can you solve it?
yes, but i'm not going to answer in this shit thread and pretend like it's worthy of existing
what's wrong with this thread?
nothing i'm just mad that i couldn't solve it
it's okay, friend. you'll get it in time.
Faggots should jump off a cliff and drown.
nope. not sure how you even got any of that from it.
farmer + spiggot
I like where your head's at, but no
First pic is of a guy growing flowers…obviously a faggot.
Second pic is a basic drawing of a cliff.
Third pic is a constant flow of water, which will eventually drown you, especially if you are incapacitated after jumping off a cliff because you are a faggot.
It is the most obvious and simple solution, therefore according to Ockham's razor, it is the correct one.
How fucked up is it that I can actually see this explanation as viable?
Buttercups not showerhead.
That was easy, next one?
gas the kikes
I'm a grower, not a shower.
Golden shower
this has to be it
you got it
A quick one (for you)
Flower Shower?
WWII Holocaust Reference
you're too late, fellas. already cracked it.
I got it:
Flowers turn to showers!
Spring to Summer.
second pic is clearly the symbol for negation
"Flowers, not showers."
What the fuck is that wrongly oriented L
=Teach me how to bold text=
((Am I doing it right))