Regards, /r/anarchism and Holla Forums




Hello Holla Forums!

post yfw 8D chess

D E S I G N A T E D S H I T T I N G T H R E A D?
























Gee wizz I sure wish I could be as cool as antifa those guys are so cool I bet they get all the girls

Said literally nobody ever
Chicks dig Neo-Nazi Punk rocker skinheads. pic related. More chad that you limp-wristed commies will ever be

Oh look, guise. It's the Holla Forums Antifa faggots. I sure hope they don't pepper spray my grandma and run around with their faces covered, sucker punching anyone who disagrees, because "Nazi" :^)

Nice look fam

you'll die on the day of the rope, we're memeing it like we meme trump into the presidency

This is Common Filth and his parents

Wasn't there a deportation increase since Trump became president?

Holy shit you still can't meme.

i don't think you understand how this "meme" thing works

Face it Holla Forums, you're a bunch of limp-wristed teenagers.


Pepe is ours now. There's nothing you can do about it.

Seize the memes of production

Go back to Starbucks Holla Forums. It's safe for you there.

But it's a hate symbol, commie-kun. I sure wouldn't want to be associated with a hate symbol.

Not anymore, it isn't. It's only a hate symbol when Holla Forums uses it.

You'd be surprised at how many leftists actually do own guns and aren't pussies about them, unlike liberals. Marx even promoted that the proletariat be well armed for the revolution. Get fucking educated.

Airshit doesn't count, Holla Forums.

I'm sure you try to act tough when your wife's son hides his "piece" at your place after committing some nigger-tier crime.

There you go again, prattling off about some rich kid who never worked a day in his life. Just like every leftist since the mid-20th century.

"Ugh, educate yourself, shitlord!"

This sanctimonious attitude you have is the reason you're losing, Holla Forums.

Will Holla Forums ever stop failing?

Good, send my regards to your Volunteers and BO, Holla Forums, pic related.

The last one is a hot fugly, more info please?

Again, airshit doesn't count Holla Forums.

Now you're just making random shit up. Though I suppose that's a completely normal tactic when you're a useless pile of shit like you are.

Sitting atop an Ivory Tower is not a "job," Holla Forums. Although given that you've never had one either, I'm not surprised you can't figure that out.

I was? I seem to have forgot that. Fuck it, you're just making that post so you can screencap it, conveniently leaving out the fact that you never said any of the things you're greentexting.

Living off of other peoples' money while lecturing people is not a "job", /leftypol.

The fuck are you on about, leftycunt? Now you're just sounding delusional.


This is the online version of someone putting statements into someone's mouth, isn't it? You're going to post a screencap of that post on Holla Forums with some "lul I sure showed the gnatzee!" comment even though absolutely nothing in that post actually happened, aren't you?

Look everyone, I'm projecting!

Go back to your safe space, Holla Forums. It's safe for you there, and no one does mean things like question your opinion or point out when you're blatantly making shit up.

user… That's allegedly Holla Forums's BO. If you post that picture there you will get instab& (bonus points if one moronic volunteer spills the beans and bans you for "Mod Dozing", kek)

Pics related, the "commies" (read; upper-middle class cucks who have never done hard work for a second in their lives) at the Holla Forums , Holla Forums infiltrated it earlier this year



I don't care what term you have for it. That doesn't change the fact that you don't own anything other than airshit, you're a 20-something that's still "finding himself" and has never worked outside a Starbucks, and gets his rocks off by putting words into someone's mouth on Holla Forums.

Stop confusing lefitsts with liberals, you spooked classcuck. We vehemently oppose idpol and aren't afraid to kick your Nazi ass.

Which is why the Battle of Berkeley worked out for you guys so well?
Nothin personnel kid

Bitch please, you still haven't provided me with your detailed description of how Marx totally had a job, nor have you shown me where the invisible /k/ posters are who proved that your toy guns totally aren't airshit.

Pretty hard when you're one and the same.

That's why you practice it constantly, eh Holla Forums? I'm sure you've got an oppressed minority transpyrsyn yf cylyr to suck up to.




Nigga, you seriously think all these posts are from the same person?

Go the fuck to sleep. This is pathetic.

Oh look, it's the sudocuck again

I see the Holla Forums damage control brigade is here to clean up from another failed raid.

Why can't leftists meme worth a damn?
Is it because they lack souls?
It's incredible that they are so lacking in self-awareness that they don't realize how bad it looks when all they can do is use generic pop-culture images and poorly imitated, and often poorly understood content from Holla Forums

Apparently, Holla Forums has proven this theory wrong with their very existence.


He was speechless. Showed that asshole what's up.

Dat AMD-65, probably got it from a parts kit because living at home unemployed means you can't afford an assembled gun.

great work felow komrad, drumpf foreve btfo xDxDxD

Instead of acting butthurt and posting here you should instead be slaving away producing unfunny Zizek and Stirner knockoffs of memes stolen from Holla Forums.

according to the ADL, pepe is equivalent to a swastika, not a hammer and sickle



Not stolen…


kek, never gets old

you think chan is autistic…
image redditfag fapping to giving away personal freedoms, identity politics and obsessions with caricatures of their enemies

You just successfully described Holla Forums, user.

LOL like who cares about personal freedoms anyways xDDDDDDDDD like this post! :DDDDDD

sounds like reddit to me

Sounds like the average leftist.

Hey, don't associate us furfags with Holla Forums.

Why are left-wing memes just right-wing memes rehashed or slightly altered? Come on guys, at least try to make something that's original and isn't shit. Maybe then you might make a chunk of the populace sympathetic to you instead of the way it is now where even the most cucked of liberals hate you and consider you detestable.

user in the first pic even got dubs