What is Holla Forums's opinion on RationalWiki...

What is Holla Forums's opinion on RationalWiki? Does it like it or is it to Holla Forums what Conservapedia is to Holla Forums?

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I don't even know wtf it is!


Terminally infected with idpol. Recommend ultimate sanction.

I already know it's not liberalpol, I just wanted to know your opinion on it.

It's pretty good at despooking what it doesn't agree with. The problem is that it respooks.

Thankfully, that's almost exclusively limited to articles that involve social issues, which itself would have been caused by that SJWiki exodus.

I'd have thought Holla Forums would love conservapedia. Does it not have enough mindless generalisations and outright lies for their tastes?

Anyway, rationalwiki just toes the mainstream government-endorsed line. It's like BBC news - not overtly right wing, but totally unquestioning of the status quo.

According to them, it's "filled with cucks". So basically, it's not right-wing enough for their tastes.

It's also filled with religious nutjobs, blames shootings on videogames, and thinks weed causes brain damage.

It's useful when your mom or some normie friend mentions that one incredible thing they read on the Internet and you want to check out what they actually stumbled upon. It's usually pretty weak when they foray into politics though, especially with the edgy liberal tone they often employ.

So… good when it comes to woo-debuking but pretty bad beyond that.

Anyone know of a good left-wing alternative to RW?

It's edgy liberals.

Sounds a lot like Holla Forums if you replace videogames with melanin.


Read this for some rage


It's very good at its original intent: scientific skepticism. At worst these articles are correct but barren (i.e. the race articles because liberals are uncomfortable with race)

Unfortunately their annoying centrist liberal attitude permeates the site.

Not OP but I was floating around the idea of making a wiki for radical/far left politics since common, accessible resources for this are slim to none. In comparison, right wing thought is childishly simplistic enough that it's detailed everywhere

These articles are written by people who spent their whole lives arguing with right-wing nuts and it shows. There is some straight up socjus in there.

see their reverse racism article:


The problem is when scientific scepticism morphs into unquestioning acceptance of whatever the powerful lobbying groups advocate.

If RationalWiki had been around a few decades ago, they would have claimed that smoking was 100% safe (big tobacco wouldn't lie to us!) and anyone questioning it must be a conspiracy nut.

They will be the absolute last place to ever accept any new science which overturns old, accepted ideas.


"Reverse racism" as a rightist talking point is pretty retarded. A case against affirmative action is easy to make without getting salty.

I think metapedia is more up Holla Forumss alley.

If anything, capitalism is a deterrent to social mobility. The entrenched elites can just simply block out the people they don't like.

Moreso than you might think: ED has a modest archive of drama in the community that Metapedia inexplicably has.

My personal favorite: encyclopediadramatica.se/Mikemikev