Dark dick problem

the skin on my cock an balls are at least 5 shards darker than the rest of my body.
it just looks fucking weird.
how do i fix it?

pic unreated

cut your dick and balls off

dip it in a paint bucket

If I were to stay in the sun all the time I would get extremely dark as I am brown, but atleast I wouldn't be as dark as one of the those Indians from southern India who look extremely dark to the point of blacknessā€¦

deport feetcucks

i don't hang around with my junk in the air.
its the last place to see the sunlight.

and i'm not a Pajeet, when i tan i just get orange

so are you a southern European? I am Italian/portuguese and have the same thing, is your dick tip pink?

It's shards darker?
I thought it was shades darker.

slightly and no, its the same color as my nipples, light dark red

Youre not alone user. Southern europeans or mixed caucasians have this.
Exhibit A

yup, pretty much like that.
i hope thats not yours btw

Shove your dick in bleach, you stupid faggot.


It is

I think it's cute. Then again, I'm a major rice queen.

I have a cramp in my pelvic floor muscles wich causes involuntary clenching, which causes shrinkage :(

penile bleaching

You just need to exfoliate your cock and balls. Get a loofah and gently scrub your junk with it. Be careful, you don't want to overdo it and chafe your cock skin.

Hey Holla Forums am I 'hwite?

That's supposed to happpen, you mongoloid.
Please remember not to post if you're under 18.

All genitalia are darker because it helps protect against UV radiation. You don't want dick cancer do you? As they say in Brooklyn: white on the streets, negro in the sheets.


It's brown you fuck and my family is Italian/Portuguese

Reported for CP. Enjoy prison pedophile.

Its cause you fap to much. It causes discoloration of your dick
Mines gotten to some weird purple/slightly pink shade

wait, really? I hope you be jokin.

Look like a kike faggot

im pretty sure bleach does the trick
but iv'e never bothered to try

try bleach user

Okay, I'm Anglo-Scottish (American) and I'm very white with brown hair/green eyes, non-ginger, and very pale.

My limp dick is the same color as my skin.

Only when it's hard does it look "darker", but it's not dark blue or brown, it's red. Not as red as a dog's, but I always assumed it was because my skin was translucent and the redness was the result of the bloodflow.

Are you telling me now that I ought to have a darker blue/brown dick? I'm 35, well beyond puberty.

stick your dick in bleach, or 98% peroxide - doesn't matter if it burns or anything; that just means it's working.

I literally just got off the phone with the police user, they said they will refer the case to the FBI. You're going to jail

You better format your drive before the party van comes for you.

Dude, just sunbathe nude. Coat everything but your package with oil. Not rocket science.

my cock's skin is extremely thin, i doubt it can handle it.

you're an albino black.
you have every black features except for the color.

It's very trendy in some gay clubs in New York.

some people are born different

that wasn't necessary.

Are you Bruce Venture?

that's fucking nothing
it looks like I fucked someone in the ass while they were taking a shit


No, you're a fucking kike and you know it.

If I'm albino black then how can I swim? Also never stole a bike or anything

Porn Star


It looks like someone just took another guy's dick and grafted it onto his dick.

you have allot of nergo in you, dude.
no need to pass a genetic to see it.

ewww, no, thank god.

Like the Doctor giving out baby circumcisions fucked up and just started stitching random pieces together.

Well fuck, guess I'll have to go kill myself or spend the rest of my life knowing that I don't belong or pass the same struggle down to my children.

depends, where are you from?

I was born and live in America, mom is from Portugal dad is from Italy


don't worry, user. women, especially white women, love dark dick.

thats of the Holla Forumstard meme that needs to stop.

weird, do you have a black grand father?

My mom is more mortuguese than anything else, I hate the fact that they made me a fucking mongrel but i also hate the fact that I can't tell them how I feel about it without destroying them, life really is a painful experience.

i'm sorry user.
you should get a tan and pretend to be mixed, women dig that



Have the bitch suck her shit off of it when you are done fucking her ass. If you just leave it on there, it will stain it that color. What are you, stupid?