Tfw the only reason we don't have amazing cyberpunk portable technology is because NIGGERS
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No user, you are the nigger.
What do you mean by cyberpunk?
If we go with the "high tech, low life" definition, we're absolutely heading for that future. Middle classes are eroding, corporations basically own soft western governments. Mass surveillance technology is getting all the research bux.
What do you consider to be "amazing cyberpunk portable technology"? If you're looking for a modern UMPC/palmtop the GPD WIN (supposedly works well with Linux) and soon to be released Dragonbox Pyra should fit what you want minus being able to plug them into your head or something.
Not OP, but consider how much more awesome this cyberdeck is compared to normalfag phones.
And we would have gotten away with it, if not for those pesky African Americans.
Just get a gaymen laptop, they even have mechanical keyboards. Or build something yourself if a gaymen laptop isn't powerful/large/impractical enough for you, pic related fits a full size ATX motherboard, power supply, and I think a longer graphics card, and has enough room for dual monitors if you want.
And what would I do with that? Fight deckers in the matrix?
Goytoy or not, we're all connected to the same shitty botnet.
Don't know. It would be fun to build one with a buckling spring keyboard, a ton of smaller fans like 1U servers have, and dual monitors, then bring it into Starbucks and take up space until they kick you out. Bonus points if you dress the part.
While that's cool, if I was going to put that much effort into a portable computer I may as well go all the way and design custom hardware for it as well.
I actually do high speed high density electronics design including 12Gb SAS and PCIe 3, so it wouldn't be impossible for me to make a custom motherboard for a deck.
Mine's better, pic related
But can it run Crysis?
/paul/ pls
At least whites are wiped out right?
You seem to think I think that's a good thing. I used the word 'hellhole' for a reason.
Also, nice dubs.
What? I said it's disgusting.
I thought you were giving me shit.
Can u fuck off back to >>>Holla Forums already?
Lol what
There's no such thing as monoculturalism you retarded fuck.
Go back to Holla Forums and stay in that circlejerk.
Weeb culture will be the monoculture.
That's called an echo chamber. Now go back to /a/
>>>Holla Forums
This 100% OP is retarded.
"Niggers" should read "Jews"
Why is tech so obsessed with Holla Forums? Can we just chill and discuss cyberpunk without jumping at your own shadow?
Well we now all know you aren't a project manager and also aren't too bright either.
Why do Holla Forumsacks act like a children who just got caught drawing on the wall with crayon when they get called out? You aren't fooling anyone.
god i miss that fucking show
I know that feel. Watched it every weekend with my dad back when they played it on PBS at 11PM. God, that was such a long time ago. I get nostalgic for other shit that I used to watch/listen to on that channel that I'll probably never see again (they played these chinese shows around the same time as red/green that were comfy as fuck but I'll never know what they were)
list one thing Holla Forums related in this thread
probably the NIGGERS thing in OP.
Also I guess and
Holla Forums is the only board on this dead site that has increased poster count
Take a guess
Gotta up your english schlomo.
That's not even English!
No one likes niggers, that's just common sense, you have to be more specific.
And? How is that related to random thread derailment? Literally no one said anything Holla Forums related and you spergs just pull out your boogieman out of no fucking where. Why can't you guys just create a pol hate thread to contain your spaghetti?
This is happened a lot in Holla Forums recently, I really don't understand what's the goal here.
There you go Holla Forums, only tiny minded individual like you would think that everyone hates niggers because ((you)) dislike them.
Go back to your echo chamber so you can reaffirm your worthless thoughts.
Sage because this fucking thread does not belong to Holla Forums
Holla Forums is too pussy to fuck with Holla Forums directly so they try to d&c on smaller boards.
Holla Forums threads here are never on topic in the first place. Niggers, multiculturalism, and women are not technology and threads complaining about those subjects do not belong on a board for discussing technology. Stop trying to shove your views into unrelated discussion.
Discussion on the multiculturalism push is part of Holla Forums. Companies do discriminate against you if you're White. As for women, while Holla Forums does have its share of irrational women haters, they're on every board. Holla Forums may even have fewer since women are as necessary as men for bringing up the next generation. It has fewer than Holla Forums for sure, but that isn't saying much.
OP's thread is dumb though. He could've kept it still more Holla Forums than Holla Forums while not being retarded by blaming the jews for not being jewish enough and bringing us to the dystopia quicker instead of blaming monkeys with no relevance whatsoever.
Fun fact: the creator of Cyberpunk (the game, not the genre) is a nigger.
Neat virtue signaling you have there. Is a cute bimbo going to come out of your screen and fuck your brains out because you are so inclusive of diversity?
Yeah, I don't think so either.
That makes sense. If algorithms codify the status quo and come to rule more and more of life, then you can easily see the possibilities of how dystopian that can get hence negros kept down by their now-fully accounted for and numeralized culture they won't escape
Wow are you me?
Thread is shit. Here's a better one:
>tfw we just got hope with the election of Trump
>tfw deporting illegals, defunding sanctuary cities, and cutting regulations might just turn the liberal cuckopolises around
you've hit the nail right on the head. Of course, each evil you cite can be traced back to das Juden
Is that an acronym?
GROIDS of the
Cyberpunk is lame, I want super futuristic type stuff
Enjoy living in the Judge Dredd future.
Holla Forums here
Daily reminder:
Jews did 9/11
Holocaust didn't happen
You're wrong. We already live in a cyberpunk dystopia but without the actual tech, flying cars and mech police robots.
Didn't they upload all the episodes online so you could watch them for free? Best Black and White scene was the (Kid)die area one.
His stand up show was awesome too. He came here back in 2011 and I saw it. It was awesome.
the fact that funding for science and tech is pointlessly being funneled into paying for the third world and women is relevant and is having a huge influence on the tech industry
You have to jump into the playlists to reliably get to the show episodes. The channel uploads a ton of short clip excerpts and some tour announcements to keep it alive and relevant, which ends up burying the episodes.
We already are in a cyberpunk world. If you're thinking like neuromancer or blade runner, that will probably never happen.
Consensus cracking, shilling, astroturfing, it's an attempt to turn turn everything against any semblance of right-wing thought because in CURRENT YEAR, even shit that early 4chan and even goons would be fine discussing or saying outside of the Holla Forums equivalent is BAD SHUT IT DOWN OY VEY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NOBODY SAY MEAN WORDS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It wouldn't.
This isn't a tech thread but a political thread so therefore it doesn't belong in tech.