Anyone here like Scalie Schoolie? I think it's pretty sweet. It's easy to accuse it of being waifu/fapbait but the jokes are pretty funny when they hit. Of course the Schoolies are cute but that's just a bonus.
Anyone here like Scalie Schoolie? I think it's pretty sweet...
Also best girl here
Thanks for making it clear that you really are only interested in this for retarded waifu shit.
Kill yourself.
Yeah, the puns in the comics are pretty funny. And I really like the character designs.
Fuck off, Tumblr cancer.
This logo was only made three days ago. WTF shenanimation!
Its too bad the jokes hit pretty rarely but its inoffensive enough. Makes me think of Gamer Cat in that regard.
I'd say go back to your cuckchan hellhole but now that's been completely destroyed, hasn't it? You people deserved it. And like a exploding tumor, you think you're entitled to just spread your pus-filled shit threads wherever, right? Just because you have no place to go back to doesn't mean we suddenly want you here.
do kaiju girls count as scalie?
tbh fam, i visited cuckchan the other week and its about the same as it is here.
is there porn yet
tbh fam, nobody needs you here, smh.
You're either a fibber or this is further justification of the extermination of you and your kind.
Do we visit the same site? half/co/ is overmoderated. The only board still worth visiting on 4chan is /trash/ because mods don't care and newfags don't know about it yet
I wish that fanficky webcomics would vanish once they get 34.
I recognize that fourth artist
This comic sucks
They look more like plant people
I dunno why, but despite the interesting designs the comic feels lazy and boring.
I guess talent needs more than drawing well.
Great artists often need great writers.
Kind of like what happened to Uderzo.
Is this still going? The page said it's been a month since the last one.
Does it have a proper page, or just a Tumblr page? I hate Tumblr comics pages, they're a bitch to navigate through.
That's a problem with alot of webcomics and frankly its shit I hate seeing. Where people will ignore an obviously bad story or shit writing just because they want to fuck one of the characters. On imageboards you see this all the time. Remember when Poppy Opossum first started up? Everyone on 4chan was going crazy for it and how much they could waifu most of the characters. Then it got revealed that Morbi is shit at pacing and writing then people started dropping off when they realized that. The ones left gushing over it are the waifu-fags.
Geraldine is best girl
I just like the way this artist draws girls. Their Hex Maniac is cute.
Please stop bumping this shit. No one likes your tumblr comic.
*cough* Loud House.
Let's use the freedom of 2D art for… characters standing around giving exposition.
She's just as fat and stupid looking as that Steven Universe bitch, minus the fugly botox lips.
I agree. Though the two newest ones are okay reads. The Disney-parody one was so awful.
For some reason, I keep comparing that one to Dragonball Super… you know… using the work of someone else for terrible action scenes and bad storytelling…
Every great comic writer knows that.
seriously. why can't he just illustrate all that? It'd actually make for a fairly entertaining comic. It'd probably take less time than handwriting all of it out too
This fucking comic I swear every time I see this shit I wanna slap that dumbfuck hipster faggot
☐ Strongly Disagree
☐ Disagree
☐ No preference
☐ Agree
☑ Strongly Agree
It's bland and boring. The character designs are not good and neither is the writing.
fuck off
Do weeaboos on that level even exist anymore?
Pretty kek. I think the problem is the writer tries to cram in too many jokes/punchlines into one comic.
/am/ and halfchan
Okay, I think I've figured it; the author needs to learn goddamn pacing. The dialogue feels both poorly translated and deliberately bad.
(i guess the author wanted to imitate the immortal lord B^U and steal his power)
This is legitimately worse than some of the shit I read on comicgenesis et al. in 2006. At least Morbi drew sweet art with Poppy before he turned into a basket case.
Sasuga Holla Forums
Not all of them are 4 panel but having the panels all be the same size and shape certainly limits them.
Are there like no guys at this school?
How can you hate this?
Okay, that's pretty funny.
fuck off
Already been done.
Best Thicc girls
This thread
Okay, that one made me laugh. Probably because the last panel isn't a wall of text.
I keep feeling like the person who made this probably only reads manga or is a near weeb.
Gee, what could possibly give ya that idea?
this is how we spot the cuckchan refugee.
Despite the WORDSWORDSWORDSWORDSWORDS in this one, I actually chuckled
I thought that was a massive dong between her legs.
Oh my god, her stupid walk is so cute.
Digitigrade waifu is digitigrade.
I'm not sure I understand. Is it a size problem?
That has 4 panels Mr Dubs.
are they pokemon or what? I don't understand
God this straightforward dialogue. You know it's funny in those 'use once in a while' type of deals but when it's like every joke is like that. Maybe I'm just taking it too seriously for what it is. It's obvious who and what it's meant for really so not like anything else is gonna change that.
I don't think the author is taking the comic very seriously. They probably just like drawing silly lizard girls and the comic is an excuse to do that.
Ok that was pretty funny.
Is she tiny? Or is her daughter just that massive?
Regardless; lizard MILF
fuck off
fuck off
She's extremely tiny and her daughter is considerably taller than the other lizards, so a bit of both.
I like it tbh fam. the artwork is charming. and the writing can be funny when the author isn't being a fucking faggot.
try saying nigger there you nigger
Is this chick ripping off Haruhi Suzumiya?
The earings, and the jacket make me think of Anita Sarkeesian for some reason.
There's some great artistic sensibilities here, but the artist needs a goddamn writer.
Does anyone else see the resemblance to Candice? Or is it just me?
Is Poppy really that bad? I haven't read it yet, but it seems interesting from what I've heard of it. But I'm kinda indecisive on whether or not I should read it?
Poppy starts out pretty well, I mean when I first read it the first two chapters had me thinking we'd be in for a good ride. But the creator, Morbi, he's got major problems with pacing. There were two times during the webcomic that he stopped a chapter then began work on another because he realized he fucked up in the story then say you'd have to wait till later on for the previous chapter to complete.
Alot of Poppy started falling apart when it got the infamous dragon chapter which had tons of readers not knowing what the fuck was going on. Also there were instances that the creator had drunk the koolaid as well.
What the fuck does that even mean?
This is mostly because morbi has a nasty habit of having too much lore in the story and having to dump it on his tumblr to prevent having massive expositions in every chapter.
Don't forget the parts about the twitter arguments and hopping into 4chan threads to defend/explain himself.
I missed that.. but let me guess, he turned into a bitch and started insisting that we should be grateful to him for providing us with high quality free entertainment?
Rule #1: NEVER interact with your fans.
No, the thread was complaining about his storytelling style before and where he moved to. But as soon as he showed up everyone suddenly buckled down and were acting like they never said anything 'bad' about him. Wouldn't be surprised as I've heard Morbi is pretty shit at taking criticism apparently.
All the people who were critical of Poppy already left and the threads that cater to it would just be a hugbox acting like it's still the greatest webcomic ever
I like it but I wished the artist updated more. It's pretty much the only reason I go to the shithole called Tumblr
Hello mister cuckchanner, I see you haven't realized yet that multiple images can be posted at a time. Please come back when you actually never come back. Get out and stay in your shithole.
What is it with Tumblr comics and slow updates?
So there are humans in this comic?
Deadlines and schedules are triggering.
Even furries know you can't keep people's interest with slow updates unless you have porn.
Don't fuck the lizard
I'm genuinely curious what a human fucking an egg-layer would consist of with your mental gymnastic motherfuckers
you've accidentally awakened my autism
fish and some frogs lay eggs to be inseminated externally
lizards and birds are all inseminated internally
that being said, they also shit from the same place that they breed
does that technically make every male lizard gay? I've thought about this for a while
sage for offtopic
There's porn but it isn't helping.
Heroine Addict is an amazing pun.
Shenamation is a pretty damn good artist, he just can't write for shit.
I think he's improving. Latest strips are less over-wordy and better paced. Also proper jokes.