How is this bad?
Toddler gf
It didn't happen.
What's your name OP?
Posting more pedo threads won't bring /hebe/ back, it's time to move on.
my name is user, last name Ymous
hello faggot. You sick disgusting fuck
at least i'm not gay like you
Still didn't happen, fuck off.
Lying is wrong.
It's so cute but so messed up
love isnt messed up
we get it you're a pedo. fuck off already, god damn.
Awwhhh this is so cute.
/hebe/ wasnt the only pedo board you fucking newfag also /younglove/ is still up.
Remember /nonude/ this was the best board of the sort, there were a couple others more reckless boards that met there end even sooner. The wiping of nonude was the start of the pedo crackdown after that there was only hebe and those guys started to wander off to other places, posting was almost dead by the time the pedo were purged.
All the pedos are still here they just stopped posting kids.
This is just factually incorrect, the entire old crowd is gone from this place. But ped's are still here and anywhere you go in life so by that logic your in a way correct.
Not really i have been here ever since 2013 when Holla Forums first came out i remember Hot wheels /hebe/ /nonnude/ /rape/ /dox/ and a lot of other borads that are no longger around the daily LauraB threads the Gamer Gate shit and so on.
Don't you feel like it's only me and you left sometimes? And everyone else is a young teen, you come to your own age and look to your rifle, you know?
25 now, there are still some 30yo lurching around no doubt, but they are severely more autistic than myself. I'm just a complete failure so I come back time to Time.
your mom
Yes i do i cant help but notice ever since Gamer Gate Holla Forums has been full of 4channers who have come here from 4chan Holla Forums and Holla Forums most are underage teens the only good thing about Holla Forums is that it still has not gone mainstream like how 4chan did.>>6947431
I am surprisingly OK with this, as I feel it is a reflection of a growing trend in both Eastern and Western society.
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? Verified Holla Forums premium user since 2016
What the fuck, I've never seen that. How do I go gold?
Newfag, it is not available to all.
Is it a regional thing or what? How do you get it?
I believe it's only available to servers that are logged in Eastern Europe? But I may be mistaken… my information was rather sketchy to start with. Then again, perhaps I just like sniffing my grandmother's ass?
I met a hot toddler once, she knew she was hot and was all narcissistic. I tried to make a pass and she blew me off. Figures.
Yeah, hot kids know they are hot and don't hide it. They are openly egotistical and like to flaunt it.
A fellow pedo tuning in, op looks to be a faggot, but if it's true by any chance, then you done goofed. You should've just raped her brutally. It's not like the police or people would see any difference anyway between the two, plus she wouldn't grow up to be a spoiled brat.
Oh comeon… you're not serious. You're just posting quazi-edgy bait, to see if anyone reacts, and
What's going on here?
I'm a 12-yo going out with a 22-yo girl. We just don't see what the problem is. There's nothing sexual between us, we just really enjoy hanging out together, and love being in each others' company. We spend a lot of time together with her family, and they accept us just fine - they can see how we care for each other is very real. We appreciate other people don't understand the depth and joy of our relationship… my gf is short enough that we get weird looks when we're out together in public. I think 5'2" is pretty tall for a 12 year old, though. Fuckin' normies.
If guys never fucked girls that were either pre-pubescent, or just going through it, not many of us would be here now. Just saying. It wasn't always demonised by faggots.
get banned
its bad, cuz if u say "lets have sex, it feels super good" and she agrees, shes not gonna be prepared for the hymen ripping that doesnt feel good and thats an exploitation