I'm 20 today Holla Forums. I have no real friends, and haven't had any for about 8 months now. They all moved to different parts of the state and I stayed behind in a spic infested city in central texas. Everyone I know is either a degenerate who's idea of fun is getting high and watching talmudvision, drinking which is fun, but house parties are gay and filled with niggers and spics here, or they're shitskins. I'm not autistic or ugly, and I actually have decent social skills, but I have no inclination to reach out or talk to people. If I hang out with someone it's because they reached out to me and never the other way around. I have no idea how things have slid this far, but tomorrow I'm going to spend my birthday alone, probably going to go buy a nice shotgun and spend an hour or two shooting skeet at a range. How do you make friends post redpill? How do you give a shit about people?
Happy birthday to me Holla Forums
Merry birthday user
My power level is only revealed here user. Also if you knew what city I was talking about, you'd hate it too.
Thanks user, y-you too
I made 3 good new friends over the last couple years by just being myself and talking to people
Don't conceal yourself if you want to make friends
show them how smart you are by correcting every single one of their mistakes. they will be grateful because it improves their knowledge.
must be an american one then.
Yep, Texas is in America. You must be in one of those socialized countries where people go to public schools but don't learn how to read.
Happy birthday op. You should get high for your birthday.
Also how do you shoot skeet by yourself?
at least they taught us how to quote
I smoked weed for a year, basically made me an autist tbh. At a gun range you yuropoor faggot.
I'm the only white person at my work who's not a fag or a kike.
Why would you assume that I'm european based on that post? I don't go to gun ranges because I've always had property to shoot on and people to launch skeet for me.
Find cool people (like us) on the Internet and talk to them.
Well excuse me then.
Well i'm here now.
You still didn't answer my question.
First of all you're clearly autistic and this is why you don't have any friends. I'm formally retract my happy birthday.
I just said I don't use gun ranges but regardless that answers nothing.
i almost lost my monocle
You caught me, i'm reeing into a plate of tendies as we speak
They're not tendies… they are deep friend lumps of your own parents' turds… yes, they despise you this much, user. How does this make you feel?
it's a hunting range obviously the skeet just zip around in the air without human intervention until they're shot retard
More ideas: join a church group (even if you are not religious) or partake in your town's social gatherings. Maybe you'll find cool people like us that way.
Maybe that's why I can't find friends, they've cursed me from beyond the grave.
deep fried turds sounds delish btw, have any good recipes?
Exactly, it's like duck hunting, except they're always in season. Does anyone know if skeet clays have feelings?
Least pozzed/most white denomination you can think of?