Hey, can we talk about what causes YouTube channels to get "views"? Has anyone been keeping track of the Pewdiepie saga...

Hey, can we talk about what causes YouTube channels to get "views"? Has anyone been keeping track of the Pewdiepie saga? Apparently DISLIKES have the same effect as LIKES, and a video is considered trending depending on how long people watch it.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice digits. Trending isn't based on duration watched or anything. Trending is basically paid promotions. Many of them have really low views and are shilling for TV shows or movies.

The YouTube algorithm is all sorts of fucked though.

You see all those millions-of-views videos with autistic as fuck thumbnails in the suggestions list? Those thumbnails actually work. Don't underestimate the power of sugar-addled, brain damaged actual 5-year-olds mashing the screen on an iPad for hours on end.

upload your video in multiple location. That's the pewdiepie most important accident. he's from sweden. he uploaded video in sweden, when he's popular in sweden, he goes all europe. He skipped the swedish populairty contest because he had a girlfriend in italia. Because he uploaded in italia once or twice, he got views from italia. Because he aws getting views from 2 countries and views from sweden in italia, youtube just decided: "He can attract international level of popularity, let him get popular in the EU", easily done, he started to gain American soil because english language.

So upload your videos in multiple state.

Also (((Pewdiepie)))


this, or a fucking `red arrow and circle' clickbait shit. It works.

I get all my shows from torrent.

No he is some SJW that drowned a turtle and raped a girl, right? I remember some bullshit about him from years ago.

There's no way he's not paying for that shit.

Man that face deserves the mandela necklace.

Google Gate Keepers Favor
Algorithms Favor
People who watch the content
Types of Content that is popular

Youtube is essentially day time TV.
If you like to know what will get you views here is a handy list of social traits found in most people.

I get all my shows from raiding broadcast stations

Everyone who isn't an underage shit knew this

It's only counted as a watch after something like 30 seconds, this was in response to facebook becoming a major contender for google's ad service and both platforms had to assure advertisers they weren't paying for some autoplay shit that no one actually watched

>>>Holla Forums

Oh, that explains why sometimes there are these no-name rich faggot kids popping up on the front page.

Phillip DeFranco uses those despite actually covering news without being shit. Drives me nuts. Also, shitty clickbait titles.


why are all top youtubers degenerates? coincidence?


Are you blind? the jew is the guy holding the rod.


trending is mostly paid promotions, but there is an algorithm behind it, keemstar got on trending by making a short as fuck video and told everyone to like it and comment 50 times to see if it would get on trending

If you stop Youtube recording your watch history the 'related videos' end up actually being related to what you are watching

Why is everyone not just using mpsyt? I've been using it for about six months and haven't looked back.



thumbnail previews and view counts at a glance are a thing.

Does it protect you from the tracking?
I mean, even if you're using the api directly, I don't see how they coult not continue to record everything you're accessing to...

i think its only altering search by cookies

Jokes on you, I hacked into the government and get the news straight from the source.

Bots and brazilians. I posted a video of Nastya Zhidkova singing to my jewtube account, it has 150k views over the past 3 years, has driven 200 subscriptions and i've only posted links to it a few times on 4pol. I dont really have anything else in my channel nor am I in anyway affiliated with her so I can only assume the subscriptions are from bots. The average person watches only about 20% of the video, and 88% of the views come from youtube. 25% of the views come from Brazil. Considering i've only posted this to 4pol, I would assume the vast majority of the views would come from "other sites" and from users in the US and anglosphere.



They aren't tailored based on what you watch.

Why do you even care? I'm there to watch videos, not check out people's view counts. Thumbnails I could see the point of if they weren't all shit.

It uses the API directly and uses the creators API key, but you can add your own. Unless you are using tor or seven proxies it doesn't matter, because they can still track you by IP address.


Youtube is high quality entertainment goys.

I swear to god, pewdiepie isn't stupid. I've seen his subtle jabs at youtube and other sjw shit, he ain't a fool. It's just that he makes stupid videos for millions of dollars, I mean, who wouldn't? That's also smart.

My first impression of him was his stupid gameplay videos and I instantly hated him. When I actually saw his rants on more serious topics, I felt that he was much smarter than the character he plays in his stupid videos. I don't hate him now as I did a few years ago based on his idiotic character.

I don't know about International Youtube to be honest, but the Germany part of Youtube was always cancer. I mean 100% true cancer. Clickbait, softcore porn, retarded "comedy" and shit gameplay videos. I always here people say stuff like that youtube turned shit in 2010, but at least here in Germany youtube was gay since ages. I finished my school in 2009 and I remember it being total shit back then.

i posted a script that uses an online converter service and automates the download process using selenium.

you still need to know the url of the video. next i'm going to make it so you can provide a channel url and it'll automatically download all videos, and new videos when they upload.

because it's using the converter service you never even touch youtube botnet. of course, the weak link is the converter service. you could always setup mpsyt to run on a vps as a proxy. vps on digitalocean for $5 / month with 1 tb transfer is more than enough (unless the video is greater than 20 gb in size, or if you exceed 1 tb / month of yt videos).

Why did PDD threaten to delete his channel?

What about those Spiderman + Elsa videos? No way are there enough chris-chan-tier autists in the world to watch it and give that much traffic.

simple shit really

That crossed my mind but why specifically those retarded videos? There are plenty of better options like cartoons and shit

The sheer abundance of them, prolly. Same reason why watchmojo is so popular.
webm unrelated

don't worry, they'll sort it out and cram that pipe they've opened into the next generation's mind with corporate old media tv, just as soon as they've hashed out the royalties deal at the next spirit cooking dinner.

What if he's secretly trying to uncuck Sweden this whole time by subconsciously teaching kids the roman salute by using the bro fist and he's in a position of power where even if he came out as a Nazi he would be untouchable by YouTube.

No, that's Onision

It's really obvious when you think about it.

Fucking pleb. I act out all my news and TV shows in front of a mirror.

Nah. He's the resident Holla Forumsack of YouTube


It's quite ironic that this is from a video about context.