Idea for a program

I have I think a pretty good idea for a program but I'm not a programmer so I can't do it myself. Anyone want to try writing it?

It would be an app where you enter your body measurements and a 3d model shows up looking like those measurements. You can also upload a pic of your face to put on it. Then choose clothes from an online clothing store to try on the model. So you can have a better idea of how it will look on you. Is this a workable idea or bad idea?

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Good idea, but requires tons of work.

Could it be done with a budget of $125?

Try 12500.

Clothing would have to be in transparent png files no?

Could I find a programmer in india, russia, eastern europe, who can do it within my budget?


Hey everyone, check out this Idea Guy™! Who's gonna hop to his challenge?

If you are short on cash you can try to find someone to help you for 50% of profit. Assuming that you will work on "business" part of app, promoting it, finding clothes to put in app, etc.

Probably, $125 an hour sounds about right for this kind of job.

But it's a big enough project to keep a developer busy full-time for 3 months at the very least.

That would require much more work than you think.

OP programming isn't hard, just learn to program. There's always a thousand idea guys for every programmer.

Unity engine.
Make a scenario with your model. Have an input thing and make it scale the model accordingly. When someone picks clothing you just add the clothing to the model. The face thing might be a bit harder but it's a bit dumb.

90% of the work has already been done. The last 10% about the faces and shit is still more work than most are willing to put up with.

Ideas are a dime a dozen. I think there's a market for yours, but you'll need to create the software (either yourself or by hiring someone) and sell it. Neither is as easy as it sounds (no, it isn't). Also, there are probably companies that already do this - what do you offer they don't? If no companies do this already, either you're the first to come up with it or there's a pitfall somewhere.

$125 is nowhere close to enough even if you hire Pajeet. Contrary to what Zuckerberg wants, programming still doesn't pay in peanuts. I'm not a graphics guy so I may be way off, but I'd guess $30k is closer to what you'd need for something simple.


I honestly think this already exists, just at a professional level, for fashion designers and such.

Could anyone suggest a good program for creating, for lack of a better word, a comic? Poseable models, backgrounds that type of thing. Something that could at the very least create a storyboard.

learn to draw you lazy fuck. a storyboard doesn't even have to be good it just has to tell a message. You still need to be good at composition and stuff, but a program won't do that for you anyway. Or just download blender and some models from sketchfab

It could be a one month project depending on how far you want to go. Do you just want a picture of the clothes as worn by some guy overlayed on top of the rendered model or do you want a whole physics simulation of how the cloth will lay on the model? That could be done with marvelous designer, but someone would have to scan all the clothes, or if not possible model them in 3d and measure the physical qualities of each article or at least each material found in the store.

Disclaimer: I have no experience in this area.

unity is cucked

the face thing works good for you can crop it as well.


Unreal Engine. Learn C++ as well.

Modeling the clothes seems like the hardest part of the entire thing to me. How would you plan on doing that? Every piece of clothing has a different shape and texture and you won't be working with uniform dimensions so you'd have to map them to your mannequin. Maybe photogrammetry would be your best option? I don't know much about it, but know it can be used for complex rock formations so it could probably be used for clothing. You'd have to map the shape of the input picture to the shape of your model and then morph the texture accordingly.

That was horrifying.

need a fuckton more parameters for everything to not look the same but scaled

muscle and fat percentages, ratios for legs to body, head to height, and many more specific ones. it would still essentially take a master male or female body and then adjust some bones specifically set up to fuck with. it would likely resemble customization available in some mmorpgs or 3d eroge games.

to have it resemble the detail in your model but take parameters, you'd need muscle, fat, fascia and skin modifiers. you're not asking for a programmer, you're asking for a team of visual effects artists like weta digital.

if you mean very very simple mesh deformation and then just slapping the picture on, it would look like shit, every single time.

faces are extremely complicated, even a decent face sculpt will look terrible in motion unless designed specifically with excellent facial topology. even with extremely high res images taken with ideal lighting and a known lens size, it would be extremely difficult to generate the correct point data to make the head out of, and then we run into the problem of shitty as fuck topology, meaning you can't animate it at all. even a high resolution scanned head falls into this trap.

every single clothing item would have to be set up to be used in a program like marvellous designer and without any human intervention, the clothes can easily become super fucked up and not look right. too many variables, better to use only one body mesh and make the clothes for that one mesh.

tl;dr it's not a bad idea per se but it's certainly not workable without a large team of professionals with lots of time and a big stack of cash.

OP here, thats why I posted it, since I can't do it maybe someone who knows coding can. I have a similar idea for a headshot of a 3d head for trying on sunglasses or hats. This might be a simpler job.

A program both on a computer and phone that tells you what you're agreeing too in service and privacy agreements.

You are the perfect example for the uselessness of idea guys. It's not that ideas are worthless, your kind just doesn't have the necessary knowledge to have a good idea. People like you who actually get their hands on the money to start something are the CEO who fire their entire staff after the first two years because they bootstraped a project that will never properly work, sold it to unhappy customers, and now hire one or two competent people who have to sift through the legacy code left by the "budget programmers". I work for one of those

For this to be worth anything, it would have to be full-3D, and even then the effect is very questionable.
Creating 3D faces out of something an end user can simply produce, like a picture of his face, is very hard. You can infer this from attempts by behemoth companies like EA for their sports games. If they struggle with it at their budgets, you will definitely struggle with it. So you might want to go with an extremely advanced character editor for the face instead. There are existing ones that are licensed, but recreating your own face in it is either impossible or very hard.
This entails so much problems. Those stores have to cooperate with you, and provide the information necessary. Someone has to model those clothes. These models would also go beyond 3D scultping, additionally they have to be textured properly, have correct physics attributes and so on, like attire in an ARPG. So it's a shit ton of work for questionable benefit. Your sales pitch would have to either be that more people buy at that store, or that fewer people send their shit back because they have a good impression of how it looks on them. Even then, it's unlikely that it would be worth the effort for the store alone, even if they got your system for free. An additional concern would propably be licensing issues for branded clothes.

The only thing he left out of his post was the word "just". Having reached guru status locally in electronics, people come to where I work from time to time with "ideas". "I understand you can build and design stuff". "Sure I can. Whatcha got?" "I have an idea! It'll make a million bucks but I'm not technical. Can you design and prototype a Whatchamacallitgizmo with internet connectivity and a robotic butt wiping arm, by Friday?" "No. It would take several months, unless you're going to pay me enough to quit my real job, and honestly that's what you need to do, because what you want, in most firms, would take a team of people. I can do it, but not super quick." "I figured you could just throw something together, I'd pay you a hundred bucks." "It's more complicated than that, by more than I can explain without using big math." "Oh. Seems to me it's just........" And that's when I turn my back and walk off. It's never "just" anything; if it was that easy he would have never driven across town to talk to me. > End rant.

In order to produce "useful" results the user would need to competently take lots of measurements. Just height + hip + waist + shoulder circumference alone wouldn't be enough. You're reducing your potential customers to people who could work in a clothing store, maybe even tailor clothing themselves.

What you need for mass success would be some method of 3D scanning and I don't see that happening. Where could users get a cheap 3D scan? Have multiple friends replicate one of those Kinect setups, except with their smart phones? I don't see it happening. ?

I have better idea, will do this to generate the model but instead of trying on clothes the model will be used to create a custom porno, starrying YOU.

it will be a trap porno, 5 minutes in the women will leave and 5 rough tough hood niggers walk in to finish the job

i know there are bernie edits of this but i search on google and bing and they hide those versions. go figure.