This Just In r/Socailism Are Dumb

Oh the irony that they have that quote there.

Other urls found in this thread:

fucking lel

I was given a 24 hour ban, and an 8 hour ban, respectively, here as part of a series on warnings against "lewdposting." Such warnings they were!

There's no such thing as absolute freedom or democracy and trying to admit as much only shows the gaps and biases of our own cognition.

Double irony.


Ok you got me there.

The poster being a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist as well. Too much autism in one post


as opposed to

Neither is good. You don't have to be a hypocritical fuckwit like Sargon to support free speech.

The point is…instead of trying to ban so-called useful idiots…we must always critique their eventual return to the consolations of ideology, as much or more as we would even ourselves.

OK I misread you. Just woke up and haven't had any caffeine.

Tell me…do you prefer coffee-without-cream or coffee-without-milk?

More at 11.


Nice spook, retard.
Generally if the host dies, the parasite will also die making it not in the interest of the parasite to kill its host. The most successful parasites operate in secret like the bourgeoisie.

I like my coffee like I like women, black and bitter.

The cysts they create can kill you ffs

It's still retarded to compare a baby to a parasite unless you have the mindset of a eugenicist.

Not the point, nor my concern. A mother can die in childbirth too (you know?),
or perhaps a pregnant lady determines that she cannot possibly take care of her child in the capitalist system.

Except there's a 100% or close to chance of developing health complications from tapeworms and babies aren't parasites since it's a cooperative relationship.

And if you're the original poster of that pic I honestly wish you didn't have such a callous disregard of life given what happened months ago.


Not you? Ok then. Someone here posted a thread wanting to commit suicide a while ago and they used a picture with that
girl. It just made me sad when that picture popped up again.


100% is an exaggeration and again, there are varying degrees of health complications. Maternal systems of medicine (eg obstetrics and gynecology) are designed to prevent these inherent flaws (read: risks) in pregnancy. For example, structural changes in the uterus along with the formation of a fetus can lead to delivery troubles like breech presentation (both legs/buttocks outside the pussy) or limp presentation (one arm outside; a nondeliverable scenario requiring a cesarean and therefore permanent scarring). Or perhaps there's an ectopic pregnancy in which a fertilized embryo implants within the Fallopian tube, increasing pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal bleeding (and therefore shock), and if left untreated can burst the ovaries leading to a harsh death.

I don't but pro-life arguments are really, really spooky.



Reddit-tier post.

you should follow that guy.

That picture is pretty common on Holla Forums and has nothing to do with suicide. It was originally made for the Holla Forums party on >>>/sen/

Maybe you should stop spamming porn on a SFW board

Am I on 4chan?

Well, I'm not anymore, and this board isn't that sfw:

I spy an unspoilered, naked Alunya in a stickied thread.


r/socialism better stop using best grill as a defence for their bs

at least they fund raise for rojova. they are doing something to have real impact in this world rather than creating epic menes and not liking anything.

leftypol is a huge dumpster contains white western teen hipsters defending stalin and glorifying zizek just for lulz. not even pathetic.

Why would you browse a communist imageboard at work to begin with?

Who cares if they're white? They could be anything. Who gives a damn.
I understand that we need as many people as possible though which of course would include non-"whites"

lol butthurt

.lolol u did it again bruh. u nailed it, u triggered meh bruh. u won with this epig mene answer. 2 ez 4u. u just 2 kool for this shit lololol

I like Žižek mostly because he's a perverted jokester whose philosophy is generally taken for granted by most of leftypol's base because they don't understand the concepts of ideology and alienation.

I thought you were pretending, but you really seem to be from /r/socialism

lol butthurt.


Holla Forums actually is not and has never been all "white," or "male" for that matter.

the accusation is a great way to spot asshurt pseudoleftists though

Lel. You must really be from r/socialism using all those stale memes fag.

why so triggered though? lel.

Well I never said that. That other guy assumed that, so I just said that even if that were true, it doesn't matter in itself.

hello /r/ socialism, how's the posting today?


Do you know what a cesarean section is?

Yes I do.

Do you know what a non sequitur is?

Okay, so tell me about how cesareans in obstetrics are or aren't caused by inherent risks in pregnancy. Then, tell me how cesareans do or do not require you to have that same procedure if a female's uterus is populated again by a fetus.

So let me get this straight.
You're asking me to explain how reproducing is harmful to reproducing.

Am I wrong?

Yeah, cumming in some girl is totally harming you. Tell me more about your feelings.

There's that non sequitur again.

You still haven't explained how a fetus taking nutrients to ensure its own survival and birth is a detriment to the reproductive process.

Would you care to elaborate on that before implying I've said things I've never actually said?



But these health risks you point out do not always happen and are incidental.

A tapeworm contributes nothing to the reproductive process and takes nutrients. This reduces reproductive fitness, however slight, in all outcomes.

A fetus takes nutrients in an effort to ensure its own survival and birth, crucial steps in the reproductive process.

The fact that this sometimes involves damaging future reproductive fitness isn't evidence in support of your argument that fetuses are parasites. It just means the processes of childbirth and pregnancy aren't perfect.

It harms the child, though.

Reproduction is harmful.

Parasites are incidental as well, and again the most successful of them ensure their invisibility (reproduction of the means of production).

I never denied this.

Taking nutrients and contributing nothing, no matter how invisibly they do it is still reduction of reproductive fitness. It doesn't matter how negligible it is.

Nor is having a baby an increase of reproductive success. **In fact, the very form of pregnancy stretches and damages former structures within the young females body (refer to female pubis symphysis) It merely is reproductive.

Oh man. You got me.

You've completely and utterly stumped me.

I am at an intellectual blockade here, you've really put one over on me.

I'm sorry, you were right this whole time.

Successfully reproducing and having a baby is not reproductive success at all.

I acquiesce to your philosophical superiority.

If we can't agree on what the word parasite means then there is no real point in talking to you; however, I disagree on how you throw the word parasite arround. Biologically, a baby is not a parasite; rather, it's something to pass on your genetic information. I really don't understand why feminists are absolutely obsessed with using the most demeaning words towards a human about to be spawned into this world.

It's the same as how a patriarchal father can call a woman a slut, being a parasite to him, or how a Marxist can call the bourgeoisie a parasite…

You're an edgy retard m8.

I'm not sure why you're doing this. I admit you've bested me. Why are we arguing now? You've already demonstrated that it's not you who's retarded. It's obviously me.

Nice idpol. Tell me more about how you're separate from the big Other.

That's the point.

I've heard smarter arguments than yours coming from the mouths of the retarded kids at my orphanage.


Funny you link that comic because I'm pretty sure Kant would find abortion violating the categorical imperative; although, it can probably be willed in regards to defects or a death.

Though isn't the daughter a parasite to the father since she basically lives off his wealth? This would be the same argument with the fetus if you want to bring it that far, to be honest.

No one here is really arguing about abortion in regards to the woman's life in risk or the child being born into the world with a disability. People here are mostly arguing against abortion with regards to their being no risk to the mother or child. Also, the case you bring up with regards to HPV is an edge case; as in, the guy you are replying to never meant to say that.

As a socialist, I don't think the older human's body rights trump the much younger human's body right right. You can get into what makes a human a human now, I guess. If you just want to look at it in regards to science (no fedora) then once a sperm hits an egg a new substance is formed which should constituent a human. What axiom's of person hood are we using in this discussion by the way?

Chromosomes alone do not a human make. You need proteins, lipids, carbohydrates (among many other organic molecules). You need gametes (which you do correctly refer to as egg and sperm) a mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote.

Should we also say that when we combine colours on the RYB color model necessarily constitute a painting, or a sophisticated aesthetic?

Go to the museum of modern art in NYC.

No, a zygote is an independent form of life or an organism, and it's on it's way to becoming your definition of a human. So, let's assume your definition of a human, then would it be ethically correct to stamp out this unborn's humans chance at life? Since, if left untouched a human will come out of a woman's vagina; however, a baby is not going to spontaneously come out of a sperm cell or an egg cell.

Let's make no pretense.
The very nature of pregnancy requires material touch. Fundamental rights are not determined by object-cause alone, or should we not grow crops and eat their fruits?
No one argued otherwise anyway.

Let's return to the categorical imperative though…you said it was funny I posted that comment, as if I was arguing in extension of his philosophy. Rather, I'm arguing in defence of Foucault.

So consider this argument:
1. If we will for one woman to get an abortion, we should will for all women to get abortions.
2. If all women get abortions, we will go extinct.
3. We should not will for our own extinction.
4. Thus, we should not will for all women to get abortions.
5. Thus, we should not will for any woman to get an abortion.

This is really just an extended edition of modus tollens, and we could break the argument into two arguments:
1. If we will all women to get abortions, we will our own extinction.
2. We should not will for our own extinction.
3. Therefore, we should not will for all women to get abortions.

And argument two:
1. No person should be exempted from universal moral laws.
2. It is a universal moral law that abortion is wrong (see the argument above).
3. Therefore, no individual woman should be permitted to get an abortion.

Suppose there are circumstances under which abortion should be permitted, ("regards to defects or a death"—or such forms of unvalued maternal housework alienating parent from child) there is a vast difference between permitting something and willing it. I may permit my football team to kick a field goal, but I will for them to score touchdowns. It is only in non-ideal circumstances that abortion should even be considered permissible. However, pregnancy is never ideal. The fact is:

People get pregnant. People support pregnancy.

It is clear that it is material, but it also has a second dimension called ideology which shape how we relate to the collective fate and the objects, or archeologies, of human culture.

What did you expect?

Lewdposting isn't allowed in reddit.

Leftypol mods are pretty reddit-tier, yeah.

I read your points before it got deleted, they were pretty good, but seriously stop posting cat porn.

Nothing wrong with anime catgirls tbh

if you posted lolis on reddit, you would get banned. it's treated like "child porn" there since a few months ago.

even if not for its dumb rules, /r/socialism would be shit for reasons that are inherent to reddit

it's basically a clone of /r/rage with a leftist tinge, if you look what gets upvoted–flashy and edgy titles dominate over substantive discussion

that's not to say that imageboards are perfect (lmao), but they don't produce the same self-affirming, substance-free circlejerks that reddit does



The point/problem is, that while image boards are considered and are shit, plebbit is views as the "front page of the internets" "where everyone goes for everything" "the holly land of the web" and so on.

And this is what gives all this faggots justification.. to be faggots.

While leftypol.. .. leftypol is a mix of ideologies and faggotry with a hint of good discussion, that noone can take too seriously.

And this is how leftypol was saved from Ideology.

Honestly, the only feature of Reddit that stifles a community is the voting. I used to use reddit and downvoting things you disagree with becomes a habit (although inversely, I feel encouraged to upvote only things which represent my argument well, and not everything I agree with). Otherwise the problems with r/socialism and Holla Forums are the same, the community and the moderators, especially the openly biased moderation.