What was the cancer that killed halfchan?
Halfchan is a shithole
Other urls found in this thread:
people who honestly think its okay to post CP
Template threads and Moot.
it began with the very first first post and from that moment it slowly began to metastasize
Don't get tricked OP, the camwhore threads, YLYL, and other shit, are just a result of the cancer, not the cancer itself. The cancer that killed it was the massive influx newfags that didn't adapt as the new/old ratio got to something like 10:1, and thus the old culture wasn't practiced anymore, and it got replaced with the cancerous internet culture.
It cannot get fixed as too many people know about it and keep going without adapting too much, slowly making it more similar to other shitholes like reddit and 9gag.
This Holla Forums is the best we have in the present, and the userbase overlaps with 4chan oldfags and well asimilated newfags. This Holla Forums is most similar to 2006 Holla Forums.
The sheer volume of trap lovers and furrys is what turns me off of 4/b/. Honestly 8/b/ is only marginally better since we just get pedo debates and low effort edgeposting half of the time.
This Holla Forums is way better. The only thing missing is raids.
I always remind "people" on any chan or imageboards it all died back 2007. The time when the rise "smartphones" allowed all kind of people who don't deserve the internet to post their shit.
Ironically i post from phones often these days despite being a 2005 half chan lurker.
The next chan should be unaccesible from smartphones as they only bring newfags.
Or even better, have an app for it, but it cannot be obtained from the appstore.
How will I shitpost on the go? It should just have an incredibly awful formatting for the mobile site, the type of newfags that threated to flood and water down the culture are probably the same kind that don't know how to request desktop site. They'll come, see some jumbled unusable shithole, and leave.
Public attention
Gamergate incident, 2016 election.
Just checked 4/b/ for the first time in weeks and wow it's worse than I remember. Almost every thread is 3D whore related.
Invading Habbo and messing with football. That kind of thing.
4chan is cancer because of a bunch of different things. I think one of the major reasons it's cancer is because of the rules that got added one after another, slowly making it more cancerous while censoring things that could make them lose shekels, or trigger them.
You know damn well it was still cancer before those.
moot gave 4chan cancer.
Then more cancer spreaded, roll threads, furries, censorship, publicity, memes, YLYL, camwhores, faggotry, edgy gore thread, 14 year olds.
And the most known thing was moot being a fag (like always) and sold out to the sjw.
4chan no longer had cancer.
It became the cancer.
This is the moment 4chan started going downhill:
Narcissists, sociopaths, people with cluster Holla Forums personality disorders, other such soulless types that make up half the population or more
Don't think you are safe
Literally just off yourself.
Those are some nice implies you did there.
Maybe you will try harder next time.
The "trap/sissy/boipussy/CD" and "cock rate" threads. Their abundance is everlasting. Halfchan is the place faggots go to be themselves and I fucking hate it
Faggots like you
This is how I know you're trolling.
Go back.
To what?
The same cancer that is killing 8ch.
The same cancer that kills most social interaction websites.
Shit moderation does it every single time.
If you look at all the long lasting social interaction websites with a stable userbase you will find that they all have one thing in common. They may not be to your liking content-wise, some of them may be considered utter shit in fact. But every last one of them has consistent and unwavering moderation that the users of that website can count on. The community standards are clearly defined not by a written policy so much as by the actions of the mods.
A great example of this is Fark. A "total" shit website, to be sure. But a huge and stable userbase because moderation there is about as cut and dried as you can get. Everyone who goes there knows what is acceptable and what is not, and the result is that even though it is utter crap, it is successful long term and actually pretty damn profitable. They understand that large-scale change is a bad thing, and that frequent change is also a bad thing. So you better get things right the first time (proper planning and research before you implement something new). They understand that reacting to external social trends with policy changes is also a bad thing. Trends change too often for that to foster stability in your community identity.
The trend in chans has always been that of a "hands off" moderation policy. Due to human nature, that has always devolved into chaos and illegality, which then draws the attention of the Feds who either close it down or force the owner to clean it up. So you do have to have moderation. The key to a successful social interaction website like chans is, and has always been, active and consistent moderation. Create community standards that do not change, and your userbase will stabilize. Provide content that your userbase enjoys, eliminate that which it does not, and your userbase will grow….even if your content is total shit. Conversely, use your website like your own personal sandbox, and your userbase will be transient and unreliable, and the site itself will not last long.
wow, so different from Holla Forums
Holla Forums is dead now
trumptards, imkampfy and jim did it
they turned Holla Forums into yid headquarters for (((kushers trump)))
what about /hebe/ and others?
(((jim))) personally kicked off /hebe/ even through this board claims free speech.
while on the most popular board 8/pol/ they employed imkampfy to censor any critic of kushners trump
chan ibs are comprised of user-created content and links to other sites, in the same way as twttr and fb. the admin manages that content.
there is so much inter-site, inter-board and intra-board hostility on the chan ibs, that there is no real sense of community aside a vague solidarity amongst online wierdos.
a metaphor would be to say one goes to facebook to make the place look nice for visitors and to Holla Forums to smash windows and throw shit at passing faggots. sooner rather than later, a chan becomes unuseable. that's where we are now on Holla Forums
feminist marxism.
The same cancer.
nigger feminist marxism, pls
Wait did halfchan actually die and now all the fags came here and that's why we're getting the shit spam?
hirochan goes from strength to strength in terms of user numbers and plumbs the depths in terms of content.
this site grew, very briefly flourished and was then eaten from within by half-chan refugees, mostly the banned forever.
Holla Forums were by then in control of Holla Forums, so many thinkers left and then came jim and the trump gravy-train, which filled the serverspace at the expense of our soul.