I'm getting kicked out of my house because my proprietaryfag parents are angry at me for expressing my rightful distaste for their banal lack of concern for free software. I am a NEET with no degree or job experience but a good deal of technical knowledge. How do I income, Holla Forums?
I'm getting kicked out of my house because my proprietaryfag parents are angry at me for expressing my rightful...
Nice, one less shitposter on Holla Forums
1. go into webdev
2. learn NodeJS or whatever is popular now
3. ???
4. get employed
5. Start understand what you're doing
6. Company tells you to train your replacement pajeet.
7. Back to 3
Tell the FSF you're being persecuted for preaching the word of free software and maybe they'll get you a job.
Sell your ass
Good. The self-righteousness from freefags is on par with Hillaryfags.
kys fam tbh
Except one group is right.
Dress up like a girl and get your dad to cheat on your mom with you, then kill your mom. Live out your dreams as a modern LGBT friendly version of Oedipus.
My argument did not go like that. I was reasoned and logical in my statements.
Good goy
Yeah, but you were still pestering them about it. Even if you are logical about it, it is still rude to pester people about shit they don't care about.
Like the Holla Forumstards crying about mah jews then getting triggered whenever someone points out that chump is a jewish puppet?
Are you even trying to make yourself not look obvious?
I guess the holidays have you depressed and you need to make shitty threads like this for attention.
Either that or it's a bunch of fat fuck codependent NEETs in an IRC chat thinking they're hilarious. Makes sense.
Fuck off, this isn't technology. This is a Holla Forums thread.
Like poetry
I'm not a Holla Forumstard and I don't give a fuck about muh joos. And I'm happy Trump won and seeing retards like you getting so triggered over him
No, because when you call Trump a good goy you are starting the political discussion/shitflinging. The equivalent of that would be your father coming up to you and telling you about how great Microsoft is and how free software is communism so you argue against this. Both cases are justified.
A better "whinging about Holla Forums" example would be a Holla Forumsack jumping into every porn thread and telling everybody that they are degenerates frying their brains and posting a million graphs.
Holla Forums is a shit board, that doesn't change the fact that you're either a depressed fat fuck wanting attention for the holidays or a NEET, or several, circlejerking in an IRC channel with threads like this.
How sad it must be, to crave attention this badly. I suppose your imageboard shitposting is the only thing keeping you from blowing your fucking brains out.
Not that you have money to buy a gun. Try a helium bag, faggot, it's cheaper.
Fuck off back to Holla Forums.
Talk about getting triggered
No, a Holla Forumstard would say they hate Jews and then worship Trump even though he works with them. I don't give a fuck. I'm glad I voted for Trump too and I love seeing him trigger retards like yourself
Stay triggered faggot
What happened to this board? Why is it suddenly filled with 13 year old faggots crossposting from Holla Forums?
No one is reacting to your shitposting about Holla Forums. People are reacting to the fact that you posted a Holla Forums tier advice thread. It will last until the moderator cleans it up and hopefully bans you, and/or your faggot friend from IRC who you are codependent on.
Kill yourself you retarded faggot. Your whore of a mother should have sucked some extra nigger cocks to afford that abortion
You sound really upset. Must be because I called you out for the subhuman that you are.
Helium bags are quick and easy. Just do it, faggot. You'll finally be released from your personal hell.
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the real deal.
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Video related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Holla Forums maymays, this one is the readl deal.
I'm sorry, did me reminding the fact that you're a mistake trigger you again?
Don't forget user, suicide is always an option for you, and your parents really would appreciate it if you finally work up the courage to off yourself.
Not like anyone would miss you anyway.
Awww, how cute
Trump is going to make America and Israel great again while your third world nigger country gets even more poor and filled with Muslims
There's no need to remove myself from the gene pool, and I'm not so depressed that I need to resort to getting attention on imageboards like this.
I'll stop feeding you now, just remember that helium and a bag is cheaper and cleaner than a bullet.
Why don't you go shopping for Christmas? I hear there's a new market in town
Make sure to stay away from any runaway trucks while you're there fam
Rulecuckery = proprietary software tbh fam.
Its truly incredible that people have forgotten that the word mod is short for "moderator" and that the general mod philosophy is to either be totalitarian or let shitposters run wild but never something in-between, you know, like a fucking moderator strange concept no?