wow its almost like retarded manlets with nothing to lose rape kids and get put in prison and subjected to studies on pedophilia and all the high IQ pedophiles are too smart to ruin their life in order to get their dick wet and are therefore not included in the studies.
should be
A smart pedophile that didn't get caught isn't a pedophile, statistically speaking
This is the same defense you dipshit retards always trot out "Those are the dumb pedos that get caught!" but if you watch this video: the defense falls apart.
The pedos are ed against people who were caught targeting adults, and it's still shown that both groups caught for the same crimes with the only difference being the age of the victims, the pedophiles are still markedly way dumber, shorter, and more likely to have autism.
You really need to stop pretending you're some special smart pedophile that's an exception. If you weren't a retard, your dumb ass wouldn't be posting about your lust for children on Holla Forums, it's already been proven these threads and all our IPs are recorded retard, by posting pro-pedo stuff here at all you prove you're a retard, hahahahahahahhaha!
the only thing that determines what is or isn't a pedophile is if you want to fuck kids, it has nothing to do with getting caught.
Oh shut the fuck up jew adult/child love is not wrong and you do realize sex is not just for making babies right?? people have sex for pleasure all the time because it feels good so why cant kids? yes when it comes to adults having sex with kids there will obviously be limitations there the vagina by nature is designed to be fucked but because it is under developed in the prepubescent stage anal sex is safer and that is why a lot of pedos do that with young kids as fucking the vagina is a risky thing to do so there are ways for kids to have sex without getting hurt more research just needs to be done on child sexuality adult/child sex and pedophilia as the research right now is so biased and narrow minded and controlled by the jews.
I notice in your rambling mess of retard babble you didn't present anything in the way of an argument you fucking imbecile, you just presented assertions. If you have an actual argument, by all means make it, but you should shut your retarded pedo mouth otherwise, bitch.
The Child of Rage documentary follows the life of a child sociopath who tortured animals, mutilated her brother and tried to kill her foster parents. What made her like that? Getting molested. The shit hurts, it humiliates them, they don't understand what it means. We've seen countless adults who were victimized as children and forced to make CP talk about the devestating life-long effects it's had on them.
And saying "jews" and "sjws" randomly when you know NO ONE agrees with your factually documented retarded ass isn't an argument, it's guilt by association, an association which doesn't even exist. Besides, if we're going there, it's rabbis obsessed with sucking baby dicks.
All criminals are statistically shown to be retarded in comparison to the general public, you can't use a criminal population in a study and apply it to the general population.
Theres a reason all studies involving pedos that I've seen have qualifiers like "this is a specific clinical population and cannot be applied to the general public", because the general population isn't going to basically come out as a witch during the witch hunts in order to be a part of a study.
You can believe whatever the fuck propaganda you want to believe but shit like the video you see as gospel truth is just the modern day version of reefer madness to me.
This is how you fix the pedo problem.
1. Society needs to be more open minded towards adult/child love and adult/child relationships instead of flipping the fuck out .
2. Stop the bigotry and hate towards pedophiles.
3. Kids need to be taught about sex from an earlier age if they have the knowledge about it and know what they are getting into they would be able to consent.
4. Stop sheltering children from the real world some are very mature for their ages and can take on responsibility and make adult choices.
5. We need safety guides and books in stores that teach pedophiles how to practice child love without hurting children these guide books could help pedophiles and even children on what to do and what not to do in sexual situations with children and could possibly prevent abuse from taking place.
6. Doctors and researchers need to do research on adult/child love and talk to people who have engaged in pedophilia as children and liked it
7 If an adult/child relationship happens the parents of the child should monitor the relationship to make sure no abuse takes place
8 Sex between teenagers and adults needs to be decriminalized in the US.
9 We punish actual abusers of children not those who are attracted to them and have genuine feelings of love or romantic feelings for them.
10 Young children also should have the freedom and choice to have sex with peers of their own age.
11 children should have the choice to get married if they want to.
gr8 argument m8 I r8 8/8
I like tits and ass. Little girls have neither.
stop posting retard babble
Oh really? Present your data. You just made a claim, cite the fucking study you stupid fuck.
Oh, like the typical pedotard you were talking straight out of your ass. Dude, there's been dozens upon dozens of studies. When the pedo was caught, they're dumber than criminals caught for other crimes. When the pedo hasn't committed a crime but seeks counseling they're still dumber than the general population. When they take a that shows whether or not they're attracted to children and they themselves weren't even aware the were a pedophile they STILL show as dumber than those who don't. Acting like there's some secret group of pedophiles too much of a super genius to get caught is ridiculous horseshit, and deep down you know it. You know you're a fat autistic manlet spamming Holla Forums about your lust for children.
Children can't consent. We went over this way earlier in the thread, their brains aren't developed enough to understand the consequences. Therefor it IS rape you fucking tard.
I could say the same to you, you say cases of rape are bad so that means all kids having sex will act like rape victims.
Thats retard babble if I've ever seen it.
Do you write for salon.com or any other extremist-liberal blog?
Brains aren't fully developed until 25, so are all the people under 25 having sex being raped?
its actually 27
penis licker
Not the same poster, but you're too frustrated to see that. lel I'm just here for fun
Maybe you should take a break and go outside for a while.
YAWN not argument buddy wake me up when i care kek also i got my knowledge from reading child sex guides on the deep web take it with a grain of salt obviously also n ever said rape and molestation were a good thing of course kids need to learn about consent also calling me stupid is not an argument nice try buddy kek.
jokes on you. i like both
How about you take your own advice and show your "dozens and dozens of studies" instead of just talking out of your ass just like you accuse others of doing?
Depends on comparable age. Two 20 year olds going at it, no. Two 10 year olds going at it, no.
A 10 and a 20 year old, yes.
No wonder you're such a total retard.
So asked to provide a source you say "….NO YOU DO IT FIRST!"?
I accept your admission of total and utter defeat.
So you ask me to provide a source but refuse to provide your own sources?
I accept your admission of total and utter defeat.
10 years is bad and 30 years is bad
so you finally admit you are contradicting yourself
you are into old woman.
you are an old had lover
being gay
being straight
being a pedophile
For the same reason an 8 year old is likely to get bullied by 12 or 14 year olds. The increase physical and mental development gives them an advantage which allows them to manipulate and take advantage of the younger one.
I'll remove sex from the equation for a second. Let's say I have a dog, she's a sweet dog normally but she likes to play rough and wrestle other dogs. At 9 months old if left with 3 month old puppies, in her attempts to wrestle with them she would quite likely end up killing them given what I know of her. At the same time, she's not a fully grown adult herself.
I said take the info with a grain of salt faggot also not an argument so shut up Jewish troll.
Nobody is saying manipulation or bullying is okay, those situations are considered abuse regardless of the age of the abuser or perpetrator.
One source was already provided, imbecile:
But here's a second with a completely separate study: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Mind you, the guy in the video is talking about numerous studies.
So that's at least two sources already independently verifying pedophiles are retards.
Now, we both know your stupid tardlet ass is owned and you know it, so keep moving goal posts, demand something else and try to avoid the fact that you made a claim you had no basis for.
You know, something retards do.
haha now he is bringing up his dog sex fantasies
I can sort of understand someone staying attracted to the same qualities when they turn 18 that they had when they were 17, but I have always preferred older women, fit girls, and 2d. Teenagers and children are insufferable and unattractive, even when I was one.
I don't want to get in trouble with the law and have child rape on my record, literally ruining my life. Also, mentally scarring a child just because I can't convince someone of my age to have sex with me doesn't sound like fun. You're free to give it a shot if you think it's so grand, OP.
A video isn't a source, its a video.
Also your second study was done on entirely sex offenders and cannot be attributed to the general population of pedophiles, only sex offenders.
If a feminist made a study comparing the attributes of convicted rapists to all men you wouldn't find that legitimate so why do you find this legitimate?
As a pedo, you're embarrassing me. Posting cp to mock other people is autistic.
Tell me about your mother, user.
oh shut up sarah, no one believes you not even you yourself
I'm a pedo and I believe you're a troll. You have no real argument and even if the 1800s had pedophile relationships abound, you need to realize that times have changed.
Today's pedophiles act just like the kids that they lust after. Your relationship would be horrible.
in this case i post
Read that back, and tell me you don't realize how retarded that sounds.
It's the foremost world expert on pedophiles explaining his studies and his findings, and how pedophiles are more likely to be retarded, manlets and left-handed. You're worse than autistics or schizophrenics according to the studies.
That's like saying "You can't say blacks commit more crimes, because the only blacks that commit crimes are criminals and therefor we shouldn't count them as blacks! All the smart blacks don't commit crimes!" Fucking imbecile.
Gaslighting, strawman fallacy, this entire line is a trough full of bullshit.
In fact you've made that EXACT SAME argument in other threads dismantling pedos before, and your response is always completely nonsensical. This is what you always say before you break down completely and start screaming obscenities because you're completeley defeated and you know it.
This shows you don't even understand how a fucking study works, and you're going to try to use the fact that your example doesn't make sense to somehow assert that the ones on pedos don't make sense, when your study has nothing to fucking do with it. You did this last time, everyone laughed at you, even the other pedophiles. Stop being stupid user, stop being so incredibly fucking stupid.
And I note you conceded defeat by completely ignoring your earlier claim and not providing a source for your claim.
i am not the first who started to post jews
It's not consensual. Children cannot consent to any manner of sexual activity. If a child has sexual relations with another child, that is what is known as child on child sexual abuse, and yes it is possible for children to develop emotional or mental problems later on in life as a result of their early sexual experiences. Some faggots will argue, like Milo Yiannopolous, that "some children are just ready to engage in sexual behavior at an earlier age when compared to the rest of their peers" and that opinion does not have any basis in scientific analysis.
Yes, it is true that every relationship has some form of power dynamics. The difference is that a consenting adult can make an informed decision to either engage in or leave the relationship at their discretion. If a willing adult is caught up in a relationship in which they are unable to leave because they fear suffering some negative repercussions at the hand of the dominant party, then that is an example of an unhealthy power dynamic, and it's typically referred to as domestic abuse. In the case of an 18-year-old and a 50-year-old, even though they have a large age gap between them, and even though the 50-year-old likely has a lot more financial stability at their disposal, it is also true that most 18-year-olds are capable of realizing when their life is in danger (at the very least), and they can act accordingly. A child absolutely does not have the mental capacity to understand power dynamics in a relationship or the ability to realize when they're being taken advantage of. Children cannot consent
The parents are given the option to refrain from circumcision. Most choose to go with it, either because they're ignorant, they genuinely believe that it's a worthwhile medical procedure, or it's a personal religious choice. In any case, the child is being operated upon on their parent's behalf. This is an example of a situation in which the power dynamics are skewed in the adult's favor, which serves to bolster the "power dynamics" argument. If you're mad that you got a circumcision, then blame your parents, because they could've opted out. There's a world of difference between an optional medical procedure and sexual abuse.
Yes, I imagine someone actually believes that the former should be made illegal, but nobody things that both of those things should be legally endorsed. In the case of those terrorist videos, they can be educational and informative, and can be archived for the sake of cross referencing information that is circulated between news sources, in order to examine the consistency of the story as its being reported. Child porn, on the other hand, is a type of slavery, because the children must be coerced or forced into being nude in front of a camera, which is an example of abuse. It has no basis for its existence, other than to gratify the pedophile.
Neither of these activities are "good", but the former is a complex issue that cannot be simplified and equated to the simple act of consuming child pornography.
They're not too stupid, they incapable of giving consent. Yes, it is true that humans often will treat each other in harmful ways, but the pain inflicted upon then, legal or not, is still psychologically or physically damaging, and should not be endorsed by anyone, and that includes rape, in all of its forms, especially child rape.
I've addressed this argument above
Yes, but those are comparatively harmless manipulations that the boundaries of a child's mind. They may be damaging in some way, in some context, but they're miles more acceptable that sexual abuse. Do you think that telling a child that Santa Claus is real is as psychologically damaging as sexually abusing them?
It's always harmful. Your argument relies on the assertion that, "sex has no psychological repercussions for the parties involved" and that's fundamentally false.
Absolutely untrue. The damage is done during the act, as the child doesn't have the mental capacity by which to process what is happening.
Pedos are retarded.
nice image
Kind of sounds like it's everyone but you, tardlet. You're just naming every group you don't like and blaming your woes and inability to argue your points on them. Sad!
I don't think that's legal…
here, trumptard
stopped reading there.
jew shill detected
I wasn't actually contributing to the argument. I personally am conflicted with pedophillia as all I see are 50% good and 50% bad. Thanks for the image though. Questioning why you have a fucking preview saved.
People don't accept wikipedia as a source, why do you think they'd accept some random video as a source?
Comparing video evidence to a physical crime and someone proclaiming to be an expert talking shit on camera so he must be right is a load of nonsense, those are entirely different situations.
Cite the sources for that video and we'll have something to talk about, because as of right now its all a load of baseless claims.
Where do I even fucking start with this retarded shit. The BASIS of that study is criminality so of course the study has to be based on criminals, being a pedophile isn't a crime until thought crimes are a thing which thankfully they aren't yet. So that analogy is fucking stupid try again.
You're the one that doesn't know how a study works, in order to do a study about the general population your subjects have to be from the general population, you can't have a bunch of criminals or mental patients as subjects and then apply the results to the general population.
Whether you want to believe the common knowledge that criminals have statistically lower IQs than the general population is up to you, the studies are out there I just don't care enough about the subject to go looking for them to convince you.
If you care enough you can do the research yourself and prove me wrong, until then nobody is "defeated" on this topic.
no need to be conflicted, imagine someone raping your 10 year-old child. now you will see it as 100% bad.
That's the logo Unilever uses for all of their ice cream brands around the world.
no need to be conflicted, imagine a man raping a woman, now you'll be a feminist.
women can enjoy and consent to sex, children cannot.
women can revoke their consent to sex long after the fact making all men rapists.
You can't prove a negative you complete and utter fucking retard. This is the most basic tenant of debate, you make a claim, your opponent says "prove it" you then either back up your claim or admit you were talking out of your ASS and thus accept defeat.
Which you've just done. Saying "It's common sense" isn't an argument, that's a really weak appeal to popularity fallacy (which you haven't even established as actually being common sense.)
"people" we're talking about you, fucktard. More weasel words to try to create a fictional group behind yourself when it's clear to everyone you're the sole person making your argument. It's not a "random video" it's the foremost expert on Earth on the subject of pedophiles laying out his god damned evidence. Literally expert imony.
mra spotted
That's not a claim MRAs make, it's a claim MGTOWs make, MGTOWs are the male version of feminists, the difference is quite important. MRAs are just generic libertarian egalitarians.
pedophillia as all I see are 50% good and 50% bad.
Holla Forums had /hebe/ with a good admin.
they were good people who kicked all the scum off board.
then jim came and removed /hebe/
that not pedophilia - this is called rape you retard
i pray to god your child gets raped by 10 niggers because you try censor natural part of human part of sexuality
A child cannot give consent. We've been over this like twelve times just in this one thread already, user.
You could prove that criminals have IQs comparable to the general population by looking for studies on criminals and showing me that their IQs are basically the same as studies done on the general population.
But you won't do that for the same reason I won't find studies that prove criminals have lower IQs than the general population, because it requires far more effort than simply shitposting on an imageboard and thats more effort than I'm willing to put in to try and convince some retard that hes wrong on the internet.
By people I was talking about anyone that has to deal with checking for sources. A college teacher for example won't accept you linking wikipedia or some random ass video you found on youtube as a source for your claims.
Also theres no sources in that video that I can see, how about just giving me the links? If they're really there it wouldn't be hard to just copy them and show them to me.
And like 12 times people have failed to explain why.
Let me show you:
there you go. a trumptard 4chan/reddit refugee from Holla Forums
anther thread proving Holla Forums is dying and the exodus was voided
all thanks to CIA plant ((jim)))
i'm from /the_donald/, doesn't change the fact that raping children is morally wrong.
Every single time it's been pointed out:
-The brain isn't finished developing.
-A child cannot understand the consequences physically and mentally of sex.
-A child cannot join the military, vote, rent a car, get a license, own a gun, drink, smoke or get a tattoo. Obviously they're not ready for sex either.
-It has horrendous effects on them, turning some into sociopaths, others into future child molesters and afflicting them all with lifelong depression, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, trust issues and suicidal thoughts.
Wrong. Did you never touch your dick before you turned 18 or something? How could you believe this? Do you think the nerves in the genitals are just turned off until whatever the arbitrary age of consent in your country is?
Nobody is saying rape is okay, rape is bad we get it.
The only reason they might not understand it is the same reason a sheltered 18 year old might not understand it.
Also that last part kills me, "the reason kids can't consent to sex is because they just can't okay!"
Because my brain isn't as fucked up as yours.
Then why isn't the age of consent 25?
Why not?
Its illegal because its illegal, great argument. Why not explain to me why you're legally allowed to go to war and die 3 years before you can legally drink alcohol if your laws are so infallible?
The only studies that prove this were done using victims of rape as subjects, yes rape will traumatize people this is common knowledge and nobody is saying rape should be allowed.
Because developmentally there is a difference between 13, 16, and 25.
All non-consensual sex is rape, and it's impossible for children under the age of consent to consent. Those studies state it as rape because it is rape.
That's fucking cute! But I'm guessing you're not placing in the fact you fucking idiots couldn't control your autism and started to spread it out ALL OVER every fucking board. SO don't pull that bullshit Holla Forums was always pro /hebe/ as you fucking retards wanted to be the center of attention. You lost the board over your idiotic community unable to keep their autism in check. I mean /mlp/ fags got a rude slap and was warned on their bullshit and shaped up. You dicks on the other hand wanted to pull this counter-productive reason of 'hurr durr muh-free speech' as here's the thing.
Acting like a fucking sperg =/= Privilege to free speech.
And what exactly determines how much mental development you need to understand that sticking your pee pee in a vajayjay feels good?
Statutory rape is completely different, don't try and muddy the water of what rape actually means by throwing in cases where a 17 year old is a rape victim for having sex with their 19 year old partner.
He's a fully functioning, responsible adult that is contributing more to society than most of his critics.
He wasn't a "child" when the "abuse" happened, but a teenager. He doesn't regret his decision and is leading the red-pill movement against social justice advocates. He's basically one of us.
virgin trumptard please, who is talking about raping? its not immoral if its not against he will of the girl.
We went over this too. A nine month old dog may accidentally kill a three month old dog playing with it, but it could still be killed by a pack of fully-grown adult dogs. Similarly an 8 year old is more likely to be bullied by a 12 or 14 year old than another 8 year old.
This is the part where you pretend you're even more retarded than you are and go "No one's saying bullying isn't wrong!" pretending your stupid ass doesn't understand how analogies work. It's being used as an example. The increased age means increased development physically and mentally which gives them an advantage.
Circular logic at this point, you fucking know why. Because they think cartoons are real. Because you can tell them there's a monster in a box and they'll believe you. Because they're afraid of the dark, because you can tell them "I'll tell on you if you don't do what I say" and they'll believe it. And why is all this true? Because as we told you to begin with, THEIR BRAINS AREN'T FULLY DEVELOPED, STUPID. Because their brains aren't fully developed they're not capable of understanding the ramifications. Period. Don't you fucking dare break up this message into chunks and then ask "why?" as if the question wasn't already answered within the text you disingenuous bag of shit.
No, see this is the annoying shit I'm talking about. You know that's not the argument being made, but you can't respond to the actual one so you pretend, because you're either stupid or an asshole. The argument is, it's common sense a child isn't developed enough for ALL THOSE THINGS. Do you think six year olds should be able to join the military dumbass? The point is unless you can argue all of those examples, ALL of those examples, then you can't claim you believe children are old enough for sex.
So you're admitting all sex with a minor is rape. We're making progress.
Brain development is a gradual process; once puberty hits, the brain and body undergo hormonal changes that continue into adulthood. The age of consent is a "safe" number on the spectrum of development. It's safe to assume that everyone, by the age of 18, has developed to a certain extent, and this explains why many responsibilities and mandates are reserved until this age.
They're not mentally equipped to understand these concepts, especially not before they reach puberty.
The age of consent is a "safe" number on the spectrum of development. It's safe to assume that everyone, by the age of 18, has developed to a certain extent, and this explains why many responsibilities and mandates are reserved until this age.
A: Children cannot consent
B: Non consensual intercourse is rape
ergo, any sexual activity, by an adult of consenting age with a person who is not able to consent, is rape.
No one is scrutinizing his character, merely his words. He outright said that he believes that there are some children who can make the informed decision to consent to sexual activity, even before they reach a certain level of physical development, and even before their peers.
Here's the video in which he says it: youtu.be
In ancient greece it was ok if the child understood. Some kids are too thick to get what sex is, i'd say most are not.
Most mens perception of a good girl is a girl that looks pretty, a few also like that she is smart, like me. But considering *most people* only care about her looks i don't see why it should be a big problem if a guy hooks up with a young girl. As long as she understands. Girls are not like guys anyway, they are slavebound by a good dicking and in fact the mate matters far less to them than it does us because of the aforementioned dicking…
That's why you see women being far less loyal than men too.. they simply don't care that deeply about you and if chad thundercock is tempting them they now have a new slavemaster.
You're half-right, its more like:
An 8 year old can be bullied by another 8yo, but at least they're equal in size/strength so the intimidation factor is smaller.
I'm sure he then stated in a later interview that he does no necessarily condone pedophilia, he merely meant that there are exceptions in certain children. That it's possible to have sex and not develop trauma in some individuals.