I am going on a 7 day fast for no reason other than to see what happens. I will keep this thread bumped and share my story, if I stop posting it means I died.
You're a fat faggot who won't last a day fasting. What were you expecting? Someone to cheer you on or were you looking for attention because mommy is too busy getting plowed by the Mexican neighbor and your uncle thinks you're too old.
That's a pretty big risk you're taking. I bet your fatass will pass out by day 2.
Not fat, 130lbs
doing it for the lulz I'm a nut XDDD
ha sure m8
fastings for muslims
I'd like to place a bet to see how this plays out.
I don't know, I already went 3 days and then had a small feast on easter, it wasn't that bad.
Are you going to reward yourself on day 8 with Tendies?
And the normie emerges from the shadows, bringing with him all the knowledge he has gained from Reddit and 4chan.
thats the worst part
lol wut?
Triggered XD
No I like it here. We need to help Leftypol fight those neo nazi rejects at Pol.
What a clever ruse. Truly
I drank 3 cups of urine this morning, my entire bladder, more than usual
A few minutes later I was squirting out chocolate liquor, a rich creamy texture
I had to return to the toilet twice and looks like it's about to be thrice
That's the best way to start a fast, clearing out the internal organs
Truly I will ascend like Jesus if I fast too much so I have to be careful
this is unrelated to the discussion, dude
For you, maybe
I'm warming up my urine enema
It's going to be hot hot hot!
Add a dash of undisclosed ingredients
And blast off!
You shoulda done this during lent
Anyway I'm extremely interested and hope you keep ustill updated
wh-what? that's all protein
Sure is pure protein.
What the fuck can you even buy then
There is nothing dangerous in wasthing that "long" time, average adult can fast for weeks afaik.
After few days you should start to feel pretty euphoric. Fasting in general is pretty healty too, your body will start to feed on shit on your body which would normally never consume, and it's good thing.
Just don't eat anything heavy when you stop, that's the real danger which could hurt you.
pic unrelated
I did this once as a kid. Around the 5th day you're gonna feel like shit.
That's tricky, I want them both gone.
Cthulhu fhtagn !!