Is it just me Or Bronies seem less cringeworthy thanks to the Underfags & Steven universe fandoms? Hell I think sonicfags are the second worst fandom thanks to Steven universe. Sonicfags might of actually raped kids. But they haven't encourage anyone to kill themselves far as I know.
Fandom Vs fandom
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STOP with these low effort template threads
If you can't control yourself you need to go back to cuckchan
Bronies at least had a sense of irony about it.
They're all cancer but let's at least appreciate the fact that sometimes fandoms can combine to become a literal Voltron of Autism
ChrIs-chan A Steven universe fan now isn't she?
You people need to leave.
CWC has autism trans-cending gender now.
I mean it did meme itself a brand new vagina, we may be witnessing the birth of a deity of autism here.
Seriously though, how is he not in hospital due that wound yet? we know his hygiene habits mean a infection would come fast, yet months after the reports he still seems to be running around and not even whining about the inconvenience.
how did he get that wound? did he cut a hole in his taint or something?
all of them deserved to be gassed equally ponyfag
Maybe SU fags, but underfags seemed to have died out already.
The game wasn't completely terrible or ongoing unlike SU either, so I don't think it's an accurate comparison.
Don't get me wrong, underfags were very cringeworthy, but the mere fact they seem to have fucked off in general after a relatively short period of time puts them leagues ahead of most autistic fandoms.
It's fanbase user get it right next time. Also no, the reason why bronies seems less cringeworthy than fnaf and UT fags is because mlp's fanbase noticeably died down over the years.
Reminds me of those progressive faggots from tumblr who hide their faggot shit with cool and fucknny shitposts, but they reblog shit like "don't say fuckboy because a thief from canada got a new asshole teared" or the word "trigger" isn't a fucking joke. Their best character complementary is that they reblog the post where it shows how chris-chan goes apeshit or a dobson edit.
sonic = autism
bronies = mgtow
su = ?sjw aka childless women babying everyone but babies
undertale = ?
maybe we're an emotionally disturbed generation looking for solace in a one book bookclub that, unlike religion, never intended to find a truth in the world or mastermind against political conspiracies but would rather worship escapist fantasies and occasionally larp at annual 'festivities' because lonely people need some fun
Sonic fandom is definitely the worst, as anybody who has been to a UK convention can attest. From the guy who makes sonic cosplays with cardboard and electrical tape, to that woman who cocksucks her way onto the stage of fucking every cosplay event. I used to like those games, too, but they've been forever tainted.
also, homestuck.
How are bronies megatowel exactly?
They seem to fit the general sonicfag autism stereotype better than any politically/idpol motivated faggots.
The fun thing about Sonic fandom is that they aren't content to one kind of terrible; there's literally every imaginable flavour of crazy, awful, autistic and insufferable fan represented among them.
To be fair even at its worse it never tried to be shallow and encourage the regressive left ideals.
It was just autism with furfaggotry and unhappy divided base (no shit because of some of the shitty games and comics during the 2000s). Not shallow "this is so much better than other media because it's feeling" like those love and tolerate faggots that mucked up the brony community before combining with SJWism to corrupt Steven Universe and a whole lot of other leftist shows and comics.
Also at their best, they can prove that there are job opportunities for being former fan makers. It's like a double edged sword.
disregard beige vaginas, open portal to equestria
sounds pretty mgtow to me
Christian Weston Chandler was first spotted creating and playing with My little Pony figures in 2007, while the popular autism phenomenon "my little pony friendship is magic" would not premiere for another 3 years later in 2010. This would mean that Christian Weston Chandler was precursor to the Bronie fandom.
Wasn't dudes liking little girl shit always a fag alert trope? Milhouse had a My Little Pony blanket in an early 2000s Simpsons.
I honestly wonder what goes through his head at times, if he ever gets drunk will he see through his gaze of Autism and the being that's been kept quiet ever since he was locked in the bathroom when he was younger finally gets out?
Would he be a functioning member of society albeit a drunkard? Would his Autism accelerate beyond comprehension? Who knows.
We saw him get smashed once.