With Jhonen Vasquez
Very Important House
More noodle arm randumb crap. Joy.
It's not a total loss. All the animation can be repurposed as trippy Marco Diaz dreams on Star vs. the Evils of Growing Up.
I hate the way Disney buys up their competition and buries their stuff without letting us see it
oh look, another adventure time ripoff. yippee.
Not gonna lie, this is the most Tumblr cartoon I've seen in a while. Which is a shame because when I heard Vasquez was creating another show I excepted his fucked up sense of humor.
Then I saw this shit on my Twitter feed and goddamn, I've never been so let down in my life.
This is like the Camp Lazlo to Rocko's Modern Life.
Invader Zim looked better.
To be fair, JV only co-created
This is the most tumblr thing imaginable.
I heard this one got rejected. Is this tru?
Alao the magician guy in the last part is voiced by Egoraptor
Fuck you nigger, camp lazlo was good shit
Did John missed the memo of AT not being popular anymore ?
Is this Disney's answer/rip off of Loud House?
It was more toothless than a 90 year old
But I still have all of my teeth, minus the wisdom teeth
As bad as this shit looks, it still is kinda bullshit how Disney asked them to create a pilot, then buy the rights to said pilot and do fuck all with it.
Like they couldn't be bothered to even air it, they just threw it away somewhere in their studios for like what two years?
Yet another reason why you should ALWAYS hold onto the rights of anything you create.
Apparently they never created a full pilot, which is weird considering it was listed in a press release announcing pilot orders
But they look nothing alike.
You're definitely overthinking it.
It's Loud House in name only, in reality it's trying to be Disney's Adventure Time
Disney is always years late with cultural references.
They did a lot of shows that could be called ATish
But this pilot just screams "we want those sweet Adventure Time shekels that ran out 3 years ago"
It is funny how the footage doesn't seem to match the summary given in the press release
ATishing as usual I see
He co-created with cunch (JR Goldberg) and she clearly had some reign over character design because it screams her style. Not that I mind, I kinda like it. It'd be weird seeing it utilized alongside the sort of humor JV is known for but I guess I don't need to worry about that any longer
I'm actually disgusted at myself for missing that opportunity
Be proud
ATishing again
MC's voice sounds real familiar.
Tish Tish
Shit Lor was hot back when I was young, but Tish ruined the show.
This is what has become of the Patron Saint of Hot Topic shoppers?
I imagined it looking more Hot Topicy
Lor ry…
Um… just not the same.
2000's is over that's why
>They bought the rights to Very Important House before passing on it, so we can’t do anything with the idea unless the rights are bought back for the kind of money neither of us have just sitting around. It’s one of the worst feelings as creators because a shelved idea of ours is still alive, like Frolie and Grampa are trapped in cold storage at a place that has no desire to do anything with them.
Dude looks like he's hiding something…
I'm not sure what to feel about this, apathy ? pity ?
That's honestly kinda shitty, even if looks like a rip-off of Autism Time, he got screwed over by Disney either way, all that time and effort turned to dust
Apparently they footage they showed was all they made
We all know Billy Dilley’s Super Duper Subterranean Summer got picked up to series, but I wonder what happened with the other pilot listed here.
I'm so fucking sick of that type of show.
I know I mostly draw that way myself, but I admit I do it because I can't do any better.
But seriously stop it with those Adventure Time clones already. Noone realizes that it only worked there because everything looked kinda doodly and bizarre. And not everything fantasy suddenly has to be noodle and random.
Especially the random part gets stupid.
Also: I'd probably respect it as an indie short movie, not as an attempt to become an attention whoring TV series.
What the hell is this? Just what we needed more potato heads with spaghetti arms.
Your autism knows no bounds unlike your limited perception.
They were way too late to the party to be making this kind of show and barely produced a single pilot. They're lucky the got paid at all for this stupid shit.
It's never going to get made is what it is.
good job disney, curbstomping tumblrina garbage one shitty pilot at a time.
They do that a lot
Did he discarded his old drawing style and resorted to noodle limbs now? That's one big downgrade.
Hopefully it's true.
Second pic related.
It was probably more of Jenny Goldberg's thing
Sounds like the best possible outcome. Only better result would be having Mickey Mouse whip them with a cat o' nine tails before putting them in a dungeon below the Pirates of Caribbean ride for 5 years for making something this horrendous.
Have they already done that with Star Wars?
da jevu
I remember kinda reading something like this here.
anyone else feeling it?