Anti-white = anti-trump

So many shitskins (spics, niggers, spooks, etc) are illegal in this white nation we call America. And are subverting us in our beloved 8ch!

Let's have an anti-demoralizing thread, post based memes about Trump!

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off schlomo, I'm on to your ways.

hi blueshare shill. you can't MAGA chess?


How's the weather in Tel Aviv, kike?

I live in Montana, kike shill. We and other proud white men got trump elected!

You have to go back Paco!

>>>Holla Forums

Nice try, goon.

All me

you're a fucking illegal mexican aren't you?

Just like you people were kicked out from Holla Forums, you will be kicked out from this country! I'm joining ICE next month, I will hunt down you subhuman hoards and sent you back to your crime ridden 3rd world country, and we will MAGA

t. TRS