Does Alan Moore like Harry Potter?
Does Alan Moore like Harry Potter?
It's too copyrighted, he can't re-make it with gay rape everywhere.
The chances are, the answer is no.
What's it called?
Alan Moore genuinely thinks he is a wizard, so no.
And has anyone ever heard the old cunt say he likes anything? Ever? Alan Moore doesn't like thing is practically a meme.
Yes, actually. From Lovecraft to Samuel R. Delany's Dhalgren or Richard Brautigan's In Watermelon Sugar, from The Wire and Forbrydelsen to The Simpsons and South Park. He's also written a few comic forewords (Miller's The Dark Knight Returns comes to mind) and given quotes (Dave Gibbons' The Originals and Brian Azzarello's Hellblazer run) dripping with praise.
Don't know how Moore feels about things in general, but as far as adaptations of his works are concerned, he liked the "For The Man Who Has Everything" episode of JL, and Saturday Morning Watchmen.
He also wrote a Judge Dredd fan-script before ever working with 2000AD
The thinly veiled equivalent of Lord Voldemort ends up effortlessly wiped out by totally-not Mary Poppins, iirc.
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
What? Mary Poppins is way to powerful for that shit! I'm going to write Moore an 8 page letter.
I think the only person he raped was McGonagall
I think the only characters in LOEG he really shat all over were Harry Potter and James Bond.
Didn't he admit that he never read Harry Potter sometime later?
He said he didn't see 300, but someone he knew did and they said it was dumb.
Honestly, I don't think he's read anything after the 80's. His LOEG set in 2009 was a bit thin in cultural references, as he was playing that time as having nothing of its own, just regurgitated cud from previous decades.
So, you know, Alan Moore doesn't like thing. Especially new thing.
He's also a fan of Superman.
What's the context for this?
Oliver Haddo, an evil Aleister Crowley pastiche, has created a magical child which he intends to make the antichrist. Mina Murray and Orlando are investigating the ruins of the occult school in England where this child was studying when he found out what he was and went on a rampage.
You're thinking of the Watchmen movie.
Moore was opposed to the Watchmen movie on the principle that it was being directed Zack Snyder, who did the film of 300 and Moore said that he had a lot of problems with the 300 comic.
Yes, and he said he hadn't seen the movie of 300, but someone he knew did, and that was his stated criteria for judging the adaptation of his own work.
Oh, come on. If you sat through Watchmen, would you really wish something so shit on the guy who wrote it? If he spent two hours worshiping his snake god, it was better spent.
Why I'm not suprised he likes stuff from a dude who writes so much pedoshit that he instantly sets of the pedo detector?
Potter has been shit since book 3.
Ouch. Book 1 was at least okay and presented interesting ideas. Everything afterwards was just a bigger circle jerk about Potter and how he was the greatest wiz ever even though the dumb shit didn't know jack shit outside of three spells and a cloak.
Actually, I'm pretty sure Moore was opposed to the very idea of a Watchmen movie, since according to him the whole point of Watchmen was to explore narrative techniques unique to the comic medium, making any adaptation missing its whole point to begin with.
That said, yeah, I do remember him calling 300 "sublimely stupid", and I definitely don't think he holds Snyder in any great regard.
True. But Zack Snyder tried to suck Alan's dick and said something stupid like 'Worst case scenario, Alan puts this in his DVD player on rainy day in London and says "That's not too bad"', to which Moore laughed at him and responded that he'd never watch this shit and followed up by saying the guy who directed 300 (the comic of which he didn't like) isn't going to compel him to watch it.
I honestly don't know which part of it is more telling of Snyder's not having the first clue about the man - not knowing Moore has lived his whole life in Northampton, or thinking there was actually a snowball's chance in hell he'd watch it, let alone go "that's not too bad".
Moore is kinda nutty.
Well, to be fair, Moore did watch and, in fact, actively showed interest in the JLU adaptation of 'For The Man Who Has Everything'. But, there are three differences between that and the Watchmen movie. Firstly, Moore worked with Timm so I guess Timm is somebody whose work he respects. Secondly, he didn't create any of those characters in 'For Man Who Has Everything'. Thirdly, and finally, that JLU was being made/came out before Warners decided to dick Moore around with the V for Vendetta film.
Alan Moore is a terrible writer and nothing he's ever written is original. He just shoves a bunch of edge into other people's shit.
The only people who don't instantly realize how much of a hack Moore is are retards who think capeshit is well written.
Please leave the buzzwords out of it