Huh, so that explains the increase of shitty threads. The real kicker is this was released today on halfchan's birthday.
Also Whomp thread because their hasn't been one outside of the lol threads.
Huh, so that explains the increase of shitty threads. The real kicker is this was released today on halfchan's birthday.
Also Whomp thread because their hasn't been one outside of the lol threads.
Other urls found in this thread:
Maybe you should stay there
I don't, I'm just scared about the potential influx of users it might bring, especially to Holla Forums.
Didn't the 8ch codez fixed that problem by making repeating images to have a same link?
Maybe, though recently the image size here was increased along with the webm size.
Cuck/co/ is delusional, they won't come here that easily
Have you noticed the shitty/derailed threads as of late?
Yes, but cuck/co/ has a special type of writting their posts, one that's akin to your average Tumblr user, not exactly your average retard derailing a thread
Wait, the size of the number of iimages and webms that are here?
Or how much mb or files we can upload?
This board has had major issues with weebs and capeshitters fucking up cartoon threads since at the very least the great migration caused by GamerGate, the irc leak and all its fallout. The board owner just seems too timid when it comes to actually removing shitposts and shit threads, probably as a consequence of the overzealous way it happened on the old Holla Forums.
You're part of the problem you're worried about, apply yourself.
That's been increased.
They may not come from cuck/co/ but they sure aren't from here or any boards near by, especially when they make common mistakes about boards and general policies on Holla Forums.
Hey Hijinx
You faggot, 4chan is my home.
Is just that I've been a refugee in Holla Forums since the first exodus.
When the tides separated into shits & gigglez and inteligent discussion I choose the later but I long for the day they can be one once again.
In a site where kek boards like /fit/ /r9k/ and /ck/ are populated, where /baph/ hasn't abandoned us, where Holla Forums is not a hugbox and lives togethere in a same board with /lpol/ and weird shit isn't called degeneracy and derailed.
In a site not everything is tame porn and 5 year old memes, where I'm not banned just to mention another site, where we are friends with the FBIfags instead of hiding from the NSAcunts, that doesn't have soundless webms or captchas per post.
I long.
Really? How much.
Significantly, I dont know the exact number but people have started to convert 11 minute TV shows and posted them on /a/, Holla Forums and Holla Forums.
I got some bad news for you user….
I have a feeling we're going to start seeing Holla Forumsco/ shit crop up in the AT threads.
Or worse yet, we'll start seeing posters that actually like AT.
this is a good Holla Forums related thread.
It's much more Holla Forums related than all those shitty threads about anime. I mean, anime? that's not comics and cartoons. Now, 4chan, that''s REALLY comics and cartoons
Where was this posted? I want to archive that thread.
You know what to do when ATfags pop put
post Narancia lewds
Max file size is 12 MB now. Last time I checked it was 8
Random images to test max number of files
No, it just uploaded 5
10mb each, 5 max. Not a total of 10mb.
When you see a half/co/ migrant, bully them until they join our groupthink. If you see anyone actively enjoying AT, SU or current (((Marvel))), bully them relentlessly, so as to ensure we dont go down the path of past mistakes.
Go back to 4chan.
I don't think you understand why it's right to shit on newfags and based on your post I don't think you're interested in understanding, you already have your well established faggot opinion, but I'll explain anyways because it's always good to reinforce some old values that newfags don't have anymore.
Back in the day, when Holla Forums was anime/random and even for a while after that, people didn't know about 4chan, or imageboards in general.
People who found the site most likely already had some interest in the site's main themes (japanese bullshit, video games, computers, etc) and were familiar with some basic internet etiquette, a big part of which was lurking and understanding where they were before posting. Calling people faggots and telling them to lurk more when they posted something retarded wasn't an empty thing people said, it was meant literally, and it wasn't exclusively about a person's opinion. It was about proper grammar, not posting emoticons, understanding the lingo, and a person's educated opinion, and that's where the difference is. And it worked because there was a slow-ish influx of people, and these people already had a good mentality for posting on anonymous imageboards.
You're allowed to like any bullshit you want, but if you don't substantiate why, you will be bullied, and that's how it should be.
If you're butthurt about people here shitting on AT, SU and modern Marvel maybe it's because those things are shit and people can not defend them properly, because you can only defend trash so much.
I found it hard to believe something that retarded is real.
I agree pretty well with this. It's NOT about us all liking or disliking the same shit, that would make us a shitty hugbox, and only faggots want that. But if you're going to talk about stuff, for or against, you gotta know what the fuck you talking about.
Dat's rite, mahfugga. Basically, an algorithm processes the image's data so that image outputs an "unique" (it's not unique, but it may as well be due to how rare collisions are) fingerprint identifier. That image then gets saved with that identifier as its name. If that same exact image gets uploaded again, it will produce the same output, and then the system will link against the previously uploaded image instead of saving it again on disk.
It was upgraded precisely because having less duplicated images (some may be visually unindistinguishable, but a single modified bit will make a different output, and thus will get saved twice) on disk reduced a lot disk usage.
Looking at 4/co/ now is painful to be honest. When people said tumblr invaded I thought they were fucking exaggerating. When I saw people using offended, trigger and enabling in a non-joking matter on there I knew it was already too far gone.
is this seriously a thing over there? holy shit
that's how 4/co/ become tumblr/co/
Holla Forumsmblr wouldn't dare come to an evil problematic white male MRA den like this under any circumstance. And if they did you would know because they'd demand we change our ways for the current year.
Oh, bullying newfags is plenty fine. Bullying people who may not even be newfags because they didn't get the memo to hate on X for arbitrary reasons is pretty dumb. That's how you build an echo chamber, not a community.
Take SU as an example. Despite the fact that it is actually far from perfect and suffers from several issues, it is required to hate it around here because Holla Forums determined it to be leftist propaganda, and is therefore haram. It is clear people at /sueg/ actually enjoy the show, but in order to fit in and not enrage our masters, they must "act cool" and pretend they just watch it to know how shit it is. If you really think this situation is anything else than retarded, maybe you are the problem here.
That place is far gone.
Yup. 4chan isn't hated here because of some petty dickwaving contest.. 4chan is objectively worse than Holla Forums in, many many ways.
Is not really the bullying but because sensitive faggots think they were being bullied instead of hard instructed.
I was called a faggot numerous times and proved an ignorant many others but I never thought I was being bullied. It actually forced me to lurk moar and have a better understanding of things and how to defend properly my ideas or just accept the ones that were caused by my own autism as that. Autistic but mine to like.
Is just that this faggots actually believe they should feel accepted everywhere as they are and start crying when people call them out.
Bullying doesn't exist in a place where everyone is a fucking asshole, or a occasional jerk at the very least.
cuck/co/ migrants will accept Jimmy's friendship or die.
What's up with the Jimmy Olsen meme.
KYM and UD aren't helping.
That said, those stats are probably from Alexa, and those are collected through the spyware Alexa toolbar. Basically, those stats are composed only by the dumbasses who get that toolbar installed onto their browsers. They probably even use IE
he's your best pal or you can get fucked
Now I want a comic where Jimmy puts on a burka and seduces his way into ISIS.
Yeah, it's pretty tragic when somebody disrupts one of your pedo waifu/porn threads.
Except it's done almost exclusively by newfags.
Well shit.