I never had much luck with the ladies. Im not gay but this app made me realize i would be attractive as a woman. Should I just take HRT and become a girl?
Face App
Do it faggot, and post butt pics.
open boobs bb
me too bruh..
Is this app made by the LGBT community??? To turn men into women?
What app is it?
face app for the iphone
Don't listen to the faggots in here, OP.
Assuming this isn't bait, you just have to change your attitude.
To do this you have to socialise more. It doesn't even matter if the socialising is bad.
If you can approach it as school for learning people's nature then you all have all the tools.
Tools to get women. Know why? Because by being around the sweat, breath, heat, odor of people you will realise they are just people.
There is nothing to be anxious about. You will see that you take yourself too seriously and you just need to relax and go with the flow.
The virgins on Holla Forums don't realise that they can change their circumstances anytime they wish.
But being in this echo chamber where the ideas that women are just wolves out to get you they will not make the effort.
FYI wolves attack the weak.
become a trap and then date lesbian women.
thanks I try to do that. But people always say I look like a girl idk
would bang
you ever wear panties?
bye GayJ
are you saying THIS isn't attractive?
i'd marry you tbh
thanks :)!
please turn this pic into a girl pic with the app
need higher quality
use pic
what a strange looking lady
why are you so obsessed with gay people
I must destroy gayism
because he's a closeted gay
maybe you would be attractive, but rl lesbians are not (with few exceptions). so, what would be the point?
I could try to become gay
he's secretly a gay but he doesn't realize his destiny yet
show original face
Fuck off
see if you can turn these pics into girl pics plz
having 100 of pictures of a guy on your computer.. That's pretty gay
because entertainment
post your face i'll turn it into girl
into my fap folder
do you have pictures of naked woman on your computer instead of hot sweaty gay wrestler men?
turn this image into a girl, I don't have a gayphone
in my book you're half way there if you think so
I could fap to my female self
that's pretty narcissistic tbh fam
you would still be fapping to a man and that's gay
does this look like a man
show me where in this thread I have posted someone naked OR sweaty
so you DO have them but did not post
I don't have them saved.
I'm not gay and stop trying to imply that I am
Would you?
doesn't matter. if it ever had a dick its a man and if you think otherwise please visit a doctor -> you need help.
But everything suggest you are gay. I don't even have so many pictures saved of men on my computer.
Also being extremely homophobic is a common gay trait
fuck off
you talk more about gay people than gays
if you don't think that face is not attractive you are GAY
daddy, please let me suck your cock. I'm thirsty
who told you that? father johnson back in sunday school?
That word is the gayest word ever to exist. Stop using this cultural Marxist term, it makes no sense and it just shuts down conversation.
no closet gays who are afraid to be found out, so they are anti gay
Can you not comprehend basic grammar?
Anyone who enjoys these pictures is into traps.
You used a term, I wasn't attacking an expression or phrase, you fucking retard. I simply said that "homophobic" is a cultural Marxist term that serves no meaning and makes no sense.
its still a man. i wouldn't hold hands with a man or tell him that he looks good.
i wouldn't mind eating a trap out while getting fucked by my boyfriend. Doesn't make me gay though
so? you're still a virgin
end your life immediately
is anyone going to have more fun with the smartphone faceapp thing or is daddy just going to keep calling me a queer?
give me faces
Let's go tbh.
try some of these
I'd give you some fuck.
why not? it'll be funny
Typical tricks, Schlomo.
Schlomo, I…
only original we are trying to convert men here.
whats wrong with that?
convert me then. pic related.. it's most definiitely me
Come on now, OP is clearly a low-T beta fag, best to have him sterilized via HRT and remove his cuck genes from the pool.
low res / no light cant
Whats this app called!!!???
then do these, you boring ninny
it's called "faceapp" it's a smartphone thing
having an androgynous can work wonders for you, if you only work on your style:
- your hair is unkempt and looks like something died on your head.
- you have this flimsy moustache which is horrible: Prince could do that shit, not you.
Where can you buy an androgynous? Are they at the pet store?
don't get cut up on semantics; you know i meant androgynous face
you can get them at the google gayplay store
This app is great. Me and my gf.
you're a better man than woman tbh
typically, when a man can pass as trap, he's beautiful.
all the gay
Use this app to bate men profit!
Wait till they have a cam version that replaces your cock to.
Hello halfchan cuck
Looks like some old librarian
good idea
Your hairline is receiding. Do you want to be a bald girl?
estrogen helps hair rebuilding
tfw im ugly both as a male and a female
want to post it? I won't judge
well post pic, user
Do you like shoving things up your ass and being a failed man? Then yes, otherwise, no I wouldn't recommend that.
so let me get this straight.
instead of trying to be a better man, using tried and true methods that have improved men over the centuries, you want to cake your fucking endocrine glands in artificial hormones, dress up and act like a woman when it's obvious that you're not, and end your life early because you realized your mistake too late?
i mean seriously there's much easier ways to end your life, its like 20 bucks at walmart for some rope, a garden hose and some OTC.
do rosie odonnel and leslie jones
If you don't have gender dysphoria taking mines will increase your chances of suicide greatly as well as chemically castrating you
Though the castration is a great idea for someone as stupid as you I'd just as soon work on my personality and general likeabilty before I change my sex.
Mones *
You can't change your sex, just fuck up your body through mutilating surgeries and hormone injections.
Not that I am encouraging OP to be a pedo but he could be a successful one if he wanted to be. What do I mean? What do the Justin Biebers and Harry Styles of the world all have in common? They look feminine. The demographic they reach is 9-16 year old girls. Young girls like feminine looking men. All you need is some candy and you're good to go. You'll be making CP vids in no time. Of course, this is purely hypothetical. If you do this, you are a sick fuck. You should absolutely not do this. Just saying, you could… if you were so inclined….
*scales fence and scurries off*
She looks like one of those ladies who are total cunts.
I do not think that is true, and most of thoe ages are not that young.
shit thread!
i was expecting funny photoes altered of celebs and all we get is this shit.
fuck off
We could troll the pesos with this just turn boy pics into girl pics, they'll gap to boys without realizing!
you are a qt
KIll yourself faggot
You should kill yourself you pampered looking immature fag where is your dad to spank some sense into you
como on daddy , let your gayboy exit
Post more pics
Welp, it's on android too
Glad to see I make a pretty ugly lady.
Someone do CIA
bigger pic for you
It doesn't matter who we are…what matters is our plan.
stop being a faggot
get a haircut that doesn't look like shit
stop being a faggot
start talking to random girls you see as you go about your day
stop being a faggot
gain some confidence
Your face looks fine, your haircut looks like shit.
oj stailes who are you baby
Give me some more faces to do
kys faggot
have to go to bed pretty soon, post more faces
Fem Hitler looks a lot like Marine Le Pen
I hope no ones sees all these Hitler pics on my phone
Y-You're a big girl!
Do these, and you'd be a big guy for me
Please do Wade
Fuck, didn't mean to post thumbnails
Oh that works. Thank you so much.
would face app do a better job of brianna wu than brianna wu did?
Hell yeah, thanks m8
Goddamn what a sheltered life faggot little kids live these days. Were there no bullies in your schools? If there were, remember something painful right now, because the same rejection you should have experienced in real life is right here too.
sup daddy , i want you slap my little tight butthole , :)
How much did you get bullied
Would you a tom daley?
kill yourself
Hitlerina is a qt
kek. came to say this
do it op
make travis beautiful please
Do this guy.
fixed that for you, brother
I've already shamelessly masturbated to a couple of female pictures of myself. This app is the devil's work for sure.
can someone do Pablo pls
It's good to love yourself!